Solitary central osteomas of jaw are extremely rare lesions with only few previously documented c... more Solitary central osteomas of jaw are extremely rare lesions with only few previously documented cases. This paper reports a case of large solitary central osteoma involving mandible symphysis-parasymphysis region in an elderly female patient. A brief review of similar cases reported in the literature is also provided in this paper.
Introduction: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant neoplasm, originating from the or... more Introduction: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant neoplasm, originating from the oral epithelium. Incidence and mortality rates for oral SCC may vary depending on personal habits, socioeconomic characteristics, environmental factors and quality of health care facilitates available in the geographical location. Case Report: This paper presents a case of 45-year-old female patient diagnosed with moderately differentiated squa-mous cell carcinoma of the maxilla. The treatment provided was right hemi-maxillectomy with split thickness skin grafting , followed by maxillary obturator for obliteration of the surgical defect and dental rehabilitation. Conclusion: The paper highlights comprehensive management of maxillary SCC to provide disease-free life, as well as restore the form and function post-operatively.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal dominant and recessive inherit... more Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal dominant and recessive inherited disorders of type I collagen metabolism. Clinical features of OI include multiple bone fractures, muscle weakness, joint laxity, skeletal deformities, blue sclerae, hearing loss, and dentinogenesis imperfecta. This report presents a challenging case of multiple mandibular fractures in a five years old child with OI, which was successfully treated with a new, minimally invasive technique of closed reduction with arch bar retained thermoformed splint.
Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has hi... more Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has high recurrence potential. Case Report: This paper reports a case of KCOT in left hem-imandible with buccal and lingual cortical perforations. The case was treated by segmental resection with disarticulation and reconstructed with avascular fibula graft. Postoperative prosthetic rehabilitation was done with cast partial denture. Conclusion: For complete management of KCOT involving hemimandible, a treatment plan of resection and reconstruction with long term follow up should be carried out. Also the patient's deformity should be prosthetically rehabilitated to give him a functionally and esthetically acceptable dentition.
Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has hi... more Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has high recurrence potential. Case Report: This paper reports a case of KCOT in left hem-imandible with buccal and lingual cortical perforations. The case was treated by segmental resection with disarticulation and reconstructed with avascular fibula graft. Postoperative prosthetic rehabilitation was done with cast partial denture. Conclusion: For complete management of KCOT involving hemimandible, a treatment plan of resection and reconstruction with long term follow up should be carried out. Also the patient's deformity should be prosthetically rehabilitated to give him a functionally and esthetically acceptable dentition.
Oral cancer is serious and growing problem in many parts of the comprises more than 90% of all or... more Oral cancer is serious and growing problem in many parts of the comprises more than 90% of all oral cancers. The etiology is multifactorial. The current case highlights the importance of assessing tooth mobility or other signs of periodontal diseases in an otherwise healthy mouth should thorough habit history, clinical and radiographic examination. This would avoid the chance of misdiagnosis and help in early treatment of the lesion.
Nasopalatine duct cyst is a non-odontogenic developmental cyst typically located in the maxillary... more Nasopalatine duct cyst is a non-odontogenic developmental cyst typically located in the maxillary midline between the tooth roots of central incisors. Unlike radicular cyst which is also associated with tooth roots, nasopalatine duct cysts are infrequent and can often be misdiagnosed as periapical lesion or cyst. This paper reports a case of nasopalatine duct cyst in a 57 year old male patient. Clinical presentation, radiological appearance, microscopic features and management of the lesion is presented.
Background: Preservation of tooth/roots for proprioception is widely known and accepted by the de... more Background: Preservation of tooth/roots for proprioception is widely known and accepted by the dental profession. Overdentures especially in mandibular ridge plays a crucial role in enhanced retention, thus satisfying the patient. Magnets have been widely used for this purpose, but the tedious laboratory techniques limit its use. Recently, developed magnetic systems eliminates the tedious laboratory procedures, at the same time provides enhanced retention. This case report avails the benefits of this system for enhancing retention in mandibular ridge.
Introduction: Presence of numerous minor salivary gland tissues in the posterior part of hard pal... more Introduction: Presence of numerous minor salivary gland tissues in the posterior part of hard palate increases the possibility of occurrence of salivary gland neoplasms in this area of oral cavity. Minor salivary gland tumor accounts for about 15% of all the salivary gland neoplasm, of which mucoepidermoid carcinoma accounts to about 35.9%. Case report: This article reports a case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma involving the posterior part of hard palate, presenting as a mucosal ulcer. The lesion was treated by wide surgical excision and healing of the palatal mucosal defect by secondary intention. Conclusion: The paper highlights the importance of prompt clinical diagnosis of such lesions, thereby reducing postoperative morbidity.
A mucocele is a common pathological lesion involving the minor salivary glands. It usually presen... more A mucocele is a common pathological lesion involving the minor salivary glands. It usually presents as an asymptomatic small superficial swelling over the lower labial mucosa. However, uncommon variants of oral mucoceles sometimes occur. Such lesions may be difficult to diagnose due to their unusual size and atypical clinical presentation. This article describes the case of a deeply embedded large mucocele over the buccal mucosa. Ultrasonography was used to visualize the size and position of the lesion, and aspiration was used to help in the eventual diagnosis. An intraoral approach was used in the complete removal of the lesion.
Autotransplantation can provide a patient with all the benefits of natural tooth, and can be
an i... more Autotransplantation can provide a patient with all the benefits of natural tooth, and can be an important treatment option for tooth replacement especially in young individuals. However it is seldom considered as treatment option, in large part because of lack of knowledge of the procedure. This case report describes use of autotransplantation technique successfully to replace grossly decayed 1st mandibular molar with atraumatically removed impacted mandibular 3rd molar in a young patient.
Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a cyst of tooth origin with an aggressive clinical behavior inclu... more Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a cyst of tooth origin with an aggressive clinical behavior including a high recurrence rate. OKC was first described by Phillipsen in 1956. It is one of the most aggressive odontogenic cysts of the oral cavity. OKC is known for its tendency to invade the adjacent tissues including bone. It shows rapid growth and may grow to large size involving greater portion of bony jaw. This article reports a case of large OKC of posterior mandible.
The present study was undertaken to access the level of knowledge and attitude of patients toward... more The present study was undertaken to access the level of knowledge and attitude of patients toward implant treatment as an option for replacement of missing teeth.
Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is a rare congenital musculoskeletal disorder characterized... more Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is a rare congenital musculoskeletal disorder characterized by unilateral shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). It presents in newborn infants or young children with reported incidence ranging from 0.3% to 2%. Owing to effective shortening of SCM on the involved side there is ipsilateral head tilt and contralateral rotation of the face and chin. This article reports a case of CMT in a 3½-year-old male child successfully managed by surgical release of the involved SCM followed by physiotherapy.
Although nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common tumor
of head and neck region, its incidence ... more Although nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common tumor of head and neck region, its incidence is quite low in younger age group. It shows variable presentation depending on stage at which the diagnosis is made. Growth of the lesion in nasopharynx usually present with nasal obstruction, epistaxis and nasal discharge. Extension of the primary lesion may lead to ear symptoms, cranial nerve palsy and headache. In advanced stage, cervical and systemic metastasis may be the sole presenting feature. This article reports case of NPC in young patient presenting with cervical mass and unilateral headache.
Brown tumour [BT] is an uncommon, non neoplastic complication of Hyperparathyroidism [HPT]. Skele... more Brown tumour [BT] is an uncommon, non neoplastic complication of Hyperparathyroidism [HPT]. Skeletal changes are the main consequences of this endocrine condition. HPT manifest in three categories. Primary HPT is due to hyperfunction of one or more parathyroid gland, causing an increase of parathyroid hormone secretion resulting in hypercalcemia. Secondary HPT occurs due to chronic renal failure, decreased vitamin D production or with hypocalcemia. Tertiary HPT occurs when the parathyroid activity turns autonomous and excessive, leading to hypercalcemia. BT occurs frequently in the mandible than the maxilla. They are more common in women aged over 50y and majority of BT are asymptomatic. Radiographically, it appears as well defined radioluceny. The gross specimen usually shows a brown or reddish-brown colour. We report a relatively rare combination of maxillary posterior BT as a clinical manifestation of secondary HPT due to vitamin D deficiency with polydactyly, syndactyly and cardiac anomalies.
Solitary central osteomas of jaw are extremely rare lesions with only few previously documented c... more Solitary central osteomas of jaw are extremely rare lesions with only few previously documented cases. This paper reports a case of large solitary central osteoma involving mandible symphysis-parasymphysis region in an elderly female patient. A brief review of similar cases reported in the literature is also provided in this paper.
Introduction: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant neoplasm, originating from the or... more Introduction: Oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a malignant neoplasm, originating from the oral epithelium. Incidence and mortality rates for oral SCC may vary depending on personal habits, socioeconomic characteristics, environmental factors and quality of health care facilitates available in the geographical location. Case Report: This paper presents a case of 45-year-old female patient diagnosed with moderately differentiated squa-mous cell carcinoma of the maxilla. The treatment provided was right hemi-maxillectomy with split thickness skin grafting , followed by maxillary obturator for obliteration of the surgical defect and dental rehabilitation. Conclusion: The paper highlights comprehensive management of maxillary SCC to provide disease-free life, as well as restore the form and function post-operatively.
Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal dominant and recessive inherit... more Osteogenesis Imperfecta (OI) is a heterogeneous group of autosomal dominant and recessive inherited disorders of type I collagen metabolism. Clinical features of OI include multiple bone fractures, muscle weakness, joint laxity, skeletal deformities, blue sclerae, hearing loss, and dentinogenesis imperfecta. This report presents a challenging case of multiple mandibular fractures in a five years old child with OI, which was successfully treated with a new, minimally invasive technique of closed reduction with arch bar retained thermoformed splint.
Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has hi... more Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has high recurrence potential. Case Report: This paper reports a case of KCOT in left hem-imandible with buccal and lingual cortical perforations. The case was treated by segmental resection with disarticulation and reconstructed with avascular fibula graft. Postoperative prosthetic rehabilitation was done with cast partial denture. Conclusion: For complete management of KCOT involving hemimandible, a treatment plan of resection and reconstruction with long term follow up should be carried out. Also the patient's deformity should be prosthetically rehabilitated to give him a functionally and esthetically acceptable dentition.
Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has hi... more Introduction: Keratocystic Odontogenic tumor (KCOT) is a odontogenic neoplasm of jaw which has high recurrence potential. Case Report: This paper reports a case of KCOT in left hem-imandible with buccal and lingual cortical perforations. The case was treated by segmental resection with disarticulation and reconstructed with avascular fibula graft. Postoperative prosthetic rehabilitation was done with cast partial denture. Conclusion: For complete management of KCOT involving hemimandible, a treatment plan of resection and reconstruction with long term follow up should be carried out. Also the patient's deformity should be prosthetically rehabilitated to give him a functionally and esthetically acceptable dentition.
Oral cancer is serious and growing problem in many parts of the comprises more than 90% of all or... more Oral cancer is serious and growing problem in many parts of the comprises more than 90% of all oral cancers. The etiology is multifactorial. The current case highlights the importance of assessing tooth mobility or other signs of periodontal diseases in an otherwise healthy mouth should thorough habit history, clinical and radiographic examination. This would avoid the chance of misdiagnosis and help in early treatment of the lesion.
Nasopalatine duct cyst is a non-odontogenic developmental cyst typically located in the maxillary... more Nasopalatine duct cyst is a non-odontogenic developmental cyst typically located in the maxillary midline between the tooth roots of central incisors. Unlike radicular cyst which is also associated with tooth roots, nasopalatine duct cysts are infrequent and can often be misdiagnosed as periapical lesion or cyst. This paper reports a case of nasopalatine duct cyst in a 57 year old male patient. Clinical presentation, radiological appearance, microscopic features and management of the lesion is presented.
Background: Preservation of tooth/roots for proprioception is widely known and accepted by the de... more Background: Preservation of tooth/roots for proprioception is widely known and accepted by the dental profession. Overdentures especially in mandibular ridge plays a crucial role in enhanced retention, thus satisfying the patient. Magnets have been widely used for this purpose, but the tedious laboratory techniques limit its use. Recently, developed magnetic systems eliminates the tedious laboratory procedures, at the same time provides enhanced retention. This case report avails the benefits of this system for enhancing retention in mandibular ridge.
Introduction: Presence of numerous minor salivary gland tissues in the posterior part of hard pal... more Introduction: Presence of numerous minor salivary gland tissues in the posterior part of hard palate increases the possibility of occurrence of salivary gland neoplasms in this area of oral cavity. Minor salivary gland tumor accounts for about 15% of all the salivary gland neoplasm, of which mucoepidermoid carcinoma accounts to about 35.9%. Case report: This article reports a case of mucoepidermoid carcinoma involving the posterior part of hard palate, presenting as a mucosal ulcer. The lesion was treated by wide surgical excision and healing of the palatal mucosal defect by secondary intention. Conclusion: The paper highlights the importance of prompt clinical diagnosis of such lesions, thereby reducing postoperative morbidity.
A mucocele is a common pathological lesion involving the minor salivary glands. It usually presen... more A mucocele is a common pathological lesion involving the minor salivary glands. It usually presents as an asymptomatic small superficial swelling over the lower labial mucosa. However, uncommon variants of oral mucoceles sometimes occur. Such lesions may be difficult to diagnose due to their unusual size and atypical clinical presentation. This article describes the case of a deeply embedded large mucocele over the buccal mucosa. Ultrasonography was used to visualize the size and position of the lesion, and aspiration was used to help in the eventual diagnosis. An intraoral approach was used in the complete removal of the lesion.
Autotransplantation can provide a patient with all the benefits of natural tooth, and can be
an i... more Autotransplantation can provide a patient with all the benefits of natural tooth, and can be an important treatment option for tooth replacement especially in young individuals. However it is seldom considered as treatment option, in large part because of lack of knowledge of the procedure. This case report describes use of autotransplantation technique successfully to replace grossly decayed 1st mandibular molar with atraumatically removed impacted mandibular 3rd molar in a young patient.
Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a cyst of tooth origin with an aggressive clinical behavior inclu... more Odontogenic keratocyst (OKC) is a cyst of tooth origin with an aggressive clinical behavior including a high recurrence rate. OKC was first described by Phillipsen in 1956. It is one of the most aggressive odontogenic cysts of the oral cavity. OKC is known for its tendency to invade the adjacent tissues including bone. It shows rapid growth and may grow to large size involving greater portion of bony jaw. This article reports a case of large OKC of posterior mandible.
The present study was undertaken to access the level of knowledge and attitude of patients toward... more The present study was undertaken to access the level of knowledge and attitude of patients toward implant treatment as an option for replacement of missing teeth.
Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is a rare congenital musculoskeletal disorder characterized... more Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is a rare congenital musculoskeletal disorder characterized by unilateral shortening of the sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM). It presents in newborn infants or young children with reported incidence ranging from 0.3% to 2%. Owing to effective shortening of SCM on the involved side there is ipsilateral head tilt and contralateral rotation of the face and chin. This article reports a case of CMT in a 3½-year-old male child successfully managed by surgical release of the involved SCM followed by physiotherapy.
Although nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common tumor
of head and neck region, its incidence ... more Although nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) is a common tumor of head and neck region, its incidence is quite low in younger age group. It shows variable presentation depending on stage at which the diagnosis is made. Growth of the lesion in nasopharynx usually present with nasal obstruction, epistaxis and nasal discharge. Extension of the primary lesion may lead to ear symptoms, cranial nerve palsy and headache. In advanced stage, cervical and systemic metastasis may be the sole presenting feature. This article reports case of NPC in young patient presenting with cervical mass and unilateral headache.
Brown tumour [BT] is an uncommon, non neoplastic complication of Hyperparathyroidism [HPT]. Skele... more Brown tumour [BT] is an uncommon, non neoplastic complication of Hyperparathyroidism [HPT]. Skeletal changes are the main consequences of this endocrine condition. HPT manifest in three categories. Primary HPT is due to hyperfunction of one or more parathyroid gland, causing an increase of parathyroid hormone secretion resulting in hypercalcemia. Secondary HPT occurs due to chronic renal failure, decreased vitamin D production or with hypocalcemia. Tertiary HPT occurs when the parathyroid activity turns autonomous and excessive, leading to hypercalcemia. BT occurs frequently in the mandible than the maxilla. They are more common in women aged over 50y and majority of BT are asymptomatic. Radiographically, it appears as well defined radioluceny. The gross specimen usually shows a brown or reddish-brown colour. We report a relatively rare combination of maxillary posterior BT as a clinical manifestation of secondary HPT due to vitamin D deficiency with polydactyly, syndactyly and cardiac anomalies.
Papers by Kumar Nilesh
This article describes the case of a deeply embedded large mucocele over the buccal mucosa. Ultrasonography was used to visualize the size and position of the lesion, and aspiration was used to help in the eventual diagnosis. An intraoral approach was used in the complete removal of the lesion.
an important treatment option for tooth replacement especially in young individuals. However
it is seldom considered as treatment option, in large part because of lack of knowledge of the
procedure. This case report describes use of autotransplantation technique successfully to
replace grossly decayed 1st mandibular molar with atraumatically removed impacted mandibular
3rd molar in a young patient.
recurrence rate. OKC was first described by Phillipsen in 1956. It is one of the most aggressive odontogenic
cysts of the oral cavity. OKC is known for its tendency to invade the adjacent tissues including bone. It shows
rapid growth and may grow to large size involving greater portion of bony jaw. This article reports a case of
large OKC of posterior mandible.
of head and neck region, its incidence is quite low in younger
age group. It shows variable presentation depending on stage
at which the diagnosis is made. Growth of the lesion in nasopharynx
usually present with nasal obstruction, epistaxis and
nasal discharge. Extension of the primary lesion may lead to
ear symptoms, cranial nerve palsy and headache. In advanced
stage, cervical and systemic metastasis may be the sole presenting
This article reports case of NPC in young patient presenting
with cervical mass and unilateral headache.
This article describes the case of a deeply embedded large mucocele over the buccal mucosa. Ultrasonography was used to visualize the size and position of the lesion, and aspiration was used to help in the eventual diagnosis. An intraoral approach was used in the complete removal of the lesion.
an important treatment option for tooth replacement especially in young individuals. However
it is seldom considered as treatment option, in large part because of lack of knowledge of the
procedure. This case report describes use of autotransplantation technique successfully to
replace grossly decayed 1st mandibular molar with atraumatically removed impacted mandibular
3rd molar in a young patient.
recurrence rate. OKC was first described by Phillipsen in 1956. It is one of the most aggressive odontogenic
cysts of the oral cavity. OKC is known for its tendency to invade the adjacent tissues including bone. It shows
rapid growth and may grow to large size involving greater portion of bony jaw. This article reports a case of
large OKC of posterior mandible.
of head and neck region, its incidence is quite low in younger
age group. It shows variable presentation depending on stage
at which the diagnosis is made. Growth of the lesion in nasopharynx
usually present with nasal obstruction, epistaxis and
nasal discharge. Extension of the primary lesion may lead to
ear symptoms, cranial nerve palsy and headache. In advanced
stage, cervical and systemic metastasis may be the sole presenting
This article reports case of NPC in young patient presenting
with cervical mass and unilateral headache.