Better late than never, right? :P I finally completed my two fics for this comm. Well, I completed the Christmas one in March but I thought I'd post them together. I hope this inspires someone else to finish/share their stuff. More fics is always a good thing!
for the Age-difference-kink! Party
"... Okay, next ones... Pavlyuchenko and Ramsey."
They looked to each other frowning and both of them got up and went to their rooms.
"Ooops... Anyway, let's finish this," Guti said. He took another two papers, "David, you with Juanín Mata..."
"Perfect," he said, getting up and guiding the kid to the room. Then Guti looked at both Bartra and Jeffren.
"This is going to be fun," he said. He took one paper. "Oh, it's me! Guti and... dun dun dun... Jeffren!"
"So me with Bartra?" Pep said. "Perfect."
( i started this back in 2010 lolCollapse )
for Carles' Christmas keys
"Right," Iker cleared his throat. "... Roma."
"... and Pipita ...and reindeer socks that light up," showed Carles and the room started laughting.
"I wish I could see this," said Iker.
"Maybe we will tape it for you," said Pipa and winked at the Russian next to him.
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