Hicha! Welcome to Kikyou Stills! What's the purpose of this community? To give awards out each week to great Kikyou avatar artists! Each week the participants much make an avatar to match the current "theme." Then on Saturday and Sunday, they will go up for voting. People will posts there votes under screened comments.
Still confused? I'm terrible at explaining things, so it's understandable! Visit some communities such as

- You can only submit one icon per theme.
- No animated avatars! That's why it's called Kikyou Stills!
- All icons must be 100x100 and less than 40 KB. In other words, you must be able to use it as a user picture.
- No cheating!!! That means no advertising. Don't go out and beg your friends to vote for you. I also expect all voters to vote for which icon they think is the best, not their friend's icon.
- Please list all credits for you avatars when you post them. That means where you got the image (unless you really can't remember or if it's yours), who made the templates you used, etc.
- If you do use an avatar that was posted here, please, please, please give the icon's owner credit.
- No flaming other's icons. If you don't like an icon, just keep your mouth shut. ^^;;
- Yes, you may vote for your icon if you think it deserves to win. ^^;;
- All icons must be related to Kikyou.
- You may use doujinshi. I ask that you not use fanart unless it's yours or if you have permission by the artist.
- Yes, mods may participate. I promise that me, as well as any other mods, do not and will not cheat. Any mod that I do catch cheating will be "fired" immediatly. I don't find it very fun to look at other people's entries before I make my icons, so trust me, my icons are made before anyone has posted their icons.

Themes will be posted on Monday (my time zone is Central Standard, for all that care) and submissions will run from Monday until Friday. On Saturday and Sunday, voting will take place. Post your submission by commenting on the theme post. Don't worry, all comments will be screened, so no one will have an advantage! If you can't comment for some odd reason, email me your submission. Please include the following when you submit your icon:
Actual Icon
Icon's URL
Icon credits


Voting will be Saturday through Sunday. You will comment on the voting post made by
First Place: ##
Second Place: ##
Third Place: ##
Special Category: ##
The first number is your vote for first place, second number is for second place, third number for third place, and the fourth number is for the special category.
Voting IS weighted, so it's important you vote by preference. A first place vote gets three 'points' on my talley, second place gets two 'points,' and third place gets one 'point.' The special category is unweighted. All votes for the special category equal one 'point.'

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If you would like to be an affiliate, please email me or comment on a post.