Universitas Islam Negeri Alauddin Makassar
Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum
This article aims to overview some hadith[s] concerning justice and equality among wives in the practice of polygamy. This is literature-based research. In this study, documentation technique was employed in order to collect the data and... more
This study is aimed to establish the principles of fiqh and alternative solutions in the halal industry, particularly the study of gelatin as a part of ingredients that are often used in the food and pharmaceutical industry. The critical... more
Vaccination has become a controversial discourse among Indonesian people, especially Muslims who have their own rules on the use of prohibited elements. The main reason for prohibiting vaccines is the hadith ‘Walātadāwaw bi ḥarām’. This... more
The insignificance of modern reality to the Prophet Muhammad [pbuh]’s statements and policies determines hadith misperception. This research examines the Prophet Muhammad [pbuh]’s assurance that Madinah was sterile from the ṭā‘ūn as a... more
The stereotype of Islam as an extremist religion is often associated with adherence in a good-looking character to the practices of ritual piety. This study aims to discuss the Hadith that allegedly refers to the presence of good-looking... more
The term auliyā' is usually interpreted by the community as the leader, this is supported by interviews conducted by the researchers as well as the reports regarding the change in the meaning of auliyā in surah al-Maidah verse 51 by... more
Ho dan pondok pesantren di atas tanah seluas 3000 m2. Pembinaan pondok pesantren bertujuan memberi kesempatan yang sebesar-besarnya kepada para mualaf, khususnya dalam kalangan kaum Tionghoa, untuk mempelajari dan mempraktikkan Islam.... more
Generally, abortion done in case of unwanted pregnancy and was usually motivated by a variety of factors, including economic, social, contraceptive failure in married couples, as well as sex of unmarriad couples. Islam strictly prohibits... more
Arus teknologi informasi berdampak terhadap gaya hidup masyarakat tak terkecuali mahasiswa Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan spiritual dan gaya hidup hedonisme terhadap manajemen keuangan pribadi mahasiswa... more
This study investigates Moslem taxpayers' behavior in relation to the concept of Islam, the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and cognitive social theory (CST). Tax is an important issue for the country's development. It is an obligation... more
In terms of financial, each individual has its own variables that determines their decision making. Based on the previous researches, individual financial behavior was impacted by internal factors of individual. Those internal factors are... more
Indonesia is experiencing a stable and rapid Islamic economy process since the emergence of Islamic banking. Asides from the development, some scholars argued that Islamic banking does not completely comply with primary Islamic... more
Seiring dengan berubahnya ilmu pengetahuan, paradigma telah melalui evolusi dan berkembang sehingga dapat diterapkan untuk kepentingan masyarakat. Pendekatan multiparadigma menawarkan konsep yang luas secara esensial dari teori dan... more
The youths are characterized by their reckless and ambitious behavior. They exhibit a strong tendency to make risky decisions that may jeopardize their future. These qualities are also in line with their experience-seeking behavior. As... more
Small and Medium Enterprises in the city of Makassar continue to experience rapid development. One of the challenges in Small and Medium Enterprises in Makassar is the low financial performance of SMEs. This is caused by low productivity... more
Small and Medium Enterprises in the city of Makassar continue to experience rapid development. One of the challenges in Small and Medium Enterprises in Makassar is the low financial performance of SMEs. This is caused by low productivity... more
ABSTRAK Nilai perusahaan merupakan hal yang penting bagi perusahaan yang ditentukan dari keputusan keuangan yang dibuat oleh pihak manajemen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh antara keputusan keuangan baik keputusan... more
ABSTRAK Nilai perusahaan merupakan hal yang penting bagi perusahaan yang ditentukan dari keputusan keuangan yang dibuat oleh pihak manajemen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisa pengaruh antara keputusan keuangan baik keputusan... more
Islamic investment has arisen as an excellent choice for investors to invest in following their beliefs. Religiosity and financial knowledge as part of personal factors were claimed to stimulus investors in investment decision-making.... more