Karl-Franzens-University of Graz
Institut für Germanistik
In our project, we explore interactional challenges experienced by students and teachers in higher education digital learning due to the COVID-19 crisis. For this purpose, we conducted qualitative interviews with Styrian university... more
In the German-speaking world, we have books on Scanderbeg starting from XVI century. The primary source of the German historiography on Scanderbeg was Marin Barleti’s work “Historia de vita et gesti Skanderbegii” which was translated by... more
The aim of this article is to provide a short overview of the medieval history of Dejë and Sardë, two towns that were situated in the vicinity of Shkodra and used to be real urban centers composed of all the elements of medieval towns,... more
This article discusses facts mainly extracted from the relations between Kraja parishes during the 16th and 17th centuries, a period belonging to the Ottoman occupation. These parishes and villages were Shiroka , Mesilji, Vallasi, Zogaj,... more
Për të pasqyruar sa më saktë persekutimin dhe dënimin e tij nga shteti komunist u mbështeta kryesisht në të dhëna dokumentare arkivore. Dhe në disa artikuj të botuara në shtypin shqiptar vite ma parë. Se kush ishte Lef Nosi, dhe cili qe... more
Drishti (also called Drivasto during Middle Ages) stands around 12-13 km close to Shkodra, in the region of Postriba. This city's castle is thought to date from the Roman or the Illyrian times. During the early middle ages, the city has... more
Summary The article gives an overview of the most important families of the medieval Albanian town of Drivasto, presenting some of them. Noble families of origin from Drivasto encountered in documents are numerous, however, as for any... more
Before the Ottoman conquest, the Diocese of Drishti (Drivasto) had many churches and chapels, and the researchers qualified it as a nursery of Albanian Catholic clergy in the Middle Age. The churches of Drishti were thick-walled. And so... more