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This case study examines the experiences of an African American student’s successful second language acquisition in Korea. There is an increasing number of multicultural families in Korea; but few research on African American students’... more
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This study includes three students’ whose country origin is of a political and economic success, therefore the pursuit to learn English is important. The participants evaluated in this study are two students of Korean descent and one... more
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Through the use of speech software technology, this paper examines the effects of voice interactions within the inner circle of English. The fundamental frequency (F0) was obtained by analyzing native speakers (aged 30-55) speech effects... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguagePhonetics and PronunciationPhonetics and Phonology
This case study examines the experiences of an African American student’s successful second language acquisition in Korea. There is an increasing number of multicultural families in Korea; but few research on African American students’... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionKorean language
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      Film StudiesNationalismTransnational CinemaMonsters and the Monstrous
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      Film StudiesAnimationMartial ArtsTransnational Cinema
Michel Chion's concept of the "acousmêtre" is useful when exploring the spectator's cinematic experience in regard to the juxtaposition of sound and image, as the acousmatic presence troubles the false sense of unity that is created by... more
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      Film StudiesSound
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      Film StudiesHeterotopiaVirtual WorldsTransnational Cinema
In this essay I examine the tension among the varying levels of global mobility associated with multiple spectral bodies that haunt the textual, intertextual and production spaces of the film, Shutter (2008), a Hollywood/Japanese remake... more
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      Film StudiesHorror FilmCosmopolitanismThe uncanny
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      Television StudiesAfrican American Studies
This book challenges the widespread tendency among audiences and critics to disregard the material conditions of digital film production. Drawing on interviews with directors, producers, special effects supervisors, and other film... more
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      Digital MediaHeterotopiaGlobal mediaFilm Production
This essay analyzes two Korean films, Coin Locker Girl (Chinatown, Han Jun-hee, 2015) and Missing (Missing: Sarajin Yeoja, Lee Eon-hie, 2016), to consider how the films’ spaces exhibit traces of transnational mobility. Considering how... more
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      Korean StudiesKorean cinemaSpaceThe uncanny
This essay analyzes Korean films, Traffickers (Gongmojadeul, Hong-seon Kim, 2012), Sea Fog (Haemoo, Sungbo Shim, 2014), and The Yellow Sea (Hwanghae, Na Hong-jin, 2010), to examine the motif of fragmented bodies and perilous cross-border... more
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      GlobalizationViolenceNationalismBorder Crossing
This article examines how contemporary media art and popular culture, vernacular cultural practices, and digital technologies express and actualize aspirations for global mobility. This task is propelled by the need to question the... more
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In this essay I examine the tension among the varying levels of global mobility associated with multiple spectral bodies that haunt the textual, intertextual and production spaces of the film, Shutter (2008), a Hollywood/Japanese remake... more
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    • Spectator
This article mobilizes the motif of digital reincarnation to examine the regenerating bodies and the multiple lives of the mummy in The Mummy franchise. I read the body of the mummy as a cyborg hybrid because it features enhanced powers... more
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      Digital MediaDigital CinemaFilm ProductionVisual Effects
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      DeleuzeTaiwanese Cinema
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