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Kinky Kitties' Journal
[Most Recent Entries] [Calendar View] [Friends]

Below are the 15 most recent journal entries recorded in Kinky Kitties' LiveJournal:

Saturday, March 5th, 2005
9:37 pm
Sunday, February 20th, 2005
8:43 am
Sunday, January 9th, 2005
11:46 pm
what the fuck is wrong with the people in this community

Saturday, November 13th, 2004
11:59 am
Monday, March 15th, 2004
10:09 am
Hello I made a new community for girls only. Rules on the info page.
join hotpussy_cats
come see if your one of us, or just join are love connection you don't have to be a member to post in the HOT PUSSY CATS LOVE CONNECTION...CLICK CLICK

Sorry if this isn't allowed you can delete it if you want
Monday, January 26th, 2004
8:42 pm
hey can yall do me a favor??
well i have a friend named desiree she like new to da site and all could ya add her? her id is
THX ~!~....chanda....~!~
Saturday, October 18th, 2003
5:29 pm
[apatheticalli] get the ball rolling here...

What qualifies someone as "kinky"?
I personally love bondage and feminine guys. Anyone else?

Current Mood: bouncy
Tuesday, August 13th, 2002
1:11 am
whoowhoo. got some new user icons for the kinkykitties community. are they... likable? lol. ;]]

Current Mood: sleepy
Saturday, August 3rd, 2002
12:18 am
My phones dying..

Oh.. I'm such a tease. It's great fun. x.x

Current Mood: giggly
Thursday, August 1st, 2002
5:09 pm
hmmm... what else should be added to the interests for kinky kitties? hehe. =)

Current Mood: geeky
12:03 pm
hey look at me .. fifth to post! whoo.

i think we need some .. actual posts .. not just people counting off what number they are. ;D
9:04 am
;; wheee ;;
i'm the fourth to post in here.

hiiii y'all!!!!!!

Current Mood: ditzy
4:25 am
Weeeeee. I'm the third to post here!

Current Mood: weird
3:24 am
Weeeeee. I'm the second to post here!

Current Mood: dorky
3:20 am
Weeeeee. I'm the first to post here!

Current Mood: sleepy