We New Orleanians are known for our great “second lines”... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!
Man, those St. Louis people are weird. Everybody is so polite! The commentators are
nice. Even the
Chief Official was polite! He was like, “Um. Excuse me for interrupting, but I’m sorry to say that the offense was guilty of Holding. I’m sure it was not intentional, but rules are rules, and there will have to be a 5-yard penalty. Thank you for your time.”
Not that I have anything against courtesy of course. You all know I have an adamant, almost comical, and sometimes even hostile adherence to manners. Yes, hostile. It works for me. Ask Alobar. But still. These people... They’re like in perpetual
Prairie Home Companion mode. I have a feeling that when these people say, “Sir” or “Ma’am”, or “Thank you, come again,” they actually
mean it. When confronted with rude, negative people, their go-to response would be to “pray for them”.
Okay I’m done.
But, YAYYY!!! Them’s my awesome Saints; you go, my D’awlinz. Not that we’d ever want to be without Seddy Ellis, Jabari, and my new boyfriend Darren Sharper... But Vilma, Randall Gay, Y’all were
rockin’. John Carney, my
other boyfriend, yeah, we all know you coulda made that 40-something-yard field goal. Don’t even worry about it. Reggie my love, little brother to all of NOLA... It’s just so great to have you back on your game. Thought we were gonna lose you to Special Teams for a minute there. Fuck that Kardashian bitch; we love you like 365,000 of her could never do. Meachem, you are a rock star. Shockey, as always.
You guys make me strong enough to go to work sick.