Elife Kılıç
Personal Info:Elife Kılıç Kırklareli University Faculty of Science and Letters Department of Philosophy History and Philosophy of Science Kırklareli, Turkey 90 288 246 17 34 e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Work2010 -2011 Research Assistant, Kırklareli University, Philosophy Department. 2011-... Research Assistant, Istanbul University, Philosophy DepartmentEducation2004-2008 Istanbul University, Philosophy Department (Major)2006-2009 Istanbul University, Geography (Double Major)2009-2011 Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Philosophy Department (Master Degree) – “The Study of Conception of Space as Regards Aristotle and al-Farabi" (Master Thesis). Advisor: Prof. Ş. Teoman DURALI.2011-2017 Istanbul University, Institute of Social Sciences, Philosophy Department (Phd.) “Locke's Conception of Truth”, Advisor: Prof. Ş. Teoman DURALI.PublicationsKilic E., “Aristoteles'In Mekân Anlayışı", Kutadgubilig, pp. 361-377, 2012 (Link) Book ReviewKilic E., "Coğrafya Ve Devrim", Kutadgubilig, pp.373-376, 2013 (Link)Kilic E., "Tarihin Coğrafi Kalbi", Kutadgubilig, pp.391-396, 2014LanguageEnglish : goodGerman : beginningPersian : good CoursesComputer Graphics and Design, İstanbul, Zeytinburnu Public Education Centers, 2007.Iranian Consulate, Persian Course, 2009.
Phone: +902882461734
Address: Kırklareli University, Turkey
Phone: +902882461734
Address: Kırklareli University, Turkey
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Papers by Elife Kılıç
Space has been a major topic from past to present in philosophy and science both as the space notion and the space perception. Aristotles, one of the philosophers dealing with the space notion, in history of philosophy, has presented the issue in detail. Within this study, some certain matters will be discussed such as Aristotles’ point of view for place; how he perceives place, how he describes it and the importance of place in his philosophy.
Key Words: Aristotle, space, place, category, void, motion.
Mekân, felsefe ve bilimde geçmişten günümüze gerek kavram olarak gerekse
de mekân algısı olarak tartışılan önemli bir konudur. Felsefe tarihinde kavramla ilgilenen filozoflardan biri olan Aristoteles, felsefî görüşlerinde mekân sorununu ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele almıştır. Bu çalışmada Aristoteles’in mekân anlayışı, mekânı nasıl tanımladığı ve bu kavramın onun felsefesindeki yeri tartışılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Aristoteles, mekân, yer, kategori, boşluk, hareket.
In my paper, I’m going to analyse the Plato’s educational conception in the context of his dialogue ‘Republic’, thus trying to determine the place of education in his philosophy. Plato, as being the founder of idealism, will form up the skeleton of my project since he is as worthy of being studied for his educational conception as his philosophy. Among the subjects which I’ll review are Plato’s suggestion on the process of education, basic educational areas, state-education relation, the importance of idealism in education and the educational conception in Greece. One of the important works which comprises Plato’s views in relation with these two above quoted areas is his ‘Republic’, so I’ll make a special emphasis on his conception of an Ideal State, particularly. Primarily an ideal state is constituted by three classes. The aim of the education is to convert of the individual; therefore education, for him, should be under the control of the state. After an ideal state is attained, an ideal education should be provided. Music, mathematics and physical training are basic educational areas. The purpose of a correct education is to lead the individual to the idea of good. Education causes individual to acquire virtue, and give his spirit a serenity.
Cismin kapladığı yer ile tüm cisimlerin içinde var olduğu mekân, yer, dünya gibi farklı kullanımlara sahip olmuştur. Buradan hareketle yeri en çok konu edinen mekân bilimi olarak coğrafya, geo (dünya, yer) ile grapho (tasvir etmek, çizmek) kavramlarının bileşiminden oluşmaktadır. Mekân bilimi olarak coğrafya kendine metafizik anlamda mekânı değil topos anlamında yeri seçmektedir. Mekânın analizi, tasviri, bölge olarak farklılıkları, bu mekânların sahip olduğu kaynaklar, dünya, bölge, çevre ve kent her dönem coğrafyanın ilgilendiği farklı mekân kategorileri olmuştur. Hatta bunlara bir de coğrafya ve savaşlar için çok önemli olan konum özellikle stratejik konum kavramını da eklemek gerekmektedir.
Bu bağlamda, mekân bilimi olarak coğrafyanın aslında temel amaçlarından birinin savaş yapmaya yaradığı iddiası karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Coğrafya çalışmaları mekânlar, bölgeler, bölgelerin dağılımları, sahip oldukları konumlar, zenginlikler ile sürekli ilgilendiği kadar savaşlarda bölgeleri tanımak, savaşı daha kolaylaştırmak ve üstünlük sağlamak amacıyla ülkelere yarar sağladığı ve savaş coğrafyasının bilim olarak coğrafya ile beraber her zaman ilerlediği fikri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu bağlamda öne çıkan önemli kişilerden biri Yves Lacoste’tur. Ona göre, coğrafyanın geçmişten beri temel amaçlarından biri savaş yapmaya yaramasıdır. Gerçekten de coğrafya objektif bir bilim olmanın yanında yahut gerisinde savaşlara katkı mı sağlar? Bu katkı ne düzeyde ve insan ile mekân arasındaki ilişkiye dayanan bu alanın, temel amaçlarından biri savaşlara hizmet etmek mi? Bilgi güçtür, ama mekân bilgisi daha büyük güç müdür? Buradan hareketle mekân, felsefe ve savaş arasındaki ilişkiler değerlendirilecektir.
Space is one of the main concepts with which human is in contact consistently. Human lives in a space that is world, he is in an environment and has mind that is space where concepts are placed. Well, how we can understand space? In philosophy various concepts have been used such as khaos, topos, khora, space, place and extension. In Hesiodos Space which is above all becoming prominent as being khaos appears in Platon becomes prominent as being place where existence is appeared and it is dealt with in Aristoteles in the form of khora and topos. There is a space idea which is represented by the descriptions such as place where being is in, place where existence is realized, or the place where objects extend. While Aristoteles is referring to physical place by topos, khora means a metaphysical space. Space that became prominent in Kant as being category of mind has different meanings in different contexts consistently and has been living in this meaning.
Space which is consisting all objects by meaning of place in which objects extend has had different usages such as place and world. Thus, geographia which is a space science mentioning place mostly comes from Greek words geo (earth) and grapho (description). Geographia, as being place science, does not choose the place in metaphysical meaning but in topos meaning. Analysis of space, description of space, differences as being regions, resources that are belong to these spaces, earth, region, environment and city have always been different space categories that is interested by geography in every period. Even it must be added to them the position, primarily strategic position which is most important for geography and wars.
In this context, we face assertion that bringing forward that one of the primary goals of geography, as being a place science, is benefitted as waging wars. Studies in geography has been interested consistently in places, regions, distribution of regions, positions and richnesses as well as to know the regions in these wars, making the war easy and taking the upper hand, in short war geography has been proceeded with geography as a science. In this context, one of the figures who is becoming prominent is Yves Lacoste. According to him one of the primary goals of geography has always been an agent which is useful for waging a war. In fact, does geography contribute to wars apart from being an objective science? In which level this contribution renders the wars? The knowledge is power but the knowledge of space is more power? Thus, space and relations between philosphy and war will be assessed.
Conference Presentations by Elife Kılıç
Space has been a major topic from past to present in philosophy and science both as the space notion and the space perception. Aristotles, one of the philosophers dealing with the space notion, in history of philosophy, has presented the issue in detail. Within this study, some certain matters will be discussed such as Aristotles’ point of view for place; how he perceives place, how he describes it and the importance of place in his philosophy.
Key Words: Aristotle, space, place, category, void, motion.
Mekân, felsefe ve bilimde geçmişten günümüze gerek kavram olarak gerekse
de mekân algısı olarak tartışılan önemli bir konudur. Felsefe tarihinde kavramla ilgilenen filozoflardan biri olan Aristoteles, felsefî görüşlerinde mekân sorununu ayrıntılı bir şekilde ele almıştır. Bu çalışmada Aristoteles’in mekân anlayışı, mekânı nasıl tanımladığı ve bu kavramın onun felsefesindeki yeri tartışılacaktır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Aristoteles, mekân, yer, kategori, boşluk, hareket.
In my paper, I’m going to analyse the Plato’s educational conception in the context of his dialogue ‘Republic’, thus trying to determine the place of education in his philosophy. Plato, as being the founder of idealism, will form up the skeleton of my project since he is as worthy of being studied for his educational conception as his philosophy. Among the subjects which I’ll review are Plato’s suggestion on the process of education, basic educational areas, state-education relation, the importance of idealism in education and the educational conception in Greece. One of the important works which comprises Plato’s views in relation with these two above quoted areas is his ‘Republic’, so I’ll make a special emphasis on his conception of an Ideal State, particularly. Primarily an ideal state is constituted by three classes. The aim of the education is to convert of the individual; therefore education, for him, should be under the control of the state. After an ideal state is attained, an ideal education should be provided. Music, mathematics and physical training are basic educational areas. The purpose of a correct education is to lead the individual to the idea of good. Education causes individual to acquire virtue, and give his spirit a serenity.
Cismin kapladığı yer ile tüm cisimlerin içinde var olduğu mekân, yer, dünya gibi farklı kullanımlara sahip olmuştur. Buradan hareketle yeri en çok konu edinen mekân bilimi olarak coğrafya, geo (dünya, yer) ile grapho (tasvir etmek, çizmek) kavramlarının bileşiminden oluşmaktadır. Mekân bilimi olarak coğrafya kendine metafizik anlamda mekânı değil topos anlamında yeri seçmektedir. Mekânın analizi, tasviri, bölge olarak farklılıkları, bu mekânların sahip olduğu kaynaklar, dünya, bölge, çevre ve kent her dönem coğrafyanın ilgilendiği farklı mekân kategorileri olmuştur. Hatta bunlara bir de coğrafya ve savaşlar için çok önemli olan konum özellikle stratejik konum kavramını da eklemek gerekmektedir.
Bu bağlamda, mekân bilimi olarak coğrafyanın aslında temel amaçlarından birinin savaş yapmaya yaradığı iddiası karşımıza çıkmaktadır. Coğrafya çalışmaları mekânlar, bölgeler, bölgelerin dağılımları, sahip oldukları konumlar, zenginlikler ile sürekli ilgilendiği kadar savaşlarda bölgeleri tanımak, savaşı daha kolaylaştırmak ve üstünlük sağlamak amacıyla ülkelere yarar sağladığı ve savaş coğrafyasının bilim olarak coğrafya ile beraber her zaman ilerlediği fikri ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu bağlamda öne çıkan önemli kişilerden biri Yves Lacoste’tur. Ona göre, coğrafyanın geçmişten beri temel amaçlarından biri savaş yapmaya yaramasıdır. Gerçekten de coğrafya objektif bir bilim olmanın yanında yahut gerisinde savaşlara katkı mı sağlar? Bu katkı ne düzeyde ve insan ile mekân arasındaki ilişkiye dayanan bu alanın, temel amaçlarından biri savaşlara hizmet etmek mi? Bilgi güçtür, ama mekân bilgisi daha büyük güç müdür? Buradan hareketle mekân, felsefe ve savaş arasındaki ilişkiler değerlendirilecektir.
Space is one of the main concepts with which human is in contact consistently. Human lives in a space that is world, he is in an environment and has mind that is space where concepts are placed. Well, how we can understand space? In philosophy various concepts have been used such as khaos, topos, khora, space, place and extension. In Hesiodos Space which is above all becoming prominent as being khaos appears in Platon becomes prominent as being place where existence is appeared and it is dealt with in Aristoteles in the form of khora and topos. There is a space idea which is represented by the descriptions such as place where being is in, place where existence is realized, or the place where objects extend. While Aristoteles is referring to physical place by topos, khora means a metaphysical space. Space that became prominent in Kant as being category of mind has different meanings in different contexts consistently and has been living in this meaning.
Space which is consisting all objects by meaning of place in which objects extend has had different usages such as place and world. Thus, geographia which is a space science mentioning place mostly comes from Greek words geo (earth) and grapho (description). Geographia, as being place science, does not choose the place in metaphysical meaning but in topos meaning. Analysis of space, description of space, differences as being regions, resources that are belong to these spaces, earth, region, environment and city have always been different space categories that is interested by geography in every period. Even it must be added to them the position, primarily strategic position which is most important for geography and wars.
In this context, we face assertion that bringing forward that one of the primary goals of geography, as being a place science, is benefitted as waging wars. Studies in geography has been interested consistently in places, regions, distribution of regions, positions and richnesses as well as to know the regions in these wars, making the war easy and taking the upper hand, in short war geography has been proceeded with geography as a science. In this context, one of the figures who is becoming prominent is Yves Lacoste. According to him one of the primary goals of geography has always been an agent which is useful for waging a war. In fact, does geography contribute to wars apart from being an objective science? In which level this contribution renders the wars? The knowledge is power but the knowledge of space is more power? Thus, space and relations between philosphy and war will be assessed.
Abstract The aim of this study is to reveal the place and function of the ideas, which are understood as the objects of thought, source of knowledge and notions being owned, in the epistemology of John Locke. In this sense, property of idea, types of idea as well as their place in knowledge process is discussed. How ideas are reached?. What is the source of ideas? What is the relation between the types of knowledge and ideas? Do ideas effect the types of knowledge and precision of knowledge? In the scope of these questions the study exposes the ideas, which are the much discussed topic in epistemology, in terms of the explanations made by John Locke, an British philosopher and what questions are solved by them. Can we get knowledge outside