SOGI & CARAS 2nd Annual Alternative Sexuality Conference May 21, 2009 |
[02 Dec 2008|03:07pm] |
Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Institute
Community Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities
2nd Annual Alternative Sexuality Conference
May 21, 2009
Leather, kink, B&D, S&M, polyamory….. Non-traditional sexual practices, lifestyles and identities have become increasingly visible in recent years. With more portrayals on television and in movies, as well as in literature and music, clients are feeling increasingly comfortable about bringing “forbidden” sexual issues to psychotherapy.
This conference is designed to provide theoretical perspectives, clinical practice recommendations, and opportunities to discuss the challenges encountered in psychotherapy with individuals and couples in the alternative sexuality communities. The conference will also provide a venue for researchers and graduate students to present their investigations on these communities, identities and sexual practices.
The conference is the result of a partnership between the Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities (CARAS) based in San Francisco/Washington DC, and the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Institute (SOGI) at the Center on Halsted located in Chicago. Proposals are now being accepted for the second annual conference, which will be held at the Center on Halsted on the Thursday proceeding Memorial Day. Submissions must be received by February 1, 2009.
The day-long conference will include lectures, panel presentations, roundtable discussions and poster presentations. 60 minute and 120 minute sessions formats are under consideration. Suggested topics include: history and philosophy of BDSM culture, separating BDSM practice from abuse, separating practice from pathology, co-morbidity factors, issues of transference/counter-transference, impact of BDSM practices on clients with trauma history, edge play dynamics, concepts of consent, theoretical constructs, literature reviews, early research findings, therapy with polyamorous relationships.
Presenters will be offered discounted registration fees, but they will not be otherwise compensated. Applicants will be notified regarding the status of their proposals by March 15, 2009.
Write [email protected] or call 773-661-0739 for additional information and application forms.
Party Package Coming Soon to BR '08! |
[17 Sep 2008|11:42am] |
Register for BR '08 before rates go up on October 1st!
BR Members (& Reciprocal Groups) Until Sept 30--$140; Oct 1-30-- $150
Non-members Until Sept 30--$160; Oct 1-30-- $180
When you register, don't forget to reserve your room at our 4-star hotel. BR's locked-in rate ends on Sept 30. Reserve your room today to ensure you're just an elevator ride away from all the fun!
And coming September 22nd...
BR '08 PARTY PACKAGE – Already have plans Halloween night? Do your children count on you to see them in their Dark Knight/Hannah Montana costume and go trick or treating, making you miss putting your own freak on? For just $300, spend the whole day Saturday enjoying BR's wide variety of classes, party as long as you want in the amazing playspace, then go upstairs and crash in your hotel room for the night. Package includes a Saturday day pass to the event and one hotel room for Saturday night. The BR '08 Party Package is available for purchase for a limited time starting on 9/22 at
BR Event Day Passes – available for purchase on 9/22
>> Friday $60
>> Saturday $125
>> Sunday $120
Find out more and register at!
Trial News |
[23 Jul 2008|09:19am] |
Two news items for your consideration today:
Congress is holding a hearing today regarding the Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy of the military. What's sad is that it takes major recruiting shortages, not violations of human rights, to prompt such a hearing.
Transgender GA woman claims illegal firing:
The former state employee, Vandy Beth Glenn, was diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder the same year she was employed in the public sector. After consultations with physicians, she decided to pursue a sex change. To aid in her transition, her physicians indicated she should start dressing as a woman all the time, including during work hours. Her first appearance as a woman was on Halloween, when other employees were also dressed in costume. She had informed her employers of her plans in advance. She was informed after the fact, however, that her behavior couldn't be tolerated in the workplace, as it was immoral. She was then fired. From what I could tell, her job didn't even involve that much contact with the public. She was working as a writer/editor.
BR '08 is Coming!! Washington DC |
[21 Jul 2008|06:37am] |
Lock Up Your Dates... BR '08 and Halloween are coming!
As we sweat the hot summer days away, don't forget BR '08 is just around the corner. Scheduled this year for October 31-November 3, it lands squarely on the scariest weekend of the year. Plan to spend the weekend in downtown DC, attending classes, meeting friends, and spending time in our huge play space. Combine your Halloween costume with your best fetish wear and attend the banquet and celebrity auction. Dress up in pony gear or your littles attire and show off. Stay in the newly renovated hotel where you'll be able to socialize and have private time on your own terms. Shop in our expanded vending areas. It's all here, where you know Black Rose knows how to throw a kink event.
Register today at www.brevent. org
BR '08 Missing it would be... Scary! October 31 - November 3, 2008 Washington, DC
Sex therapy? Free love? Or just more gurus gone gonzo? |
[18 Jul 2008|10:53am] |
Trendy self-help and spiritual groups are popping up all over that tout the advantages of being sexually liberated. Their leaders often point to the harm caused by sexual repression, including an increase in sex crimes. However, this awareness of sexual needs and expression often gets channeled into practices which are clearly designed to gratify the guru, rather than fulfill the needs of the student. The following article, Sex therapy: the return of free love, from Times Online discusses this trend.
Saddled by gas prices & Jezebel writers kick up controversy |
[09 Jul 2008|04:10pm] |
High gas prices reduce disposable income and have a direct effect on the sex industry. The response? According to this article from Yahoo! a Nevada brothel is offering rebates! Now if I could only get a rebate for waiting in line at the DMV! ; )
The second link regards the controversy generated by two writers from, Tracie Egan & Moe Tkacik. The link is to an entry on the Huffington Post, Jezebelism, by Lizz Winstead, who some will recognize as one of the co-creators of the Daily Show. Many feel the Jezebel writers are being irresponsible at best, touching off debates on what feminism and sexual rights mean in the present era. Personally speaking, I'm seeing a bit of a rift between more traditional "feminists" who feel that every aspect of adult entertainment degrades women and the "neo-feminists" who simply want women and men to be free to explore as they see fit. The traditional feminists see the neo-feminists as undermining their cause, and vice versa. Obviously, there's no simple solution apparent here.
Black Rose 2008 Call For Presenters Is Open! |
[21 Feb 2008|10:42pm] |
Please Post Freely
Black Rose 2008 October 31 – November 3, 2008 Washington, DC
BR 08 is being held October 31 – November 3, 2008, in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. We are putting out a call for presenters. We seek all levels of experience and a wide variety of workshops - whether you've only presented at a local group or two, or you've been a headliner at major events, we're interested in hearing from you!
We endeavor to offer a myriad of classes, discussions and panels : Basic, Intermediate, and Advanced BDSM skills Edge Play Sadomasochism Dominant/submissive dynamics Master/slave dynamics Gender & Sexual Identity Multi-partner & Non-traditional relationship dynamics Community Service TNG Specific Topics All variety of topics, skills and issues that are related to What It Is That We Do! Please go to the web form (located at to submit your proposal. If you are unable to fill out the web form, or wish to provide more detailed information, please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
We will close our call for presenters on April 15, 2008. Please make sure we receive your information prior to that date or we will be unable to consider your presentation ideas for 2008!
Thank you! Jen – Programming Director, BR 08
[15 Feb 2008|05:39am] |
It is now legal to sell and promote sex toys in Texas!
Article here: Sex toy ban OVERTURNED!
And on V-Day? How very apropos!
Action Alert: National Coalition for Sexual Freedom |
[06 Jun 2007|11:04pm] |
Support the Palmer House Hilton, Host Hotel for IML
Please write a short note of support for the Palmer House Hilton, host hotel for International Mr. Leather, thanking them for not discriminating against any guests or groups based on their sexual orientation. The anti-gay group, Americans For Truth, posted an action alert calling for people to protest the "homosexual orgies" that take place at the "sadistic sexual perversion-fest known as International Mr. Leather." AFT website:
The Palmer House Hilton has been a staunch supporter of the Fair Accommodations Act in working with alternative lifestyle groups, particularly IML. Please email your note of appreciation to:
Stephen Bollenback, CEO Hilton Hotels Corporation [email protected]
Trina Owens Hilton Hotels Corporation [email protected]
Peter Lynn, General Manager Palmer House Hilton [email protected]
The National Coalition for Sexual Freedom is a national organization committed to creating a political, legal, and social environment in the United States that advances equal rights of consenting adults who practice forms of alternative sexual expression. NCSF is primarily focused on the rights of consenting adults in the SM-leather-fetish, swing, and polyamory communities, who often face discrimination because of their sexual expression.
National Coalition for Sexual Freedom 822 Guilford Avenue, Box 127 Baltimore, MD 21202-3707 917-848-6544 [email protected]
furry on you gift list?!? |
[22 Nov 2006|02:11pm] |
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the ultimate stocking stuffer....
panda porn!
Porn sparks panda baby boom in China [msnbc, free]
CHIANG MAI, Thailand - After years of painstaking research, scientists say they have unleashed a baby boom among one of the world’s most beloved but endangered animals, China’s giant panda.
A bit of panda porn has helped too, they say.
“It works,” enthuses Zhang Zhihe, a leading Chinese expert, about showing uninitiated males DVDs of fellow pandas mating.
and, obviously, if you know any pandas, this is pretty much a slam-dunk!
Porn Up, Rape Down? |
[25 Aug 2006|11:12am] |
A paper recently published by Anthony D'Amato of the Northwestern University School of Law in Chicago:
Porn Up, Rape Down.
Abstract: The incidence of rape in the United States has declined 85% in the past 25 years while access to pornography has become freely available to teenagers and adults. The Nixon and Reagan Commissions tried to show that exposure to pornographic materials produced social violence. The reverse may be true: that pornography has reduced social violence.
Correlation is not causality and all. I know enough about statistics that this isn't trying to prove that porn reduces rape levels, but rather to prove that the assertion that more porn = more rape is false.
I had to confirm some of these statistics independently, and it appears that most of the change has happened after 1993 (source).
I'll make my own hypothesis: The Internet is a Good Thing.
someone unclear on how to avoid embarassment.... |
[23 Aug 2006|02:10pm] |
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No, That's Not a Penis Pump, Mom. Really [ny times, free, registration required]
CHICAGO (AP) -- Cook County prosecutors say a 29-year-old man traveling with his mother desperately didn't want her to know he'd packed a sexual aid for their trip to Turkey. So he told security it was a bomb, officials said.
Madin Azad Amin was stopped by officials on Aug. 16 after guards found an object in his baggage that resembled a grenade, prosecutors said.
When officers asked him to identify it, Amin said it was a bomb, said Cook County Assistant State's Attorney Lorraine Scaduto.
He later told officials he'd lied about the item because his mother was nearby and he didn't want her to hear that it was part of a penis pump, Scaduto said.
He's been charged with felony disorderly conduct, said Andrew Conklin, a spokesman with the Cook County state's attorney's office.
Amin faces up to three years in prison if convicted.
...i do hope he gets some fine for the trouble and expense he created, and just for being a moron. but no jail time. if we want him to truly and honestly regret this, get him into the arms of his peer group asap, for the kind of merciless taunting only teenagers can provide....