? ?
Journal created:
on 9 June 2007 (#13127319)
on 13 September 2008
Great Unknown - The Mysterious Plains
Posting Access:
All Members
The Great Unknown
A knotholecentral Game Community

The Great Unknown, as the name implies, is one of the most mysterious and hazardous areas of Mobius. Riddled with faultlines and strange electrical phenomena, the Great Unknown is largely uninhabited - and thus perfect for weapons testing, flight training, and other potentially dangerous activities as well as searching for magical or valuable items enterprising people may have hidden here in times past.

This community is for in-game posts only. If you have not entered the game, please go here.

Keep everything in character. Just about anything goes out here - it's called the Great Unknown for a reason, and it's up to the characters to explore it. Want to train, find an artifact, or search for ruins or recruits? Go for it! (Note that artifacts which significantly change dynamics must be cleared with mods.)

All in all, keep to the general game guidelines, respect each other, and have fun!
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