

Бардык темалар

Silverclean Lite

Silverclean Lite

This theme hasn’t been updated in over 2 years. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

  • Нуска 1.2.18
  • Акыркы өзгөртүүлөр Август 29, 2020
  • Активдүү орнотуулар 100+
  • PHP нускасы 5.6

Silverclean Lite is a clean, elegant and responsive theme for WordPress. Perfect for various uses from personal blogging to small business website. It features two widgetizable areas (Sidebar and optional Footer), a custom menu location (Navbar), custom Logo and Favicon, Custom Header Image and Custom Background. Silverclean Lite is Translation Ready (.pot file included).

Күнүнө жүктөөлөр

Активдүү орнотуулар: 100+