Without light, there is
no color. When people see colors, they are really seeing different types of light bouncing off objects.
Light travels in waves. Scientists use an idea called wavelength to describe these waves. Some light waves have long wavelengths, while others have short wavelengths. Light of different wavelengths appears as different colors. For example, red light has a long wavelength, and violet light has a short wavelength. Normally all the wavelengths, or colors, travel together as white light.
When white light passes through a special piece of glass called a prism, the light bends. Shorter wavelengths (violet, blue, and green) bend more than longer wavelengths (yellow, orange, and red). This bending causes the white light to separate into the colors of the rainbow.
White light also separates into different colors when it strikes objects. For example, when white light strikes a ripe tomato, mostly red wavelengths reflect, or bounce, off the tomato. The tomato absorbs, or takes in, all the other colors. This causes the tomato to look red.
Three colors of light—red, blue, and green—can combine to make any other color. For example, if a beam of green light shines over a beam of red light, yellow light appears. Red, blue, and green are called primary colors of light. Mixtures of the primary colors of light produce all the other colors.
To make colors appear in printed books, people use inks. Inks, paints, dyes, and crayons get their color from pigments, or substances that reflect certain colors of light. The three primary colors of pigments are magenta (a purplish red), yellow, and cyan (a blue-green). Different mixtures of these colors can make all other colors. For example, mixing cyan ink and yellow ink makes green ink.
Cells in the eyes called cones make it possible for humans to see color. Different types of cones absorb different colors. Some people are color blind. This does not necessarily mean that they cannot see any color at all. More commonly, people with color blindness think certain colors, such as red and green, look the same.
Scientists believe that apes and monkeys can see color as humans do. Some other mammals, such as cats, may be color blind. Birds and fish seem to recognize different colors. Scientists think that bees can see ultraviolet colors (colors with a shorter wavelength than violet), which humans cannot see.
Colors can tell animals important things about their surroundings. A colorful flower may attract certain insects. Those insects can get food from the flowers. They can also help the flower spread its pollen to create new flowers. Color can tell humans that fruits such as oranges are ripe and ready to eat. A colorful bird can attract a mate. Color can also help certain plants and animals survive. For example, some animals have colors or markings that are similar to the habitat in which they live. This helps them hide from other animals that may want to attack them.