Many individnals and organisations have directly or indirectly contributed to the completion of this study. Without their cooperation, encouragement, understanding and assistance this study could not have been done, and I offer them my...
moreMany individnals and organisations have directly or indirectly contributed to the completion of this study. Without their cooperation, encouragement, understanding and assistance this study could not have been done, and I offer them my deep gratitude and appreciation. A particular debt is owed to my supervisor, Colin Creighton. Words cannot express my deep gratitude for his encouragement, guidance and constructive criticism. He taught me by example the meaning of hard work, and his friendly attitude, consideration and patience in times of difficulties are greatly appreciated. In short, I owe him more than I could ever repay. Special thanks to Professor Abu-Baker Bagader for his encouragement and help during the fieldwork Hi s persistence and sincere support since the start of the project are much appreciated. My thanks to Dr. Hassan Mohammed Salib, Khartoum University, for his kind support, encouragement and fiiendship during my master study at King Abdulaziz University. I would Ile to express my thanks to the World Health Organisation, Regional offices Riyadh and Alexandria, and UNICEF London office, for supplying me documents and publications. Thanks go to the Directorate General of Health Affairs in Jeddah and the General Directorate of Primary Health Care Affairs in Jeddah, for allowing me to carry out my research and providing statistics and other information about health affairs in Jeddah. In particular, the technical section manager, S. Ba-Adhaim was most helpful. Captain Omar Almandhar helped me overcome administrative diffictihies. Thanks to Dr. Talal Akram, Dr. Ghasi Al-shah and Dr. Foud Zarnaklishry for their cooperation in interview. My sons Abdulkareem and Abdula7iz helped to collect questionnaires. Dr. Khadija Bakhashwain introduced me to many of her colleagues at Al-Shatti and Al-Thoughour hospitals and to some managers of health centres. I am very grateful to staff at the Brynmor Jones library, the Hull University computer centre and staff at British library, Wetherby, for their help and assistance. I am grateful for assistance from the educational attache' at the Saudi Culture Bureau, and for some issues of Ashanq Al-Awsat newspaper sent by the Saudi Information Office, which helped to keep in touch with my country. Mrs. Kathryn Spry carefully read and checked the scripts. Her criticism was helpful and much appreciated. Appreciation is due to my sister who helped with my children's education. I owe great gratitude to my father for his patience, moral and material support, and his silent sufferings during my absence. He looked after my children during my absence and his telephone calls inspired me. I owe a debt of gratitude to my uncle Salem for his help and sacrifices of time, especially during my wife's pregnancy. I really appreciate his assistance. Thanks to my brothers Waheeb for lending me his computer, Jarnal and Mohammed for taking over many of my family responsibilities and duties, Tariq and Younis for their encouragement and telephone calls from Saudi I am grateful to Awad Bakhashwain and Riyadh Marouf for their help in freeing me from my work duties and to Ashraf Assad for help with transport for my children. Thanks to Mustafa El-Eidorous and Saman Moshafi for help with the computer software, and to K Bashinini, Abdulkareem Al-Ghamdi, Abdullah Al-Omary, AbduLatif Al-Nafea and Marzog Al-Ushar for their help in obtaining some references about Saudi Arabia Finally, special thanks and appreciation go to my wife, without whose patience and encouragement I could not have completed this thesis. She is behind the whole project She took the whole responsibility for the children's school problems, socialisation and discipline and successfully played father and mother roles during my absence in Hull. She deserves great appreciation and gratitude. Finally, special thanks and appreciation go to my wife, without whose patience and encouragement I could not have completed this thesis. She is behind the whole project. She took the whole responsibility for the children's school problems, socialisation and discipline and successfully played father and mother roles during my absence in Hull. She deserves great appreciation and gratitude.