Religiously integrated interventions for treating mental illnesses have proved effective. However... more Religiously integrated interventions for treating mental illnesses have proved effective. However, many studies have yet to adequately address the effects of Islamic religious-based rituals on mental health among Muslims. The present study investigated the impact of a purposefully designed Islamic religion-based intervention on reducing depression and anxiety disorders among Muslim patients using a randomised controlled trial design. A total of 62 Muslim patients (30 women and 32 men) were divided by gender into two groups, with each group assigned randomly to either treatment or control groups. The participants who received the Islamicbased intervention were compared to participants who received the control intervention. Taylor's (cite date) manifest anxiety scale and Steer and Beck's (cite the date) depression scale were used to examine the effects on depression and anxiety levels. ANCOVA results revealed that the Islamic intervention significantly reduced anxiety levels in women (d = 0.75) and depression levels in men (d = 0.80) compared to the typical care control groups.
In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are stu... more In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are studied and some properties on t-derivations of BCC-algebras are investigated. This paper also considers t-regular t -derivations and the dt-invariant on ideals of BCC-algebras.
International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, 2018
Health literacy has become a global issue, and it is important that patients and individuals are ... more Health literacy has become a global issue, and it is important that patients and individuals are able to use information technology to access health information and educational services. The research objective is to develop a Saudi e-health literacy scale (SeHL) for measuring e-health literacy among Saudis suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCD). Overall, 14 relevant papers in related interdisciplinary fields were reviewed to select the most useful literacy dimensions. From these articles, we extracted the most common dimensions used to measure e-health literacy across the disciplines. Multiple workshops with multidisciplinary team members reviewed and evaluated items for SeHL. Four key aspects of e-health literacy-use of technology/media, information-seeking, usefulness and confidence-were identified and integrated as e-health literacy dimensions. These will be used to measure e-health literacy among Saudi patients with NCDs. A translation from Arabic to English was performe...
2006 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2006
Application of neural networks in fuzzy multi-attribute decision making is studied. A new fuzzy R... more Application of neural networks in fuzzy multi-attribute decision making is studied. A new fuzzy RBF neural network model, which uses triangular fuzzy numbers as inputs, is set up. Another important feature of the model is that the weights of the inputs fully reflect the effect of the decision-maker's preferences for uncertainty on decision results. Further, attribute weights determined by neural networks have the advantages of both subjective and objective weights. Due to the fact that ideal solution samples are introduced into the training samples, the decision results tends to be more in agreement with the decision-maker's intensions and, therefore, more scientific. Numerical illustrations prove the new model to be effective
ABSTRACT In this note, we investigate some fundamental properties and prove some results on deriv... more ABSTRACT In this note, we investigate some fundamental properties and prove some results on derivations of BCI-algebras.
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided t... more License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We introduce the concept of (
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium... more Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Connectivity has an important role in neural networks, computer network, and clustering. In the design of a network, it is important to analyze connections by the levels. The structural properties of intuitionistic fuzzy graphs provide a tool that allows for the solution of operations research problems. In this paper, we introduce various types of intuitionistic fuzzy bridges, intuitionistic fuzzy cut vertices, intuitionistic fuzzy cycles, and intuitionistic fuzzy trees in intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and investigate some of their interesting properties. Most of these various types are defined in terms of levels. We also describe comparison of these types. 1.
We introduce the notions of hesitant anti-fuzzy soft set (subalgebras and ideals) and provide rel... more We introduce the notions of hesitant anti-fuzzy soft set (subalgebras and ideals) and provide relation between them. However, we study new types of hesitant anti-fuzzy soft ideals (implicative, positive implicative, and commutative). Also, we stated and proved some theorems which determine the relationship between these notions.
In this paper, we introduce the notion of t− derivations of incline algebras and investigate some... more In this paper, we introduce the notion of t− derivations of incline algebras and investigate some of their properties. Moreover, we show that if a t− derivation is nonzero on an integral incline K, then it is nonzero on any nonzero ideals of K.
The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of anti fuzzy implicative ideals of BCK-algebras... more The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of anti fuzzy implicative ideals of BCK-algebras and to investigate their properties. We give several characterizations of anti fuzzy implicative ideals. We also introduce the notion of anti Cartesian product of anti fuzzy implicative ideals, and then we study related properties.
In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are stu... more In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are studied and some properties on t-derivations of BCC-algebras are investigated. This paper also considers t-regular t -derivations and the d t -invariant on ideals of BCC-algebras.
We introduce the concept of fuzzy soft incline algebras and investigate some of their properties.... more We introduce the concept of fuzzy soft incline algebras and investigate some of their properties. We discuss fuzzy soft images and fuzzy soft inverse images of fuzzy soft incline algebras. We introduce the notion of an (∈, ∈ ∨q)− fuzzy soft incline algebra which is a generalization of a fuzzy soft incline algebras.
In this paper we introduce the notion of soft incline algebras and filter soft incline algebras, ... more In this paper we introduce the notion of soft incline algebras and filter soft incline algebras, and investigate some of their properties. Moreover, we introduce the notions of prime and maximal soft ideal and quotient of soft incline algebras. Key words: Soft incline algebras, filter soft incline algebras, prime and maximal soft ideal, quotient of soft incline algebras INTRODUCTION
JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications
In this paper, we give an example to show that () -, -Hom may not, in general, be a B-algebra. Mo... more In this paper, we give an example to show that () -, -Hom may not, in general, be a B-algebra. Moreover, we find conditions under which () -, -Hom is a B-algebra. Also, we introduce the notion of an orthogonal subset and discuss some related properties.
Connectivity has an important role in neural networks, computer network, and clustering. In the d... more Connectivity has an important role in neural networks, computer network, and clustering. In the design of a network, it is important to analyze connections by the levels. The structural properties of intuitionistic fuzzy graphs provide a tool that allows for the solution of operations research problems. In this paper, we introduce various types of intuitionistic fuzzy bridges, intuitionistic fuzzy cut vertices, intuitionistic fuzzy cycles, and intuitionistic fuzzy trees in intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and investigate some of their interesting properties. Most of these various types are defined in terms of levels. We also describe comparison of these types.
In the paper an extension of the notation of fuzzy set on vector space V over a field k is consid... more In the paper an extension of the notation of fuzzy set on vector space V over a field k is considered. Namely, a vague set A on V is defined by two membership functions (t A ,f A )V→[0,1] such that t A (x)+f A (x)≤1 for any x∈V· Here t A is looked upon as the lower bound for degree of membership of x in A and f A as that for negation of membership x in A. For a Lie superalgebra L the notations of vague Lie sub-superalgebra and vague sub-superideal are introduced. The authors investigate such properties of vague ideals as their behaviour under homomorphisms of Lie superalgebras and bracket product. The notations of nilpotent and solvable vague ideals are suggested. It is proved that the standard properties of nilpotent and solvable ideals are true for vague ideals as well.Reviewer: Michael Kuznetsov (Nizhnii Novgorod)
Fuzzy sets and soft sets are two different soft computing models for representing uncertainty and... more Fuzzy sets and soft sets are two different soft computing models for representing uncertainty and vagueness. In this paper we apply these models in combination to study uncertainty and vagueness in K-algebras. We introduce the concept of fuzzy soft K-subalgebras and investigate some of their properties. We discuss fuzzy soft images and fuzzy soft inverse images of fuzzy soft-K-subalgebras. We introduce the notion of an (∈,∈∨q)-fuzzy soft K-subalgebra which is a generalization of a fuzzy soft K-subalgebra. We also introduce (∈ α ,∈ α ∨q β )-fuzzy soft K-subalgebras and describe some of their properties.
Religiously integrated interventions for treating mental illnesses have proved effective. However... more Religiously integrated interventions for treating mental illnesses have proved effective. However, many studies have yet to adequately address the effects of Islamic religious-based rituals on mental health among Muslims. The present study investigated the impact of a purposefully designed Islamic religion-based intervention on reducing depression and anxiety disorders among Muslim patients using a randomised controlled trial design. A total of 62 Muslim patients (30 women and 32 men) were divided by gender into two groups, with each group assigned randomly to either treatment or control groups. The participants who received the Islamicbased intervention were compared to participants who received the control intervention. Taylor's (cite date) manifest anxiety scale and Steer and Beck's (cite the date) depression scale were used to examine the effects on depression and anxiety levels. ANCOVA results revealed that the Islamic intervention significantly reduced anxiety levels in women (d = 0.75) and depression levels in men (d = 0.80) compared to the typical care control groups.
In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are stu... more In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are studied and some properties on t-derivations of BCC-algebras are investigated. This paper also considers t-regular t -derivations and the dt-invariant on ideals of BCC-algebras.
International journal for quality in health care : journal of the International Society for Quality in Health Care, 2018
Health literacy has become a global issue, and it is important that patients and individuals are ... more Health literacy has become a global issue, and it is important that patients and individuals are able to use information technology to access health information and educational services. The research objective is to develop a Saudi e-health literacy scale (SeHL) for measuring e-health literacy among Saudis suffering from non-communicable diseases (NCD). Overall, 14 relevant papers in related interdisciplinary fields were reviewed to select the most useful literacy dimensions. From these articles, we extracted the most common dimensions used to measure e-health literacy across the disciplines. Multiple workshops with multidisciplinary team members reviewed and evaluated items for SeHL. Four key aspects of e-health literacy-use of technology/media, information-seeking, usefulness and confidence-were identified and integrated as e-health literacy dimensions. These will be used to measure e-health literacy among Saudi patients with NCDs. A translation from Arabic to English was performe...
2006 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, 2006
Application of neural networks in fuzzy multi-attribute decision making is studied. A new fuzzy R... more Application of neural networks in fuzzy multi-attribute decision making is studied. A new fuzzy RBF neural network model, which uses triangular fuzzy numbers as inputs, is set up. Another important feature of the model is that the weights of the inputs fully reflect the effect of the decision-maker's preferences for uncertainty on decision results. Further, attribute weights determined by neural networks have the advantages of both subjective and objective weights. Due to the fact that ideal solution samples are introduced into the training samples, the decision results tends to be more in agreement with the decision-maker's intensions and, therefore, more scientific. Numerical illustrations prove the new model to be effective
ABSTRACT In this note, we investigate some fundamental properties and prove some results on deriv... more ABSTRACT In this note, we investigate some fundamental properties and prove some results on derivations of BCI-algebras.
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided t... more License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. We introduce the concept of (
Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium... more Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Connectivity has an important role in neural networks, computer network, and clustering. In the design of a network, it is important to analyze connections by the levels. The structural properties of intuitionistic fuzzy graphs provide a tool that allows for the solution of operations research problems. In this paper, we introduce various types of intuitionistic fuzzy bridges, intuitionistic fuzzy cut vertices, intuitionistic fuzzy cycles, and intuitionistic fuzzy trees in intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and investigate some of their interesting properties. Most of these various types are defined in terms of levels. We also describe comparison of these types. 1.
We introduce the notions of hesitant anti-fuzzy soft set (subalgebras and ideals) and provide rel... more We introduce the notions of hesitant anti-fuzzy soft set (subalgebras and ideals) and provide relation between them. However, we study new types of hesitant anti-fuzzy soft ideals (implicative, positive implicative, and commutative). Also, we stated and proved some theorems which determine the relationship between these notions.
In this paper, we introduce the notion of t− derivations of incline algebras and investigate some... more In this paper, we introduce the notion of t− derivations of incline algebras and investigate some of their properties. Moreover, we show that if a t− derivation is nonzero on an integral incline K, then it is nonzero on any nonzero ideals of K.
The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of anti fuzzy implicative ideals of BCK-algebras... more The aim of this paper is to introduce the notion of anti fuzzy implicative ideals of BCK-algebras and to investigate their properties. We give several characterizations of anti fuzzy implicative ideals. We also introduce the notion of anti Cartesian product of anti fuzzy implicative ideals, and then we study related properties.
In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are stu... more In this paper, the notions of left-right (resp. right-left) t-derivations of BCC-algebras are studied and some properties on t-derivations of BCC-algebras are investigated. This paper also considers t-regular t -derivations and the d t -invariant on ideals of BCC-algebras.
We introduce the concept of fuzzy soft incline algebras and investigate some of their properties.... more We introduce the concept of fuzzy soft incline algebras and investigate some of their properties. We discuss fuzzy soft images and fuzzy soft inverse images of fuzzy soft incline algebras. We introduce the notion of an (∈, ∈ ∨q)− fuzzy soft incline algebra which is a generalization of a fuzzy soft incline algebras.
In this paper we introduce the notion of soft incline algebras and filter soft incline algebras, ... more In this paper we introduce the notion of soft incline algebras and filter soft incline algebras, and investigate some of their properties. Moreover, we introduce the notions of prime and maximal soft ideal and quotient of soft incline algebras. Key words: Soft incline algebras, filter soft incline algebras, prime and maximal soft ideal, quotient of soft incline algebras INTRODUCTION
JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications
In this paper, we give an example to show that () -, -Hom may not, in general, be a B-algebra. Mo... more In this paper, we give an example to show that () -, -Hom may not, in general, be a B-algebra. Moreover, we find conditions under which () -, -Hom is a B-algebra. Also, we introduce the notion of an orthogonal subset and discuss some related properties.
Connectivity has an important role in neural networks, computer network, and clustering. In the d... more Connectivity has an important role in neural networks, computer network, and clustering. In the design of a network, it is important to analyze connections by the levels. The structural properties of intuitionistic fuzzy graphs provide a tool that allows for the solution of operations research problems. In this paper, we introduce various types of intuitionistic fuzzy bridges, intuitionistic fuzzy cut vertices, intuitionistic fuzzy cycles, and intuitionistic fuzzy trees in intuitionistic fuzzy graphs and investigate some of their interesting properties. Most of these various types are defined in terms of levels. We also describe comparison of these types.
In the paper an extension of the notation of fuzzy set on vector space V over a field k is consid... more In the paper an extension of the notation of fuzzy set on vector space V over a field k is considered. Namely, a vague set A on V is defined by two membership functions (t A ,f A )V→[0,1] such that t A (x)+f A (x)≤1 for any x∈V· Here t A is looked upon as the lower bound for degree of membership of x in A and f A as that for negation of membership x in A. For a Lie superalgebra L the notations of vague Lie sub-superalgebra and vague sub-superideal are introduced. The authors investigate such properties of vague ideals as their behaviour under homomorphisms of Lie superalgebras and bracket product. The notations of nilpotent and solvable vague ideals are suggested. It is proved that the standard properties of nilpotent and solvable ideals are true for vague ideals as well.Reviewer: Michael Kuznetsov (Nizhnii Novgorod)
Fuzzy sets and soft sets are two different soft computing models for representing uncertainty and... more Fuzzy sets and soft sets are two different soft computing models for representing uncertainty and vagueness. In this paper we apply these models in combination to study uncertainty and vagueness in K-algebras. We introduce the concept of fuzzy soft K-subalgebras and investigate some of their properties. We discuss fuzzy soft images and fuzzy soft inverse images of fuzzy soft-K-subalgebras. We introduce the notion of an (∈,∈∨q)-fuzzy soft K-subalgebra which is a generalization of a fuzzy soft K-subalgebra. We also introduce (∈ α ,∈ α ∨q β )-fuzzy soft K-subalgebras and describe some of their properties.
Papers by Noura Alshehri