Papers by Jennifer Daniel
IEEE Conference Proceedings, 2017
Community literacy journal, Apr 1, 2022
Journal of Thoracic Oncology, Feb 1, 2016
97th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Jan 25, 2017
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2016
Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2017
The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own and that appropriate credit has been gi... more The candidate confirms that the work submitted is her own and that appropriate credit has been given where reference has been made to the work of others. This copy has been supplied on the understanding that it is copyright material and that no quotation from the thesis may be published without proper acknowledgement.
An important aspect of international student support and persistence is the ability of an institu... more An important aspect of international student support and persistence is the ability of an institution to identify and address gaps in academic and cultural understanding. This presentation shares how a growing international student population has allowed one small university to re-envision how they address international students’ academic and social needs, especially in literacy and academic writing
Pepperdine Law Review, 2018

Methylmercury is a toxic substance which accumulates in fish and other biota and causes toxicolog... more Methylmercury is a toxic substance which accumulates in fish and other biota and causes toxicological problems when consumed by humans. Certain mercury resistant bacteria are able to convert the highly toxic methylmercury to a much less toxic form. Several mer operons, a group of genes which encode this function, have been cloned and characterized. However, they have been isolated and cloned from clinical isolates, and these may not be adequate models for studying mercury resistance in nature. The purpose of this project is to isolate and clone the mer operon from a natural isolate to be used as a tool for studying mercury detoxification in aquatic habitats. DNA from various natural isolates was digested with restriction endonucleases to identify the mer operon on a smaller fragment of DNA. These restriction fragments will be probed with a DNA fragment which is complementary to the mer operon. After locating the operon on a restriction fragment, it will be cloned into a cloning vect...

Journal of Animal Science, 2003
Estradiol plus progesterone (EP) implants have been shown to favorably alter the time course or d... more Estradiol plus progesterone (EP) implants have been shown to favorably alter the time course or decrease the severity of many of the clinical manifestations associated with coccidiosis and endotoxemia in calves. This study evaluated the effect of EP treatment on plasma tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF), thromboxane (TXB), prostacyclin (PRC), nitrite and nitrate (NO [x]), and cortisol. Holstein steer calves were divided into four groups: control, EP, endotoxin (LPS), and EP+LPS (n = five/group). Estradiol/progesterone pellets (Synovex-S) were implanted subcutaneously when calves reached 20 wk of age. One week after implantation, calves were injected IV with endotoxin (i.e., lipopolysaccharide; LPS, 0.6 g/kg of BW) or nonpyrogenic saline placebo. Body temperature was measured and blood was collected before injection and at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 h thereafter. Plasma concentrations of TNF,
An important aspect of international student support and persistence is the ability of an institu... more An important aspect of international student support and persistence is the ability of an institution to identify and address gaps in academic and cultural understanding. This presentation shares how a growing international student population has allowed one small university to re-envision how they address international students’ academic and social needs, especially in literacy and academic writing
Papers by Jennifer Daniel