Papers by Moses M U C H I R I Mohamed

Mohamed Moses Muchiri, 2022
The study addresses the issue of teachers' pedagogical preparedness for the implementation of the... more The study addresses the issue of teachers' pedagogical preparedness for the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (CBC) in Secondary Education Level (SEL). It adopted descriptive survey design where the target population was limited to; 24 secondary schools, 24 head teachers and 100 geography teachers. Purposive sampling was used to select the sample, which comprised of: 40 respondents; 30 geography teachers and 10 head teachers. Piloting: validity and reliability of research instruments was conducted in two schools; one from a Sub-County school and the other from a day secondary school to pre-test and adjust the instruments. Validity was ensured by face, construct, and content validity while test re-test technique ensured instruments' reliability. Data was collected using: questionnaires; for geography teachers, and interview guides; for head teachers. The findings were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Quantitative data was analysed using measures of central tendency to determine the mode and mean. Measures of spread were used to determine the standard deviation. Qualitative data was processed by first sorting and discussing responses for each item according to the objectives before editing, coding and reporting through descriptive narrative of the views, experiences and opinions of both geography teachers and head teachers. From the findings of the study, majority of the respondents had not attended in-service training and therefore, were not conversant with the concept of the CBC. It was therefore, concluded that, a good number of them were struggling with the concept of the CBC and lacked the capacity demanded by the CBC framework. It was established that teachers should be subjected to in-service training to be equipped with core competencies. Early preparedness would encourage them to be proactive in initiating subject dialogue in order to increase their experience hence enhancing the implementation of the CBC.

The purpose of the study was to investigate difficulties facing Geography teachers from designing... more The purpose of the study was to investigate difficulties facing Geography teachers from designing meaningful pedagogical activities when teaching and learning Geography in Secondary Schools. Like any other pedagogical issue, teaching and learning of Geography in Secondary Schools faces and poses a wide range of challenges. These challenges range from expertise, technical and logistical support from the school administrative arising from the instructional established system, practices and traditions. This study was set to establish from both the school Geography teachers and department administrators whether they were aware of any challenges that existed in the teaching and learning of Geography. The study was based on Shulman, 1987, a model of knowledge growth in teaching. It adopted a descriptive cross-sectional survey targeting public Secondary Schools Geography Heads of the Department, Geography teachers and form three and form four Geography students. Data were collected using questionnaires for Geography Teachers, interview schedules for Heads of Department and an observation checklist were used to investigate the types of instructional resources used in form three (3) and form four (4) Geography lessons. On the teaching and learning process, the respondents cited many deficiencies such inadequate duration for covering the syllabus, examination-oriented programme and cheating, understaffing and lack or inadequate instructional resources. The researcher, therefore, concluded there is little or no technical and logistical support provided to the Geography Department and in particular to Geography teachers in terms of financial resources, instructional resources, and in-service programmes to facilitate proper preparation for quality instruction. It was therefore recommended, to manage emerging pedagogical technological challenges in teaching and learning of Geography in Secondary Schools, there is a need for teachers to invest adequately on computer-aided instruction. This strategy will not only promote its quality but also make it relevant to the needs of learners and teachers of Kenya and beyond.

Moses Muchiri Mohamed, 2019
We live in a digitized world. Presently, globally, technology drives almost all aspects of human ... more We live in a digitized world. Presently, globally, technology drives almost all aspects of human endeavours. For instance, in the field of education, Computer-Aided Instruction (CAI) which is grounded on the principle of programmed instruction facilitates the effective learning of concepts, generates interest and curiosity of learners, fosters critical thinking, and provides learners with immediate feedback. CAI help Social Studies students develop problem-solving skills, collaborative learning, communication, emotional intelligence, problem-solving, and creativity. However, the effective implementation of CAI in schools depends on several variables including students’ perception of the CAI as tools for teaching and learning. This study was therefore conducted to investigate Senior High Schools students’ perception of CAI as tools for teaching and learning, and whether gender and school location influence students’ adoption of CAI during learning of Social Studies. The quantitative research design was adopted for the study. The data for the research was collected from 3 Junior High Schools randomly sampled from the North East Region of Ghana using Slovin’s formula for sample size determination. Two research questions and two hypotheses were formulated to direct the study. Data were collected using structured questionnaires administered to 270 students from the 3 randomly sampled schools. The questionnaire was designed with a 5-point Likert scale using closed-ended questions. To determine the reliability of the questionnaire, a pilot study was conducted. The test-retest method was used to determine the reliability of the instrument. This was carried out among 20 respondents who were not included in the research sample. The value of the coefficient of correlation “r” was found to be 0.78, which implied that the instrument was reliable. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Frequencies were used to analyze data on students’ perceptions of Computer-Aided Instruction, the extent of integration. Pearson’s Chi-square was used to test the hypothesis to determine whether there was a significant difference between male and female students and young and old teachers’ application of CBI in learning of Social Studies. The study found that students’ perception of CAI was positive, however, their application of technology in learning was limited. Also, male students were using technology to learn than female students. There was no statistically significant difference between rural and urban students integration of CAI in learning. The study recommends the supply of schools with relevant digital infrastructure, training, and supply of laptops to female students, and allowing Senior High Schools students to use phones in schools purposely for learning to increase students’ performance.
Keywords: Social Studies, Instruction, Computer, Gender, Digital divide, Computer-Aided Instruction, Policy, and Hypothesis.

Evaluation of Geography Teachers’preparedness in Pedagogical Approaches for an Enhanced Instructions in Secondary Schools, Kenya , 2019
The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of preparedness of trained Geography teache... more The purpose of the study was to investigate the level of preparedness of trained Geography teachers from Universities of Kenya and Diploma Colleges towards participation in pedagogical activities. The study was based on Shulman Lee, 1987, model of knowledge growth in pedagogy. It adopted descriptive cross-sectional survey design. In all, 10 heads of department, 30 Geography teachers and 160 students were drawn from a target population of 691 respondents for the study. Data were collected using questionnaires for Geography Teachers and interview schedules for the Heads of departments to investigate the feeling towards preparedness in pedagogy. An observation checklist was used to investigate the types of teaching and learning resources used in the form (3) and (4) Geography lessons. Descriptive statistics in the form of a percentage, frequencies, tables, and ranks were used to analyse data. Major findings of the study were that, most of University trained Geography teachers feltnot well prepared for classroom difficulties and also faced challenges in the procedure of utilization of instructional technology in the teaching/ learning process. It was also noted that most of diploma trained teachers had been effectively oriented in pedagogical activities and on the proper procedural use of instructional resources but follow-up mechanism like in-service training was inadequate. Based on research findings, the study recommended all personnel involved in the teacher training programme should be teachers in the profession. They should be qualified teachers especially in student-centred pedagogy and in particular in universities of Kenya if the Ministry of Education has to have competent teachers teaching in secondary schools. Therefore, there is a need to review the existing structures and practices of conducting teacher education. It further recommended, in order to manage emerging probable challenges in particular pedagogical technological issues and use of ICT in teaching and learning of Geography in secondary schools, there is a need to conduct regular in-service for all teachers, research and investing adequately in teacher education.

Quality of Secondary Schools Trained Geography Teachers in Universities and Diploma Colleges in Pedagogy, 2019
There has been a concern about the quality of secondary schools teachers being prepared and produ... more There has been a concern about the quality of secondary schools teachers being prepared and produced by University and Teachers Training Colleges especially in pedagogy and use of instructional resources which is naturally and technically a pedagogical issue. The study was guided by Shulman`s concept of pedagogical content knowledge. A total sample of the study was ten (10) secondary schools, ten (10) Heads of department, fifty (50) Geography teachers and five hundred (500) Geography students. Schools, Geography teachers and Heads/Chairs of departments were purposively selected while form three (3) and form four (4) classes were selected by simple random method. The researcher used a descriptive cross-sectional survey research design involving both qualitative and quantitative methodologies. Data were collected using questionnaires for Geography Teachers and interview schedules for Heads/Chairs of departments, observation schedules, and resources checklist. The major findings were most of University trained Geography teachers were not competent enough in pedagogy and faced difficulties in utilization of educational technology in teaching/ learning process which included: insufficient knowledge of meaningful instructional activities, fewer lessons in the timetable as recommended by the ministry, inadequacy of teaching/learning resources, examination oriented programme, cheating and inadequate teacher professional development in Geography. It was also noted most of TTCS trained teachers had been effectively oriented on the use of instructional resources but follow-up a mechanism like in-service training was inadequate. Based on research findings, the study recommended that Geography teachers should be in-service in the use of practical approaches and at least have six lessons per week to enable them to cover syllabus on time. It was also recommended that the ministry of education modernize all secondary schools in Kenya by technologizing them to make them tandem with the expectation of modern education. In addition, it was further recommended that most of the Geography departments should have Geography rooms which should be well equipped.
Papers by Moses M U C H I R I Mohamed
Keywords: Social Studies, Instruction, Computer, Gender, Digital divide, Computer-Aided Instruction, Policy, and Hypothesis.
Keywords: Social Studies, Instruction, Computer, Gender, Digital divide, Computer-Aided Instruction, Policy, and Hypothesis.