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Although training is often used in child welfare as an intervention to promote effective performance on the job (transfer of learning—TOL) as well as staff retention, there is not a preponderance of empirical evidence to support this... more
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      Social WorkTraining and DevelopmentChild WelfareLongitudinal Research
Building upon the work of child and youth care leaders who have identified common themes involved in professional child and youth care practice, this article articulates a child and youth care approach to professional development and... more
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      PsychologySocial Pedagogy Child and Youth Care Work
Child and youth care (CYC) practice significantly contributes to the well-being of children, youth, families, communities, and businesses in the United States. Research conducted over the past 15 years has documented systemic problems... more
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      Political ScienceSocial Pedagogy Child and Youth Care Work
Social work training frequently fails to enhance job performance because it is not viewed as a collaborative process involving factors that affect the social worker before, during, and after training. This article explores the variables... more
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      Adult learningTransfer of Training
This article provides an overview of the history, development, and conceptual framework guiding a national certification initiative for child and youth care workers. Summarized are descriptions of three certification assessment measures... more
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      LawChild WelfareProfessional TrainingAdolescent
The authors emphasize the importance of designing, implementing, and evaluating transfer-of-learning interventions. Implications from more than a century of transfer-of-learning research are applied to independent living skills training.... more
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      PsychologyTransfer of LearningSocial Pedagogy Child and Youth Care Work
This article identifies the need for development of transfer of learning evaluation methods in the human services that utilize: (1) a conceptual framework, (2) both quantitative and qualitative strategies, and (3) both generic/ general... more
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      Computer ScienceTransfer of LearningSocial Pedagogy Child and Youth Care Work
Using a sports metaphor (U.S. football), this learning activity provides specific examples pertaining to the five major responsibility domains of the Standards for Practice of the Association for Child and Youth Care Practice. Some of the... more
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      MetaphorFootballEngineering EthicsMoral Standards
In 2008 the North American Certification Project (NACP) completed a 7-year long process of developing a professional level certification program for child and youth care practitioners. This is the first effort in the United States to... more
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      DocumentationMedical EducationChildCertification
Although training is often used in child welfare as an intervention to promote effective performance on the job (transfer of learning-TOL) as well as staff retention, there is not a preponderance of empirical evidence to support this... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkTraining and DevelopmentChild Welfare
An alternating treatments design was used to investigate the effects of three types of opportunities to respond (i.e., individual, choral, and mixed responding) on sight words and syllable practice in six elementary students with... more
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      Positive Behavior SupportClassroom ManagementBehavioral InterventionsEffective classroom teaching strategies for emotionally disturbed children
This study focused on school-level approaches to curriculum, as well as school, principal, and student characteristics in juvenile corrections (JC) schools for committed youth. A national random sample of 131 principals from these schools... more
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    • Juvenile Justice and Education
"Youth who are incarcerated in secure detention and commitment settings display a complex array of educational, behavioral, and mental health issues that affect the services they require, as well as their responsiveness to interventions.... more
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      Juvenile JusticeCriminal Justice, Juvenile Justice, Mental and Behavioral HealthJuvenile Justice and EducationJuvenile Corrections Schools
Researchers have demonstrated that cognitive–behavioral intervention strategies – such as social problem solving – provided in school settings can help ameliorate the developmental risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties. In this... more
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAggression (Psychology)Emotional/Behavioral DisordersProblem solving (Education)
This study focused on approaches to curriculum, as well as school, principal, and student characteristics in secondary day treatment and residential psychiatric schools. A national random sample of 148 principals responded to a survey. No... more
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      Child and adolescent mental healthResidential Child Care, Therapeutic Communities, Child Mental Health, Education of Looked After Children, Trauma, Attachment and ResiliencePsychiatric Schools
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      Cognitive Behavioral TherapyExecutive FunctionSocial-Emotional LearningSpecial Education, Autism, Adhd, Faculty Development, Behavior Modification, Cognitive Behavior Modification, Learning Disabilities
Project Rationale ! • Social demands and concomitant decreases in levels of social & emotional support during adolescent's transition to middle school necessitate explicit intervention to increase the capacity for flexible, appropriate... more
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      Emotional/Behavioral DisordersSelf RegulationEmotion RegulationExecutive Function
An alternating treatments design was used to investigate the effects of three types of opportunities to respond (i.e., individual, choral, and mixed responding) on sight words and syllable practice in six elementary students with... more
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      PsychologyEmotional/Behavioral DisordersPositive Behavior SupportClassroom Management
Researchers have demonstrated that cognitive-behavioral intervention strategiessuch as social problem solvingprovided in school settings can help ameliorate the developmental risk for emotional and behavioral difficulties. In this study,... more
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      PsychologyCognitive Behavioral TherapyCurriculum DesignAggression (Psychology)