

Бардык темалар

Junior Kids

Junior Kids

Бул Kids Education Bell үчүн кичи-темасы.

  • Нуска 1.0
  • Акыркы өзгөртүүлөр Январь 12, 2025
  • Активдүү орнотуулар 40+
  • PHP нускасы 5.6

Junior Kids is a user-friendly, modern, and responsive WordPress theme designed for children’s education websites. Ideal for childcare centers, daycares, preschools, kindergartens, and art schools, it provides the perfect foundation for building a kids’ education site. This free theme is retina-ready and fully responsive, ensuring a smooth and visually appealing experience on all devices. With a variety of customization options, including customizable front-page sections through the WordPress Customizer, Junior Kids allows you to easily personalize your site. Its flexible layout options make it easy to create a fun, engaging online space for young learners.

Күнүнө жүктөөлөр

Активдүү орнотуулар: 40+


Азырынча эч кандай сын-пикир жок.


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Бул темада олуттуу көйгөйлөр барбы?

Тема боюнча арыздануу


This theme is available in the following languages: English (US).

Бул теманы которуңуз

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