ROFLMAO I agree with like every comment here. The landmine made me go WHAT and then so did the feet, omg! And then I ran into the red line and my lil dudes went SPLAT.
This is super clever and I hope you keep working on it, I love the usage of people as this expendable little faceless force with the single purpose of standing on buttons to open doors.
Really great controls and especially fitting sound effects lol
Thank you for such a rich review, happy to know that you're enjoyed the game!
Still thinking if I should do post-ludum version as the game has some design challenges, let see if the final results will motivate me enough (for example, good grade for PUNCH, my other game, helped me to develop it later). But at least this game could be a good foundation for other ideas for sure.
Yeah I totally agree that this would be a fun foundation for something even if not a post-LD edition. I'm not sure how much else you can do with the game as it is, which is kinda one of the things that made it so magical: in such a small block of game you explored so many different struggles and mechanics.
Or maybe it's not that I don't know what else can be done with it but there are too many ideas lol like a rogue-lite where you can upgrade the starting count of dudes or their toughness etc, or additional puzzly ideas, etc.
I've followed either way and will keep an eye out in the future for what you make! :D
Delightfully charming! I really hope you update this game to include more levels and tighter controls. It felt as if my control over all the Blo people was slippery and they had a mind of their own for a bit. In Level 2, once I got over the red barrier and collected more people, one of the new ones immediately ran into the barrier and died. I know now that you put more collectable Blo people in the level than required, but I didn't know it then and had to reset. Other than that, I enjoyed my time with it! Very impressive you made this in 2 days! Keep up the good work!
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Quite interesting, but I want more levels))
Such a silly little game. If this had more levels I'd totally play more
I loved this silly little game
I felt like a mother duck trying to get all her ducklings to safety
It was amazing and I'd love to see more of it!
so silly game and fun with the controls. i'd like to play this more!!
Such a fun concept! Really nice game!
Please please Please make more of this game!! It's so much fun, and I love the concept!!
this is a really neat idea and it’s really fun to try and guide these guys around, I imagine they all make the sound of Brombus when they run around
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it was fun to play, the animation of moving tiny humans made me laugh, love it ><! felt like a mum for all these smol dudes
ROFLMAO I agree with like every comment here. The landmine made me go WHAT and then so did the feet, omg! And then I ran into the red line and my lil dudes went SPLAT.
This is super clever and I hope you keep working on it, I love the usage of people as this expendable little faceless force with the single purpose of standing on buttons to open doors.
Really great controls and especially fitting sound effects lol
- ✨Beth
Thank you for such a rich review, happy to know that you're enjoyed the game!
Still thinking if I should do post-ludum version as the game has some design challenges, let see if the final results will motivate me enough (for example, good grade for PUNCH, my other game, helped me to develop it later). But at least this game could be a good foundation for other ideas for sure.
Yeah I totally agree that this would be a fun foundation for something even if not a post-LD edition. I'm not sure how much else you can do with the game as it is, which is kinda one of the things that made it so magical: in such a small block of game you explored so many different struggles and mechanics.
Or maybe it's not that I don't know what else can be done with it but there are too many ideas lol like a rogue-lite where you can upgrade the starting count of dudes or their toughness etc, or additional puzzly ideas, etc.
I've followed either way and will keep an eye out in the future for what you make! :D
I agree too :) enjoyed the game
the landmine scared me
the tippy taps of their feet are so satisfyin
i like control and your style!
i really like it, looking forward to next levels! ;)
fun! a 3rd level would be cool! i think there's potential for cool mechanics interactions!!
cool game, hope there will be level 3 soon
Hehehe little guys!
Makes me think of pikmin and right click to necromance!
Really nice game! The sound of the feet scared me xD
PS: I released my first game. Thanks to have a look ;)
it's fun! i like the little blue guys
aww im so sorry for level 3.
yay good game :3
Delightfully charming! I really hope you update this game to include more levels and tighter controls. It felt as if my control over all the Blo people was slippery and they had a mind of their own for a bit. In Level 2, once I got over the red barrier and collected more people, one of the new ones immediately ran into the barrier and died. I know now that you put more collectable Blo people in the level than required, but I didn't know it then and had to reset. Other than that, I enjoyed my time with it! Very impressive you made this in 2 days! Keep up the good work!
Very simple but fun, reminds me of Pikmin! It'd be cool to see more :)
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so sigma
It's very cool! <3
Awww I really liked it!
Me and the bois:
when boi n°3 says there is a ghot milf in that direction(noone is brave enough to talk to her).
love this game:)light-hearted and fun piece!
nice and enjoyable game, very good work for a 3 day jam :)
Thank you! Actually it was just 2 days :)
Very funny game!
it was fun to play, the animation of moving tiny humans made me laugh, love it ><! felt like a mum for all these smol dudes
also, reminded me some game I played on my phone
thanks Denis