Week 22 -- Voting |
[21 Jul 2006|08:43pm] |
Kill me now. I know, I'm pathetic. While you're at it, go spork COX internet to death, why won't you? I've literally had little to no internet this last month. Livejournal hasn't been loading for me at all. The few times the internet has been up, I've not been home (**has been busy working for my mom's cleaning business**). x_x;; Hopefully the issue is resolved. I really didn't mean to drop off the face of the Earth like that.
Seven beautiful icons! Please vote in the following format:
1st Place: ## 2nd Place: ## 3rd Place: ##
##, ##, ##
Remember, please don't vote for yourself!
( Just click here.Collapse )
Extension |
[24 Jun 2006|03:56pm] |
[ |
mood |
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busy |
] |
Contest extended until Friday, June 30, at 9 PM U.S. Central Time. Please submit an icon...or two...or three when you get a chance! Click here to submit your icons!
Contest -- Week 22 |
[20 Jun 2006|12:31pm] |
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mood |
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discontent |
] |
The theme for this week is darkness. Interperate that however you want.
You may submit up to three icons which will be due Friday, June 23, at 9 PM U.S. Central Time. Have fun!
Week 20 { Banners } |
[18 Jun 2006|06:53pm] |
Banners for Weeks 20 "lyrical" are done! Comment to this post once you've picked yours up.
They're nothing speacial but I'm under big school stress. Next time they'll be better!
( even in deathCollapse )
Oh, don't forget to submit your icons if you havn't already. ^^
submit here
Voting -- Week 21 |
[17 Jun 2006|09:50pm] |
[ |
mood |
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sore |
] |
Yeah. I'm late. Sorry. As unbelievable as this may sound, I went to bed before icons were even due last night. o_O
Fourteen beautiful icons! Please vote in the following format:
1st Place: ## 2nd Place: ## 3rd Place: ## Special Category: ##
##, ##, ## ##
The special category this week is best typography!
Remember, please don't vote for yourself!
( Just click here.Collapse )
Winners -- Week 20 |
[16 Jun 2006|12:37pm] |
[ |
mood |
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super sore |
] |
*stops and remembers that I need to announce the winners* Oh...yeah.
Congrats to the winners! All the icons submitted were awesome, so it was SUPER close!
( Click here NOW!Collapse )
myuu_ has banners this week!
Mid-Week Reminder -- Week 21 |
[16 Jun 2006|12:36pm] |
[ |
mood |
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sore |
] |
Here's your super quick not-so-mid-week reminder. We have seven icons. We need more. Submit.
*trudges back to bed*
Voting -- Week 20 |
[12 Jun 2006|05:55pm] |
[ |
mood |
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sore |
] |
Sorry for being extra late on getting this up. I had some difficulties with the internet while at the convention.
Seventeen beautiful icons! Please vote in the following format:
1st Place: ## 2nd Place: ## 3rd Place: ## Special Category: ##
##, ##, ## SP: ##
The special category for these icons is best adaption.
Remember, please don't vote for yourself! Don't vote for an icon twice, either.
( Some say I'm crazy for my loveCollapse )
Extension |
[02 Jun 2006|10:19pm] |
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mood |
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cold |
] |
The Even in Death theme has been extended until next Saturday at 8 AM U.S. Central Time. Why so early in the morning and not on Friday? I'll be at A-Kon next week. I somehow doubt I'll have time to get online Friday night, and I'll be out at the convention for most of Saturday, so I'd rather get the voting post out of the way before I even...go downstairs...for the convention. (*gasp* You mean Amber actually got a room at the convention site this year...! Shocking!)
Submit your icons here!
Reminder |
[02 Jun 2006|05:25pm] |
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mood |
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tired |
] |
Just a reminder that your icons for the Even in Death theme are due in three and a half hours, at 9 PM U.S. Central Time. There are only six icons so far, from three users. ;_; That's not enough to really hold a contest. I'd hate to have to extend it! Remember, you may submit up to three icons!
[31 May 2006|03:26pm] |
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busy |
] |
And I've finally got the banners done~ :D I was going to use images as backgrounds, but when I received my second batch of banners (8 icons - lots of ties) I just... went simple *sweatdrop* So, only one banner had an image for a background. And don't go thinking I played favorites or anything D:
Contest -- Week 20 |
[29 May 2006|10:29pm] |
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mood |
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exhausted |
] |
We're finally at the twentieth contest! Bwaha! Awesomeness!
This week's contest is...*dum dum* LYRICAL! (That's so not because I'm in a hurry to get a theme up.)
( Lyrics are behind the cutCollapse )
You must use three consecutive words from the song on your icon. You may submit up to three icons which will be due Friday, June 2nd at 9 PM U.S. Central Time.
Winners -- Week 19 |
[29 May 2006|10:22pm] |
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mood |
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exhausted |
] |
Winners are under the cut. Congrats!
( ClickCollapse )
hoshi3, you wouldn't mind doing banners, would you? If you can't, I'll get them done...at some point. *looks at my current pile of junk I need to work through*
Voting -- Week 19 |
[27 May 2006|04:51pm] |
[ |
mood |
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hungry |
] |
Seven beautiful icons! Please vote in the following format:
1st Place: ## 2nd Place: ## 3rd Place: ## Special Category: ##
##, ##, ## SP: ##
The special category for these icons is best colors.
Remember, please don't vote for yourself! Don't vote for an icon twice.
( Clicketh for the iconsCollapse )
Contest -- Week 19 |
[23 May 2006|05:42pm] |
[ |
mood |
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bitchy |
] |
Three part theme! Yayness! I don't do these too often.

Images: ( ClickethCollapse )
Word Theme: The word theme is obsession. Interperate that however you want.
One icon per theme, please! That means you may submit up to three icons. Icons are due Saturday at 5 PM U.S. Central Time. I'm giving you guys some extra time since I was late getting the theme up. Don't be shocked if I'm a bit late (aren't I always...? XD). I'm going to be out of town for Memorial Day, though I should be at the motel and have internet access by that time.