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Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a theory which is originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) as well as stated as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in... more
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Abstrak Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terjadi sejak era Romawi kuno sampai era modern. Salah satunya adalah tumbuhnya node persinggahan transportasi secara alami menjadi pusat... more
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      Transport GeographyNational, Regional, and Local Development Planning
In development planning in Indonesia, one of the normative approach set out in the legislation is a participatory approach. The participatory approach is regulated on the constitution of Indonesia (namely as UUD 1945), in Law No. 25-2014... more
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      Transport GeographyStrategic Spatial Planning
Peran Dinas Pariwisata dalam Pemberdayaan Komunitas Seni di Kabupaten Tolitoli Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan peran Pemda yang dilakukan oleh Dinas Pariwisata dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat seni pada... more
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Dalam perencanaan pembangunan di Indonesia. Salah satu pendekatan yang dilakukan adalah dengan pendekatan partisipatif. Hal ini sangat sesuai dengan sistem demokrasi yang dianut di lndonesia, yaitu sebagai negara demokrasi yang... more
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This paper describes about shifting of monitoring and controlling in the Government office. It reviews theoretical aspect, legal aspect, and Practice regard to monitoring and controlling in the government office. Even though both of the... more
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      Paradigm ShiftsGovernment Office
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is one of the development theories, that originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972). The significance of the theory had been supported by Richardson (1978, 1981). After that time,... more
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      Growth TheoryCity GrowthAx DevelopmentDevelopment Axes Theory
Corridor development as a development strategy that in practice has conducted since ancient Rome till this modern era. And the impact of the strategy is the springing many local nodes along the corridor. Some of the real evidences of the... more
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      Growth TheoryCity GrowthCorridor DevelopmentAx Development
Development-Axes (DA) theory, is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in... more
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      Growth TheoryTheory of GrowthAx DevelopmentDevelopment Axes Theory
Planning theory has changed relatively enough fundamental after Habernass expressed his theory of communicative action in 1973, namely the new developments of rationality in planning that tend to communicative planning. In the theoretical... more
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      InformaticsKnowledge ManagementCommunicative PlanningCommunicative Planning Practice
The policy of e-ID cards in Indonesia Nationally have been established since the enactment of Presidential Regulation No. 26/2009 on Implementation of National Identity Card Based on Citizen Identification Number Nationally and Home... more
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    • Public Policy Implementation
Public health can be influenced by environmental factors, behavior, health care, and heredity. The first three factors are easier to be found the solution rather than heredity. One of the efforts to improve the quality of the first three... more
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To preserve and to develop the culture in various art forms that exist in Indonesia, the role of the artists and the art communities are very important. But the reality of artist's life, especially the life of traditional artist is... more
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    • Traditional Arts
Perkembangan koridor sebagai fenomena alami maupun sebagai strategi pembangunan telah banyak terjadi sejak era Romawi kuno sampai era modern. Salah satunya adalah tumbuhnya node persinggahan transportasi secara alami menjadi pusat... more
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Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian yang berusaha untuk mengungkap perkembangan urbanisasi di wilayah metropolitan Gerbang Kertosusila (GKS) di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia. Perkembangan urbanisasi yang dilihat adalah adalah... more
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Development-Axes (DA) theory , is a term originally stated by Pottier (1963), and restated by Hilhorst (1972) and is used and applied as an alternative growth theory (Paelinck and Nijkamp, 1975, 1978; Richardson 1978, 198, 2011) in... more
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      Growth TheoryCity GrowthTheory of GrowthAx Development
Corridor development as a natural phenomenon or development strategy has been occured since ancient Rome til modern era. Some of the evidences of the phenomenon are the growing of many cities along highways in America, along Grote Postweg... more
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      Growth TheoryTheory of GrowthCorridor DevelopmentAx Development
Attraction concept has been discussed in the theory and gravity model, central place theory, and in various studies / study of transport behavior. In theory and gravity models, the concept of attraction is more looked at the factors that... more
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      Growth TheoryTheory of GrowthAx DevelopmentDevelopment Axes Theory
The growth of local nodes along axis of development, has occurred in many cases such as in history of growth of cities in the world, from ancient Rome to the modern era. One of the local node on the axis of development is a transport-stop... more
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      Growth TheoryTheory of GrowthAx DevelopmentDevelopment Axes Theory
Policy Implementation Education Unit Level Curriculum Research in Lubuklinggau, South Sumatra Province is using descriptive method with qualitative approaches. The purpose of this study is to determine and analyze the application of the... more
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    • Engineering