Papers by Edward Mitchell

Decomposition of plant litter is a crucial process in controlling the carbon balance of peatlands... more Decomposition of plant litter is a crucial process in controlling the carbon balance of peatlands. Indeed, as long as the rate of litter decomposition remains lower than the rate of above- and belowground litter production, a net accumulation of peat and, thus, carbon will take place. In addition, decomposition controls the release of important nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, the availability of which affects the structure and the functioning of plant communities. This chapter describes the role of the main drivers in affecting mass loss and nutrient release from recently deposited plant litter. In particular, the rate of mass loss of Sphagnum litter and vascular plant litter is reviewed in relation to regional climatic conditions, aerobic/anaerobic conditions, and litter chemistry. The rate of nutrient release is discussed in relation to the rate of mass loss and associated litter chemistry by means of a specific case study.

Synchrotron radiation macromolecular crystallography: science and spin-offs
IUCrJ, 2015
A current overview of synchrotron radiation (SR) in macromolecular crystallography (MX) instrumen... more A current overview of synchrotron radiation (SR) in macromolecular crystallography (MX) instrumentation, methods and applications is presented. Automation has been and remains a central development in the last decade, as have the rise of remote access and of industrial service provision. Results include a high number of Protein Data Bank depositions, with an increasing emphasis on the successful use of microcrystals. One future emphasis involves pushing the frontiers of using higher and lower photon energies. With the advent of X-ray free-electron lasers, closely linked to SR developments, the use of ever smaller samples such as nanocrystals, nanoclusters and single molecules is anticipated, as well as the opening up of femtosecond time-resolved diffraction structural studies. At SR sources, a very high-throughput assessment for the best crystal samples and the ability to tackle just a few micron and sub-micron crystals will become widespread. With higher speeds and larger detectors...

Linking soil microbial communities to vascular plant abundance along a climate gradient
The New phytologist, 2015
The ongoing expansion of shrub cover in response to climate change represents a unique opportunit... more The ongoing expansion of shrub cover in response to climate change represents a unique opportunity to explore the link between soil microbial communities and vegetation changes. This link is particularly important in peatlands where shrub expansion is expected to feed back negatively on the carbon sink capacity of these ecosystems. Microbial community structure and function were measured seasonally in four peatlands located along an altitude gradient representing a natural gradient of climate and associated vascular plant abundance. We show that increased soil temperature and reduced water content are associated with greater vascular plant biomass, in particular that of ericoids, and that this, in turn, is correlated with greater microbial biomass. More specifically, microbial community structure is characterized by an increasing dominance of fungi over bacteria with improved soil oxygenation. We also found that the carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry of microbial biomass differs in r...

Proteins, Jan 15, 2005
PA-IIL is a fucose-binding lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa that is closely related to the viru... more PA-IIL is a fucose-binding lectin from Pseudomonas aeruginosa that is closely related to the virulence factors of the bacterium. Previous structural studies have revealed a new carbohydrate-binding mode with direct involvement of two calcium ions (Mitchell E, Houles C, Sudakevitz D, Wimmerova M, Gautier C, Perez S, Wu AM, Gilboa-Garber N, Imberty A. Structural basis for selective recognition of oligosaccharides from cystic fibrosis patients by the lectin PA-IIL of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Nat Struct Biol 2002;9:918-921). A combination of thermodynamic, structural, and computational methods has been used to study the basis of the high affinity for the monosaccharide ligand. A titration microcalorimetry study indicated that the high affinity is enthalpy driven. The crystal structure of the tetrameric PA-IIL in complex with fucose and calcium was refined to 1.0 A resolution and, in combination with modeling, allowed a proposal to be made for the hydrogen-bond network in the binding site...

European journal of protistology, 2015
We describe here a new species of sphagnicolous testate amoeba found abundantly in the forested p... more We describe here a new species of sphagnicolous testate amoeba found abundantly in the forested part of the Le Cachot peatland (Jura Mountains, Neuchâtel, Switzerland) based on microscopical observations (LM, SEM). The new species, called Nebela gimlii was placed in a phylogenetic tree based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase sequences (COI), and branched robustly within the N. collaris complex next to the morphologically similar N. guttata and N. tincta. It is however genetically clearly distinct from these two species, and differs morphologically from them by its smaller size and stouter shape of the shell. This new species completes the phylogeny of the Nebela collaris species complex, with now eight species described, mostly from peatlands and acidic forest litter, and further demonstrates the existence of an unknown diversity within testate amoebae. Improving the taxonomy of testate amoebae in peatlands and clarifying the ecology of newly discovered species should make these o...

Protist, Jan 5, 2014
Planktonic arcellinid testate amoebae exhibit a broad-range of morphological variability but it i... more Planktonic arcellinid testate amoebae exhibit a broad-range of morphological variability but it is currently unclear to what extent this variability represents phenotypic plasticity or if it is genetically determined. We investigated the morphology and phylogenetic relationships of three endemic east-asian Difflugia taxa 1) the vase-shaped D. mulanensis, 2) and a spinose and a spineless morphotypes of D. tuberspinifera using scanning electron microscopy and two ribosomal genetic markers (SSU rDNA and ITS sequences). Our phylogenetic analyses shows that all three taxa are genetically distinct and closely related to D. achlora and Netzelia oviformis. The genetic variations between the spineless and spinose morphotypes of D. tuberspinifera were low at the SSU rRNA level (0.4%), but ten times higher at the ITS level (4.5-6%). Our data suggest that the two forms of D. tuberspinifera are sufficiently differentiated in terms of morphology and genetic characteristics to constitute two separ...

Intrinsic disorder within the erythrocyte binding-like proteins from Plasmodium falciparum
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Proteins and Proteomics, 2014
The ability of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, to proliferate within the human host ... more The ability of the malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum, to proliferate within the human host depends on its invasion of erythrocytes. Erythrocyte binding-like (EBL) proteins play crucial roles in the attachment of merozoites to human erythrocytes by binding to specific receptors on the cell surface. In this study, we have carried out a bioinformatics analysis of the three EBL proteins EBA-140, EBA-175 and EBA-181 and show that they contain a large amount of intrinsic disorder in particular within the RIII-V domains. The functional role of these domains has so far not been identified, although antibodies raised against these regions were shown to inhibit parasite invasion. Here, we obtain a more complete structural and dynamic view of the EBL proteins by focusing on the biophysical characterization of a smaller construct of the RIII-V regions of EBA-181 (EBA-181945-1097). We show using a number of techniques that EBA-181945-1097 is intrinsically disordered, and we obtain a detailed structural and dynamic characterization of the protein at atomic resolution using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Our results show that EBA-181945-1097 is essentially a statistical coil with the presence of several turn motifs and does not possess transiently populated secondary structures as is common for many intrinsically disordered proteins that fold via specific, pre-formed molecular recognition elements.

Developmental history of two kettle-hole mires in Tuchola Pinewoods (N Poland)
Our research confirmed the value of kettle-hole mires for reconstructing Holocene environmental c... more Our research confirmed the value of kettle-hole mires for reconstructing Holocene environmental changes. The multi-proxy approach in which three palaeoecological methods were used (analyses of testate amoebae, plant macrofossils and pollen) improved the interpretation potential. We studied two Sphagnum mires situated in Tuchola Pinewoods (N Poland). In Tuchola mire 9000 years of environmental changes (groundwater level and pH) were recorded. Water table changes inferred from Tuchola mire show patterns similar to regional hydrological changes recorded in Polish lakes and mires as well as in other European sites. Jelenia Wyspa mire recorded changes in local vegetation and palaeohydrology during the last 1500 years. A rise in the groundwater table, caused by deforestation in the catchment area, allowed Sphagnum to expand. Consequently, the peatland evolved into an oligotrophic mire dominated by peat mosses. Approx. 200 years ago water pH increased and subsequently decreased, the lowest...
Historia rozwoju dwóch torfowisk mszarnych w Borach Tucholskich

Additive partitioning of testate amoeba species diversity across habitat hierarchy within the pristine southern taiga landscape (Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve, Russia)
European Journal of Protistology, 2015
In order to better understand the distribution patterns of terrestrial eukaryotic microbes and th... more In order to better understand the distribution patterns of terrestrial eukaryotic microbes and the factors governing them, we studied the diversity partitioning of soil testate amoebae across levels of spatially nested habitat hierarchy in the largest European old-growth dark coniferous forest (Pechora-Ilych Biosphere Reserve; Komi Republic, Russia). The variation in testate amoeba species richness and assemblage structure was analysed in 87 samples from six biotopes in six vegetation types using an additive partitioning procedure and principal component analyses. The 80 taxa recorded represent the highest value of species richness for soil testate amoebae reported for taiga soils so far. Our results indicate that testate amoeba assemblages were highly aggregated at all levels and were mostly controlled by environmental factors rather than dispersal processes. The variation in species diversity of testate amoebae increased from the lowest to the highest hierarchical level. We conclude that, similarly to macroscopic organisms, testate amoeba species richness and community structure are primarily controlled by environmental conditions within the landscape and suggest that metacommunity dynamics of free-living microorganisms are driven by species sorting and/or mass effect processes.

Bioindication in Urban Soils in Switzerland
ABSTRACT Urban development leads to profound changes in ecosystem structure (e.g. biodiversity) a... more ABSTRACT Urban development leads to profound changes in ecosystem structure (e.g. biodiversity) and functioning (e.g. ecosystem services). While above-ground diversity is reasonably well studied much less is known about soil diversity, soil processes and more generally soil health in urban settings. Soil invertebrates are key actors of soil processes at different spatial and temporal scales and provide essential ecosystem services. These functions may be even more vital in stressed environments such as urban ecosystems. Despite the general recognition of the importance of soil organisms in ecosystems, soil trophic food webs are still poorly known and this is especially the case in urban settings. As urban soils are characterised by high fragmentation and stress (e.g. drought, pollution) the structure and functioning of soil communities is likely to be markedly different from that of natural soils. It is for example unclear if earthworms, whose roles in organic matter transformation and soil structuration is well documented in natural and semi-natural soils, are also widespread and active in urban soils. Bioindication is a powerful tool to assess the quality of the environment. It is complementary to classical physicochemical soil analysis or can be used as sole diagnostic tool in cases where these analyses cannot be performed. However little is known about the potential use of bioindicators in urban settings and especially it is unclear if methods developped in agriculture can be applied to urban soils. The development of reliable methods for assessing the quality of urban soils has been identified as a priority for policy making and urban management in Switzerland, a high-urbanized country. We therefore initiated a research project (Bioindication in Urban Soil - BUS). The project is organised around four parts: (i) typology of urban soils in a study Region (Neuchâtel), (ii) sampling of soil fauna and analysis of soil physicochemical properties, (iii) comparison of the functionality of urban soils and alluvial soils, used as a natural reference because of their regular physical perturbation by flooding and associated erosion/sedimentation, (iv) evaluation of soil bioindicators (e.g. earthworm, enchytraeid and testate amoebae) for urban soils. The application objective of my research is to introduce bioindicators and their limit values for the future revision of the legal Ordonnance on soils (OSol), and to develop guidelines to improve or to build urban soils with the aim of reaching a sustainable urban ecosystem development.

Combination of branched GDGTs and testate amoebae for the reconstruction of past climate change in a French peatland
ABSTRACT Peatlands are important archives for the reconstruction of past environmental changes be... more ABSTRACT Peatlands are important archives for the reconstruction of past environmental changes because of their high rates of peat accumulation due to the low rate of plant litter decomposition. Branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) are complex lipids of high molecular weight, recently discovered in soils and suggested to be produced by anaerobic bacteria. The relative distribution of branched GDGTs in soils correlates with environmental variables: the degree of methylation, expressed in the methylation index of branched tetraethers (MBT), depends on mean annual air temperature (MAAT) and to a lesser extent on soil pH, whereas the relative abundance of cyclopentyl rings of branched GDGTs, expressed in the cyclisation ratio of branched tetraethers (CBT), is related to soil pH. The MBT/CBT proxies are increasingly used for the reconstruction of past air temperatures, but have rarely been applied in peatlands. Testate amoebae are common and diverse unicellular eukaryotes in peatlands. They build shells that are preserved in peat. They are good indicators of changing environmental conditions in peatlands and are thus used in both ecological and paleoecological studies, especially for reconstructing surface moisture. The aim of this study was to examine the applicability of branched GDGTs and testate amoebae as indicators of environmental changes (temperature and moisture) in temperate peatlands. Within the PEATWARM project, both GDGTs and testate amoebae were studied at high resolution in a 4 m peat core collected in Frasne mire (French Jura Mountains) and covering the last 7,400 years BP. GDGT-inferred temperatures ranged between 8 and 12 °C until 250 cm depth and were higher than present measured mean annual air temperature (ca. 6 °C). Temperature estimates in the top part of the bog were most consistent with spring and summer mean air temperatures recorded in the peatland (ca. 11.5 °C), suggesting that branched GDGT-producing bacteria might be more active during the warmest months of the year. At 250 cm depth, reconstructed temperature showed a pronounced shift, likely reflecting both a change in climatic conditions but also in the composition of the peat. Indeed, drier conditions were indicated by testate amoebae at the bottom of the peat core, whereas wetter conditions occurred at the top. Interestingly, temperature variations inferred from MBT/CBT proxies were weakly linked with moisture variations inferred from testate amoebae until 150 cm depth (r = -0.41, p = 0.06). Therefore, the distribution of branched GDGTs might also depend on peat moisture level, in addition to air temperature and pH. Our data suggest that the joint use of MBT/CBT and testate amoebae is a promising approach to estimate past climate change, but that more research is required to calibrate and apply with confidence these proxies in peatlands.
Acta Crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry, 2014
Author(s) of this paper may load this reprint on their own web site or institutional repository p... more Author(s) of this paper may load this reprint on their own web site or institutional repository provided that this cover page is retained. Republication of this article or its storage in electronic databases other than as specified above is not permitted without prior permission in writing from the IUCr.

Journal of Natural Products, 2015
Two new cyclic depsipeptides, companeramides A (1) and B (2), have been isolated from the phyloge... more Two new cyclic depsipeptides, companeramides A (1) and B (2), have been isolated from the phylogenetically characterized cyanobacterial collection that yielded the previously reported cancer cell toxin coibamide A (collected from Coiba Island, Panama). The planar structures of the companeramides, which contain 3-amino-2-methyl-7octynoic acid (Amoya), hydroxy isovaleric acid (Hiva), and eight α-amino acid units, were established by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. The absolute configuration of each companeramide was assigned using a combination of Marfey's methodology and chiral-phase HPLC analysis of complete and partial hydrolysis products compared to commercial and synthesized standards. Companeramides A (1) and B (2) showed high nanomolar in vitro antiplasmodial activity but were not overtly cytotoxic to four human cancer cell lines at the doses tested.

Binding site asymmetry in human transthyretin: insights from a joint neutron and X-ray crystallographic analysis using perdeuterated protein
IUCrJ, 2014
Human transthyretin has an intrinsic tendency to form amyloid fibrils and is heavily implicated i... more Human transthyretin has an intrinsic tendency to form amyloid fibrils and is heavily implicated in senile systemic amyloidosis. Here, detailed neutron structural studies of perdeuterated transthyretin are described. The analyses, which fully exploit the enhanced visibility of isotopically replaced hydrogen atoms, yield new information on the stability of the protein and the possible mechanisms of amyloid formation. Residue Ser117 may play a pivotal role in that a single water molecule is closely associated with the γ-hydrogen atoms in one of the binding pockets, and could be important in determining which of the two sites is available to the substrate. The hydrogen-bond network at the monomer-monomer interface is more extensive than that at the dimer-dimer interface. Additionally, the edge strands of the primary dimer are seen to be favourable for continuation of the β-sheet and the formation of an extended cross-β structure through sequential dimer couplings. It is argued that the precursor to fibril formation is the dimeric form of the protein.

Transfer functions are widely used in palaeoecology to infer past environmental conditions from f... more Transfer functions are widely used in palaeoecology to infer past environmental conditions from fossil remains of many groups of organisms. In contrast to traditional training-set design with one observation per site, some training-sets, including those for peatland testate amoeba-hydrology transfer functions, have a clustered structure with many observations from each site. Here we show that this clustered design causes standard performance statistics to be overly optimistic. Model performance when applied to independent data sets is considerably weaker than suggested by statistical cross-validation. We discuss the reasons for these problems and describe leave-one-site-out cross-validation and the cluster bootstrap as appropriate methods for clustered training-sets. Using these methods we show that the performance of most testate amoeba-hydrology transfer functions is worse than previously assumed and reconstructions are more uncertain.

Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2014
Large-scale use of the persistent and potent neonicotinoid and fipronil insecticides has raised c... more Large-scale use of the persistent and potent neonicotinoid and fipronil insecticides has raised concerns about risks to ecosystem functions provided by a wide range of species and environments affected by these insecticides. The concept of ecosystem services is widely used in decision making in the context of valuing the service potentials, benefits, and use values that well-functioning ecosystems provide to humans and the biosphere and, as an endpoint (value to be protected), in ecological risk assessment of chemicals. Neonicotinoid insecticides are frequently detected in soil and water and are also found in air, as dust particles during sowing of crops and aerosols during spraying. These environmental media provide essential resources to support biodiversity, but are known to be threatened by long-term or repeated contamination by neonicotinoids and fipronil. We review the state of knowledge regarding the potential impacts of these insecticides on ecosystem functioning and services provided by terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems including soil and freshwater functions, fisheries, biological pest control, and pollination services. Empirical studies examining the specific impacts of neonicotinoids and fipronil to ecosystem services have focused largely on the negative impacts to beneficial insect species (honeybees) and the impact on pollination service of food crops. However, here we document broader evidence of the effects on ecosystem functions regulating soil and water quality, pest control, pollination, ecosystem resilience, and community diversity. In particular, microbes, invertebrates, and fish play critical roles as decomposers, pollinators, consumers, and predators, which collectively maintain healthy communities and ecosystem integrity. Several examples in this review demonstrate evidence of the negative impacts of systemic insecticides on decomposition, nutrient cycling, soil respiration, and

Structural basis for oligosaccharide-mediated adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients
Nature Structural Biology, 2002
Pseudomonas aeruginosa galactose- and fucose-binding lectins (PA-IL and PA-IIL) contribute to the... more Pseudomonas aeruginosa galactose- and fucose-binding lectins (PA-IL and PA-IIL) contribute to the virulence of this pathogenic bacterium, which is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cystic fibrosis patients. The crystal structure of PA-IIL in complex with fucose reveals a tetrameric structure. Each monomer displays a nine-stranded, antiparallel b-sandwich arrangement and contains two close calcium cations that mediate the binding of fucose in a recognition mode unique among carbohydrate-protein interactions. Experimental binding studies, together with theoretical docking of fucose-containing oligosaccharides, are consistent with the assumption that antigens of the Lewis a (Le(a)) series may be the preferred ligands of this lectin. Precise knowledge of the lectin-binding site should allow a better design of new antibacterial-adhesion prophylactics.
Relationship between Atmospheric Pollution Characterized by NO 2 Concentrations and Testate Amoebae Density and Diversity
Summary. To assess the potential use of testate amoebae as biomonitors of atmospheric pollution w... more Summary. To assess the potential use of testate amoebae as biomonitors of atmospheric pollution we studied the relationship between atmospheric nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollution and testate amoebae density, diversity, and community structure (Protista: Rhizopoda) in (zone 1) and around (zone 2) the city of Besançon, France. NO 2 concentrations were on average significantly lower in the city zone (mean: 34.8
The bacterial reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides belong to type II reaction centers whe... more The bacterial reaction center from Rhodobacter sphaeroides belong to type II reaction centers where the final electron acceptor is a ubiquinon molecule. Photosynthetic reaction centres are the basic functional protein complexes that can perform the primary photochemical event in photosynthesis: light driven charge separation. Following photoexcitation an electron flows from the special pair of chlorophylls to the dissociable ubiquinon (Q B ), which is consequently reduced to semiquinol. The semiquinol is further reduced to ubiquinol in a second light driven electron transfer step.
Papers by Edward Mitchell