Papers by Balarabe Yushau
Abstract The paper looks at interrelationships between creativity and technology in the teaching ... more Abstract The paper looks at interrelationships between creativity and technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics. It suggests that a proper use of various technologies especially computers in the teaching and learning of mathematics has the potential of helping learners to develop their creativity.
Abstract Students usually experience severe problems when the medium of instruction changes from ... more Abstract Students usually experience severe problems when the medium of instruction changes from their native language to another one. This phenomenon in the case of mathematics education brings dire consequences if unchecked by mathematics educators.
Abstract Curve sketching is one of the best ways to visualize and investigate the behavior of fun... more Abstract Curve sketching is one of the best ways to visualize and investigate the behavior of functions and equations. Graphs convey a lot more information about functions than algebraic expressions would. In this note we shall show how to use MS Excel to graph different types of functions and equations. Applications to zooming, root finding, parametric studies and online curve graphing will be given.
Summary This project deals with the issues related to Pre-Calculus and Calculus (PCC) courses at ... more Summary This project deals with the issues related to Pre-Calculus and Calculus (PCC) courses at KFUPM. It was conducted in a form of experiment in the on-going Calculus classes during the academic terms 042 and 051. As narrated in the Project Proposal, one of its main objectives is to determine the students' deficiencies which they carry from the Pre-Calculus material at the time of entering Calculus I.
Abstract: This study examines the influence of blended e-learning on students' attitude towards m... more Abstract: This study examines the influence of blended e-learning on students' attitude towards mathematics and computers. A random sample of 70 students of the preparatory year program of King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran served as the sample of this study. Data were collected at the beginning (pre-program) and the end (post-program) of the semester using Aiken Mathematics Attitude Scale and Greessen and Loyd Computer Attitude Scale.
Mathematics achievement has been of great concern to researchers involved in mathematics educatio... more Mathematics achievement has been of great concern to researchers involved in mathematics education. This concern led to the seeking of the factors that affect positively or negatively student performance in mathematics. The factors relevant to mathematics teaching and learning have been studied in general. In this study, we investigated the factors contributing to student achievement in mathematics when learning takes place in a computer-aided environment.
Mathematics achievement has been of great concern to researchers involved in mathematics educatio... more Mathematics achievement has been of great concern to researchers involved in mathematics education. This concern has resulted in research seeking to determine for example, the factors that positively or negatively contribute to student performance in mathematics. Many of the reported studies in the literature have investigated the factors within the context of mathematics teaching and learning in general.
TMME, vol4, no. 1, p. 84 The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, ISSN 1551-3440, Vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 8... more TMME, vol4, no. 1, p. 84 The Montana Mathematics Enthusiast, ISSN 1551-3440, Vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 84-92 2007© The Montana Council of Teachers of Mathematics Numerical Methods with MS Excel M. El-Gebeily & B. Yushau1 Department of Mathematical Sciences King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals. Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. Abstract: In this note we show how MS Excel can be used to to perform numerical Integration, specifically Trapezoidal Rule and Simson's rule. Futhermore, we illustrate how to generate Lagranges Interpolation polynomial.
Recently the concern of mathematics educators has been shifted to students learning rather than t... more Recently the concern of mathematics educators has been shifted to students learning rather than teachers teaching. As a result, students centered approach in teaching mathematics is getting more attention. The implication of this paradigm shift is not just in these changes in instructional practices, but also in the teachers' belief and conceptions of what mathematics is all about. Rene Thom (1972) noted that “All mathematical pedagogy, even if scarcely coherent, rest on a philosophy of mathematics”(p. 204).
One unique feature of the computer as a teaching and learning tool is visualization. This powerfu... more One unique feature of the computer as a teaching and learning tool is visualization. This powerful visualization capacity of the computer is unprecedented and incomparable with all other traditional teaching aids. Now abstract concepts that have proved difficult for teachers to explain or for students to grasp using traditional teaching approaches or aids can now easily be produced and understood using the powerful animation and graphical display capabilities of computers.
ABSTRACT. As the pedagogical-effectiveness of information technology (IT) in mathematics educatio... more ABSTRACT. As the pedagogical-effectiveness of information technology (IT) in mathematics education is carefully established the topic of discourse among mathematicians and mathematics educators is no longer a dispute about whether or not to use IT in the teaching and learning of mathematics but a shift to some debate about the when and how of its usage.
Abstract This paper presents a qualitative and quantitative study on the response to word problem... more Abstract This paper presents a qualitative and quantitative study on the response to word problems of bilingual Arab students in a preparatory year math program, in an English medium university. Dichotomous and polychotomous grading schemes were used in order to investigate the students' responses to word problems. Among the results, it was found that the more linguistically loaded a word problem is the more likely students may try to avoid them.
Abstract This paper presents the results of a longitudinal study conducted to investigate the eff... more Abstract This paper presents the results of a longitudinal study conducted to investigate the effect of preparatory-year programme courses on students' performance in first calculus course. Another variable included in the study is the role of the semester in which students take the first calculus courses. The data consists of grade records of more than two thousands students tracked over seven semesters, and comes from bilingual Arab students studying at an English medium university.
Papers by Balarabe Yushau