Plugin Tag: Plugin
Favicon XT-Manager
(4 total ratings)Upload and install a Favicon image to your WordPress website. When using this simple WordPress plugin you can easily upload and use your own Favicon i …
Plugin Compatibility Checker
(4 total ratings)A Simple plugin to check the Plugin Compatibility with the Latest Stable version of WordPress
Slug or PostID
(1 total ratings)This plugin uses Slug or PostID for PostName. It is done automatically.
Content text slider on post
(1 total ratings)Use this plugin to scroll the content vertically in the posts and pages.
Tabs popular posts and latest posts
(5 total ratings)This is a jquery based lightweight plugin to create a new wordpress tabbed widget to display recent posts and popular posts.
Wp tabber widget
(2 total ratings)This is a jquery based lightweight plugin to create tab in the wordpress widget.
WP Lazy Loaded Images
(1 total ratings)A simple plugin to enable lazy loading for all images using WordPress image functions.
Name: Children Excerpt Shortcode
(1 total ratings)Use the [children-excerpt] shortcode where you want to display the excerpts of the child pages.
XE Advanced Recent Posts Widget
(0 total ratings)XE advanced recent post widget plugin allows admin to select number of post under multiple categories.
Skeps Reviews Widget
(0 total ratings)Authenticate with your Google account to display the Google My Business star rating widget on your WordPress website. No Google API's knowledge n …
Post word count in admin
(0 total ratings)This plugin will help to count the number of words will show as new column at posts.
Simple Debug
(2 total ratings)Analyzes WordPress website performance, helps to locate slow function hooks.
Advanced Plugin Search
(0 total ratings)Free yourself from the limitations of the standard plugin search delivered by WordPress core. List plugins that have been updated within the last X mo …
Common Ninja: Audio Player for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Common Ninja’s Audio Player plugin is a great, versatile tool for those who’d like to add audio to their website. With it, you can enrich your content …
Awesome SMS for Woocommerce
(0 total ratings)you can now keep your customers up to date on their order process via SMS. Send the customer an SMS when they place the order, and also when the order …
Common Ninja: Product Blobs for WooCommerce
(0 total ratings)Common Ninja’s Product Blobs plugin is a creative and visually appealing way to draw attention to your products. With it, you can increase conversions …
Customized Message
(0 total ratings)Add a customized message to any or all of your blog posts the easy way, instead of writing the same message again manually every time.