? ?
The Windward Witch
19 January 2013 @ 07:38 pm

"Idle No More" is a worldwide indigenous movement started by the First Nation Tribes of Canada as a way to help protect the Constitutional Treaty Rights of the Indian Act. These rights are being threatened by the proposed C-45 Bill. The Bill will significantly decrease tribal leader and community control over decisions related to the land and water use on Indian Reserve lands, the tribal peoples of Canada will have little to no control over how corporations make use of untapped natural resources, specifically on indigenous territory protected under Sovereignty treaties.

Attawapiska Chief Theresa Spence began a hunger strike on Dec. 11, 2012. She is asking Prime Minister Stephen Harper to attend a discussion regarding the Bill and treaty rights. Harper has yet to respond. Spence is willing to die for her people's rights.

This film documents one of the many events worldwide in support of the Idle No More movement. This event was held in Seattle Washington De. 29, 2012.

The film was Directed by Dave Wilson (Brother Ali, Frank Ocean, Atmosphere, Yelawolf, Evidence), Produced by Tulalip tribal member and independent recording artist Brodie Stevens "Redskin" with footage by cameraman Ben Hampton. The film is narrated by author Gyasi Ross and elder Ramona Bennett. The gathering was organized by Lawerence Miguel and James Ole Coyote Sacred Water. Additional music by "Redskin."
The Universe finds me:: Ready to storm the border
They tell me I am:: angryangry
The Voices are playing:: One Tin Soldier
The Windward Witch
22 November 2012 @ 11:14 am
Russell, I am honoring you at my table this Thanksgiving. Much like the accepted history of the holiday taught in schools across America, you always strove to bridge the gap between the Native races and the uninformed Visitors.
You did not always do it with turkey and corn.
Alas, sometimes you have to fight 'em before you can feed 'em.
I didn't always agree with you. But I did respect you... Even when I thought you were witko tkoke! You always walked the way you talked; I will miss hearing of your schemes, and the urges to run like hell up to the Ridge to join you in them.
Your love and loyalty for the Oglala, the Lakota, the Human Nation never wavered.
Travel well along the Wanagi Tacanku, Russell Means. May the Old Woman hear only the greatest tales of you.  

Kelleigh Crow

The Universe finds me:: Heading to T-Giv dinner. Wishing you all a great one.
They tell me I am:: contemplativesolemn
The Voices are playing:: One Tin Soldier
The Windward Witch
18 March 2012 @ 09:10 pm
Here are some of the incredibly pretty Indians on Claiborne Ave today for Super Sunday. The rest of the photos are in this Photobucket Album.
No cut- Scuse plz for taking up your whole friends page. :P

Hu Na Nay!

Injuns, here we come...!

I have it on good authority that this man put in a good word to Papa Legba on behalf of the Saints for next season.

This poor man. He's trying to eat an orange, and I can't stop hovering around him snapping forty-seven hundred photos of him because his suit is like, OMG... Check out the flaming purple and urnge tips of turkey feathers. Fucking amazing.

That's the back of a suit. The details are incredible!

I LOVE the little ones... I always wonder if they sewed their own too. :P

This suit is made totally of old denim jeans.

The next two are of my friend Shorty:

There's one or two more of this young man in my Photobucket album. I loved his stick... And let's face it- he a hottie.

The lady on the right is my neighbor.

This man was AWESOME. That thing in his hand is a shotgun- covered in fringe and rhinestones. He never stopped calling, even when he was posing for photos. He was totally killing it.

And bringing it up...

(and puttin' it down...)

Because I love to hear them call... My Indian Red....

The Universe finds me:: Heading to 2nd and Dryades
They tell me I am:: enthralledenthralled
The Voices are playing:: Hey Pocky Way
The Windward Witch
19 March 2011 @ 02:23 pm

The Universe finds me:: 2nd & Dryades, spyin' me some suits a pretty.
They tell me I am:: bouncyfestive
The Voices are playing:: Wild Magnolias
The Windward Witch
10 October 2008 @ 01:31 pm
"There is no death, only a change of worlds." Duwamish

...And my Chinese Proverb: A gem is not polished without rubbing, nor a man perfected without trials.
...And my Confucius Quote:
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.

Damn. You'd think somebody was trying to tell me something.
The Universe finds me:: nodding to my friends who've gone over recently
They tell me I am:: contemplativecontemplative
The Voices are playing:: Don't Fear The Reaper
The Windward Witch
01 February 2007 @ 04:04 pm
Below nipped from alobar
Who nipped it from adayinthelife.

They tell me I am:: worriedconcerned
The Voices are playing:: drums and chanting.
The Windward Witch
23 November 2006 @ 07:51 am
...And, to this date, the white American government has entered into exactly 3,372 treaties with the Native American peoples...And to this date, they have honored exactly three of them.

Here's to the first time in recorded American history, that the White man actually kept his promise to the Indians.

Happy Thanksgiving.

L, Kell
The Universe finds me:: Home.
They tell me I am:: determinedProud