? ?
The Windward Witch
04 March 2012 @ 07:16 pm
What name do you wish you had?
Magdalena Fallopia Stugats. And from here on, I shall answer to none other.
They tell me I am:: jubilantjubilant
The Windward Witch
19 February 2012 @ 11:18 am
What was the best day of your life?
February 7, 2010? Possibly. :P

More likely, October 6, 2005; the day we returned from Katrinacation. Or my birthday two weeks after that day.

Hee, just thinking of each of those three days, along with February 9, 2010 (the day of the Saints Victory Parade) gets me all teery-eyed. I equals cheesy to the max.
The Universe finds me:: hiding from the wind at Royal Blend
They tell me I am:: nostalgicnostalgic
The Voices are playing:: Non-Mardi Gras trad jazz on OZ, gratefully.
The Windward Witch
05 February 2012 @ 06:47 pm
Which team are you rooting for?
With love from New Orleans... Go Giants!
The Universe finds me:: rooting for the Manning family
They tell me I am:: cheerfulcheering
The Windward Witch
31 January 2012 @ 08:44 pm
Write a backwards message for others to decipher.

(Think about it)
The Universe finds me::
They tell me I am:: deviousdevious
The Voices are playing:: You Spin Me Round
The Windward Witch
21 December 2011 @ 05:38 pm
Take a deep breath. Now rant about something.

Right. Like I need an invitation.
They tell me I am:: amusedamused
The Windward Witch
09 December 2011 @ 02:13 pm
Have you ever met anyone famous?


They tell me I am:: apatheticsnarky
The Windward Witch
01 December 2011 @ 07:23 pm
If you knew today was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it, and why?
It would surely involve my dogs and cat, good food, traditional jazz, and New Orleans.
Oh wait- that's every day. :P
The Universe finds me:: in da 1/4
They tell me I am:: satisfiedsatisfied
The Voices are playing:: Brass Band
The Windward Witch
16 November 2011 @ 06:42 pm
Today, Congress holds hearings on the first American Internet censorship system. This bill can pass. If it does the Internet and free speech will never be the same. [Learn more here.] Do you support this bill?
Absolutely NOT!!!
My Gawd-and-Internet-given right to download and seed cheesy B-movies shall NOT be infringed upon!!!

To join the fight, go HERE: ( )
The Universe finds me:: on Pirate Bay, praying
They tell me I am:: stressedconcerned
The Windward Witch
08 October 2011 @ 01:25 am
What’s your biggest pet peeve?
The first one that popped into my mind is, People who make loud disgusting noises while they're eating. That is in no way my biggest one, nor apropos of anything happening in my life right now.
Wafts of cigarette smoke; now that's one that'll have me at my hissy worst, and one that's much more common.
Also when my cat lies on the bed to where I can't stretch my feet all the way down. She does it on purpose, yanno.
They tell me I am:: irritatedirritated
The Windward Witch
05 July 2011 @ 08:07 pm
How do you celebrate Independence Day in your country?

I stayed home, out of the rain and away from the stray falling bullets shot out of guns belonging to idiots who shoot guns straight up in the air as a way to celebrate things.

Then again, this has never been a particularly festive commemoration for me.
The Universe finds me:: dodging bullets in the land of the free
They tell me I am:: blahblah
The Voices are playing:: Native drumming