Listening and speaking are active language skills and need special attention in English language ... more Listening and speaking are active language skills and need special attention in English language pedagogy, especially in ESL/EFL contexts. English in India is taught as a second language in almost all the states, and the secondary education boards stipulate the teaching of all the four language skills as the objective of teaching English, yet the teaching and assessment system is only read-write intensive, and the active language skills, i.e., listening and speaking, are neglected in teaching as well as in assessment. The present paper is the result of a survey of the language teaching objectives, learning outcomes and assessment policies of two secondary education boards in India to investigate whether there exists any divergence between the stated objectives regarding teaching English language skills, and the testing pattern followed. The findings of the study suggest that there exists a divergence between the objectives stated by state level secondary education boards and their assessment patterns set for the English language. The study recommends that there should be a uniform standard of teaching and assessment of English in secondary schools in India, and there should be more research studies on the potential negative impact of the neglect of teaching and assessment of active language skills.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2020
The primary objective of the present research was to test the hypothesis that despite being train... more The primary objective of the present research was to test the hypothesis that despite being trained in academic writing for one semester, there remain gaps in Saudi undergraduate English Major students' academic writing, especially pertaining to research essays. The secondary objective was to know how these students perceived academic writing. A mixed-methods empirical research using triangulation approach for results validation was conducted to identify gaps, if any, in students' knowledge in academic writing and to ascertain their perception of research essay writing, involving twenty undergraduate English Major students as research participants. Test and interview were used as data collection instruments, and the obtained data were analysed statistically. The results show that Saudi university English Major students regard academic writing tough, and acknowledge that for them it is the weakest area of competence in English. They have only a basic idea of how to find suitable sources for their research topics, to review relevant literature to contextualize their study, and to prepare notes and references for the study. The study is very significant since it highlights a major area of university students' weakness in studies and offers constructive suggestions.
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Jan 1, 2019
Teaching of English to non-native students has always been a topic of discussion among the resear... more Teaching of English to non-native students has always been a topic of discussion among the researchers. As English has acquired the status of an international language and has become a status symbol, it has become important to study this language in this age of Globalization. English has become a compulsory language in almost all schools and higher studies across the globe. But there are also some complexities to teaching of English as a foreign language to non-native students. This paper discusses the obstacles faced by the EFL learners and the role of teachers and some of the teaching problems in the situation. IndexTerms - EFL/ESL, Language Skills, Motivation, Non-Native Learners, Native Speakers
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR), 2018
There is a presupposition that the only language teachers who can be trusted are the native speak... more There is a presupposition that the only language teachers who can be trusted are the native speakers while as others are of the opinion that being proficient in English language is just one of the qualities of a good English language teacher. There is a scarcity of empirical studies that explore the differences between native and non-native teachers of English (Samimy and Brutte-griffler, cited in Braine,1999,p.130) This paper discusses and examines the belief whether native speakers are the better English language teachers than non-native English language teachers for the overall improvement of English teaching-learning situation. IndexTerms-ESL/EFL, Native Speaker Teachers (NSTs), Non-Native Teachers (NNTs), Language Skills, Bilingualism. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 2018
English is undoubtedly the most widely used language and the most important and main source of in... more English is undoubtedly the most widely used language and the most important and main source of international communication in the present day world.English is the lingua franca in present age. Being the global language, as it is called, it is used and learnt all over the world in one way or the other way either as a mother tongue or as a foreign or second language. Thus having the status of being a world-language, English is taught in almost every school all around the world keeping in mind some important principles and methodologies for the successful teaching – learning process. The paper discusses the importance of English language, some of the principles, history and critical evaluation of some of the important methodologies of English language teaching in the classrooms for a better understanding and successful teaching –learning process.
International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT), Dec 2017, 2017
With the advent of digital technology and the realization of its usefulness in classroom, pedagog... more With the advent of digital technology and the realization of its usefulness in classroom, pedagogical practices are changing in a major way. Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) is touted as the future pedagogical practice. Technology cannot replace the teacher, but better teaching /learning can take place if technology is used to aid the teacher in the classroom. A partially flipped classroom involves flipping some of the classroom / home activities. An experiment was conducted at a selected school in the Kashmir Valley in India by partially flipping the English classroom. The purpose of the study was to test whether the proposed model works as a better pedagogical model compared to the conventional teaching-oriented classroom setting. The results obtained from the study show students favour the partial flipping and the model is successful in generating stronger student motivation and better performance compared to conventional pedagogical models of teaching English.
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI); Email:[email protected] ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O), 2017
An international language belongs to its users, not to the countries whose national
languages h... more An international language belongs to its users, not to the countries whose national
languages have become internationalized’ (Edge 1992). There is no doubt in the fact
that English is the only language which can be used by non native speakers to
communicate with each other. It is called as the language of science, technology
and business and Saudi Arabia is no exception. English is being taught in the
kingdom for almost a hundred years but still like other non native learners, Saudi
learners also face many problems in language acquisition. This article discusses the
history of how English language was introduced in the education system of the
Kingdom, it’s present position in the Kingdom as well as the problems faced in
teaching this language to the Saudi students and how they could be dealt with.
Keywords: ELT, Saudi Arabia, Education System, Pedagogy.
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), Nov 2017, 2017
Blended Learning is not a novel concept now, although in large part of the world it is still not ... more Blended Learning is not a novel concept now, although in large part of the world it is still not in practice. Blended learning or flipped classroom model has been largely implemented at higher education centres in developed countries, and the approach has been by and large successful in enhancing student motivation, active student-centred learning and student achievement. Encouraged by those success stories, a few educationists in India have advocated implementation of the model in school education as well. The contemporary education scenario suggests that blended learning is the future of education. Keeping this perspective in view, the researcher conducted an experimental study to investigate whether blended learning is positively related to student achievement at school level, and whether personalised learning climate, one of the aspects of blended learning, is positively related to student achievement. The findings of the study suggest that though BL is positively related to student achievement in English, the correlation is not very significant. Personalised learning climate is not found to positively affect student achievement in English for school students.
Listening and speaking are active language skills and need special attention in English language ... more Listening and speaking are active language skills and need special attention in English language pedagogy, especially in ESL/EFL contexts. English in India is taught as a second language in almost all the states, and the secondary education boards stipulate the teaching of all the four language skills as the objective of teaching English, yet the teaching and assessment system is only read-write intensive, and the active language skills, i.e., listening and speaking, are neglected in teaching as well as in assessment. The present paper is the result of a survey of the language teaching objectives, learning outcomes and assessment policies of two secondary education boards in India to investigate whether there exists any divergence between the stated objectives regarding teaching English language skills, and the testing pattern followed. The findings of the study suggest that there exists a divergence between the objectives stated by state level secondary education boards and their assessment patterns set for the English language. The study recommends that there should be a uniform standard of teaching and assessment of English in secondary schools in India, and there should be more research studies on the potential negative impact of the neglect of teaching and assessment of active language skills.
International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 2020
The primary objective of the present research was to test the hypothesis that despite being train... more The primary objective of the present research was to test the hypothesis that despite being trained in academic writing for one semester, there remain gaps in Saudi undergraduate English Major students' academic writing, especially pertaining to research essays. The secondary objective was to know how these students perceived academic writing. A mixed-methods empirical research using triangulation approach for results validation was conducted to identify gaps, if any, in students' knowledge in academic writing and to ascertain their perception of research essay writing, involving twenty undergraduate English Major students as research participants. Test and interview were used as data collection instruments, and the obtained data were analysed statistically. The results show that Saudi university English Major students regard academic writing tough, and acknowledge that for them it is the weakest area of competence in English. They have only a basic idea of how to find suitable sources for their research topics, to review relevant literature to contextualize their study, and to prepare notes and references for the study. The study is very significant since it highlights a major area of university students' weakness in studies and offers constructive suggestions.
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR), Jan 1, 2019
Teaching of English to non-native students has always been a topic of discussion among the resear... more Teaching of English to non-native students has always been a topic of discussion among the researchers. As English has acquired the status of an international language and has become a status symbol, it has become important to study this language in this age of Globalization. English has become a compulsory language in almost all schools and higher studies across the globe. But there are also some complexities to teaching of English as a foreign language to non-native students. This paper discusses the obstacles faced by the EFL learners and the role of teachers and some of the teaching problems in the situation. IndexTerms - EFL/ESL, Language Skills, Motivation, Non-Native Learners, Native Speakers
Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research(JETIR), 2018
There is a presupposition that the only language teachers who can be trusted are the native speak... more There is a presupposition that the only language teachers who can be trusted are the native speakers while as others are of the opinion that being proficient in English language is just one of the qualities of a good English language teacher. There is a scarcity of empirical studies that explore the differences between native and non-native teachers of English (Samimy and Brutte-griffler, cited in Braine,1999,p.130) This paper discusses and examines the belief whether native speakers are the better English language teachers than non-native English language teachers for the overall improvement of English teaching-learning situation. IndexTerms-ESL/EFL, Native Speaker Teachers (NSTs), Non-Native Teachers (NNTs), Language Skills, Bilingualism. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL), 2018
English is undoubtedly the most widely used language and the most important and main source of in... more English is undoubtedly the most widely used language and the most important and main source of international communication in the present day world.English is the lingua franca in present age. Being the global language, as it is called, it is used and learnt all over the world in one way or the other way either as a mother tongue or as a foreign or second language. Thus having the status of being a world-language, English is taught in almost every school all around the world keeping in mind some important principles and methodologies for the successful teaching – learning process. The paper discusses the importance of English language, some of the principles, history and critical evaluation of some of the important methodologies of English language teaching in the classrooms for a better understanding and successful teaching –learning process.
International Journal of English Language Teaching (IJELT), Dec 2017, 2017
With the advent of digital technology and the realization of its usefulness in classroom, pedagog... more With the advent of digital technology and the realization of its usefulness in classroom, pedagogical practices are changing in a major way. Flipped Classroom Model (FCM) is touted as the future pedagogical practice. Technology cannot replace the teacher, but better teaching /learning can take place if technology is used to aid the teacher in the classroom. A partially flipped classroom involves flipping some of the classroom / home activities. An experiment was conducted at a selected school in the Kashmir Valley in India by partially flipping the English classroom. The purpose of the study was to test whether the proposed model works as a better pedagogical model compared to the conventional teaching-oriented classroom setting. The results obtained from the study show students favour the partial flipping and the model is successful in generating stronger student motivation and better performance compared to conventional pedagogical models of teaching English.
Research Journal of English Language and Literature (RJELAL) A Peer Reviewed (Refereed) International Journal Impact Factor 6.8992 (ICI); Email:[email protected] ISSN:2395-2636 (P); 2321-3108(O), 2017
An international language belongs to its users, not to the countries whose national
languages h... more An international language belongs to its users, not to the countries whose national
languages have become internationalized’ (Edge 1992). There is no doubt in the fact
that English is the only language which can be used by non native speakers to
communicate with each other. It is called as the language of science, technology
and business and Saudi Arabia is no exception. English is being taught in the
kingdom for almost a hundred years but still like other non native learners, Saudi
learners also face many problems in language acquisition. This article discusses the
history of how English language was introduced in the education system of the
Kingdom, it’s present position in the Kingdom as well as the problems faced in
teaching this language to the Saudi students and how they could be dealt with.
Keywords: ELT, Saudi Arabia, Education System, Pedagogy.
International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics World (IJLLALW), Nov 2017, 2017
Blended Learning is not a novel concept now, although in large part of the world it is still not ... more Blended Learning is not a novel concept now, although in large part of the world it is still not in practice. Blended learning or flipped classroom model has been largely implemented at higher education centres in developed countries, and the approach has been by and large successful in enhancing student motivation, active student-centred learning and student achievement. Encouraged by those success stories, a few educationists in India have advocated implementation of the model in school education as well. The contemporary education scenario suggests that blended learning is the future of education. Keeping this perspective in view, the researcher conducted an experimental study to investigate whether blended learning is positively related to student achievement at school level, and whether personalised learning climate, one of the aspects of blended learning, is positively related to student achievement. The findings of the study suggest that though BL is positively related to student achievement in English, the correlation is not very significant. Personalised learning climate is not found to positively affect student achievement in English for school students.
Papers by Nida Qayoom
has acquired the status of an international language and has become a status symbol, it has become important to study this
language in this age of Globalization. English has become a compulsory language in almost all schools and higher studies across
the globe. But there are also some complexities to teaching of English as a foreign language to non-native students. This paper
discusses the obstacles faced by the EFL learners and the role of teachers and some of the teaching problems in the situation.
IndexTerms - EFL/ESL, Language Skills, Motivation, Non-Native Learners, Native Speakers
languages have become internationalized’ (Edge 1992). There is no doubt in the fact
that English is the only language which can be used by non native speakers to
communicate with each other. It is called as the language of science, technology
and business and Saudi Arabia is no exception. English is being taught in the
kingdom for almost a hundred years but still like other non native learners, Saudi
learners also face many problems in language acquisition. This article discusses the
history of how English language was introduced in the education system of the
Kingdom, it’s present position in the Kingdom as well as the problems faced in
teaching this language to the Saudi students and how they could be dealt with.
Keywords: ELT, Saudi Arabia, Education System, Pedagogy.
has acquired the status of an international language and has become a status symbol, it has become important to study this
language in this age of Globalization. English has become a compulsory language in almost all schools and higher studies across
the globe. But there are also some complexities to teaching of English as a foreign language to non-native students. This paper
discusses the obstacles faced by the EFL learners and the role of teachers and some of the teaching problems in the situation.
IndexTerms - EFL/ESL, Language Skills, Motivation, Non-Native Learners, Native Speakers
languages have become internationalized’ (Edge 1992). There is no doubt in the fact
that English is the only language which can be used by non native speakers to
communicate with each other. It is called as the language of science, technology
and business and Saudi Arabia is no exception. English is being taught in the
kingdom for almost a hundred years but still like other non native learners, Saudi
learners also face many problems in language acquisition. This article discusses the
history of how English language was introduced in the education system of the
Kingdom, it’s present position in the Kingdom as well as the problems faced in
teaching this language to the Saudi students and how they could be dealt with.
Keywords: ELT, Saudi Arabia, Education System, Pedagogy.