ZMPlugin offers a whole range of features that every WordPress website administrator will benefit from:
- Cookie consent banner (GDPR compliant)
- Tracking script integration (GA4, Tagmanager, Matomo)
- Private mode with redirection
- SMTP for WordPress transactional mails
- Block Patterns
Plugin Features
Cookie consent banner
Cookie Consent Banner for GDPR compliant use of tracking solutions. Tracking scripts will only be loaded after consent has been given.
Tracking script integration
Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager or Matomo (self-hosted) can be integrated. GDPR compliant if configured with cookie consent banner.
Private Mode
Private mode to redirect visitors to the login form or to a page of their choice. Useful for maintenance work or not yet finished websites.
Send all mails sent via wp_mail() from your own SMTP server. Works for all system mailings and also with contact form 7.
Block Patterns
Access to a selection of pre-built block patterns that can be easily inserted in the WordPress Gutenberg editor.
WP Dashboard Options
Personalization options for the WordPress dashboard. WordPress logo, help tabs as well as footer text can be customized.
WP Login Options
Personalization options for the WordPress login form (wp-login.php). The login logo as well as the redirect destination can be customized.
Theme Companion Features
As a companion plugin for our WordPress Themes, ZMPlugin extends your WordPress dashboard with theme settings, customizer settings and the design explorer for importing starter designs.
Block Templates
Our Themes use block templates to display static or dynamic content. All block templates can be edited using the WordPress Gutenberg editor.
Theme & Customizer settings
When using a ZuestMedia WordPress Theme, various new menus and settings are added to the Dashboard and Customizer for customizing the theme.
Design Explorer
The design explorer offers the possibility to import directly premade starter designs.
Only available in combination with ZuestMedia Themes, e.g. Corporate or Modular.
Learn more about ZuestMedia WordPress themes and plugins.
If you have any questions or need help, visit the ZMPlugin documentation.
You can also find us on Github!
The plugin uses the following third-party resources
- uikit CSS, JS, Icons Framework
License: MIT
Source: https://getuikit.com/
ZMPlugin WordPress Plugin, Copyright 2023 zuestmedia.com
ZMPlugin is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
How to install ZMPlugin?
To install ZMPlugin, navigate to WordPress Dashboard >> Plugins >> Add New. Then type “ZMPlugin” in the search box, click install and activate.
What extensions are available?
The AI Assistant is an extension based on ZMPlugin that allows you to interact with Open AI’s artificial intelligence directly in the WordPress dashboard.
There are no reviews for this plugin.
Contributors & Developers
“ZMPlugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.
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Interested in development?
Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.
- Update: tested up to 6.7
- Fix: AllowDynamicProperties for advanced themesettings in services
- Update: View-Conditions for 404 Errorpage in Header and Footer Sections
- Update: navmenu preset rename to dropdown_navbar_nav, dropdowns always start with dropdown
- New: controll horizontal margin
- Update: controll vertical margin
- Update: UIKIT to 3.21.11
- Update: UIKIT to 3.21.9
- Fix: view condition option “all single posttypes” added
- Fix: moved getZMBlocksArray from zmpro/ThemeExport to zmplugin/ThemeImport, gave an error without zmpro installed when importing data in design explorer!!!
- New: Customizer Design Explorer & Pro Link
- Update: .pot file & translations
- Update: Less settings in simple mode (2)
- Update: All modes (1-4) available in free and pro version
- Update: Themesettings description
- Update: Design Explorer Cards
- Update: .pot file
- Fix: scrollspy to work with all types of html tags (div, article, …)
- New: Card helpers added padding options
- Fix: Autofocus values 1 or to -> zero did not work to set off
- Update: add revisions to block templates in zmthemes
- Update: readme tags
- Update: .pot file added
- Update: translations
- Update: Tested up to WP 6.6
- Fix: Dynamic properties warnings (https://php.watch/versions/8.2/dynamic-properties-deprecated#AllowDynamicProperties)
- Update: Matomo Script dns-prefetch & preconnect added to speed up loading times
- Update: UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.20.5
- New: Theme setting added to asign template modules by page_ids (view.php)
- New: Setting to exclude logged-in admin user from tracking
- Fix: Theme imports fix menu assign by slug
- Update: UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.18.3
- Fix: rest api requests up to 10 (now 100)…!
- Update: split files in months by default in addLogfileEntry & showLogfileEntries
- Update: Tested up to WordPress 6.4
- Update: UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.17.10
- Fix: UpdateAPI to wp
- Update: UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.16.26
- Update: readme description
- Update: readme tags, description
- Update: up to 3 extensions including zmplugin
- Update: Cookie Consent button text & translation
- Update: zmplugin dashboard manage and install links
- Update: sidebar docs link to zuestmedia docs
- New: Cookie consent domain setting, to use on main and subdomain same cookie consent
- Update: Readme text
- Update: Privacy Url to cookie consent from WP privacy setting or alt url from plugin settings
- Update: UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.16.21
- New: Settings for trackingscripts to depend on cookie consent or not
- Update: New translations for cookie-consent
- Update: cookie consent script and css
- New: Translations for CH & AT
- Update: add disableCookies option to Matomo script
- Fix: GA4 Tracking Script updated
- Update: matomo settings created
- New: added matomo tracker methods setting
- Update: CookieConsentBanner style and accessibility
- Update: Design API -> design_explorer_api & _free_post_tag_id / _pro_post_tag_id changed to https://design.zuestmedia.com
- Update: UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.16.19
- Update: View / display settings updated -> “hide if” view_status added
- Update: ActiveCallbacks for hide if view_conditions in customizer
- Fix: view_conditions bbpress lowercase because of slug validation!
- New: AJAX Post Loading controlls
- New: Mobile menu preset navbar_dropdown_nav
- Update: UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.16.17
- Fix: use posts_per_page instead of numberposts (works for all query types)
- Fix: is_smtp settings
- New: WP Mail send through SMTP settings added
- Update: prepared for PHP 9; defined all dynamic properties in classes (except themecustomizer settings and controls)
- Update UIKIT CSS & JS to 3.15.24
- Update: CI/CD Routines
- Fix: Validation “text” added ;:-
- Fix: Validation “str” dont use htmlspecialchars!
- Update: new function in PluginHelpers for addons -> registerExtensionCheck()
- Fix: added setting _css_type to AdminButtonRestore
- Update: showLogfileEntries file exists check added
- New: added methods addLogfileEntry & showLogfileEntries
- New: Custom CSS classes for background-img-size and background-pos
- New: WP_KSES settings added to CustomizerControlls / ThemeCustomizer
- Fix: Escaping all $variables in CustomizerControlls (wp_kses)
- Fix: Presets access_level auto = 3
- Removed: getRequiredPluginsTable
- Removed: Skewy
- New: new customizer controlls for imageoverlay size and wrap in articlecontainer
- New: ThemeHelper Class, Blockpatterns Class
- Update: UIKIT Version 3.15.14
- Update: Load Textdomain early
- Update: various controlls choices and preset settings
- Fix: Escaping CustomizerControlls and remove some unused controlls
- Fix: Order of Adminmenu Pages
- Fix: Readme Resources documentation url updated
- Fix: Translations of Cookie Consent Banner
- Fix: Plugin URI / Author URI
- Update: Tested up to: 6.1
- Fix: Validation – arrays checks for NULL now, (PHP Warning during saving themesettings)
- New: Moved BlockTemplates Custom Post Type from theme to plugin
- Update: readme.txt
- Update: Language Files de_DE
- Update: readme.txt
- Update: theme-settings-template documentation and pro link changed
- Added: new controlls – avatar_class, meta_subnav_attrs
- Added: controll choice – _element “main”
- Update: Services Free/Pro id
- Update: Presets some args not resetting anymore on preset Change
- Update: Presets postmeta choices
- Update: Presets sitelogo choices
- Update: UIKIT Version 3.15.10
- Update: Customizer Visibility Controll – tablet landscape
- New: Customizer Image Controll – align
- New: BlockPatterns API
- Removed: static BlockPatterns html
- Updated: Customizer Controlls Background Image and others
- Updated: Presets files created
- Update: Language Files
- Fix: Cookie Consent Banner Colors and Links/Button Hover
- Update: UIKIT Version 3.15.6
- Update: Presets CSSVars
- New: CSSType Settings
- Update: css_type import/export
- Update: customizer controlls
- Update: some Controlls & Validation – prepared for template-editor quickedit pro setting.
- Fix: Block Patterns check if folder exists (php error)
- Fix: Com-Type and Module labels fixed
- New: Block Templates (CPT)
- New: Block Patterns
- New: Color Presets
- Fix: Customizer controlls permissions
- Update: UIKIT updated to version 3.15.3
- Update: Themesettings Pages
- Update: Template Blocks – Widgets (blocks) confusion solved and renamed
- Update: Import/Export new fields – show_on_front, zm_blocks
- Update: Translation Files DE
- Update: ci/cd update
- Update: QueryTerm presets added and controll updated
- Update: added com_postmeta controll (no view_status settings without com_ file!)
- Update: Tested up to: 6.0.1
- Update: Descriptions optimized
- Update: UIKIT updated to Version 3.15.1
- Fix: hide template-editor sidebar in customizer
- Removed: Customizer controlls – multiselect & javascript
- Update: Added new dropdown-background-color css var setting
- Update: Security – escaping functions added to templates
- Update: Module Configs (uk-sticky, uk-navbar)
- Update: New Settings added: Tracking & Analytics, Cookie Consent Banner
- Update: New Settings added: WP Dashboard, WP Login Form
- Update: View Settings extended
- Update: Internationalization – added/updated translations
- Update: removed VersionNotice from config and Plugin
- Connected with ZM Update API
- Initial release of ZMPlugin