Papers by Tatiana Kozubskaya
8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering
RANS, DES, hybrid RANS/DVMS and DDES/DVMS models are introduced in low dissipation schemes. They ... more RANS, DES, hybrid RANS/DVMS and DDES/DVMS models are introduced in low dissipation schemes. They are compared for the simulation of vortex shedding flows around a NACA0021 at high angle of attack and a Caradonna-Tung helix.

International Journal of Aeroacoustics, 2022
Broadband noise due to the turbulence-aerofoil interaction, which is also called the leading edge... more Broadband noise due to the turbulence-aerofoil interaction, which is also called the leading edge noise, is one of the major noise sources of aircraft (including the engine). To study the noise properties numerically is a popular approach with the increasing power of computers. Conventional approaches of using body-fitted grids at the boundaries would be convoluted due to the complex geometries, which can constrain the efficiency of parametric studies. A promising approach to tackle this issue is to use the immersed boundary method (IBM). Among various IBM variants, the volume penalization (VP) approach employs a masking function to identify the immersed solid boundary, and continuous forcing terms are added to the original flow governing equations to account for the boundary conditions. It is, therefore, efficient and easy to implement into the existing computational aeroacoustics solvers. In this work, the VP-based IBM is used to simulate the leading edge noise by combining with t...

The paper presents a method for simulating the flow of a viscous compressible gas around a moving... more The paper presents a method for simulating the flow of a viscous compressible gas around a moving obstacle, specified by the immersed boundary method on a simply connected unstructured mesh, and the features of its application for bodies of different configuration. An advantage of the developed moving-mesh method is that it keeps the topology of an initial mesh and provides an anisotropic mesh refinement to the "immersed" surface of a streamlined body. The position and shape of the body are determined by the interpolation grid, which stores the distance and normal to the body surface. The paper also describes a special technique to improve the efficiency of adaptation. The technique is based on the prediction of the body location in some automatically chosen time. This trick allows to find the coordinates of mesh vertices during the predicted time interval by interpolation. The integral strategy combining the immersed boundary method with the developed moving-mesh adaptation is tested on several model cases in two-and three-dimensional formulations. However, the paper does not consider the numerical results of the cases, it is mostly targeted at the meshing details.
Математическое моделирование
Работа посвящена оценке применимости метода IDDES для моделирования акустики, создаваемой крылом ... more Работа посвящена оценке применимости метода IDDES для моделирования акустики, создаваемой крылом самолета с механизацией на режиме посадки. Тестирование проводится на валидационной задаче об обтекании прямого крылового сегмента, основанного на трехкомпонентном профиле 30P30N. Сравнение результатов расчетов с экспериментальными данными производится по аэродинамике и акустике ближнего поля. При помощи метода FWH моделируется акустика дальнего поля, приводятся полученные спектры и диаграмма направленности. Тестируется возможность использования поглощающих слоев в качестве альтернативных граничных условий на концах сегмента, демонстрируется их влияние на получаемое численное решение.
Communications in Computer and Information Science, 2021
Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2016
A method is developed for the numerical simulation of an external flow around solid bodies of uns... more A method is developed for the numerical simulation of an external flow around solid bodies of unstructured meshes. Several types of boundary conditions are set on the surface of the body, which are simulated by different modifications of the immersed boundary method. The method efficiency is demonstrated on 2D model problems on the computation of subsonic and supersonic flows around a cylinder.
Doklady Mathematics, 2015
7th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference and Exhibit, 2001
12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (27th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2006
A new efficient numerical method for acoustic sensitive flow calculations is proposed. The method... more A new efficient numerical method for acoustic sensitive flow calculations is proposed. The method retains the simplicity of finite -volume approach and has the physical insight of the method of characteristics. It combines merits of shock -capturing schemes and low dispersive and low dissipative finite -difference methods. Numerical results provided demonstrate that the method is efficie nt in a wide range of linear and non -linear flow regimes.
12th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference (27th AIAA Aeroacoustics Conference), 2006
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2006
Acoustical Physics, 2012
ABSTRACT This paper is devoted to the study of acoustic flow in the Helmholtz resonator throat. T... more ABSTRACT This paper is devoted to the study of acoustic flow in the Helmholtz resonator throat. The presented results of a complex investigation on the basis of data of a physical experiment and a mathematical modeling, their comparative analysis, and comparison with theoretical estimations provide a rather complete image of the acoustic flow formation and, in particular, enable one to obtain qualitative and quantitative dependences of the averaged velocity component in the resonator throat at different powers of an exciting sound wave.

International Journal of Aeroacoustics
The paper expands the scope of applying the Ffowcs Williams – Hawkings integration method. We pro... more The paper expands the scope of applying the Ffowcs Williams – Hawkings integration method. We propose using the acoustic field generated from time-dependent data stored on the FW-H control surface as the same common field for computational acoustic beamforming and dynamic mode decomposition methods to analyze the aerodynamic noise sources. We exemplify that it leads to obtaining mutually consistent and complementary information for reliable prediction of acoustic sources characteristics in the process of inverting data produced by a CFD simulation. Moreover, as the results of applying computational acoustic beamforming and dynamic mode decomposition methods depend on many geometric and algorithmic inputs, the proposed approach makes it possible to use various sets of the latter for a comprehensive analysis of obtained inversions and to form the final answer by an averaging procedure. We illustrate this by taking advantage of fast generating the examined acoustic field snapshots in a...
19th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2013
The paper presents the results of numerical simulations of gap – turbulence interaction which can... more The paper presents the results of numerical simulations of gap – turbulence interaction which can be considered as a generic test case on airframe noise. In order to be able to assess the predictive capabilities of different numerical tools to accurately describe the noise generation mechanisms in the gap, a corresponding physical experiment is conducted. DDES and IDDES hybrid models implemented by higher accuracy numerical algorithms both for multi-block structured and tetrahedral unstructured meshes are used for the simulations. The paper presents the obtained numerical data including mean flow fields, turbulent boundary layer structure and far field acoustic spectra. Based on the comparison of experimental and numerical results, the study reveals physical features of the phenomenon.
Computers & Fluids, 2022
The experimental study of the low Mach number and high Reynolds number flow around the gap config... more The experimental study of the low Mach number and high Reynolds number flow around the gap configuration was carried out at TsAGI (Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute, Moscow). Both boundary-layer measurements and acoustic farfield measurements have been made in the experiment. It was found that the farfield acoustic spectra were characterized by a pronounced discrete mode along with the broadband noise.

The paper is focused on the scale-resolving simulation of turbulent flow using quasi-1D schemes o... more The paper is focused on the scale-resolving simulation of turbulent flow using quasi-1D schemes on unstructured meshes. The numerical algorithm is based on the Edge-Based Reconstruction (EBR) scheme possessing higher accuracy and moderate computational costs on unstructured meshes. We discuss issues related to the application of low-dissipative version of EBR scheme for the scale-resolving simulation on anisotropic meshes. Some techniques which improve the scheme robustness are proposed. The feasibility of the developed numerical algorithm is demonstrated on the two cases. The first problem is immersed subsonic unheated round jet, \(\mathrm{{M}}_{jet}=0.9\), \(\mathrm{{Re}}_D=1.1\times 10^6\). The second one is turbulent flow over M219 cavity \(\mathrm {M}_\infty =0.85\), \(\mathrm{{Re}}_H=1.37\times 10^6\). The results are in a good agreement both in aerodynamic and acoustic characteristics with the corresponding experimental data. The computations show a strong sensitivity of the ...
Papers by Tatiana Kozubskaya