Articles by Hisham Hussein

International Journal of research in Educational Sciences
Future generations will encounter unprecedented and complex challenges across various dimensions ... more Future generations will encounter unprecedented and complex challenges across various dimensions of life, necessitating innovative approaches to education and teacher preparation. As key agents of societal transformation, teachers must be equipped with a forward-thinking educational paradigm that enables them to navigate and respond effectively to evolving economic, social, and technological landscapes. This study proposes a comprehensive framework for a teacher education model structured around three interrelated levels: input, processes, and outputs, with an integrated feedback mechanism ensuring continuous refinement. The input level comprises eight essential components: a clearly defined vision and mission, foundational educational values, core pillars of the model, specifications for future educators, professional teaching standards, pre-service preparation requirements, practical training strategies, and in-service professional development institutions. The second level, "processes," delines the collaborative mechanisms among these institutions and provides an executive guide for the model's implementation. The third level, "outputs," focuses on the expected outcomes, emphasizing the development of highly competent teachers capable of fostering the next generation of learners. These educators will be equipped with advanced personal, professional, and specialized competencies, ensuring their effectiveness in diverse educational settings. Designed for adaptability, this model offers a flexible framework that can be contextualized and applied across various educational systems and environments. By integrating key components of teacher education with a dynamic and responsive structure, this study contributes to the ongoing discourse on enhancing teacher preparation for the challenges of the future.

Mathematical literacy is essential for students' academic success and real-life problem-solving. ... more Mathematical literacy is essential for students' academic success and real-life problem-solving. However, math anxiety remains a significant barrier affecting students' performance, particularly in the "quantity" content of mathematical literacy. Despite extensive research, limited studies have explored how varying levels of math anxiety influence students' mathematical literacy in specific content domains. This qualitative descriptive study investigates the impact of math anxiety on the mathematical literacy of the eighth-grade students in the "quantity" content. Using purposive sampling, six students from State Junior High School 26 Makassar were selected. The data collection involved a math anxiety questionnaire, a mathematical literacy test, and interview guidelines. The Miles, Huberman, and Saldana model was applied for data analysis. The findings indicate that math anxiety levels strongly influence students' mathematical literacy. Students with low anxiety demonstrated strong conceptual understanding, effective problem-solving strategies, and accurate calculations. Those with moderate anxiety managed simpler tasks but struggled with complex problems, consistent with the Yerkes-Dodson law. The students experiencing high anxiety exhibited the poorest performance faced challenges in understanding instructions and applying appropriate strategies. The study highlights the necessity of addressing math anxiety through interactive teaching approaches and targeted support to enhance students' mathematical literacy, suggesting practical interventions for educators. Abstrak: Literasi matematika sangat penting untuk keberhasilan akademik siswa dan pemecahan masalah dalam kehidupan nyata. Namun, kecemasan matematika tetap menjadi hambatan signifikan yang memengaruhi kinerja siswa, terutama dalam konten "kuantitas" literasi matematika. Meskipun penelitian yang luas telah dilakukan, hanya sedikit studi yang mengeksplorasi bagaimana tingkat kecemasan matematika yang berbeda memengaruhi literasi matematika siswa dalam domain konten tertentu. Studi deskriptif kualitatif ini menyelidiki dampak kecemasan matematika terhadap literasi matematika siswa kelas delapan dalam konten "kuantitas". Melalui teknik purposive sampling, enam siswa dari SMP Negeri 26 Makassar dipilih sebagai responden. Pengumpulan data melibatkan kuesioner kecemasan matematika, tes literasi matematika, dan pedoman wawancara. Model Miles, Huberman, dan Saldana digunakan untuk analisis data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tingkat kecemasan matematika sangat memengaruhi literasi matematika siswa. Siswa dengan tingkat kecemasan rendah menunjukkan
Educational Studies in Mathematics, 2025
The Fourth International Handbook of Mathematics Education (2024) provides a comprehensive explor... more The Fourth International Handbook of Mathematics Education (2024) provides a comprehensive exploration of evolution, current practices, and future challenges in mathematics education. Divided into four sections, it examines diverse themes: cultural influences on education in Asia, the interplay between theory and practice, the imperatives of equity and social justice, and curriculum development amidst digital transformation. The handbook adopts a global perspective, contrasting Confucian heritage cultures with Western educational models and highlights.
International Journal of research in Educational Sciences, 2025
This article includes a brief overview of PISA 2022 Results (Volume V): Learning Strategies and A... more This article includes a brief overview of PISA 2022 Results (Volume V): Learning Strategies and Attitudes for Life, where the report highlighted several key findings that reflect the state of education globally after the Corona pandemic. The report focused on the fact that lifelong learning, bridging social gaps, and promoting modern educational strategies are the key to improving the quality of education globally and preparing students to face the future. The article reviewed the general results of the report, the results of mathematics education, and the performance of students in the Emirates and Saudi Arabia. The article also presented some suggestions and recommendations for those interested and decision-makers to employ the results of the PISA 2022 report in developing education.
The International Journal of Research in Educational Sciences, Mar 15, 2020
The study aimed to build a proposed list of clear standards that could be used to evaluate scient... more The study aimed to build a proposed list of clear standards that could be used to evaluate scientific journals based on international standards. A variety of global, regional and local standards were reviewed, analyzed and discussed, Then the study proposed a list of standards for evaluation the scientific journals.
International Journal of research in Educational Sciences. (IJRES), Sep 15, 2019
The paper attempts to identify indicators to write the research reports in the light of the APA S... more The paper attempts to identify indicators to write the research reports in the light of the APA Style, and to shape a proposed model for Research Reports structure. The paper reviews information to be included in Journal Article Reporting Standards (JARS) Information Recommended for Inclusion in Manuscripts That Report New Data Collections Regardless of Research Design, Meta-Analysis Reporting Standards (MARS) Information Recommended for Inclusion in Manuscripts Reporting Meta-Analyses, and Flow of Participants Through Each Stage of an Experiment or Quasi-Experiment. The results of the survey and analysis proposed a model for Research Reports structure as: title, summary, report body (introduction, methods, results, discussion), bibliography, and annexes if any.
International Journal of research in Educational Sciences. (IJRES), Sep 30, 2018
International Journal of research in Educational Sciences. (IJRES), Mar 12, 2018
This paper aims at scheming a roadmap for researchers to publish a good research in distinguished... more This paper aims at scheming a roadmap for researchers to publish a good research in distinguished Scholarly journals. The mixed approach was used to reach this by employing analytical and reflective methodological tools and personal interview with experts and specialists. The paper presents a list of recommendations and suggestions.
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences, 2017
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences, 2017
International Journal of research in Educational Sciences, 2020
The study aimed to build a proposed list of clear standards that could be used to evaluate scient... more The study aimed to build a proposed list of clear standards that could be used to evaluate scientific journals based on international standards. A variety of global, regional and local standards were reviewed, analyzed and discussed, Then the study proposed a list of standards for evaluation the scientific journals.

International Journal for Research in Education, Jan 15, 2023
The study aimed to analyze the trends of mathematics education research published in the Journal ... more The study aimed to analyze the trends of mathematics education research published in the Journal of Mathematics Education in the last five years and to propose a future map for mathematics education research in the light of the analysis results, professors’ and experts’ views, and contemporary international trends. The study used a simplified model to classify research into seven domains. Also, the researcher used a questionnaire for professors and experts to determine a future map for mathematics education research. The results showed the research trends in the Journal of Mathematics Education were that most of the articles were single-authored (79.5%), the use of experimental methodology (63%), the dominance of teaching strategies research (37%), the number of primary school students (27%) followed by the middle school students (26%), the category of normal students (89.7%), and the experimental research using one independent variable (62.5%). For the dependent variables, the articles used two dependent variables (30.7%). The achievement was the most frequent, at 17%. The interaction of one independent variable with two dependent variables was the most frequent, and the research co-authored by professors was 11%. The study suggested a future map for future mathematics education research. Recommendations and suggestions were presented.
International Journal of research in Educational Sciences, Apr 1, 2023
This essay will explore some global trends in mathematics education research, what these trends m... more This essay will explore some global trends in mathematics education research, what these trends mean for mathematics education, and how they will shape mathematics education in the years to come. In particular, this essay will focus on the latest trends in mathematics education research, such as Digital technology, innovative teaching methods and approaches, the impact of mathematics education on student achievement, Inquiry-based learning, Games and Gamification, and Equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Mathematics Education Journal, 2022
The literature indicates that there is an effectiveness for the active learning in teaching, comp... more The literature indicates that there is an effectiveness for the active learning in teaching, compared to other teaching strategies, and its use in teaching mathematics at the primary level may be considered one of the educational mechanisms to overcome educational loss resulting from the Corona pandemic. Therefore, the current study aimed to identify the viewpoint of mathematics teachers at the primary stage on the level of active learning practice during the Corona pandemic, and to identify the obstacles they face when using active learning, as well as to determine the degree of influence of variables (years of experience, degree) on the responses of the research sample members. The study used an electronic questionnaire that was directed to a random group of mathematics teachers. The results of the study indicated that there is a high level of active learning practice in mathematics teaching at the primary level, and that there are some obstacles that teachers face when using active learning. The study provided some recommendations and suggestions

International Journal for Research in Education, 2023
The study aimed to analyze the trends of mathematics education research published in the Journal ... more The study aimed to analyze the trends of mathematics education research published in the Journal of Mathematics Education in the last five years and to propose a future map for mathematics education research in the light of the analysis results, professors’ and experts’ views, and the contemporary international trends. The study used a simplified model to classify research in seven domains. Also, the researcher used a questionnaire for professors and experts to determine a future map for mathematics education research. The results showed the research trends in the Journal of Mathematics Education were most of the articles were single authored (79.5%), the use of the experimental methodology (63%), the dominance of teaching strategies research (37%), the number of primary school students (27%) followed by the middle school students (26%), the category of normal students (89.7%), and the experimental research using one independent variable (62.5%). For the dependent variables, the articles used two dependent variables (30.7%). Achievement was the most frequent at 17%. The interaction of one independent variable with two dependents variables was the most frequent and the research co-authored by professors was 11%. The study suggested a future map for future mathematics education research. Recommendations and suggestions were presented.
TOJET, Oct 1, 2012
The research aims to determine the effectiveness of using blended learning Approach in developing... more The research aims to determine the effectiveness of using blended learning Approach in developing student teachers teaching skills, and defining teaching skills that confront students of teachers college at King Saud University need it. The research uses the Quasi-Experimental approach, with four experimental groups (Mathematics (21)–Science (15)–computer (20)–Quran (15)). The research is limited to the students of practical course in the second term of (2010/2011) academic year. Additionally, it investigates teaching ...

Journal of Mathematics Education, 2021
Abstract: The study aimed to investigate mathematics teachers’ perceptions in public education ab... more Abstract: The study aimed to investigate mathematics teachers’ perceptions in public education about learning and teaching through STEAM approach, and to determine the level of difference in mathematics teachers’ perceptions of general education about learning and teaching with STEAM approach according to the teacher's experience, educational qualification, gender, and the grade level in which he teaches, and the number of training programs he attended. The study used a Likert's scale electronic questionnaire, with 31 items, in two axes, the first axis perceptions of the STEAM entrance from 14 items, and the second axis, the teaching requirements using the STEAM entrance of 17 items. The questionnaire was applied electronically to a group of 103 male and female teachers. The results revealed that the study sample's perceptions of the STEAM and the requirements for its teaching, are high but there is no difference in the mathematics teachers' perceptions of public education towards STEAM according to the teacher's years of experience, educational qualification, gender, the stage which they teach in it, or the number of training programs he attended. the recommendations and suggestions were including: training mathematics and science teachers to employ the STEAM approach in teaching and learning process, reconsider the courses offered at teacher Education colleges to include STEAM Approach in teaching and Learning, Also, the necessity to provide the necessary laboratories, tools and educational devices to implement STEAM in schools. The study suggested a set of proposed research, including conducting other similar studies on mathematics and science teachers in specific educational stages, a proposed unit in mathematics based on the STEAM approach and its impact on academic achievement and life skills, and studying a training program for mathematics teachers on the STEAM entrance and its impact on developing their self-efficacy.

Journal of Mathematics Education, ISSN :2090–0562, 2022
This article aimed to build a list of standards for the outstanding teacher in a changing world, ... more This article aimed to build a list of standards for the outstanding teacher in a changing world, the article reviewed amounting to about 21 lists of professional standards for teachers from several countries and various academic and professional institutions. In light of the review and reflection of these lists, an initial list was drawn and presented to a group of (34) Professor and expert in teaching and learning. In light of the reviewers' vision, the initial list was developed, and presented in the proposed list, which included 51 standards distributed over four areas with the following percentages: professional practice 45%, values and ethics 23%, professional knowledge 18%, and professional growth 14%. The article presents this list for those interested in the field to be discussed, leading to a more comprehensive and focused list, and it will become an integrated list for the outstanding teacher in a changing world.

International Journal of Educational Research, 2020
Abstract This study investigated the professional traits of mathematics teachers that affected ma... more Abstract This study investigated the professional traits of mathematics teachers that affected mathematical achievement for fourth-graders in the TIMSS 2015 study, including teaching experience, degree of educational qualification, teacher specialization, and amount of professional development, all broken down further by gender. This investigation compared TIMSS 2015 results of students in four countries (Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, and Saudi Arabia) and used a causal-comparative design with data available through the IEA website. The findings indicated that the traits of professional development, specialization, educational qualification, and teaching experience among mathematics teachers were found to have various levels of impact on the achievement of fourth-grade students in the participating countries, as will be stated in the discussion of the results.

Journal of Educational & Psychological Sciences, 2018
The research aims to measure the Effectiveness of Professional development program based on The I... more The research aims to measure the Effectiveness of Professional development program based on The International Standards of gifted Teachers that issued by the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC), and the Council for exceptional children (ECC ). The program included the Standards in (6) units and graduate project. The program use pretest and posttest, the program units were (Introduction to gifted and talented education, the growth of gifted and talented and the individual differences of learning, learning environments in gifted education, teaching for gifted and talented, assessment , professional learning and ethical practices, graduation project). The program also included some accompanying activities to motivate the Elementary School mathematics teachers for developing their teaching performance and achieve the sustainable professional development. The results indicated the effectiveness of the proposed program to develop The Teaching performance of Elementary School mathematics teachers in gifted education.
Articles by Hisham Hussein
ويتبنى الكتاب وجهةَ نظر ترى أن التدريس لا ينفصل عن التعلُّم، وترى بضرورة إيجاد علاقات تفاعلية قوية بين المناهج الدراسية، والتدريس، والتقييم، في ضوء خلفية معرفية ونظرية قوية عن التدريس والتعلُّم، وأن النجاح لا يتحقق إلا بمشاركة المعلمين في جهود التطوير والتغيير، مع تحملهم المسؤولية عن ضمان جودة الخبرات التدريسية المقدمة للطلاب بما يكسب هؤلاء الطلاب مهارات ومعارف تناسب حياتهم المستقبلية.
يَأتي مُحتوى الكتابِ مِنْ ثَلاثِة مَجَالاتٍ رَئيسةٍ للدراسةِ هي: 1) النظرياتُ والبحوثُ الَّتي تُناقش كيف يَتعلَّمُ النَّاسُ، متضمنةٌ رؤى حديثة مِن العُلومِ المعرفيةِ والعصبيةِ. 2) بحوثٌ عَنْ الممارساتِ دَاخلِ الفصلِ الدراسي وما لها من أثرِ على تَعلُّمِ الطُلابِ. 3) بحوثٌ عَنْ التَدريس الفعالِ، وهي العوامل الأساسية بالمدرسة الَّتي تَعملُ على تَحسين إِنجاز الطَّالبِ ومُعدلِ نَجاحهِ. وبالرُّغمِ من أن تركيزَ الكتابِ الأساسي على التدريس، إلا إنَّه يُكرِّسُ مساحةً كافيةً لوصفِ كيفَ يَتعلَّم الطُلابُ، وكيفَ ترتبط أكثر النُظمِ فعَالية وأوسعها انتشاراً بأساسيات تَعلُّم الطُلابِ. تحديداً، يصف الكتاب كيف يتلاقى البحثُ في التدريسِ، والإِدراكُ، والعُلومُ العصبيةُ لتدعيمِ "علم التَعلُّمِ" القَائمِ على الأدلةِ، والَّذي يَسْتَخدمهُ المدرسون لتحسين مُمارساتهم.
وهكذا يطوف الكتاب بالقارئ في رحلة معرفية توضح منظومة متناغمة من قضايا وموضوعات إعداد المعلم وتدريبه، ويقدم لنا مُعينًا متجددًا يمكن للمعلمين أن ينهلوا منه ليتميزوا في ممارسات التدريس والتعلُّم، وبما يحقق رؤية ورسالة مهنة التدريس.
يلقي هذه الكتاب نظرة شاملة على الرياضيات والحساب، والفكر والممارسات الرياضية في كل فترات تاريخ بلاد ما بين الرافدين على مدار ثلاثة آلاف عام تقريبا. وخصص فصولا متساوية تتناول فترة زمنية تغطي 500 عام (خمسة قرون)، وذلك على الرغم من أن ذلك يعني امتداد الفترات الزمنية التقليدية التي تعتمد على التاريخ السياسي للملوك والإمبراطوريات. وهناك قدر كبير من الانسيابية والاستمرارية مع وجود فواصل بين تلك التقسيمات؛ وهي فواصل فكرية ومفاهيمية وتاريخ اجتماعي لا يخضع للعوائق الزمنية كما في تاريخ الأسرات البابلية.
ومما يزيد من أهمية الكتاب أنه قدم الإطار النظري السياسي والمجتمعي لأهمية تعليم الموهوبين، إلى جانب ثمان دراسات حالة متنوعة في أفضل المدارس على مستوى انجلترا وفقا لتقييم مكتب معايير التعليم الانجليزي (Office for Standards in Education - OFSTED)، وتم تناول دراسات الحالة وفق نموذج إحصائي بسيط من ثلاثة مستويات لفاعلية المدرسة تظهر التفاعل بين هذه المستويات، (من مستوى القيادة والمعلم والفصل الدراسي وحتى مستوى كل طالب على حدة)، وتمت كتابة تقرير كل دراسة حالة بطريقة مختلفة تعكس الاختلافات والخصائص المميزة للنتائج والمخرجات؛ وقد تضمن كل تقرير سياق موجز وخلفية معلوماتية، وسياسة المدرسة في تعليم الموهوبين، والقيادة والإدارة المدرسية، والممارسات التدريسية في الفصل الدراسي، وأصول التدريس وتخطيط المنهج، وقيم وأخلاقيات المدرسة، مع التركيز على سماع صوت الطالب وفهم تصوراته.
إن المثير في هذا الكتاب؛ أنه يطرح تساؤلات أكثر مما يقدم إجابات، وهو بذلك يثير تفكيراً ناقداً حول وراثة الموهبة، ومدى دقة قياسها، وتحديد الموهوبين والمتفوقين من بين سائر الطلاب، وهل الموهبة عامة لجميع الفئات والطبقات، أم حكراً على فئة أو طبقة اجتماعية أو اقتصادية معينة، وأي الأساليب أكثر فاعلية في تعليم الموهوبين، هل دمج الموهوبين والمتفوقين مع باقي مستويات التلاميذ أم عزلهم في خبرات تعليمية خاصة بهم. وأيهما أجدى وأنفع للمجتمع؟
إن الإجابة على هذه التساؤلات وربطها بواقع رعاية وتعليم الموهوبين والمتفوقين في العالم العربي يؤدي إلى تحقيق الهدف من ترجمة هذا الكتاب. من خلال نقل الملامح الأساسية والتجارب الواقعية المتميزة من الخبرة الانجليزية في تعليم الموهوبين والمتفوقين إلى قراء العربية؛ من الباحثين المتخصصين وأعضاء هيئات التدريس والمعلمين والمهتمين والقائمين على رعاية الموهوبين وتعليمهم في البيئة العربية؛ ويؤدي إلى الاستفادة من هذه الخبرات الثرية وتوظيفها في رعاية الموهوبين والمتفوقين في البيئة العربية.
وختاماً هذا جهد يحتاج إلى عيون ناقدة تُحسن وتُطور منه ليحقق الهدف الأساسي في إفادة أبنائنا من الطلاب الموهوبين الذين نأمل ونرجو أن يكونوا قادة الاقتصاد والسياسة والفكر، بل وقادة المجتمع بأسره في غد مشرق بإذن الله يعيد للأمة العربية ريادتها وتميزها.
وعلى الله قصد السبيل،،،،،،،،
من هنا كانت المحاولة لتعريب هذا الكتاب المهم:
Teaching Mathematical Reasoning in Secondary School Classrooms”"
" لمؤلفته كارين بوردي " Karin Brodie" أستاذ تعليم الرياضيات المشارك ونائب عميد كلية الدراسات العليا التربوية بجامعة Witwatersrand بجوهانسبرج بجنوب أفريقيا، وهي قد حصلت على الدكتوراة في تعليم الرياضيات عام 2004 من أهم الجامعات الأمريكية Stanford University، والكتاب صدر حديثاً في العام 2010 عن إحدى كبريات دور النشر العالمية " Springer".
يقع الكتاب الأصلي في (225) صفحة ويتضمن اثني عشر فصلاً موزعة على ثلاثة أجزاء""
ويتناول هذا الكتاب اهتمامًا بكيفية الاستفادة من هذه الأفكار الجديدة في هذا المجال، وكذلك تقديرًا لما كان من شأنه أن وصل بنا لهذا التقدم.
Trends of Research, STEM Education, highly scholarly journals, the web of Science journals, future research
مسجلة على اليوتيوب على الرابط
معايير كتابة تقارير البحوث وفق قواعد الجمعية الامركية لعلم النفس
مسجلة على يوتيوب على الرابط
The Result indicate the effectiveness of social networking in the for mathematics Teachers professional development program. And determine the Procedural Standards fro mathematics Teachers Professional Development, Presented applied Vision for Mathematics Teachers Professional Development Program.
The research result recommended that work on the development of intensive training to clarify the objectives and methods of use and activation of Social Networking in Professional Development, and give Attention to the provision of Computers and wireless internet access in schools, teacher training on using social networks, work to develop a strategy to activate these networks formally within the curriculum, and to encourage and support models and successful experiences in this field and published this deployment.
كذلك تشمل الدورة بعض الاختبارات القصيرة والتدريبات والتكليفات البحثية التي تهدف إلى التأكد من اتقان المعارف والمهارات المتضمنة في هذه الدورة، بحيث عند اجتياز هذه التتدريبات والتكليفات يكون المتدرب قد أتقن وتمرس على محتويات الدورة وحقق المستهدف منها.
وهكذا تتناول هذه الدورة التدريبية عملية البحث التربوي من البداية للنهاية. ويتوقع أن تكون هذه الدورة مفيدة لأي شخص يرغب في تعلم طرق البحث العلمي في مجال التربية، حيث صُممت هذه الدورة لضمان فهم الجوانب النظرية والعملية لكيفية إجراء بحث وكتابة تقرير البحث ونشر التقرير لاحقاً. وفي نهاية هذه الدورة يتوقع أن يكون المتدرب قد ألم بالأساسيات اللازمة للبدء في رحلة التعلم والبحث والنشر العلمي.
ومما ينبغي التنويه والانتباه إليه ، أنه لا يخفى على أحد أن مجال البحث التربوي وباعتباره ضمن المجالات الانسانية، فإن الاختلاف والجدال فيه واسع، وقد يختلف الباحثين المتمرسين، وأصحاب المدارس العلمية مع كثير من محتوى هذه الدورة، ويبقى ذلك في نطاق الاختلافات العلمية والاكاديمية المقبولة
.والدورة متاحة على الرابط
حسين، هشام بركات. (2016). الدافعية المهنية للتدريس لدى معلمي الرياضيات في البيئة الثقافية العربية: دراسة تحليلية. مجلة تربويات الرياضيات، 19 (12)، 19-66.
Hussein, H. (2016). Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Motivation in the Arab Cultural Environment: Analytical Transversal study, Journal of Mathematics Education, (19) 12, 19-66.
التوثيق : حسين، هشام بركات. (2017). استقصاء مستويات الهوية المهنية لدى معلمي الرياضيات بالمرحلة الابتدائية، مجلة كلية التربية الأساسية للعلوم التربوية والانسانية بجامعة بابل، (32)، 84-109.
Cite: Hussein, H. B. (2017). Investigating the professional Identity Levels of Elementary school mathematics teachers. Basic Education College journal for Educational and Humanities Sciences, University of Babylon. (32). 84- 109
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