Papers by Anette Kjellgren

Imagination, Cognition and Personality, Oct 1, 2000
The purpose of this study was to investigate if experiences induced by flotation-REST (in flotati... more The purpose of this study was to investigate if experiences induced by flotation-REST (in flotation-tank) are affected by settings or subjects earlier experiences of altered states of consciousness (ASC). No such significant differences were found. Significant effects owing to flotation-REST were found regarding reduction in experienced pain and enhancement of mood. Flotation-REST was considered a pleasurable technique. Different kinds of visual and acoustic effects, altered time perception, and a sense of weightlessness have been reported. Also, deep transpersonal experiences were quite common, and could be distinguished into three types: experiences of one's own childbirth/delivery; feeling of cosmic unity; and experiences of losing contact with the body or out-of-body experiences. Flotation-REST must be regarded as a consciousness-altering method with promising potential for clinical and therapeutic use.
Det här verket har digitaliserats vid Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek och är fritt att använda. A... more Det här verket har digitaliserats vid Göteborgs universitetsbibliotek och är fritt att använda. Alla tryckta texter är OCR-tolkade till maskinläsbar text. Det betyder att du kan söka och kopiera texten från dokumentet. Vissa äldre dokument med dåligt tryck kan vara svåra att OCR-tolka korrekt vilket medför att den OCR-tolkade texten kan innehålla fel och därför bör man visuellt jämföra med verkets bilder för att avgöra vad som är riktigt. This work has been digitized at Gothenburg University Library and is free to use. All printed texts have been OCR-processed and converted to machine readable text. This means that you can search and copy text from the document. Some early printed books are hard to OCR-process correctly and the text may contain errors, so one should always visually compare it with the images to determine what is correct.

The qualitative report, Dec 8, 2014
The focus of this study was to investigate experiences gained from treatment combining relaxation... more The focus of this study was to investigate experiences gained from treatment combining relaxation in flotation tank with psychotherapy for sufferers from "burn-out syndrome". Six people participated in a ten week program. They were all interviewed; the data were analyzed using the Empirical Phenomenological Psychological method. Five themes emerged: (a) direct experiences during flotation, (b) effects due to the treatment sessions, (c) psychological transformation, (d) reflections about the treatment program, and (e) demanding and rewarding psychological process over time. All participants went through psychological transformations and improvements in quality of life. At the end of the treatment program, all participants were able continue working full time. This combined program seems to be more therapeutically beneficial than flotation tank treatment alone.

Social Behavior and Personality, 2007
The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not 33 flotation sessions were more effective ... more The aim of the study was to investigate whether or not 33 flotation sessions were more effective for stress-related ailments than 12 sessions. Participants were 37 patients, 29 women and 8 men, all diagnosed as having stress-related pain of a muscle tension type. The patients were randomized to one of two conditions: 12 flotation-REST treatments or 33 flotation-REST treatments. Analyses for subjective pain typically indicated that 12 sessions were enough to get considerable improvements and no further improvements were noticed after 33 sessions. A similar pattern was observed concerning the stress-related psychological variables: experienced stress, anxiety, depression, negative affectivity, dispositional optimism, and sleep quality. For blood pressure no effects were observed after 12 sessions, but there was a significant lower level for diastolic blood pressure after 33 sessions. The present study highlighted the importance of finding suitable complementary treatments in order to make further progress after the initial 12 sessions.

Social Behavior and Personality, 2007
Thirty-two patients (29 women and 3 men) with stress-related ailments were recruited through the ... more Thirty-two patients (29 women and 3 men) with stress-related ailments were recruited through the Community Health Care Centre in the city of Lidköping, Sweden. The mean age was 47.75 years (SD = 8.30). Pain Area Inventory (PAI; Bood, Sundequist, Kjellgren, Nordström, & Norlander, 2005) was used. The test consists of anatomical images of a human being on which the participants indicate their areas of pain with a color pen. The number of colored squares is calculated (total 1,666). Participants were randomized in equal numbers to either a control group or a flotation-REST group (twelve flotation sessions during six weeks). For more information on standard procedures see Bood et al. A mixed ANOVA with PAI (before, after) as within-subjects factor and Group (control, flotation-REST) as between-subjects factor showed a significant interaction effect for Test and Group [F (1, 29) = 7.10, p = 0.012, Eta 2 = 0.20, power = 0.73] indicating no change in regard to pain for the control group (before:

International Journal of Transpersonal Studies, Jul 1, 2010
This study investigated the experiences gained from a 20-minute shamanic-like drumming session. T... more This study investigated the experiences gained from a 20-minute shamanic-like drumming session. Twenty-two persons participated and made written descriptions afterwards about their experiences. A phenomenological analysis was applied which generated 31 categories, that were organized into six themes: 1) The undertaking of the drumming journey, 2) Perceptual phenomena: visual, auditory and somatic, 3) Encounters, 4) Active vs. Passive role, 5) Inner wisdom and guidance, and 6) Reflections on the drumming journey. A multitude of detailed experiences were described such as visual imagery, hearing sounds, encountering animals, as well as gaining insights. Participants generally appreciated the drumming session and few negative effects were noted. The conclusion made is that shamanic-like drumming can be a valuable supplement to other psychotherapeutic techniques.

Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, Dec 1, 2009
Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew used by the indigenous populations of the Amazon. The aim of thi... more Ayahuasca is a psychoactive brew used by the indigenous populations of the Amazon. The aim of this qualitative study was to gain insight into the experiences of western users of ayahuasca, as well as to ascertain the experienced meaning that participants felt by their participation. Twenty-five people from Northern Europe with experiences of group sessions with ayahuasca wrote anonymous descriptions of their experiences. The Empirical Phenomenological Psychological method was used for this analysis. The analysis resulted in 33 categories which were assembled into six general themes: (a) motivation and aim, (b) contractile frightening state (c) sudden transformation of the experience, (d) limitless expansive states with transcendental experiences, (f) reflections, and (g) changed worldview and new orientation to life. These themes provided a new structure, called the transcendental circle. Participants reported many positive psychological and physical improvements that indicate that ayahuasca could be of potential interest in the development of new medicines and therapies.

Imagination, Cognition and Personality, Jun 1, 2003
Two studies examining different aspects of the Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (RE... more Two studies examining different aspects of the Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique (REST) were carried out. In the first study, 38 participants were assigned randomly to either a group that floated on one occasion or a group that was given floating on three occasions. Following this, the subjects performed a test of divergent creativity and a test of logic. In the second study, 32 participants were assigned randomly first to two groups, Flotation-REST or Chamber-REST groups, and then randomly assigned to two more groups, namely to either a Stress-group or to a Non-stress group. The most inportant dependent variables of this second study were derived from essay-writing which was adjudged on the basis of elaboration, liveliness, originality, and realism. The results did not indicate any differences deriving from one or three flotations; both groups performed worse on the test of logic but tended to be better on the test of creativity. Both REST groups were similarly relaxed after treatment although the Flotation-REST group showed altered states of *This study was supported by grants from Karlstad University, Karlstad.
Pain Research & Management, 2009
Imagination, Cognition and Personality, Sep 1, 2000
The purpose of this study was to provide information about experiences obtained by illegal drug u... more The purpose of this study was to provide information about experiences obtained by illegal drug users and evaluate if these are consistent with Stanislav Grof's expanded model of the human unconscious. Sixteen anonymous former drug users answered a questionnaire about use, experiences, circumstances, and influences of their life. All of them have had some experiences similar to Grof's descriptions. Transpersonal experiences were more reported by those who used to be “heavy” users. Such experiences were also more likely to be reported by those who described themselves as spiritual seekers and by those who made some form of ritual or mental preparation part of their experience. This study also provides general information about Grof's model and some about psychedelic research worldwide.
Pain Research & Management, 2005
Effects of flotation-restricted environmental stimulation technique on stress-related muscle pain... more Effects of flotation-restricted environmental stimulation technique on stress-related muscle pain: What makes the difference in therapy-attention-placebo or the relaxation response?
Rehabilitation of stress related pain, anxiety and depression using expanding reality through the... more Rehabilitation of stress related pain, anxiety and depression using expanding reality through therapy and sensory deprevation
Measuring Altered States of Consciousness: Development of the Experienced Deviation from Normal s... more Measuring Altered States of Consciousness: Development of the Experienced Deviation from Normal state scale (EDN)

International journal of psychology and psychological therapy, Jun 1, 2011
The aim of the present pilot study was to get information whether or not a 10-week combined treat... more The aim of the present pilot study was to get information whether or not a 10-week combined treatment program with relaxation in a flotation tank and subsequent psychotherapeutic sessions, may be beneficial for persons suffering from high stress-load and 'burnout syndrome'. Four women and two men between the ages of 33 and 57 years old took part in the study. They were all diagnosed as on the brink for sick leave and suffering from 'burn-out syndrome' with symptoms of fatigue and problems organizing daily life. All clients participated in the 10-week treatment program consisting of flotation-REST (Restricted Environmental Stimulation Technique) treatments and conversational therapy with a psychologist. During the treatment program they continued their usual work, but were able to leave for 4 hours a week for participating in the treatments. The results revealed a significant decrease in degree of depression and anxiety and an increase in positive outlook on life. There was also a significant decrease in extent of painful areas and a significant decrease in their experienced worst pain-intensity. After the treatment period, they all continued to work, and there was no need for sick-leave. The conclusion is that this combined treatment program is promising and should be further evaluated in a randomized control trial.

Alternative medicine studies, Mar 30, 2011
Self-care treatments with bed of nails or spike mats have gained increased popularity worldwide ;... more Self-care treatments with bed of nails or spike mats have gained increased popularity worldwide ; advertised as a method for pain reduction and wellbeing. Scientific studies regarding effects are still lacking. The aim of the present study was to investigate if daily relaxation on a spike mat for three weeks could induce beneficial effects. Participants were 36 individuals suffering from muscle tension pains in their back or/and neck. They were randomly assigned to a control group or an experimental group, who were treated with 15 minutes daily rest during three weeks on the spike mat. Significant reduced experienced worst pain intensity was found. There were no effects on normal pain intensity, optimism, anxiety, depression, stress, energy, or sleep quality. The participants appreciated the treatment, but their enthusiastic verbal reports of experienced beneficial effects could not be verified in the statistical analyses. The reduction of worst pain may be explained by the gate-control theory, where competing stimuli applied over the affected area produce a pain reduction. It can also be an effect of placebo or the relaxation. More research on relaxation on a spike mat is needed before its possible effects can be confirmed. No negative effects were found in the present study, but it has to be remembered no studies investigating risks for treatment on spike mats exist.

PsyCh journal, Jun 1, 2012
The purpose of this project was to do a qualitative study of an integrated and flexible ACT model... more The purpose of this project was to do a qualitative study of an integrated and flexible ACT model, the Resource Group Assertive Community Treatment (RACT), as seen from the perspective of case managers in training. The resource group normally consists of the client, the case manager and other available personnel in the medical and support areas, as well as family members. Nineteen theses were randomly chosen from a set of 80 theses written by a group of Swedish trainee case managers. The exams were conducted as case studies and concerned 19 clients with psychotic problems, 11 men and 8 women. "The Empirical Phenomenological Psychological Method" was used in the analysis, which generated five overarching themes: (a) the RACT program; (b) the resource group; (c) the empowerment of the client; (d) progress in treatment; and (e) the case manager. These together constituted a "therapeutic circle," in which methods and tools used within the RACT made it possible for the resource group to empower the clients who, as a result, experienced progress with treatment, during which the case manager was the unifying and connecting link.

BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Oct 25, 2014
Background: Sensory isolation in a flotation tank is a method known for inducing deep relaxation ... more Background: Sensory isolation in a flotation tank is a method known for inducing deep relaxation and subsequent positive health effects for patients suffering from e.g. stress or muscle tensions pains. Very few studies have investigated this method as a preventive health-care intervention. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects in healthy participants after receiving a series of flotation tank treatment. Methods: Sixty-five participants (14 men and 51 women) who were all part of a cooperative-health project initiated by their individual companies, were randomized to either a wait-list control group or a flotation tank treatment group where they participated in a seven weeks flotation program with a total of twelve flotation sessions. Questionnaires measuring psychological and physiological variables such as stress and energy, depression and anxiety, optimism, pain, stress, sleep quality, mindfulness, and degree of altered states of consciousness were used. Data were analysed by two-way mixed MANOVA and repeated measures ANOVA. Results: Stress, depression, anxiety, and worst pain were significantly decreased whereas optimism and sleep quality significantly increased for the flotation-REST group. No significant results for the control group were seen. There was also a significant correlation between mindfulness in daily life and degree of altered states of consciousness during the relaxation in the flotation tank. Conclusions: It was concluded that flotation-REST has beneficial effects on relatively healthy participants. Trial registration: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry: ACTRN12613000483752.

Harm Reduction Journal, 2014
Background: Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are continuously and increasingly appearing on th... more Background: Novel psychoactive substances (NPS) are continuously and increasingly appearing on the international drug market. Global Internet forums are a publicly available reality where users anonymously discuss and share information about NPS. The aim of this study was to explore and characterize the discussions about NPS on international Internet forums. Methods: The most post-frequent NPS discussions were collected from three "leading edge" international Internet forums. A total of 13,082 posts from 60 threads of discussion were systematically examined and interpreted to reveal recurring topics and patterns. Each thread was coded with emerging topics and supporting quotations from the data set. Eventually, codes with coherent meaning were arranged into 51 broader categories of abstraction, which were combined into four overarching themes. Results: Four themes emerged during the analysis: (1) uncovering the substance facts, (2) dosage and administration, (3) subjectively experienced effects, and (4) support and safety. The first theme dealt primarily with substance identification, pharmacology, and assessed not only purity but also legal status and acquisition. The second theme focused on administration techniques, dose recommendations, technical talk about equipment, and preferred settings for drug use. The third theme involved a multitude of self-reported experiences, in which many different aspects of intoxication were depicted in great detail. The users emphasized both positive and negative experiences. The last theme incorporated the efforts of the communities to prevent and minimize harm by sharing information about potential risks of the harmful effects or contraindications of a substance. Also, online support and guidance were given to intoxicated persons who experienced bad or fearful reactions. Conclusions: The findings showed that the discussions were characterized by a social process in which users supported each other and exchanged an extensive and cumulative amount of knowledge about NPS and how to use them safely. Although this publicly available knowledge could entail an increase in drug use, the main characteristics of the discussions in general were a concern for safety and harm reduction, not for recruiting new users. Drug-related Internet forums could be used as a location for drug prevention, as well as a source of information for further research about NPS.
Papers by Anette Kjellgren