? ?
The Windward Witch
21 December 2012 @ 03:17 am

The Universe finds me:: Heading to Tulum
They tell me I am:: indescribableeschatonic
The Voices are playing:: Heh.
The Windward Witch
07 February 2010 @ 11:38 am
My Dawling Saints;

I cannot tell you guys how completely proud I am of you... Not only for doing what you do best, but doing the above and beyond, that makes you all so dear to us. No matter where you came from, you are truly our home-town fellas. I am thankful for all you do, the way you electrify our town, the way you all just come around and hang out... The way we all just truly belong together. We are all just a thrown-together bunch of freaky, mismatched Characters... And so is our team. And so it fits.
And I believe in you know you can do it!

Make today your moment. Make this the greatest day for yourselves. It already is the greatest day for your adoring fans and neighbors.
You guys are already heroes; this thing today, well it's just icing on the cake.

The Universe finds me:: At the game, in spirit
They tell me I am:: bouncytriumphant!!!
The Voices are playing:: I Believe - Angela Bell
The Windward Witch
31 January 2010 @ 12:14 pm

The Universe finds me:: up in da skewel
They tell me I am:: thoughtfulEdumacated!
The Voices are playing:: In-terjections...!
The Windward Witch
17 December 2009 @ 02:00 am

The Universe finds me:: Mos Isley
They tell me I am:: coldcold
The Voices are playing:: Cantina Band Jam
The Windward Witch
17 December 2009 @ 12:05 am
Courtney Love has nipples because God's a sick bastard and hates your eyes

...I'd still fuck her though...
The Universe finds me:: hiding under my bed until the creepy lady goes away
They tell me I am:: scaredshaken
The Voices are playing:: Celebrity Skin
The Windward Witch
Clicky clicky:

The Universe finds me:: At the fryer
They tell me I am:: excitedfestive
The Voices are playing:: Ding Dong, Ding, Dong
The Windward Witch
01 December 2009 @ 10:12 pm
The Universe finds me:: celebrating in da end zone!!!!
They tell me I am:: jubilantjubilant
The Voices are playing:: WHO DAT
The Windward Witch
17 November 2009 @ 11:11 pm
So I'm sitting in my neighbor Miss Patsy's house on her computer. We're drinking wine and watching videos, doing laundry and yakking nonstop. It's her birthday today. She asks me to Google this one viddy, that was shot here mostly on this very block, and she is in it!
It's the cutest viddy, and a bunch of friends are in it; I'm amazed I've never seen it before. It's called "The Littlest Birds" by the Be Good Tanyas:

The Universe finds me:: my 'Hood
They tell me I am:: drunkbit tipsy
The Voices are playing:: the prettiest songs...
The Windward Witch
15 November 2009 @ 06:57 pm
We New Orleanians are known for our great “second lines”... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!

Man, those St. Louis people are weird. Everybody is so polite! The commentators are nice. Even the Chief Official was polite! He was like, “Um. Excuse me for interrupting, but I’m sorry to say that the offense was guilty of Holding. I’m sure it was not intentional, but rules are rules, and there will have to be a 5-yard penalty. Thank you for your time.” Yeeps.
Not that I have anything against courtesy of course. You all know I have an adamant, almost comical, and sometimes even hostile adherence to manners. Yes, hostile. It works for me. Ask Alobar. But still. These people... They’re like in perpetual Prairie Home Companion mode. I have a feeling that when these people say, “Sir” or “Ma’am”, or “Thank you, come again,” they actually mean it. When confronted with rude, negative people, their go-to response would be to “pray for them”.
Okay I’m done.

But, YAYYY!!! Them’s my awesome Saints; you go, my D’awlinz. Not that we’d ever want to be without Seddy Ellis, Jabari, and my new boyfriend Darren Sharper... But Vilma, Randall Gay, Y’all were rockin’. John Carney, my other boyfriend, yeah, we all know you coulda made that 40-something-yard field goal. Don’t even worry about it. Reggie my love, little brother to all of NOLA... It’s just so great to have you back on your game. Thought we were gonna lose you to Special Teams for a minute there. Fuck that Kardashian bitch; we love you like 365,000 of her could never do. Meachem, you are a rock star. Shockey, as always.

You guys make me strong enough to go to work sick.
The Universe finds me:: calling in sick
They tell me I am:: lovedYAYYY!!!
The Voices are playing:: WHO DAT!!!!