esther bitok by Esther C H E P K O R I R Bitok

The absence of credible assessment approaches of learning outcomes in public early childhood educ... more The absence of credible assessment approaches of learning outcomes in public early childhood education is one of the major problems affecting the performance of children at early stages of education. The objective of the study was to establish the assessment of children in public early childhood education centers in Kenya, with a particular focus on teachers' utilization of the various assessment methods during assessment of the learners and the frequency of assessment. The study was guided by Brookhart (1997) theory of classroom assessment. The study targeted 2330 ECDE teachers in the 775 public ECDE centers in Uasin-Gishu County. Based on data collected using self administered questionnaires from 341 Early Child Development Education (ECDE) teachers, it was found that majority of the teachers did the assessment of learners on daily and weekly basis. Further the study indicated that the common assessment methods used were: learning stories, annotated and unannotated copies, observations, checklist, anecdotal records, early childhood examples, screening, work samples and individualized educational plans. In addition the teachers conduct these assessments with little focus on identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the learners which could be some of the reasons for poor performance of most of the learners. Therefore the study concludes that an effective classroom assessment and evaluation calls on teachers to become agents of change in their classrooms actively using the results of assessment to modify and improve the learning environments they create.

Children's early development and learning are influenced by various systems that including the mi... more Children's early development and learning are influenced by various systems that including the micro system (e.g., school financial capability), meso system (e.g., Government-school partnership), exo system (e.g., community type, early education policies), and macro system (e.g., school culture). Given the need of early education studies, the study focused on choice of instructional resources by the teacher's in the short term and in the long term, the study determined the influence of teachers in children's early learning outcome, with a particular focus on teachers' perceptions on availability of instructional resources. Based on data collected using self-administered questionnaires from 341 Early Child Development Education (ECDE) teachers, the findings indicated that teachers had no access to overhead projectors, television and radio, DVDs and CDs, internet, computers, online databases and mobile phones instructional technologies. The implication for policy the government should prescribe the minimum resources available for use by preschool teachers in ECDE centers countrywide to ensure that all preschool children are afforded a quality start to education.

The early years of a child's life lays the foundation for lifelong learning. It is a critical per... more The early years of a child's life lays the foundation for lifelong learning. It is a critical period in the development of mental functions of children. It has been shown that early childhood education can be a principal input into a child's formal education. A number of studies link early childhood development and education (ECDE) to increases in school readiness for primary school and school readiness is a vital predictor of early school achievement (Forget-Dubois et al 2007). A skilled and ardent early educator plays a significant role in the lives of young children. Teachers of young children need to have a sound academic knowledge and be able to apply this in practical ways when interacting with young children. Furthermore, educators will reflect on their teaching techniques, strength and challenges and seek ways to develop both personally and professionally in order to be confident and competent teachers for young children. ECDE teacher professionalism is crucial in improving teaching quality for young children. Indeed, improving teaching quality in ECDE is an essential element for improving our nation's quality of education. This article brings out important concerns on professionalism of ECDE teachers. It examines the quality of training, the variations in duration, ethics and the service ideal among teachers. It also interrogates the future of ECDE professionalism.

Teachers are important resources in the teaching and learning process and should therefore be con... more Teachers are important resources in the teaching and learning process and should therefore be considered alongside other learning resources. They are the best recourses to be built into a particular teaching strategy designed to achieve a specific learning practice for instance thematic approach, without which can be administrative problem to head-teachers. Without adequate resource materials, it is a drawback to the implementation of new ideas and techniques. The study sought to investigate resource capacities of ECDE centers in supporting thematic approach in teaching in early childhood development centers in Eldoret Municipality. It was guided by Kurt Lewin's Three Stages of Change Model developed in 1954. The study adopted the Descriptive Survey research Design. The target population comprised 266 respondents comprising of 164 ECDE teachers, 82 head teachers and 20 Educational Officials. Stratified sampling was used to select thirty schools out of eighty two schools; Public and Private Schools which translated to 30% of the total sample population. Purposive sampling was used to select all the head teachers to participate in the study while random sampling was also used to select one ECDE teacher. Instrumentation included the questionnaire, interview guide and document analysis. Data was collected and analyzed using descriptive statistics. Majority of the ECDC's have inadequate resources and capacities both physical and human required supporting the implementation of thematic approach in teaching ECD children. The head teachers who supervise the curriculum in their schools are also not ECDE compliant hence, may not have be in a position to advice the teachers concerning the approach appropriately. The study recommended that ECDCs be equipped with adequate and developmentally appropriate materials and resources. by Esther C H E P K O R I R Bitok by Esther C H E P K O R I R Bitok
esther bitok by Esther C H E P K O R I R Bitok by Esther C H E P K O R I R Bitok by Esther C H E P K O R I R Bitok