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Keys In A Pot - A FootballSlash Spin-Off

two untitled fics
jalkapallo, jalkapallo2
Better late than never, right? :P I finally completed my two fics for this comm. Well, I completed the Christmas one in March but I thought I'd post them together. I hope this inspires someone else to finish/share their stuff. More fics is always a good thing!

for the Age-difference-kink! Party

"... Okay, next ones... Pavlyuchenko and Ramsey."

They looked to each other frowning and both of them got up and went to their rooms.

"Ooops... Anyway, let's finish this," Guti said. He took another two papers, "David, you with Juanín Mata..."

"Perfect," he said, getting up and guiding the kid to the room. Then Guti looked at both Bartra and Jeffren.

"This is going to be fun," he said. He took one paper. "Oh, it's me! Guti and... dun dun dun... Jeffren!"

"So me with Bartra?" Pep said. "Perfect."

i started this back in 2010 lolCollapse )

for Carles' Christmas keys

"Right," Iker cleared his throat. "... Roma."

"... and Pipita ...and reindeer socks that light up," showed Carles and the room started laughting.

"I wish I could see this," said Iker.

"Maybe we will tape it for you," said Pipa and winked at the Russian next to him.

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Where do you even get fresh strawberries in winter?
Pairing: Cristiano Ronaldo/Mesut Özil and strawberries
Artwork is Not Safe For Work, contains partial nudity.

A/N: There's too much of that in the entry at my journal already, so I spare you ;p

Mmmm... y/n?

Fic; Steven Gerrard/David Luiz
Title: Fuck Fuck
Author: totally_loca
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Steven Gerrard/David Luiz
Summary: JT says David Luiz is a good fuck. Steven’s about to find out if that’s true.
Disclaimer: None of this is real, except I borrowed two footballers’ names.
Author’s Notes: Written for Torres’ Chelsea/Liverpool Key Party. Sorry it’s late – blame no motivation and sporadic internet. I hope you enjoy.

Now fuck fuck?Collapse )

Nando's Party
Cesc Chelsea
Nando's Party

The Fics:

Andy Carroll/Raul Meireles ([info]lovintheladsIt's a Hard Ride
Fernando Torres/Doni/Josh McEachran ([info]acrayonsmile) Want
Jamie Carragher/Frank Lampard ([info]nandolove28)
Steven Gerrard/David Luiz ([info]totally_loca)
Juan Mata/Jose Enrique ([info]kitty69lover) The legend of the Wandering Ex-Valencianista
John Terry/Danny Agger ([info]spartan_muse)
Pepe Reina/Branislav Ivanovic ([info]trainmad)
Martin Kelly/Petr Cech ([info]elf_md) First Time

Still waiting on a few.  If anyone is unable to complete their fic, please let us know, and perhaps someone else will be able to finish it for you.


Title: Want
Pairing: Josh McEachran/Doni/Fernando Torres
Rating: NC17 for sex and language.
Disclaimer: This is completely and utterly not true.
Key Party: Nando’s Party
Summary: Josh came late. Doni and Fernando make sure he really wants it.

Fucking keepers.

Nando's Party
cute Nando
Title: Nando's Party
Participants: Fernando Torres, Andy Carroll, Raul Meireles, Doni, Josh McEachran, Jamie Carragher, Frank Lampard, Steven Gerrard, David Luiz, Juan Mata, Jose Enrique, John Terry, Danny Agger, Pepe Reina, Branislav Ivanovic, Martin Kelly, Petr Cech - with Cesc Fabregas
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Never at any time did this actually occur, ever
Words: 1300

A/N  I know I said I was going on hiatus, but I promised this and I keep my word.


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Nando's Party
Cesc Chelsea
You are cordially  invited to participate in Nando's Party.  Nando may be a Chelsea player now, but he still loves his Liverpool boys.  He's having a key party and inviting all of his Chelsea and Liverpool buddies.

So.  Wanna play?

Sign up below if you want to write/draw, etc a pairing.  It will be a Chelsea player with a Liverpool player.

Why?  Because acrayonsmile and I wanted to, and it's been TOO long since we've had a key party!

We'll take up to 8 writers.  Sign up NOW!


Not by the Rules of the Game
Stats: Carlos Bocanegra/Fernando Torres
NSFW. Not Safe For Work.
Discl.: Fictious artwork

Key Party: Cesc’s All American Party


Vodka for Everyone!
Title: Vodka for Everyone!
Author: totally_loca
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Sergio Ramos/Tim Howard
Summary: Sergio Ramos, Tim Howard, a bottle of vodka and a hotel room.
Disclaimer: None of this is real, except I borrowed two footballers’ names.
Author’s Notes: Written for Cesc’s All-American Key Party .

Vodka for All!

The Vodka Way
funny porn
Title: The Vodka Way
Pairing: Xavi Hernandez / Clint Dempsey
Rating: NC17
Disclaimer: as real as Jose Mourinho's integrity.
Key Party: Cesc’s All American Party
Summary: in order to prevent two strong characters from clashing, the two men allow the vodka to choose their fate.


“We could get naked and have sex right now.” Clint offered, his dark eyes locked with Xavi's.Collapse )