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The Brāhmaṇa texts of Vedic literature are very important source books of Indian culture. Apart from being the earliest records of exegetical tradition of India , these are the rich sources of historical, mythological, religious,... more
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      HinduismIntellectual HistorySociology of ReligionCultural Sociology
This paper is a focused textual study on the 27th chapter of Nāṭyaśāstra. As is well known the Nāṭyaśāstra of Bharata is a comprehensive treatise on dramaturgy. Such a systematic work on dramaturgy could not have been conceived without... more
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      Dramatic LiteratureDramaturgyIndian studiesSanskrit language and literature
वाल्मीकिरामायणं न केवलं आदिकाव्यं, किन्तु काव्यशास्त्रेष्वप्यादिमम्  इति प्रतिपादयति। वाल्मीकेरेव वचांसि, तथा काळिदासस्य महाकवेः, एवमेव आनन्दवर्धन-अभिनवगुप्तादीनाम् आचार्याणां पङ्क्तीः उद्धृत्य समर्थ्यते।
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      Sanskrit language and literatureReligion Dharma Hinduism Swadhyaya Anthropology Environmental Studies EcologyDharmaLiterary Theory and Criticism
Mantrapraśna is a unique Vedic text. It is a collection of mantra-s to be recited in accompaniment of domestic rituals prescribed in the आपस्तम्बगृह्यसूत्र . Āpastamba , the author of this Gṛhyasūtra, has included this collection as... more
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      Indian studiesTextual CriticismSanskrit language and literatureSanskrit
The Śatapathabrāhmaṇa has recorded some of the old practices in the early stages of formation of the upanayana ritual. It seems that the upanayana ritual drew much from the sacrificial investiture ceremony of dīkṣā in its earliest stages.... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndian studiesVedic SanskritPrehistoric religion and r ritual a
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritReligion and Art, Sanskrit Studies, Sanskrit Aesthetics, Indian Philosophy, Indian Music, Dance and ArtsRasa and bhakti
Keḷallūr Nīlakanṭha Somayājin (b. 1444 CE) is a prominent member of the mathematical tradition that flourished in Central Kerala during 13th to 18th centuries CE. This tradition is said to have originated thoughts on Calculus. Nīlakanṭha... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of MathematicsIndian studiesHistory of Science
A Book on Kerala School of Mathematics - Proceedings of the UGC sponsored National Seminar on KERALA SCHOOL OF MATHEMAITCS:TRAJECTORY AND IMPACT. Foreword by Prof. George Ghevergese Joseph. Eminent Scholars have contributed to the volume.
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      Philosophy of ScienceSoutheast Asian StudiesHistory of MathematicsIndian studies
List of Research articles - Mantrapraśna in the Āpastamba School, Some curious statements in the Taittirīya Brāhmaņa, The Upanayana ritual in the Śatapatha Brāhmaņa, Altruism in Vālmiki's concept of Dharma, Siddhivyañjakādhyāya of... more
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      PhilosophyResearch MethodologyIndian studiesSanskrit language and literature
Review of the work DHVANYALOKALOCANA : KERALA COMMENTARIES, Centre for Heritage Studies, Trippunithura, Kerala.
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      Languages and LinguisticsIndian studiesLiterary CriticismSanskrit language and literature
The work reviewed, ശാബ്ദബോധസിദ്ധാന്തങ്ങള്‍ സംസ്കൃതത്തിൽ , is written in Malayalam. Authored by Prof. N. V. P. Unithiri, it deals with Indian theories of verbal cognition. It is published by Kerala State Language Institute,... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCognitive SemanticsIndian studiesSanskrit language and literature
This is a joint work of myself and Dr. Kompankulam Vishnu Namputiri. The work contains two parts. The first part is a brief study (in English)on different aspects of the सप्तशती . Contains a critique of the composition by Vishnu Namputiri... more
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      ReligionHinduismIndian studiesSanskrit language and literature
Lilavati, as is well known, is the most popular and celebrated work on Indian mathematics. The mathematics - the arithmetic and algebra - discussed therein is outdated. But the philosophy of science reflected in the work is very... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceScience EducationIndian studiesHistory of Science
This paper is a critical appreciation of the Vedastuti, a chapter in the NĀRĀYAŅĪAYA. NĀRĀYAŅĪAYA IS A STOTRA WORK. A celebrated work written in praise of GURUVAYURAPPAN (the presiding deity in the temple of GURUVAYUR). This chapter... more
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      HinduismSanskrit language and literatureVedic Language and Classical SanskritSanskrit
‘Subbaramiyam (the collected Sanskrit writings of Sri P. S. Subbarama pattar’ is the 46th number of the Calicut University Sanskrit Series. Sri P. S. Subbarama pattar, (1889-1977) whose Sanskrit writings are compiled in this work, is a... more
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    • Sanskrit language and literature
It is an edited work, originally published in the year 1938. It is a study on Dhvanyaloka. The author of the work is Sri P. S. Subbarama Pattar (1889-1977), a traditional Sanskrit scholar from Kerala. Sri Pattar was an erudite scholar who... more
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      Literary CriticismSanskrit language and literatureSanskritLiterary Theory
Felicitation volume in honour of Prof. C. Rajendran , a Sanskrit scholar of international repute.Prof. Rajendran retired from Calicut University on 31st March 2013 as Professor of Sanskrit, having served the institution (in various... more
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      PhilosophyIndian studiesSanskrit language and literatureSanskrit Aesthetics
The work, written in Malayalam language, is a study on the Brahmana texts of Vedic lietrature
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      Vedic SanskritMalayalam LiteratureVedic PhilosophyVEDA
Written in beautiful Sanskrit., this article, is a critique on the two works - करुणविलास and शान्तिविलास of Panditaraja Jagannatha. These two works belong to the pentad-group विलासपञ्चक . These anthologies contain verses composed... more
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      Literary CriticismSanskrit language and literatureSanskritSanskrit Aesthetics
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      Sanskrit language and literatureSanskritLiterary TheoryIndian Aesthetics