About Sharmila and her work by Sharmila Rege
Sharmila Rege's passing has left us with a sense of irrevocable loss. She died all too young, but... more Sharmila Rege's passing has left us with a sense of irrevocable loss. She died all too young, but left behind an enduring vision for all those dream of a just and egalitarian society.

How does one commemorate the life of someone like Sharmila Rege? She passed away so suddenly at t... more How does one commemorate the life of someone like Sharmila Rege? She passed away so suddenly at the age of just 48 that communities of scholars, activists, students and friends are struggling to come to terms with the void that she has left behind. Nevertheless, we would be quite mistaken to think of her in conventional terms as a person in mid career. It has been astonishing and humbling to discover just how many full lives she had already traversed in the all too brief time that she spent among us and how fruitful her commitment to institutional change had already become. Sharmila was a sociologist, feminist and anti-caste scholar-activist whose thought and action brought the politics of popular culture, the discipline of sociology and the breadth of women's studies to bear on each other in ever more inclusive and creative forms. Her major goal was to acquire the necessary resources to be able to weld together perspectives on caste and gender from what she called a 'Dalit feminist standpoint'.

àm.e{'© cm ao Jo 'hmamï> mVrc d 'hmamï> m~mho aÀ`mhr n[adV© ZdmXr d gm'm{OH$ ~m § {YcH$s 'mZUmè`m... more àm.e{'© cm ao Jo 'hmamï> mVrc d 'hmamï> m~mho aÀ`mhr n[adV© ZdmXr d gm'm{OH$ ~m § {YcH$s 'mZUmè`m Xmo Z {nT> çm § da àm. e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Mm à^md Amho . gä`Vm, Zr{V'Îmm Am{U Mm § Jë`m e¡ j{UH$ g § ñH¥ $VrMo e{'© cm ao Jo àVrH$ hmo Ë`m. e{'© cm ao Jo `m EH$ CËH¥ $ï> {ejH$ hmo Ë`m. e{'© cm ao Jo {dÛmZ Aä`mgH$, co IH$ Am{U {ejH$ åhUy Z lo ð> Amho VM, nU AZo H$m § À ¶m {'Ì åhUy Z Ë`m § Zr no aco cr '¡ Ìr àË`o H$ ñZo ømMm A § VñW lo ð> R> o dm Amho . ñdV:À`m d¡ Mm[aH$ Om{Udm § er àm'm{UH$ amhy Z àm. e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Zr Amnco g § ny U© Am`w î` {dÚmÏ`mª gmR> r g'{n© V Ho $co . VH© $ew Õ {dMma, Z'© {dZmo X, {dZ'« ñd^md, ^y {'Ho $Vrc gƒo nUm Am{U H$'mcrMo gm' § Oñ` `m Jw Um § Zr ' § {S> V Agco ë`m ao Jo '°S> ' X{cVm § gh X{cVo Va g'mOmV à{gÕ hmo Ë`m. Ë`m § À`m{df`rMr AmË'r`Vm hm AZo H$m § À`m A{^'mZ d g'mYmZmMm {df` Amho . {dMma d co IZmgmR> r {'imco ë`m Aën H$mcmdYrV Ë`m § Zr kmZmÀ`m jo ÌmV '¡ cmMo XJS> R> aVrc Aem J« § Wm § Mo co IZ Ho $co . {dÚmWu Xeo nmgy Z g § emo YZmMm qnS> AgUmè`m e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Zr 1987 'Ü`o g'mOemómV E'.E. nXdr g § nmXZ Ho $cr. 1989 'Ü`o E'.{'$c nX{dHo $gmR> r Ë`m § Zr `m {df`mda cKw emo Y{Z~ § Y {c{hcm. 1995 'Ü`o `m {df`mda nrEM.S> r.Mm à~ § Y gmXa H$éZ g'mOemómMr órdmXr n[aào ú`mVy Z {M{H$Ëgm Ho $cr. Ë`mZ § Va órdmX: OmJ{VH$ Am{U ñWm{ZH$ Û¡ Vm § À`m n{cH$So > (2011) cmo H${à` g § ñH¥ $Vr d ^maVmVrc AmYw {ZH$Vm : qcJ^md n[aào ú`mVy Z (2012) ho Ë ¶m § Mo J« § W à{gÕ Pmco . B.g. 2003 'Ü`o e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Mo qcJ^mdmMo g'mOemó: órdmXr g'mOemór` kmZmZo 'Sati : A Sociological Analysis 'From Malestream Sociology to a Gender Sensitive Sociology' Sociology of Gender (2003), Writing Caste, Writing Gender : Narrating Dalit Women's Testimonios (2006) Education as a tritiya ratna towards Phule-Ambedkarite feminist Pedagogical practice (2009) Against the madness of Manu: (B.R. Ambedkar's writings on Brahmanical patriarchy (2013) 14 {'iy Z gmè ¶mOUr . > 2013 gßQ> |a Aä`mg, {gÕm § VZ Am{U {Od § V gm'm{OH$ à{H« $`m § er O¡ d Am{U Û § ÛmË'H$ ZmVo ì ¶mg § Jr ñÌrdmXr Aä ¶mgH$ e{'© cm ao Jo ¶m § M § AcrH$S> o M {ZYZ Pmc § . nw Uo {dÚmnrR> mVrc ñÌr Aä ¶mg H| $ÐmV H$m ¶© aV AgUmè ¶m Ë ¶m § À ¶m VéU ghH$mè ¶mZo Ë ¶m § À ¶m{df ¶r {c{hco cm hm co I. AmR> dUtZm COmim Xo Umam Am{U e{'© cm ao Jo ¶m ~hþ no S> r ì ¶p³V'ÎdmMo n¡ cy CcJSy > Z XmIdUmam. g § O ¶Hw $'ma H$m §iò m § Mo `mo JXmZ {Xco co AmìhmZ, `m ZmdmMo g § nm{XV nw ñVH$ B § J« Or'Yy Z à{gÕ gd© ^o X {'Q> m`cm hdo V, ho Ë`m 'mZV AgV. `mgmR> r dJu`, Pmco . ^maVr` g'mOemómcm órdmXr {dMmamVy Z H$gm eh dUu`, OmVr`, Ym{'© H$ ^o X d nw éfgÎmm {'Q> dm`Mr Ago c Va {Xcm OmV Amho `mMr A{Ve` {eñVera 'm § S> Ur `m nw ñVH$mÀ`m gm'm{OH$-amOH$s` g § Kfm© cm n`m© Zmhr, ho hr Ë ¶m 'mZV n[aM`m'Ü`o e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Zr Ho $cr Amho . g'mOemó ZmdmMr hmo Ë`m. Midir Cä`m H$aVmZm, 'mo M} -Am § Xmo cZ g § K{Q> V kmZemIm 1960 Am{U 1970 `m XeH$m § 'Ü`o órdmXr Mm¡ H$Q> r H$aVmZm Ë`mcm kmZmMm nm`m AgVmo Am{U kmZ {Z{'© VrMrhr Am{U Aä`mg `m'w io H$er ~Xccr ho gm § JVmZm ao Jo `m § Zr EH$ Midi AgVo . Midi Am{U Aä`mg, {gÕm § V Am{U OmJ{VH$ nmVirda órdmXr à~mo YZ H$go KS> co `mMr 'm § S> Ur ì`dhma `m § À`mVrc '$maH$V Ë`m § Zr 'mÝ` Ho $cr Zmhr. {gÕm § V Ho $co cr {XgVo . àñWm{nV g'mOemómMr kmZemIm, Am{U ì`dhma `mMm ghg § § Y Ë`m § Zr Ho $di {cImUmnw aVm g'mO{dkmZmMo Iw co hmo Uo `m Jmo ï> rH$So > H$em Vèho Zo nmhV hmo Vr cmdcm ZìhVm Va OrdZmÀ`m gd© jo Ìm'Ü`o A § {JH$macm hmo Vm. Am{U ór Aä`mgmH$So > '{ó`m § Zr, {ó`m § gmR> r, {ó`m § nw aVo Ho $co co gË`emo YH$, {dÐmo hr, X{cV-~hw OZdmXr Midir d gd© M kmZ' EdT> çmM Mm¡ H$Q> rV H$go Jmo R> dy Z Q> mH$V hmo Vr, ho S> m°. ao Jo {dÚmnrR> r` kmZemIm § Zm d¡ Mm[aH$ D$Om© Xo Umao H| $Ð ~ZdUo ho S> m°. `m § Zr XmIdy Z {Xco . AmYrÀ`m Ahdmcm § Mm ñdV:À`m nÕVrZo e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Mo Iao `mo JXmZ hmo Vo . AmT> mdm Ko D$Z, X{cV Am{U órdmXr Midi Am{U Ë`m H$mhr 'M°[aQ> õc Q> ñQ> ' ZgVmZmhr BVam § Zm àmo ËgmhZ MidirVy Z Amco co kmZ g'mOemór` kmZmÀ`m XadmOmda Xo Ê`mMm ^mJ åhUy Z Ë`m ñdV:À`m pIemVrc n¡ go IM© H$go YS> H$m Xo V hmo Vo `mMo 'mJ© Xe© Z Ë`m § Zr Ho $co Amho . e{'© cm ao Jo H$am`À`m Aer 'XV H$aVmZm e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Mo Eo H$co nm{hOo åhUV H$s, Amnë`m g'mOmMm {dMma d VX² Zw én H¥ $Vr qH$dm Ë`m § À`m 'mJ© Xe© Zmà'mUo M H$m' Ho $co nm{hOo Agm H$amd`mMr Pmë`mg OmV, dJ© Am{U qcJ^mdmMo g § X^© {dgéZ H$mo UVmhr CnH$mamMm ho Vy Zgm`Mm. Ë`m § À`m '¥ Ë`y Z § Vagw Õm MmcUma Zmhr. nw Uo {dÚmnrR> mVrc g'mOemó Am{U ór {dÚmÏ`mª À`m {ejUmV 'XV ìhmdr åhUy Z Ver VaVy X Ho $cr Aä`mgmÀ`m {dÚmÏ`mª Zm {eH${dVmZm Ë`m § Zr {gÕm § V, g § H$ënZm Am{U Ë`m~Ôc A{Zc g¡ Zr `m OrdZgmWr gmõV '¥ Ë`y ny du MMm© Am{U {díco fUmH$So > nmhÊ`mMr OmJ¥ V Ñï> r {Xcr Am{U Ho $cr hmo Vr. EImXr àemgH$s` ^y {'H$m ~OmdV AgVmZm Vr {díco fU H$arV AgVmZm ~mOy Ko Ê`mMo AmdmhZ Ho $co . BVa {H$Vr cmo H$emhrdmXr Am{U nmaXe© H$ ~Zy eH$Vo `mMm AZŵd {dÚmnrR> Am{U 'hm{dÚmc`mVrc g § emo YH$, àmÜ`mnH$ Am{U g'mOemó Am{U ór Aä`mgmVrc Amåhm gJù`m ao Jo '°S> 'À`m {dÚmÏ`mª Zm Ë`m § À`m kmZmMm, ì`mg § JmMm, 'mJ© Xe© ZmMm Zo h'rM ghH$mè`m § Zm Am{U {dÚmÏ`mª Zm Amho . gd© gmYmaUnUo Zì`m '$m`Xm Pmco cm Amho . g'mOmVrc Jw § VmJw V, H$mo UË`mhr àíZmMr H$ënZm, Zdo CnH« $', Zdo H$m`© H« $' `m § Mo e{'© cm ao Jo CËgmhmZo ì`m{'lVm Am{U dmñVdmMo {d{dYm § Jr n¡ cy ho ZOao AmS> Ho $co ñdmJV H$arV. ao Jo '°S> ' `m § Zr ImOJr 'mc'Îmm AWdm g § Hw ${MV, OmD$ Z`o V Agm Ë`m § Mm AmJ« h Ago . ^y {'H$m Ko VmZm ì`ŠVtZm dm d¡pŠVH$ 'hËdmH$m § jm `m § Mr V'm H$Yrhr ~miJcr Zmhr. g § KQ> Zm § Zm R> m'nUm cmJVmo Vmo AgcmM nm{hOo nU `mMm AW© e¡ j{UH$ jo ÌmVrc AmìhmZo ñdrH$mam`cm Ë`m § Zm '$ma R> mo H$iõmO ^y {'H$m Ko Uo Agm hmo Vm H$m'm Z`o Ago Ë ¶m AmJ« hmZo AmdS> m`Mo . cmo H$g § J« h d EH$m § V, ~hw Am`m'r dŠV¥ Ëd d 'm § S> V. EH${OZgr co IZ, Vgo M dmñVddmX d ñdßZX{e© Ëd `mVrc 'w $co -Am §o S> H$admXr åhUdy Z Ko V AgVmZm Ë`m àkm, '¡ Ìr, H$mo UË`mhr EH$m Y« w dmda AT> i Z amhVm Xmo Ýhr Y« w dm § Zm ñne© H$éUm Am{U Ý`m` `m VÎdm § Mm Adc § H$ê$Z BVam § er g § dmX H$aÊ`mMr {H$'`m e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Zr gmYcr hmo Vr. gmYm`À`m. `mM Jw Um § Mm Adc § H$ê$Z 1995 'Ü`o órdmXr e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Zm EImXr Jmo ï> nQ> cr Zmhr dm EImÚm nÕVremó {dH${gV Ho $ë`mZ § Va 2008À`m Z § Va AÜ`mnZ Jmo ï> r{df`r Ë ¶m § Zm Zmng § Vr XmIdm`Mr Ago c Va Ë`m g §'mZo nÕVrV 'ào ' hm {dMma Ë ¶m § Zr éOdcm. Á`mÀ`m~Ôc VH« $ma Amho Vr ì`ŠVrXo Irc Ë`m § À`m EHy $U àm. e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Mr {Okmgm, {dÛÎmm d ~m § {YcH$s hr à{V{H« $`õÔc ZmamO hmo V Zgo . g § § YmV H$Qw > Vm Z `o D$ Xo Vm Amnco {Zìdi {dÚmnrR> r` ZìhVr. Ho $di ~m¡ {ÕH$ Am¡ Ëgw Š` dm H$gaV åhUUo 'm § S> Ê`mMo H$g~ Ë`m § À`mOdi hmo Vo . 'mUgm § er g § § Y hm {VMm nm`m ZìhVm. Ë`m § À`m gd© d¡ Mm[aH$ d ~m¡ {ÕH$ Omo S> Uo Am{U Vo {Q> H${dUo `mH$So > Ë`m § Mm H$c hmo Vm. Amnë`m'w io à`mgm § 'mJo gm'm{OH$ g § § YmVrc 'y c^y V n[adV© ZmMr ào aUm Hw $Ur Xw Imdcm OmD$ Z`o `mMr H$miOr Ë ¶m Ko V àg § J nmhy Z hmo Vr. OrdZmcm AW© àmá H$ê$Z Úmd`mMm Ago c Va {ZU© Ko V. AmnU 'mo R> o {dÛmZ Aä`mgH$ Amhmo V, Amncr ì`p³VdmX Am{U ñdmW© ¶m § Mm Ë`mJ H$ê$Z ì`p³VJV d ~S> XmñV R> o dcr Jo cr nm{hOo , Agm Ë ¶m § Mm AmJ« h Zgm`Mm. 'mÌ gm'm{OH$ g § § Y ny U© V: ~Xcm`cm hdo V, hr Ë`m § Mr YmaUm hmo Vr. Amncm AmË'gÝ'mZ Xw Imdcm OmD$ Z`o `mMrhr H$miOr Ë`m ho ~Xc ìhm`Mo Va AmYr gm'm{OH$ g'Vm, Ý`m`, cmo H$memhr Ko V AgV. n[apñWVrMo ^mZ AgUmè`m Ë`m àkmd § V hmo Ë`m. ñWmnZ ìhm`cm hdrV; dJ© , Y'© , OmV, qcJ `mda AmYmaco co àm. e{'© cm ao Jo `m § Mm ì`mg § J, qMVZ d dmMZ W¸$ H$aUmao
EPW, Aug 10, 2013
In her classroom teaching Sharmila Rege constantly focused on how the interaction of students wit... more In her classroom teaching Sharmila Rege constantly focused on how the interaction of students with the lived experiences of activists in social/ protest movements and also with the masses could deepen their understanding of social reality as well as the close linkages between theory and ideology on the one hand and between theory, ideology and praxis on the other. She believed that gender studies and dalit studies were organically linked.
Here is a book that offers something new and stimulating, and it matters little if you are alread... more Here is a book that offers something new and stimulating, and it matters little if you are already acq u a inted with the scholarship around Bab asaheb Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar or not. Sharmila Rege, well known for her collection of 'testimonies' by Dalit women and her writings on caste and gender, has gleaned from the huge corpus that now constitutes Ambedkar's leg acy a selection of his writings, which she has ably introduced and commented on.
EPW, Aug 10, 2013
Sociologist, feminist scholar, writer and activist Sharmila Rege was successful in bringing the s... more Sociologist, feminist scholar, writer and activist Sharmila Rege was successful in bringing the structural violence of caste and its linkages with sexuality and labour into the feminist discourse. She made the Krantijyoti Savitribai Phule Women's Studies Centre of Pune University into a vibrant hub which not only gained from other disciplines but also created a bilingual system of teaching and training along with a unique syllabus that deserves to be emulated widely.
Books by Sharmila Rege
Book Reviews by Sharmila Rege
Magazine Articles by Sharmila Rege
Papers by Sharmila Rege
About Sharmila and her work by Sharmila Rege
Books by Sharmila Rege
Book Reviews by Sharmila Rege
Magazine Articles by Sharmila Rege
Papers by Sharmila Rege
The contributors include scholars/teachers who, like Uma, attempt to bridge the worlds of academics and activism, as well as young researchers who share her enthusiasm for ancient Indian history.
The Editor Kumkum Roy teaches at the Centre for Historical Studies, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi.
Contributors include; Naina Dayal, V. Geetha, Bharati Jagannathan, Rashmi Paliwal, Sharmila Rege, Kumkum Roy, Meera Visvanathan
Feminist pedagogy explicitly confronts the popularly understood divisions between public and private, between reason and emotion and legitimizes personal experience as an appropriate arena of intellectual activity. It is recognized that teachers and students alike bring ‘texts’ of their own to the classroom which shape transactions within it…Our feminist pedagogies therefore have the complex task of analysing caste from the standpoint of Dalit women and class from the standpoint of working-class women, hindutva from the standpoint of minorities and heterosexuality from the standpoint of lesbians…
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