Papers by Laura Yerekesheva

The New Research of Tuva, 2024
The article analyzes issues related to the intellectual discourse of nation-building in India, w... more The article analyzes issues related to the intellectual discourse of nation-building in India, which is discussed in the context
of theories of nationalism, the “third space” / hybridity and decoloniality. Using the works of Indian researchers devoted to the
study of the ancient and modern history of India as a sample, the article defines and analyzes the main patterns associated
with the actualization of these theoretical discourses.
It shows that the actualization of issues in the field of production of knowledge, meanings and values in India in relation to
its ancient past and present went through certain stages, which reflected a change in paradigms — from orientalism through
the “third space” to decoloniality. These stages became a reflection of the heated ideological discussions that took place and
are taking place in Indian society. From a theoretical perspective, they are markers of the process of activating tradition in the
“third space” and its transformation into decoloniality.
The historiographic narration of studying the history of archeology in the mid-20th century (Surindranath Roy) reveals the
predominantly orientalist discourse and hybridity. In the late 20th — early 21st century, the research on archaeological issues
at the junction with the socio-political analysis undertaken by Dilip Chakrabarty shows the preservation of hybridity and
an appeal to decoloniality. At present, in the works of Sai Deepak, one can note the domination of the decoloniality concept
over the other two discourses. Decoloniality occurs mainly through an appeal to tradition and religion, which becomes a key
mode, both content and form, as well as a kind of engine of this process. In turn, this may indicate the long-term nature of the
transformation process, the incompleteness of which could be clearly and particularly manifested precisely in the sphere of
production of knowledge, meanings, and symbols.
Astana: Gylym Baspasy, 2022
Символика Тюркского мира. Атлас.-Нур-Султан: «Ғылым» баспасы, 2022.-600 стр. ISBN В данный Атлас ... more Символика Тюркского мира. Атлас.-Нур-Султан: «Ғылым» баспасы, 2022.-600 стр. ISBN В данный Атлас включен иллюстрированный материал археологических артефактов, письменных источников, и исторические сведения о символике Тюркском мире с древнейших времен до средневекового периода. Атлас предназначен для широкого круга читателей.

Motion: Migrations”, Conference Proceedings of the 35th CIHA World Congress, Sao Paolo. In “Motion: Migrations”, Conference Proceedings of the 35th CIHA World Congress, Sao Paolo. Sao Paolo: Vasto Edições, Comité International de l'Histoire de l'Art, 2023, p. 923-947., 2023
This paper discusses the solar symbolism in Central Asian art, based on the concept of “religious... more This paper discusses the solar symbolism in Central Asian art, based on the concept of “religious semiosphere”. It traces the oldest layers of a “religious semiosphere”, or interconnected beliefs that existed in Central Asia during the III-I millennia BCE, through the way of their artistic representations and expressive symbolism. The aim is to analyze a symbolic representation of the solar cult and its co-existence with other religious beliefs, such as totemism and shamanism, and an evolution of the artistic forms of this representation.
Among the artifacts found in the region, the following types of
iconographies are highlighted and discussed: the “sun-head” people, the
sun-animals, the circle signs, and the solar symbolism among the
Xiongnu/Hunnu. These iconographies refer to various forms of expressive
symbolism - the rock art and material artifacts from the burial mounds and royal burials, including statuettes, silver and bronze standards, remnants of the horses. Following the analysis of the iconographies, the paper concludes that as one of the oldest beliefs, the solar cult survived the time and found itself either simultaneously or later in other religious symbolic representations of the sacred through signs, images, symbols.
Religions, Jul 27, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Islamic Civilization in the Great Steppe. Istanbul: IRCICA, 2022
The article aims to analyze the character of East-West
interactions, particularly the ancient In... more The article aims to analyze the character of East-West
interactions, particularly the ancient Indo-Greek dialogue as viewed
from the prism of the “Other”. Methodologically it discusses the
concepts of the “Other” as developed by E. Levinas, of the hospitality
by J. Derrida, and of Orientalism’s imaginative geography by E. Said.
The historical forms of seeing the “Other” are analyzed through the
texts of Rock Edicts by Ashoka, the Indian Emperor of Maurya
Dynasty, on the one hand, and compendium Indica by
Megasthenes/Arrian, and the Natural History by Pliny the Elder, on
the other.

The New Research of Tuva, 2021
Зооморфные изображения, найденные на значительном пространстве евразийского континента от Восточн... more Зооморфные изображения, найденные на значительном пространстве евразийского континента от Восточной Азии, Южной Сибири, Монголии, Тувы, Алтая, Казахстана до Поволжья, Приуралья, Кавказа, Причерноморья и относящиеся к сакской/скифской культурам, обладают как общими типологическими закономерностями, так и собственной спецификой. Как известно, сакский/скифский зооморфный стиль оказал исключительное влияние на культуру народов Центральной Азии, отголоски которого, словно эхо веков, можно проследить в материальной культуре и в настоящее время. В статье рассматриваются вопросы символической репрезентации религиозных представлений и верований на примере зооморфного стиля в искусстве Центральной Азии второй половины — середины I тысячелетия до н. э. В географическом и хронологическом плане анализу подвергаются артефакты и находки, относящиеся к так называемому сакскому периоду (оленные камни и херексуры, элементы конской упряжи, воинского снаряжения, ювелирные украшения и искусство в зоомо...
Eurasian Research Journal

Art, Design & Society. Global Perspectives. Pande A., S. Kumari (Eds). New Delhi: National Museum Institute, Macmillan Education, 2021, pp. 340-350., 2021
The paper aims at analyzing the representation of social activities (that include trade ... more Abstract
The paper aims at analyzing the representation of social activities (that include trade and leisure, dance and sport) during the Great Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) from a prism of interpreting the intangible through tangible. Based on interdisciplinary approach, methodologically it addresses the concept of the “Other” as discussed through interlinks between imperial China and the other world (mostly represented by cultures of neighboring Turks and Iranians/Sogdians).
It is argued that the representation of “Us” and the “Other” was two-folded. On the one hand, it followed the general dividing lines of this concept, thus representing the “Other” through rather strict categorization (what could be traced in the depiction of the features of the “foreigners” – mostly Sogdian traders).
On the other hand, the representation reflected the general context and specificity of time as well, marked by intensive trade and fertilizing cross-cultural encounters along the Silk Road. The latter has been vividly and succinctly expressed in magnificent artistic representation of the idea of connectivity - movement, process, action and pause, thus leading towards establishing links and melting the barriers between “Us” and the “Other”.
The paper addresses these issues while discussing beautiful and impressive terracotta/ terre cuite figures from the collections of the Musee Nationale des Arts Asiatiques (Musee Guimet), National Museum of India and National Museum of China.

Зооморфные изображения, найденные на значительном пространстве евразийского континента от Восточн... more Зооморфные изображения, найденные на значительном пространстве евразийского континента от Восточной Азии, Южной Сибири, Монголии, Тувы, Алтая, Казахстана до Поволжья, Приуралья, Кавказа, Причерноморья и относящиеся к сакской/скифской куль-турам, обладают как общими типологическими закономерностями, так и собственной спецификой. Как известно, сакский/скифский зооморфный стиль оказал исключительное влияние на культуру народов Центральной Азии, отголоски которого, словно эхо веков, можно проследить в материальной культуре и в настоящее время. В статье рассматриваются вопросы символической репрезентации религиозных представлений и верований на примере зооморфного стиля в искусстве Центральной Азии второй половины-середины I тысячелетия до н. э. В географическом и хронологическом плане анализу подвергаются артефакты и находки, относящиеся к так называемому сакскому периоду (оленные камни и херексуры, элементы конской упряжи, воинского снаряжения, ювелирные украшения и искусство в зооморфном стиле), найденные в Туве, на Алтае, в Семиречье. В методологическом плане данная репрезентация изучается на основе кросс-дисциплинарного подхода, с использованием элементов теории структурного функционализма в теоретической социологии религии (Т. Парсонс), семиотического подхода в культуре (Ю. Лотман) в их соотношении с уровнями развития и религиозными верованиями. Показывается, что в зооморфном стиле могут отражаться (в разной степени) элементы, относящиеся к различным религиозным верованиям, спектр которых широк-солярные культы, культы Неба, культ предков, зооморфные культы, магия, тотемизм, шаманизм. Делается вывод, что зооморфный стиль в искусстве и материальной культуре является синергетической репрезентацией древнейших и базовых религиозных представлений в целом; результатом своеобразной трансформации знака, через информацию и смысл, в символ.
Laura Yerekesheva, Anupa Pande (Eds). Canvas of Cultures. Edited Volume, 2020
The article highlights the issues of intercultural interaction and the representation of the imag... more The article highlights the issues of intercultural interaction and the representation of the image of the “Other” using the cases of art of two most representative, from interaction of cultures perspective, historical regions - Gandhara (in modern Afghanistan) and Serindia (modern XUAR of the PRC), that could be found in the Central Asian collection of the National Museum of Asian Art - the Musee Guimet in Paris.

The Muslim World, Volume 110, Issue 1 (2020): 64-88. , 2020
T he paper aims at understanding the role and functions that religion plays in nationbuilding pro... more T he paper aims at understanding the role and functions that religion plays in nationbuilding processes. It maps the results of this interaction in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan at the end of twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Nation-building can be defined as a process of constructing national identity through social integration and cultural cohesion. Since the state as well as other actors and stakeholders are invested in nation-building, this process becomes crucial to the performance of society and to state sovereignty and independence. Nation-building processes require special attention during periods of dramatic transformation, which was the case following the disintegration of the Soviet Union in 1991 and formation of independent states in Central Asia. While state-building processes and construction of state institutions and infrastructure began immediately after these states proclaimed sovereignty, nation-building is a prolonged process in which the "Who are we?" question is still very much on the agenda of these countries.
Yerekesheva Laura. Knowledge, Culture, Orientalism (Towards Reading Edward Said’s Concept).Edited Volume in Honour of 60th Jubilee of prof. A.K. Muminov. In Founder of Ancient History. A. Derbissali (Ed.). Almaty: Kazak Universiteti, 2020. P. 52-62. , 2020
Edited Volume in Honour of 60th Jubilee of Prof. A.K. Muminov.
Настоящая статья подготовлена для ... more Edited Volume in Honour of 60th Jubilee of Prof. A.K. Muminov.
Настоящая статья подготовлена для сборника материалов, посвященного 60-летнему юбилею Аширбека Курбановича Муминова, известного источниковеда-арабиста, исламоведа, историка Казахстана и Центральной Азии. В основу статьи положены отдельные фрагменты лекций МООК, написанных и про-читанных автором в 2018 г. в рамках Государственной программы «Рухани жаңғыру», проект «Новое гуманитарное знание: перевод на казахский язык 100 новых учебников».
Humboldt University of Berlin. Südasien-Seminar der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2019
Migration in Central Asia: Challenges and Prospects. International Conference Report. Almaty: UNESCO Office Almaty, 2005. 199 p. , 2005
Imperial Period of the History of Central Asia (XVIII-beginning XX c.) in Historical Sources. Conference Proceedings, 21 December 2016. Ed. Ablet K. Kamalov. - Almaty: MIR Publishing House, 2017. - p. 63-74. , 2017
L.G. Yerekesheva. Great Silk Routes Study: Survey of Europan Historiography
Laura Yerekesheva. Towards Analysis of E. Durkheim's Sociology of Religion.
Аннотация. В статье и... more Laura Yerekesheva. Towards Analysis of E. Durkheim's Sociology of Religion.
Аннотация. В статье изучается концепция Э. Дюркгейма о социальном измерении религии, представленная им в работе "Элементарные формы религиозной жизни. Тотемическая система в Австралии". Рассмотрены положения французского социолога о категориях познания применительно к социологии религии (в частности, вера и разум, коллективное и индивидуальное начала), непосредственно связанные с проблемой происхождения и роли религии и морали в обществе. Показана несомненная значимость и актуальность данной концепции.
Ключевые слова: Дюркгейм, социология религии, религиозное сознание, религия и мораль, религия и наука, разум и вера, рациональность, индивидуальное и социальное.
Papers by Laura Yerekesheva
of theories of nationalism, the “third space” / hybridity and decoloniality. Using the works of Indian researchers devoted to the
study of the ancient and modern history of India as a sample, the article defines and analyzes the main patterns associated
with the actualization of these theoretical discourses.
It shows that the actualization of issues in the field of production of knowledge, meanings and values in India in relation to
its ancient past and present went through certain stages, which reflected a change in paradigms — from orientalism through
the “third space” to decoloniality. These stages became a reflection of the heated ideological discussions that took place and
are taking place in Indian society. From a theoretical perspective, they are markers of the process of activating tradition in the
“third space” and its transformation into decoloniality.
The historiographic narration of studying the history of archeology in the mid-20th century (Surindranath Roy) reveals the
predominantly orientalist discourse and hybridity. In the late 20th — early 21st century, the research on archaeological issues
at the junction with the socio-political analysis undertaken by Dilip Chakrabarty shows the preservation of hybridity and
an appeal to decoloniality. At present, in the works of Sai Deepak, one can note the domination of the decoloniality concept
over the other two discourses. Decoloniality occurs mainly through an appeal to tradition and religion, which becomes a key
mode, both content and form, as well as a kind of engine of this process. In turn, this may indicate the long-term nature of the
transformation process, the incompleteness of which could be clearly and particularly manifested precisely in the sphere of
production of knowledge, meanings, and symbols.
Among the artifacts found in the region, the following types of
iconographies are highlighted and discussed: the “sun-head” people, the
sun-animals, the circle signs, and the solar symbolism among the
Xiongnu/Hunnu. These iconographies refer to various forms of expressive
symbolism - the rock art and material artifacts from the burial mounds and royal burials, including statuettes, silver and bronze standards, remnants of the horses. Following the analysis of the iconographies, the paper concludes that as one of the oldest beliefs, the solar cult survived the time and found itself either simultaneously or later in other religious symbolic representations of the sacred through signs, images, symbols.
interactions, particularly the ancient Indo-Greek dialogue as viewed
from the prism of the “Other”. Methodologically it discusses the
concepts of the “Other” as developed by E. Levinas, of the hospitality
by J. Derrida, and of Orientalism’s imaginative geography by E. Said.
The historical forms of seeing the “Other” are analyzed through the
texts of Rock Edicts by Ashoka, the Indian Emperor of Maurya
Dynasty, on the one hand, and compendium Indica by
Megasthenes/Arrian, and the Natural History by Pliny the Elder, on
the other.
The paper aims at analyzing the representation of social activities (that include trade and leisure, dance and sport) during the Great Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) from a prism of interpreting the intangible through tangible. Based on interdisciplinary approach, methodologically it addresses the concept of the “Other” as discussed through interlinks between imperial China and the other world (mostly represented by cultures of neighboring Turks and Iranians/Sogdians).
It is argued that the representation of “Us” and the “Other” was two-folded. On the one hand, it followed the general dividing lines of this concept, thus representing the “Other” through rather strict categorization (what could be traced in the depiction of the features of the “foreigners” – mostly Sogdian traders).
On the other hand, the representation reflected the general context and specificity of time as well, marked by intensive trade and fertilizing cross-cultural encounters along the Silk Road. The latter has been vividly and succinctly expressed in magnificent artistic representation of the idea of connectivity - movement, process, action and pause, thus leading towards establishing links and melting the barriers between “Us” and the “Other”.
The paper addresses these issues while discussing beautiful and impressive terracotta/ terre cuite figures from the collections of the Musee Nationale des Arts Asiatiques (Musee Guimet), National Museum of India and National Museum of China.
Настоящая статья подготовлена для сборника материалов, посвященного 60-летнему юбилею Аширбека Курбановича Муминова, известного источниковеда-арабиста, исламоведа, историка Казахстана и Центральной Азии. В основу статьи положены отдельные фрагменты лекций МООК, написанных и про-читанных автором в 2018 г. в рамках Государственной программы «Рухани жаңғыру», проект «Новое гуманитарное знание: перевод на казахский язык 100 новых учебников».
Аннотация. В статье изучается концепция Э. Дюркгейма о социальном измерении религии, представленная им в работе "Элементарные формы религиозной жизни. Тотемическая система в Австралии". Рассмотрены положения французского социолога о категориях познания применительно к социологии религии (в частности, вера и разум, коллективное и индивидуальное начала), непосредственно связанные с проблемой происхождения и роли религии и морали в обществе. Показана несомненная значимость и актуальность данной концепции.
Ключевые слова: Дюркгейм, социология религии, религиозное сознание, религия и мораль, религия и наука, разум и вера, рациональность, индивидуальное и социальное.
of theories of nationalism, the “third space” / hybridity and decoloniality. Using the works of Indian researchers devoted to the
study of the ancient and modern history of India as a sample, the article defines and analyzes the main patterns associated
with the actualization of these theoretical discourses.
It shows that the actualization of issues in the field of production of knowledge, meanings and values in India in relation to
its ancient past and present went through certain stages, which reflected a change in paradigms — from orientalism through
the “third space” to decoloniality. These stages became a reflection of the heated ideological discussions that took place and
are taking place in Indian society. From a theoretical perspective, they are markers of the process of activating tradition in the
“third space” and its transformation into decoloniality.
The historiographic narration of studying the history of archeology in the mid-20th century (Surindranath Roy) reveals the
predominantly orientalist discourse and hybridity. In the late 20th — early 21st century, the research on archaeological issues
at the junction with the socio-political analysis undertaken by Dilip Chakrabarty shows the preservation of hybridity and
an appeal to decoloniality. At present, in the works of Sai Deepak, one can note the domination of the decoloniality concept
over the other two discourses. Decoloniality occurs mainly through an appeal to tradition and religion, which becomes a key
mode, both content and form, as well as a kind of engine of this process. In turn, this may indicate the long-term nature of the
transformation process, the incompleteness of which could be clearly and particularly manifested precisely in the sphere of
production of knowledge, meanings, and symbols.
Among the artifacts found in the region, the following types of
iconographies are highlighted and discussed: the “sun-head” people, the
sun-animals, the circle signs, and the solar symbolism among the
Xiongnu/Hunnu. These iconographies refer to various forms of expressive
symbolism - the rock art and material artifacts from the burial mounds and royal burials, including statuettes, silver and bronze standards, remnants of the horses. Following the analysis of the iconographies, the paper concludes that as one of the oldest beliefs, the solar cult survived the time and found itself either simultaneously or later in other religious symbolic representations of the sacred through signs, images, symbols.
interactions, particularly the ancient Indo-Greek dialogue as viewed
from the prism of the “Other”. Methodologically it discusses the
concepts of the “Other” as developed by E. Levinas, of the hospitality
by J. Derrida, and of Orientalism’s imaginative geography by E. Said.
The historical forms of seeing the “Other” are analyzed through the
texts of Rock Edicts by Ashoka, the Indian Emperor of Maurya
Dynasty, on the one hand, and compendium Indica by
Megasthenes/Arrian, and the Natural History by Pliny the Elder, on
the other.
The paper aims at analyzing the representation of social activities (that include trade and leisure, dance and sport) during the Great Tang Dynasty (618-907 CE) from a prism of interpreting the intangible through tangible. Based on interdisciplinary approach, methodologically it addresses the concept of the “Other” as discussed through interlinks between imperial China and the other world (mostly represented by cultures of neighboring Turks and Iranians/Sogdians).
It is argued that the representation of “Us” and the “Other” was two-folded. On the one hand, it followed the general dividing lines of this concept, thus representing the “Other” through rather strict categorization (what could be traced in the depiction of the features of the “foreigners” – mostly Sogdian traders).
On the other hand, the representation reflected the general context and specificity of time as well, marked by intensive trade and fertilizing cross-cultural encounters along the Silk Road. The latter has been vividly and succinctly expressed in magnificent artistic representation of the idea of connectivity - movement, process, action and pause, thus leading towards establishing links and melting the barriers between “Us” and the “Other”.
The paper addresses these issues while discussing beautiful and impressive terracotta/ terre cuite figures from the collections of the Musee Nationale des Arts Asiatiques (Musee Guimet), National Museum of India and National Museum of China.
Настоящая статья подготовлена для сборника материалов, посвященного 60-летнему юбилею Аширбека Курбановича Муминова, известного источниковеда-арабиста, исламоведа, историка Казахстана и Центральной Азии. В основу статьи положены отдельные фрагменты лекций МООК, написанных и про-читанных автором в 2018 г. в рамках Государственной программы «Рухани жаңғыру», проект «Новое гуманитарное знание: перевод на казахский язык 100 новых учебников».
Аннотация. В статье изучается концепция Э. Дюркгейма о социальном измерении религии, представленная им в работе "Элементарные формы религиозной жизни. Тотемическая система в Австралии". Рассмотрены положения французского социолога о категориях познания применительно к социологии религии (в частности, вера и разум, коллективное и индивидуальное начала), непосредственно связанные с проблемой происхождения и роли религии и морали в обществе. Показана несомненная значимость и актуальность данной концепции.
Ключевые слова: Дюркгейм, социология религии, религиозное сознание, религия и мораль, религия и наука, разум и вера, рациональность, индивидуальное и социальное.
The collective monograph addresses a wide range of issues relating to the regularity and specificity of globalization process particularly on interregional, regional and national levels.
While defining the book structure it was purposefully intended to reflect both theoretical and practical elements of the research so to give readers a more comprehensive view of the issues raised. As a result, there have been elaborated the following three key parts of the book (each of which contains several chapters), i.e.:
Part 1. Methodology and Ways of Research. Historical Aspects and Historiography
Part 2. China and India as Rising Global Powers
Part 3. India, China, Central and South Asia: Trajectories of Interaction
Издание рассчитано на специалистов в области международных отношений, историков, политологов, религиоведов, культурологов.
The book covers the historical and contemporary aspects of cooperation and links between Central Asia and India. In particular, much attention is paid to the methodological and practical aspects of shared history and civilization, the history of the Great Silk Road; discoveries and material artifacts related to the cultural enrichment; religious beliefs and doctrines, language, literature, art and other forms of expressive symbolism; inter-regional cooperation in the context of the political history of the twentieth century. The collection also includes the resolution adopted by the conference participants.
Editors: Laura Yerekesheva, Meruyert Abusseitova
The work bears interdisciplinary character embracing various fields – theoretical sociology of religion, history, history of religion, cultural studies.