Fanfiction and Graphics |
[Sep. 4th, 2005|09:44 am]
Hurricane Katrina Relief
[ | mood |
| | hopeful | ] | I will write Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter fanfiction for:
( Story PricesCollapse )
I will write het, slash,gen,angst,tragedy,drama,parody,humor,script format. Anything basically. No mpreg,NC-17 rated stories,or interspecies 'ship stories. Wouldn't it be cool to get a story written for you? You could say to your friends, "Hey, Elgato Gamgins wrote a story for me! And it's about Ginny Weasley, my favorite character. Why, she's your favorite character,too!" Wouldn't your friends be jealous? I know countless of my friends who would be.
What do all of those genres mean? Here is a little list:( Fanfiction GenreCollapse )
I will also do graphics. Banners,Friends Only,icons,headers, I will even do LJ LAYOUTS.
On graphics, I'll do anything! :D HP, LOTR, flowers, trees, a picture of you, a cat, and piece of cheese, you name it!
( Graphic Prices:Collapse )
"Gee, those prices are kind of high!"
The higher the price means the more work I have to put into it! With layouts I have to do CSS and HTML and I have to make the graphics for them and I have to test it until it's perfect. With bigger graphics, more space I have to work with, which means more work. With writing, higher the price also means more time I have to spend on it. On a drabble it can be a minute or two. You see where I'm going?
Heck, you could get TEN icons for FIVE DOLLARS! OR FIVE small banners for FIVE DOLLARS! OR like TWO BIG BANNERS and TWO ICONS for FIVE DOLLARS!
I'll be posting all stories on my site, and I will be saying something like "written for bla,bla,bla" with the story info. I've done it before.
You get something out of it, I get something out of it(more people to my site and the satisfaction), and the victims get something out of it. Everyone is happy! :D So request away!
All of the money goes to the Red Cross. ;)
Hope and Faith, EG |