Papers by Toshiyuki Masui
We introduce a new incremental search method called Migemo for languages with many character face... more We introduce a new incremental search method called Migemo for languages with many character faces. Migemo performs the incremental search by dynamically expanding the input pattern into a compact regular expression which represents all the possible words that match the input pattern. We show that Migemo is useful not only for searching texts in Japanese and other East Asian languages, but also for performing sophisticated searches on ASCII-only documents.

Proceedings 2nd European Workshop on Usable Security, 2017
Passwords are a burden on the user, especially nowadays with an increasing number of accounts and... more Passwords are a burden on the user, especially nowadays with an increasing number of accounts and a proliferation of different devices. Pico is a token-based login method that does not ask users to remember any secrets, nor require keyboard entry of one-time passwords. We wish to evaluate its claim of being simultaneously more usable and more secure than passwords, whilst testing its support for frictionless deployment to web-based services. Our main aim is to collect actionable intelligence on how to improve it. In our study, we teamed up with an Alexa Top 500 website, Gyazo, to offer this alternative login mechanism to users intent on performing a real task of image sharing. We focused on the ecological validity of the trial, and gained knowledge both through the challenges of the trial and the results generated. Users appreciated the ability to avoid password entry but the overall benefit was mitigated by the existing measures put in place by Gyazo to minimise the number of times users are presented with a password entry box. Our main finding is that providing enough benefit requires a solution that applies across sites, rather than focusing on authentication for a single site in isolation. 1 Permission to freely reproduce all or part of this paper for noncommercial purposes is granted provided that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Reproduction for commercial purposes is strictly prohibited without the prior written consent of the Internet Society, the first-named author (for reproduction of an entire paper only), and the author's employer if the paper was prepared within the scope of employment.

Journal of Cybersecurity, 2020
Pico is a token-based login method that claims to be simultaneously more usable and more secure t... more Pico is a token-based login method that claims to be simultaneously more usable and more secure than passwords. It does not ask users to remember any secrets, nor to type one-time passwords. We evaluate Pico’s claim with two deployments and user studies, one on a web-based service and another within an organization. Our main aim is to collect actionable intelligence on how to improve the usability and deployability of Pico. In our first study we team up with an established website, Gyazo, to offer this alternative login mechanism to users intent on performing a real task of image sharing. From the lessons of this first study, we retarget Pico’s focus from replacing web passwords to replacing desktop login passwords; and thus in our second study we engage with a government organization, Innovate UK, to offer employees the ability to lock and unlock their computer automatically based on proximity. We focus particularly on the ecological validity of the trials and we thereby gain valua...
We have developed and evaluated a text editing system where “keyboard macro” is defined automatic... more We have developed and evaluated a text editing system where “keyboard macro” is defined automatically from repetitive user inputs. A keyboard macro is a command defined by the user to abbreviate a sequence of keys. In our system, the macro is defined automatically by the system by typing the “repeat key” after typing the same key sequences twice. The user can instruct the system to continue his repetitive task just by typing the repeat key, without knowing how to define keyboard macros.
An efficient table compression method for state transition tables and tries is introduced. Althou... more An efficient table compression method for state transition tables and tries is introduced. Although many techniques for compressing sparse tables and tries have been proposed, most of them cannot compress non-sparse transition tables even when they have redundant entries. We implemented Flex, a lex-like program which can almost always generate compact state transition tables for a wide range of finite state machines and tries.
Proceedings of Symposium on Visual Languages
Card-handling using hypertext editor can be a p owerful methodology for generation of ideas or un... more Card-handling using hypertext editor can be a p owerful methodology for generation of ideas or understanding of complex problems. To support such activity, recognizing implicit structure in the arrangement of cards would be useful. But, because the structures to be r ecognized a r e by nature ambiguous and highly dependent on user-specic perception, it is dicult for conventional rule-based s p atial parsing algorithm to achieve this task. We propose techniques for building spatial parser suitable for nding such ambiguous structures based on the mechanics of human perception. Moreover, our parser is adaptively customized t o r eect a p articular user's preferences through an interactive suggestion process, supported by application of a genetic algorithm.
We propose a simple and powerful graphical interface tool called the LensBar for filtering and vi... more We propose a simple and powerful graphical interface tool called the LensBar for filtering and visualizing large lists of data. Browsing and querying are the most important tasks in retrieving information and LensBar integrates the two techniques into a simple scroll window with slider. While it looks familiar to users of conventional graphical interface tools, its filtering and zooming features offer sophisticated handling of large lists of textual data.
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM conference on Pervasive and ubiquitous computing adjunct publication - UbiComp '13 Adjunct, 2013
ABSTRACT Although various ubicomp technologies have been proposed for home environments, few peop... more ABSTRACT Although various ubicomp technologies have been proposed for home environments, few people are enjoying such technologies in their daily life, due to the lack of powerful software framework for building flexible applications for home. We are developing simple and powerful ubicomp frameworks which can be used for building furniture-embedded networked devices which fit to home environments. Using our frameworks, many devices can communicate with each other by exchanging data shared on the Web server using standard HTTP. In this paper, we describe the concepts and implementations of the frameworks, and show how sparsely-connected devices can cooperatively be used for various tasks needed in home environments.
Icec, 2002
We introduce a simple music notation system based on onomatopoeia. Although many text-based music... more We introduce a simple music notation system based on onomatopoeia. Although many text-based music notation systems have been proposed, most of them are cryptic and much more difficult to understand than standard graphical musical scores. Our music notation system, called the Sutoton notation, is based on onomatopoeia and note names which are easily pronounceable by humans with no extra training. Although being simple, Sutoton notation has been used in a variety of systems and loved by many hobbyists.
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Computer supported cooperative work companion - CSCW '13, 2013
ABSTRACT Although various partner-matching services are available on the Internet, finding a part... more ABSTRACT Although various partner-matching services are available on the Internet, finding a partner is still difficult because reading the various attributes and self-advertisements of potential marriage partners is not enough to find a lifetime partner. We have developed an SNS-based marriage partner-finding system, "Ding-Dong," which makes full use of support from participants' friends. Using Ding-Dong, the partner seeker can understand what the partner candidate is really like by seeing the candidates' everyday behavior, reading the "reviews" written by their friends, and watching the conversations between the candidates and their friends.
Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems, May 7, 1995
CHI '95 MOSAIC OF CREATIVITY s May 7-11 1995 Interactive Posters ... Elastic Graphical Inter... more CHI '95 MOSAIC OF CREATIVITY s May 7-11 1995 Interactive Posters ... Elastic Graphical Interfaces for Precise Data Manipulation ... ToshiyukiMasui, Kouichi Kashiwagi, George R. BordenIV Software Research Laboratories SHARP Corporation 2613-1 Ichinomoto-cho Tenri, Nara 632, ...
y Although incremental search is used in a wide range of tasks including information retrieval an... more y Although incremental search is used in a wide range of tasks including information retrieval and text editing, conventional incremental search method cannot handle Japanese texts ef- fectively because Japanese text input requires an indirect input method called Kana-Kanji conversion. In this paper, we introduce a new incremental search method called Migemo to realize the incremental search for Japanese texts. Migemo performs the incremental search by dynamically expanding the input pattern into a compact regular expression which repre- sents all the possible words that match the input pattern. We show how Migemo realize the Japanese incremental search, which is hard to perform efiectively so far, through the concrete implementation and evaluation. Various applications are also presented.
Papers by Toshiyuki Masui