Papers by Dr. Shem W . Maingi

African Journal of Hospitality, Tourism and Leisure, 2021
This study sought to determine the role of human resource management practices in developing orga... more This study sought to determine the role of human resource management practices in developing organizational resilience in star-rated hotels within Nairobi County, Kenya. Specifically, the study sought to assess the role of recruitment and employee training in developing organizational resilience. An embedded mixed research design was adopted. The study targeted 121 managers in star-rated hotels within the Nairobi region obtained through stratification sampling where questionnaires and interviews were conducted. A pre-test was done to test the research instrument for reliability and validity. Regression analysis findings proved a positive and significant effect between, recruitment and selection, training and organization resilience. Correlation analysis findings established that there were moderate to strong relationships between the study variables. Overall, Analysis of Variance showed that selected human resource management practices had a significant role in developing hotels’ or...

This chapter examines Kenya’s tourism management education pedagogies and sustainable tourism cur... more This chapter examines Kenya’s tourism management education pedagogies and sustainable tourism curricula design for sustained behavioral change in Kenya’s tourism sector. It also explores how can we mainstream overtourism education and innovative design thinking in the current tourism education pedagogy in Kenya. The tourism sector in Kenya is strategically aligned to achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. However, tourism management education curricula are not adapted towards addressing the dynamic development needs of the sector. This chapter proposes a standardized national tourism management curriculum and adoption of Principles of Responsible Management Education (PRME) that focusses to integrate ethics, innovation and design skills to address the problem of overtourism. Solutions to Overtourism paradox can only be sustained when managers address the problem using a differentiated design thinking strategy.

This study is based on the premise that there are fundamental differences in tourism behaviour of... more This study is based on the premise that there are fundamental differences in tourism behaviour of immigrants in Europe, such that, there are certain ethnic and cultural determinants to travel preferences, choice and behaviour. Previous studies in Europe reveal certain socioeconomic constraints that face ethnic minorities in Europe. This study sought to identify these ethnic determinants/ constraints of travel behaviour amongst Somali immigrants in the Netherlands. A field survey was conducted through the use of structured interviews. The interviews were conducted to twenty nine adults living in the city of Leeuwarden, Netherlands. The respondents were college students and other adults from twenty one years and above, specifically of Somali decent. The results indicated that there were in deed ethnic differences in leisure and tourism behaviour of Somali immigrants to the Netherlands. The Bantu Somalis were more liberal and would adapt more than the other Somalis when they come into contact with other cultures. Travel preferences of these respondents were based on their personal values; personal liking; family ties and the level of interest of places to travel. Racialized expressions and social encounters played a pivotal role in the way the Somalis living in the Netherlands chose to travel and engage in their daily and leisure activities. These individuals were more or less influenced by other cultural contexts, therefore having significantly different preferences in leisure pursuits and travel behaviour. Majority of the findings confirmed that there were ethnic constraints and determinants to leisure and tourism behaviour of Somali immigrants in Leeuwarden, Netherlands. This work has demonstrated that there were indeed constraints experienced by immigrants and especially those of Somali ethnicity, and close attention to the experiences of other Netherlands immigrants such as those from Caribbean or Middle East should be researched on. This would help develop a broader analysis of immigrants' forms and ways of travel and their experiences.
Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism Management the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Kenyatta, 239... more Doctor of Philosophy in Tourism Management the School of Hospitality and Tourism of Kenyatta, 239p. August, 2014. HF 5415.1255 .M3

Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2021
Purpose Globally, poverty has been a persistent problem despite decades of unprecedented growth. ... more Purpose Globally, poverty has been a persistent problem despite decades of unprecedented growth. The purpose of this paper is to deliberate on a sustainable livelihoods and poverty eradication approach in an African context. Design/methodology/approach The paper aims to bridge the gaps in poverty eradication strategies in East Africa by examining recent literature on livelihoods approaches and poverty eradication approaches. Findings Safari tourism is one way of connecting poor communities in Kenya to the tourism industry. The development of community conservancies in Kenya presents yet more opportunities for communities to be integrated with the sector. The Africanization of the tourism sector in Kenya is a priority, as communities embrace tourism and poverty eradication measures. Practical implications There is a need for the Safari tourism sector to integrate the local community’s indigenous knowledge systems, community social capital and the community’s natural capital with tour...

Worldwide Hospitality and Tourism Themes, 2019
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand the causes and effects of overtourism within t... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to understand the causes and effects of overtourism within the East African region. The paper examines how national governments address the problem of overtourism in East Africa and determines underlying principles and best practice in sustainable tourism certification, local governance and management in dealing with overtourism. Design/methodology/approach To address the objectives, the researcher conducted an exploratory experience survey research design. The study examines the different articles in the subject area and interview findings of practitioner respondents. Based on a review of the existing dimensions of overtourism, the effects of overtourism and local governance, the study sought to derive a holistic (systemic and integrated) perspective on the subject matter. Findings The paper presents valuable evidence from industry practitioners on the effects of overtourism in East Africa by classifying the effects as psychological, physical, e...
Tourism Recreation Research, 2011

The key objective of this study is to build a source of information on the status of tourism deve... more The key objective of this study is to build a source of information on the status of tourism development in Eastern Africa with a view to helping policy makers and other stakeholders to outline policies and strategies towards the development of a sustainable tourism industry in the sub-region. The study, therefore, entails an assessment of the extent and importance of the tourism sector in Eastern Africa, identification of the key issues and challenges confronting the development of the sector, identification of good practices, comparative analysis of successful tourism-based economies in Africa and around the world, an analysis of lessons to emulate, and an outline of policy options and strategies that will, in the long term, contribute to the development of a resilient and well integrated tourism sector in the sub-region. This study builds on both primary and secondary data sources. The study was elaborated through a critical review of literature related to tourism and economic de...

The recreation of an indigenous identity for Africa has undergone significant challenge. The very... more The recreation of an indigenous identity for Africa has undergone significant challenge. The very nature of a dynamic global, socio-economic environment has created a political quagmire within African societies. Such that, community priorities have changed to address fundamental issues facing livelihoods. The need for subsistence, success and economic empowerment has created the need for identity and sustenance. Social dynamics within African contexts have indicated a strong western influence as well as an evolved identity. Additionally, the post-colonial legacies in Kenyan contexts has widely contributed towards reshaping the true meaning of 'indigenous'. The preserved pre and post colonial existence and histories have created local myths and legacies of the ideal African identity. Though, envisioned within the context of hugely heterogenous ethnic identities, we are faced with a legacy of an altruist society. This paper therefore seeks to open a dialogue on the evolution o...

Journal of Tourism Research & Hospitality, 2014
This paper is concerned with discerning the efficacy of park branding in influencing tourist choi... more This paper is concerned with discerning the efficacy of park branding in influencing tourist choice behaviour and understanding behavioural differences of visitors as a basis for explaining their choice and behavioural intentions. It further seeks to assess the relative image of Kenyan branded parks to visitors in terms of quality, price, service and diverse attractions as well as explore the influence of brand personalities on behavioural intentions of visitors. The study was undertaken by way of a Survey of local and international travellers visiting a clustered sample of branded national parks in Kenya during the period August-December 2013. The data collected was analysed using Structural Equations Modelling (SEM) approach. A structural equations model (SEM) was estimated including latent constructs and their manifest indicators. On overall, the results were indicative of a need that the park brand's perception and personality and (or) uniqueness be revealed better through marketing concepts that are linked to historical, ecological, socio-cultural values of the park and the adjacent communities. In this way, the park's brand personality could positively influence choice behavior of targeted market segments. The study is useful in aiding the various programmes for Tourism Marketing and Recovery Strategy such as the premier park initiative, and the under-utilized park initiative. The study contributes with significant policy implications on the way forward on park brand management and marketing as well as in understanding tourist choice behaviour in Kenyan context. The study contributes with significant policy implications on the way forward on park brand management and marketing as well as in understanding tourist choice behaviour in Kenyan context. The interrogation and development of the concept of park branding and its efficacy from a marketing and policy perspective has been a unique theoretical contribution of this study.
Children in Sustainable and Responsible Tourism, 2022
This paper is concerned with discerning the efficacy of park branding in influencing tourist choi... more This paper is concerned with discerning the efficacy of park branding in influencing tourist choice behaviour and understanding behavioural differences of visitors as a basis for explaining their choice and behavioural intentions. Kenya's Vision 2030 clearly emphasized that a yieldfocused branding strategy in Kenyan premium parks, complemented by the expansion in
International Journal of Tourism Research, 2015
The study sought to investigate the market profiling and positioning of park branding in Kenya. T... more The study sought to investigate the market profiling and positioning of park branding in Kenya. Tourism arrivals in Kenya are currently spatially concentrated in only six parks, which receive 81% of the total number of visitors to the country's 26 wildlife sanctuaries. A descriptive survey design was adopted in the study. Two-stage cluster sampling technique was adopted. The focus of the study was on four protected areas within the Central Tourism region, Kenya. Cluster analysis indicated that the park brands attracted differentiated cluster segments. The results implied that tourism marketing and promotion ought to design, package and promote the brand differently to meet targeted needs of these segments.
Tourism Destination Management Post COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Issues and Destination Management S... more Tourism Destination Management Post COVID-19 Pandemic: Global Issues and Destination Management Solutions is a book that seeks to examine actual and emerging trends, identify novel solutions and propose adaptive strategies for destinations facing pandemic disruptions. Global tourism has experienced one of the greatest disruptions in the history of the industry and the UNWTO predicts international tourism to go down by 20-30% with a decline in international receipt of around 300 to 400 billion dollars during 2020 (UNWTO, 2020). This represents a massive loss not only to the global tourism industry, but also to all formal and informal businesses attached to it. Traditionally, tourism destinations management approaches have been centered on 'a system approach' to visitor experiences and attractions (Mills and
Papers by Dr. Shem W . Maingi