International Journal of Eurasia Social Sciences (IJOESS), 2024
The current research aims to evaluate the positive and negative effects of electronic word of mou... more The current research aims to evaluate the positive and negative effects of electronic word of mouth communication on the digital image of travel agencies. In this context, research data were obtained from the five most-commented travel agencies in Nevşehir registered in the TripAdvisor system. In this study, which adopted the qualitative method, the research design was a case study and phenomenology. This research employing the document review technique and criterion sampling method, identified 7.259 online comments. This study subjected 1.724 online comments from 2022 to content analysis and descriptive analysis and obtained five main themes, twenty one positive sub-themes, eight negative sub-themes, and 4.534 codes. The main themes are tour, tourist guide, transport, eating and drinking, and accommodation. The tour main theme contains the sub-themes of types of tours, places included in the tour, all-inclusive package tours, price alternatives, organization and timing, transfer services, shopping opportunities, repreference and recommendations. The tourist guide main theme covers the sub-themes of accumulation of knowledge and detailed expression, language skill, personality traits, interest and relevance to tourists. The transport main theme includes the sub-themes of vehicle comfort and cleanliness, captain and safe driving, and in-vehicle catering. The eating and drinking main theme covers the sub-themes of restaurant location, food variety, and food taste. The accommodation main theme contains the sub-themes of referral to a travel agency, accommodation services, and food and beverage services. In the main themes, the most frequently mentioned topics were the tour and tourist guide who represent the travel agency. On the other hand, the most focused themes by the tourists were the tourist guide's knowledge and detailed explanation and the re-preference and recommendations. Overall, it has been concluded that travel agencies have a positive image, and the determined themes affect digital image formations.

Turismo y Sociedad, 2024
The aim of the research is to determine the willingness and perspectives of the employees of the ... more The aim of the research is to determine the willingness and perspectives of the employees of the five-star hotel business in Nevşehir, Turkey, regarding service robots by using a mixed method. 396 questionnaires were obtained with the convenience sampling method. In addition, the purposeful sampling method was adopted in the study, which was designed as a case study, and 12 people were interviewed. The research findings were revealed by making difference analyzes and descriptive analyzes. It has been determined that hotel employees are relatively willing to work with service robots. Employees focused more on the performance and convenience of service robots. Some employees stated that service robots will show human-like features physically, but they cannot replace humans due to the labor-intensive nature of tourism. On the other hand, it has been concluded that with the achievement of the service standard, they will play an important role in reducing errors and increasing service quality. El objetivo de la investigación es determi-nar la voluntad y las perspectivas de los empleados de hoteles de cinco estrellas en Nevşehir, Turquía, con respecto a los robots de servicio. En el estudio se uti-lizó un método mixto: se obtuvieron 396 encuestas por el método de muestreo por conveniencia; además, se adoptó el método de muestreo intencional, que fue diseñado como un estudio de caso, y se entrevistó a 12 personas. Los hallazgos de la investiga-ción se revelaron mediante la realización de análisis de diferencias y análisis descriptivos. Se ha determinado que los empleados del hotel están relativamente dispuestos a trabajar con robots de servicio. Los empleados se centraron más en el desempeño y la conveniencia de los robots de servicio. Algunos trabajadores afirmaron que, aunque los robots de servicio tengan características físicas similares a las humanas, no pueden reemplazar a los humanos debido a la naturaleza intensiva en mano de obra del turismo. Por otro lado, se ha concluido que con el logro del estándar de servicio se jugará un papel importante en la reducción de errores y en el aumento de la calidad del servicio.

Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2023
The aim of the research is to determine the effect of democratic leadership perception on organiz... more The aim of the research is to determine the effect of democratic leadership perception on organizational trust and the mediating role of organizational communication in this relationship. In this context, a field study was conducted on the employees of three-, four-, and five-star hotels in Konya and Karaman provinces. A total of 394 questionnaires were collected by using the questionnaire technique and convenience sampling method. The data were analyzed using appropriate analysis programs. Consequently, it has been determined that there are strong positive relations among democratic leadership, organizational trust and organizational communication. As a result of the structural equation modeling, it was determined that democratic leadership perceived by employees has a positive effect on organizational trust and organizational communication. Besides, it has been determined that employees' perception of organizational communication has a positive effect on the formation of organizational trust. Also, the mediating effect was checked with the bootstrap test and it was concluded that the mediating effect of organizational communication is significant in the effect of democratic leadership on organizational trust. Finally, the conclusions were handled within the scope of theoretical and practical contributions and some suggestions were made for future researchers and the sector.
Yapılan araştırma ile demokratik liderlik algısının örgütsel güvene etkisinin ve bu ilişkide örgütsel iletişimin aracılık rolünün tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda Konya ve Karaman illerinde faaliyet gösteren üç, dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmesi işgörenleri üzerinde bir alan araştırması yapılmıştır. Anket tekniğinden ve kolayda örnekleme yönteminden faydalanılarak toplam 394 anket toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler uygun analiz programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda demokratik liderlik, örgütsel güven ve örgütsel iletişim arasında pozitif yönlü güçlü ilişkilerin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan yapısal eşitlik modellemesi sonucunda, işgörenlerin algıladıkları demokratik liderliğin örgütsel güven ve örgütsel iletişim üzerinde pozitif bir etkisinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan işgörenlerin örgütsel iletişim algısının örgütsel güvenin oluşmasında pozitif bir etkide bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nihai olarak bootstrap testi sonuçlarına göre aracı etkinin anlamlılığı kontrol edilmiş ve demokratik liderliğin örgütsel güvene etkisinde örgütsel iletişimin aracı etkisinin anlamlı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Sonuçlar ise teorik ve pratik katkılar dahilinde ele alınmış ve gelecek araştırmacılara ve sektöre yönelik birtakım önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Journal of Gastronomy Hospitality and Travel, 2023
The primary purpose of this research is to examine the festival news in the tourism print media a... more The primary purpose of this research is to examine the festival news in the tourism print media and determine the effects of the festival news on tourism. The present study, using qualitative research methods in line with the determined purpose, employed a multiple case study design to reveal the current status of the recent festival news in tourism newspapers. In this context, 48 festival news in the newspapers "Turizm Güncel," "Turizm Gazetesi," "Turizm Ajansı," "Turizm Günlüğü," and "Turizm News" were found suitable for research and news about festivals held in Türkiye in 2022 were analyzed using the document analysis technique. The current study, which preferred content analysis as a data analysis strategy, processed the data using open code and closed code systems and made descriptive analyzes with Maxqda 2022 software program. This research revealed that the festival news was generally published between march and november, that the most organized festival types were in gastronomy, culture-arts, and music, and that the provinces where the festival news was the most were Antalya, İstanbul, and Adana. In addition, the study identified two main themes-the contents of the festivals and the effects of the festivals on tourism-20 sub-themes and 421 codes. The most coded sub-themes were festival programs, festival types, domestic and foreign festival guests invited, increase in the number of tourists/visitors, increase in destination promotion and marketing activities, and sustainability of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. The results of the research were discussed in terms of theoretical and practical contributions, and some suggestions were offered.

GSI Journals Serie A: Advancements in Tourism, Recreation and Sports Sciences , 2023
Bu araştırmada sahip olduğu turizm değerleri ile gelişime açık olduğu düşünülen Ermenek'in altern... more Bu araştırmada sahip olduğu turizm değerleri ile gelişime açık olduğu düşünülen Ermenek'in alternatif turizm potansiyelinin bütünsel bir bakış açısıyla sistematik bir şekilde incelenerek güçlü-zayıf yönleri ile fırsat- tehditlerinin belirlenmesi ve turizmin geliştirilmesine yönelik önerilerin oluşturulması amaçlanmaktadır. Nitel yöntemin benimsendiği araştırmada fenomenoloji ve durum araştırması araştırma deseni olarak belirlenmiş olup on üç kişiyle yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Maxqda programı yardımıyla yapılan içerik analizi sonuçlarına göre dört ana tema, dokuz alt tema ve yüz altmış kod belirlenmiştir. En çok kodlama sırasıyla turizmin sürdürülebilirliği, turizmin olumsuz yönleri, turizm olanakları ve turizmin olumlu yönleri ana temalarına yönelik olmuştur. Öte yandan katılımcıların en uzun bahsettiği alt tema doğal, tarihi ve kültürel değerlerin varlığı temasına, en kısa bahsettiği alt tema ise tehditler temasına ilişkindir. Ayrıca SWOT analizi sonuçları Ermenek'in turizm açısından güçlü yönleri kadar zayıf yönlerinin de olduğunu göstermektedir. Diğer taraftan fırsat ve tehditlerin de ortaya koyulduğu çalışmada, nihai olarak Ermenek turizminin gelişimine yönelik tüm paydaşları ilgilendiren öneriler geliştirilmiştir. In this research, it is aimed to systematically examine the alternative tourism potential of Ermenek, to determine its strengths-weaknesses and opportunities-threats, and to create suggestions for the development of tourism. In the study, phenomenology and case study were determined as research design and semi-structured interviews were conducted with thirteen people. According to the results of the content analysis made with the Maxqda program, four main themes, nine sub themes, and one hundred and sixty codes were determined. The most coding was for the main themes of sustainability of tourism, negative aspects of tourism, tourism opportunities, and positive aspects of tourism, respectively. On the other hand, the sub-theme that the participants talked about the longest was the theme of the existence of natural, historical and cultural values, and the sub-theme they talked about the shortest was the theme of threats. In addition, SWOT analysis results show that Ermenek has weaknesses as well as strengths. In the study, in which the opportunities and threats are also revealed, suggestions for the development of Ermenek tourism, which concerns all stakeholders, have been developed.

Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences, 2023
Araştırma kapsamında ele alınan yeme içmeye düşkün turist (foodie), yeni bir turist tipi olarak k... more Araştırma kapsamında ele alınan yeme içmeye düşkün turist (foodie), yeni bir turist tipi olarak kabul edilmektedir. Bu araştırma ile Gaziantep destinasyonu özelinde yeme içmeye düşkün turist tipolojisini belirlemek amaçlanmaktadır. Belirlenen amaç doğrultusunda önemli bir gastronomi şehri olan Gaziantep'te yerli ve yabancı turistler tarafından en çok ziyaret edilen restoranlar belirlenerek restoran çalışanları gözünden yeme içmeye düşkün turist tipolojisi ortaya koyulmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden yararlanılmış ve betimleyici fenomenoloji, araştırma deseni olarak belirlenmiştir. Ölçüt ve kartopu örnekleme yöntemlerinden yararlanarak katılımcılar tespit edilmiş ve toplam yirmi restoran çalışanı ile görüşme gerçekleştirilmiştir. Maxqda programıyla yapılan betimsel analizler sonucunda; beş ana tema, on altı alt tema, iki yüz kırk altı kod belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen temalar ve kodlar yeme içmeye düşkün turist tipolojisinin ortaya çıkmasını sağlamış olup yeme içmeye düşkün turistler; meraklılar, yöreselciler, sağlıklı beslenmeye özen gösterenler, sanatsal yaklaşanlar ve sosyalleşenler olarak sınıflandırılmıştır. En çok kodlanan ana tema meraklılar olurken en az kodlanan ana tema sanatsal yaklaşanlar olmuştur. Restoran çalışanları en çok yöresel yemekleri tercih eden yeme içmeye düşkün turistler hakkında açıklama yaparken en az yöresel baharatları tercih eden yeme içmeye düşkün turistler hakkında bilgi vermişlerdir. Restoran çalışanlarının perspektifinden yeme içmeye düşkün turist tipolojisinin saptandığı araştırmada birtakım teorik ve pratik katkılar sunulmuş ve öneriler geliştirilmiştir. The foodie tourist considered within the scope of the research is accepted as a new type of tourist. With this research, it is aimed to determine the foodie tourist typology in Gaziantep destination. In line with the determined purpose, the most visited restaurants by domestic and foreign tourists in Gaziantep, which is an important gastronomy city, were determined and the typology of foodie tourists was tried to be revealed from the eyes of restaurant employees. Qualitative research methods were used in the research and descriptive phenomenology was determined as the research design. By using criterion and snowball sampling methods, participants were identified and interviews were conducted with a total of twenty restaurant employees. As a result of descriptive analyzes made with the Maxqda program; five main themes, sixteen sub-themes, two hundred and forty-six codes were determined. The determined themes and codes led to the emergence of the foodie tourist typology, and foodie tourists; enthusiasts, locals, those who care about healthy nutrition, those who approach artistic and socialize. While the most coded main theme was enthusiasts, the least coded main theme was artistic ones. Restaurant employees gave information about foodie tourists who preferred local dishes the most, while they gave information about foodie tourists who preferred local spices the least. In the research, in which the typology of foodie tourists was determined from the perspective of restaurant employees, some theoretical and practical contributions were made and suggestions were developed.

Journal of Business Research - Turk, 2022
The main purpose of the research is to reveal the place and significance of gastronomy tourism in... more The main purpose of the research is to reveal the place and significance of gastronomy tourism in destination marketing from the perspective of travel agencies. In this context, the aim is to identify geographically indicated and non-geographically indicated products in Nevşehir, to create a gastronomy route, to organise gastronomic events and to promote Nevşehir as a gastronomy city. Design/methodology/approach-In the research in which the qualitative method was adopted, phenomenology was set as the research design. Fifteen people were interviewed using the criterion sampling method. The data obtained from the interviews were subjected to content analysis and descriptive analysis using the Maxqda 20 programme. Findings-Three main themes were identified as a result of the analyses: gastronomic products, gastronomic routes and gastronomic events. Geographically indicated, non-geographically indicated, local restaurants, local product sales points, places where local products are harvested, home-cooking tours, food and beverage themed festivals and cooking courses are the identified sub-themes. The most frequently coded main theme was the main theme of gastronomic products. Discussion-In addition to cultural and balloon tourism in Nevşehir, the development of gastronomy tourism is expected to increase the number of visitors to the destination and contribute to higher revenues for tourism stakeholders.

Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies, 2022
The current study aims to identify international publications on tourism guidance and technology ... more The current study aims to identify international publications on tourism guidance and technology from the past to the present, examine them with various parameters, and reveal their bibliometric profile. For this purpose, the Scopus database was scanned using the title, abstract, and keywords tabs on 5 October 2022. Scanning keywords were "tourism guidance," "tourism guiding," "tourist guide," "tour guide," and "technology." The VOSviewer software program was used for the bibliometric analysis of the scientific publications and the visual demonstration of the results. After scanning, 332 scientific publications were reached, usually written as conference papers in English. Although most publications were from China, Lancaster University appeared as the most productive institution. Most publications on tourism guidance and technology were in the computer, engineering, and social sciences fields. The word "augmented reality" emerged as the most frequently used keyword with the highest correlational strength. The most collaborative and strongly connected author on tourism guidance and technology was "Kim, S." while the most cited author was "Cheverst, K." with 820 citations. England was the most collaborative, strongly connected, and cited country, with 1430 citations. These results will probably be able to reveal the development process of the relevant subject in detail.

Management Research Review, 2023
Purpose-The main purpose of the study is to determine the mediating role of trait anxiety in the ... more Purpose-The main purpose of the study is to determine the mediating role of trait anxiety in the relationship between hotel managers' perceptions of digital competence in the Cappadocia Region and their perceptions of job insecurity. Design/methodology/approach-In this study, which is based on quantitative research, a crosssectional design was used. The seven-item digital competence scale, four-item job insecurity scale and 20-item trait anxiety scale were used to measure the level of digital competence, job insecurity and trait anxiety of hotel managers. The convenience sampling method was used in the research, and 337 questionnaires were completed by senior and junior managers who agreed to participate in the research. To test the mediating role of trait anxiety, Andrew F. Hayes' views on the contemporary approach were taken as a basis. Findings-The analysis results showed that digital competence had the opposite effect on job insecurity. Similarly, digital competence had the opposite effect on the level of trait anxiety. The level of trait anxiety affected the perception of job insecurity in a linear direction. As a result of the bootstrapping test, it was found that the indirect effect of trait anxiety on the relationship between digital competence and job insecurity was significant. Research limitations/implications-The study was unable to collect data from hotels that were closed during the COVID-19 pandemic due to restrictions. Therefore, one of the limitations of the study was that it did not reach the entire population. Another limitation of the study was that the questionnaires were addressed to hotel managers in the Cappadocia Region. Practical implications-Hotel managers' digital skills are considered to contribute to the tourism industry by organizing and determining business strategies, work processes and employee skills. In addition, when hiring hotel managers, it is essential to ensure that they have certain skills such as compatibility with the digital age, openness to innovation and the ability to adapt the employees working in their team to the age, which helps to improve the competitiveness of the hotel industry with the world and ensure the continuity of this situation. Originality/value-The research addressed the variables of digital competence, job insecurity and trait anxiety and collected data from hotel managers in the Cappadocia Region using a survey technique. There were few studies that addressed these variables, and the mediating effect of trait anxiety was revealed based on the contemporary approach.

Güncel Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2022
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan “İstanbul is The New Cool... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan “İstanbul is The New Cool” adlı tanıtım filmini göstergebilimsel açıdan analiz etmek, tanıtım filminde yer alan göstergeleri keşfetmek ve anlatılmak isteneni bütüncül bir bakış açısı ile ortaya koymaktır. Tanıtım filminde Türkiye’de en fazla turist ağırlayan ve önemli bir turizm destinasyonu olan İstanbul’un ele alınması, filmin oldukça yeni olması ve sosyal medyada tanıtım filminin hedef kitle açısından ilgi çekici bulunması bu araştırmanın yapılmasını gerekli kılmıştır. Araştırmada tanıtım filmini incelemek ve değerlendirmek için nitel araştırma yöntemi temel alınmış ve göstergebilimsel çözümleme tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Tanıtım filmi göstergebilimsel açıdan Ferdinand de Saussure ve Roland Barthes’in geliştirmiş olduğu modele göre çözümlenmiştir. Araştırmanın örneklemini oluşturan tanıtım filminin incelenmesi doküman inceleme tekniği ile yapılmıştır. Tanıtım filminden seçilen her bir kesit gösterge, düz anlam, yan anlam, kod, dizi, dizim, artzamanlık, eşzamanlık, mit, metafor, metonim, metin, slogan, logo ve amblem kavramları ışığında ayrıntılı bir incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, Kültür ve Turizm Bakanlığı tarafından hazırlanan İstanbul tanıtım filminin, İstanbul’un tarihi ve turistik destinasyonlarını kapsayan otuz ayrı mekândan görüntüler sunduğu ve tarihi, kültürel, sanatsal çeşitli göstergeleri içerdiği tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca tanıtım filminde İstanbul’un çeşitli ulaşım, eğlence, yeme-içme ve alışveriş seçeneklerini barındırdığı saptanmıştır. Nitekim İstanbul, tanıtım filminde turistik bir cazibeye sahip anakent ve her türlü turiste hitap eden çok yönlü bir şehir olarak yansıtılmıştır. The purpose of this research is to analyze the promotional film “Istanbul is The New Cool” prepared by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism from a semiotic point of view, to discover the indicators in the promotional film and to reveal what is meant to be told from a holistic perspective. Considering Istanbul, which is an important tourism destination and hosting the highest number of tourists in Turkey, in the promotional film, the fact that the film is quite new and the promotional film in the social media is interesting for the target audience necessitated this research. In the research, the qualitative research method was taken as a basis and a semiotic analysis technique was used to examine and evaluate the promotional film. The promotional film is semiotically analyzed according to the model developed by Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes. The examination of the promotional film, which constitutes the sample of the research, was made with the document analysis technique. Each section selected from the promotional film has been subjected to a detailed examination in the light of the concepts of indicator, denotation, connotation, code, sequence, syntagm, diachrony, synchronicity, myth, metaphor, metonymy, text, slogan, logo, and emblem. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the Istanbul promotional film prepared by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism presents images from thirty different places covering the historical and touristic destinations of Istanbul and includes various historical, cultural, and artistic indicators. In addition, in the promotional film, it has been determined that Istanbul has various transportation, entertainment, eating and drinking, and shopping options. Istanbul is reflected in the promotional film as a metropolitan city with a touristic attraction and a versatile city that appeals to all kinds of tourists

Journal of Gastronomy, Hospitality and Travel, 2022
The main purpose of this study is to identify the travel motivations of gastronomy tourists from ... more The main purpose of this study is to identify the travel motivations of gastronomy tourists from the perspective of tourist guides. More specifically, the objective is to identify the factors that lead gastronomy tourists to a destination and the reasons why gastronomy tourists prefer a destination. The research also focuses on determining the impact of economic, social, and psychological factors, as well as advertising and promotional activities that encourage gastronomy tourists to travel on travel motivation. Within the scope of the research, the qualitative research method was applied and descriptive phenomenology was adopted as the research design, as the experiences of the tourist guides were used. A data collection instrument suitable for the phenomenological pattern was selected and the semi-structured interview technique was used. In order to identify the tourist guides, the criterion sampling method and the snowball sampling method were used. Seventeen tourist guides were interviewed using these methods. The data obtained from the interviews were subjected to content analysis. In addition, descriptive analyzes were conducted using the analysis program "Maxqda 20". As a result of the analysis, five main themes, twenty-one sub-themes, and one hundred eighty-eight codes were identified. The main themes identified were push factors, pull factors, influencing factors, advertising and promotion factors, and preferred destinations. Experience, festivals and fairs, economic factors, social media tools, and popular sub-themes were found to be the most frequently coded sub-themes. As a matter of fact, the factors that motivate and attract gastronomy tourists to travel, how economic, social, and psychological factors affect gastronomy tourists, and the impact of traditional and social media on travel motivation were found.

Journal of New Tourism Trends (JOINNTT), 2022
Turizm teknolojik gelişmelerden en fazla yararlanan endüstrilerden biri olarak ön plana çıkmaktad... more Turizm teknolojik gelişmelerden en fazla yararlanan endüstrilerden biri olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. Hizmet robotları ise bu teknolojik süreçte turizm endüstrisinin yararlandığı önemli kaynaklar arasındadır. Araştırmanın amacını, güncel bir konu olan turizm ve hizmet robotları konulu çalışmaların bibliyometrik analizinin yapılması oluşturmaktadır. Dolayısıyla bu konudaki alanyazının derlenip tartışılması, mevcut durumun gelişim seyrinin anlaşılması ve gelecek araştırmalara yönelik önerilerde bulunulması hedeflenmiştir. Bu kapsamda 13 Nisan 2022 tarihinde “service robot, robot and tourism, tourist, hospitality” kelimeleri kullanılarak Web of Science veri tabanında tarama yapılmıştır. Tarama sonucunda 1998-2022 yılları arasında yapılmış 178 yayına ulaşılmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analiz edilmesinde VOSviewer programı kullanılmıştır. Bulgulara göre; turizm ve hizmet robotları konusunda yapılan çalışmaların sayısının artış eğiliminde olduğu ve en çok çalışmanın ve atıfın 2021 yılında yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Bu konuda ele alınan çalışmaların; büyük bir çoğunluğunun makale türünde olduğu, en çok İngilizce dilinde yayının yapıldığı ve en sık kullanılan anahtar kelimenin ise “service robots” olduğu saptanmıştır. Turizm ve hizmet robotları konulu çalışmalar en çok “Konaklama Boş Zaman Spor Turizm” alanında yayımlanmıştır. “Hong Kong Politeknik Üniversitesi” ve “Varna İşletme Üniversitesi” bu konuda en fazla yayın yapan kurumlar olarak ön plana çıkmaktadır. “International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management” hem en fazla yayın yapan hem de en fazla atıf alan dergi olmuştur. “Zhong, Lina” bu konudaki en fazla iş birliğine sahip yazar olmasına rağmen “Gretzel, Ulrike” en fazla atıfa sahip yazar olarak saptanmıştır. Ayrıca Çin ve Amerika turizm ve hizmet robotları konusunda en fazla yayın yapan, atıf alan ve iş birliği yapan ülkeler olup alanyazının gelişmesine önemli katkılar sağlamışlardır. Tourism stands out as one of the industries that benefit most from technological developments. Service robots are among the important resources that the tourism industry benefits in this technological process. The aim of the research is to make a bibliometric analysis of studies on tourism and service robots, which is a current topic. Therefore, it is aimed to compile and discuss the literature on this subject, to understand the development course of the current situation and to make suggestions for future research. In this context, the Web of Science database was searched using the words “service robot, robot and tourism, tourist, hospitality” on April 13, 2022. As a result of the search, 178 publications made between 1998-2022 were reached. VOSviewer program was used to analyze the obtained data. According to the findings, it has been determined that the number of studies on tourism and service robots has an increasing trend and the most studies and citations were made in 2021. The studies on this subject; it has been determined that the majority of them are in the type of articles, the most publications are in English, and the most frequently used keyword is “service robots”. Studies on tourism and service robots were mostly published in the field of “Accommodation Leisure Sports and Tourism”. “Hong Kong Polytechnic University” and “Varna Business University” stand out as the institutions that publish the most on this subject. “International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management” became both the most published and the most cited journal. Although “Zhong, Lina” was the author with the most collaborations on this subject, “Gretzel, Ulrike” was identified as the author with the most citations. In addition, China and America are the countries that make the most publications, citations and cooperation on tourism and service robots, and they have contributed significantly to the development of the literature.

Seyahat ve Otel İşletmeciliği Dergisi (SOİD), 2022
Space tourism is considered as a type of tourism that is becoming increasingly significant and is... more Space tourism is considered as a type of tourism that is becoming increasingly significant and is expected to be in greater demand in the future. Therefore, the aim is to analyse the posters on space tourism created by NASA via semiotic analysis, a strategy of data analysis. In accordance with the set objective, a document analysis technique was used. Since the fourteen posters used for the study were created by NASA, a major organization in the field of space, it was selected as an appropriate sample. The space tourism posters identified in the study were analysed through the model developed by Ferdinand de Saussure and Roland Barthes. Each indicator showed that the utopian posters were closely related to the types of tourism. In addition, the indicators led to the conclusion that individual and mass tourism movements related to space can be carried out by people of all ages, that in the future it will no longer be luxury tourism, and that transportation will be carried out by various means of transport, and in accordance with these conclusions, suggestions were made for tourism businesses. Uzay turizmi, önemi giderek artan ve gelecekte daha fazla talep görmesi beklenen bir turizm çeşidi olarak görülmektedir. Dolayısıyla araştırmada NASA tarafından oluşturulan uzay turizmi posterlerinin bir veri analiz stratejisi olan göstergebilimsel analiz ile çözümlenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Belirlenen amaç doğrultusunda doküman inceleme tekniğinden yararlanılmıştır. Araştırmada kullanılan on dört adet poster, uzayla ilgili önemli bir kuruluş olan NASA tarafından oluşturulduğu için örneklem olarak seçilmeye uygun görülmüştür. Araştırma kapsamında belirlenen uzay turizmi posterleri Ferdinand de Saussure ve Roland Barthes’in geliştirmiş olduğu modele göre çözümlenmiştir. Her bir gösterge, ütopik posterlerin turizm çeşitleri ile yakından ilişkili olduğu sonucunu ortaya koymuştur. Ayrıca göstergeler uzaya ilişkin bireysel ve kitlesel turizm hareketlerinin her yaştan kişi tarafından gerçekleştirilebileceği, gelecekte lüks turizm olmaktan çıkacağı ve çeşitli ulaşım araçları ile ulaşımın sağlanacağı yönünde çıkarımların yapılmasını sağlamış ve bu çıkarımlar doğrultusunda turizm işletmelerine önerilerde bulunulmuştur.

Turist Rehberliği Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi (TURNAD), 2021
Teknoloji alanında yaşanan gelişmeler, robot teknolojisinin gelişmesini ve turizm endüstrisinde k... more Teknoloji alanında yaşanan gelişmeler, robot teknolojisinin gelişmesini ve turizm endüstrisinde kullanılmasını sağlamıştır. Dolayısıyla bu araştırma ile turist rehberlerinin robot rehberler hakkındaki görüşlerini belirlemek ve robot rehberlerin avantajları ve dezavantajları ile gelecekte oluşturabileceği fırsatları ve tehditleri ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Nitel araştırma yöntemin temel alındığı araştırmada, araştırma deseni olarak fenomenoloji belirlenmiştir. Araştırma desenine uygun olarak yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniğinden yararlanılmış ve robot rehberlere yönelik veriler toplanmıştır. Turist rehberlerini belirlerken ölçüt örnekleme yönteminden yararlanılmış ve toplam on beş turist rehberi ile görüşme yapılmıştır. Görüşmelerin ardından temalar belirlenmiş ve bu aşamada hem kapalı hem de açık kod sisteminden yararlanılmıştır. Veri analiz stratejisi olarak ise içerik analizi belirlenmiştir. Son olarak veriler Maxqda yazılım programına yüklenmiş ve betimsel analizler yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda ise yedi ana tema, otuz bir alt tema belirlenmiştir. Belirlenen ana temalar arasında en fazla kodlananlar sektöre uygunluk, zayıf yönler ve tehditlerdir. Turist rehberlerinin çoğu robot rehberlerin performansının düşük olacağını, konaklama sektöründe kullanımının daha uygun olacağını, en güçlü yanının standart hizmet vermesi, en zayıf yönünün ise memnuniyetsizlik ve bilgi yetersizliği olacağını bildirmişlerdir. Ayrıca gelecekte farklı istihdam olanaklarının oluşmasına ve teknolojik bir ülke imajı yaratılmasına katkı sağlayacağını; diğer yandan işsizliğe neden olup büyük bir tehdit unsuru olacağını ifade etmişlerdir. Bununla birlikte birçok turist rehberi robot rehberlerin uzun vadede yaygınlaşacağını belirtmiştir.
Advances in technology have led to the development of robot technology and its use in the tourism industry. Therefore, with this research, it is aimed to determine the opinions of tourist guides about robot guides and to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of robot guides and the opportunities and threats they may pose in the future. In the research based on the qualitative method, phenomenology was determined as the research design. In accordance with the research design, semi-structured interview technique was used and data for robot guides was collected. While determining the tourist guides, the criterion sampling method was used and a total of fifteen tour guides were interviewed. After the interviews, the themes were determined and both closed and open code systems were used at this stage. Content analysis was determined as a data analysis strategy. Finally, the data was loaded into the Maxqda software program and descriptive analyzes were made. As a result of the research, seven main themes and thirty-one sub-themes were determined. Among the main themes identified, the most coded ones are compliance with the industry, weaknesses and threats. Most of the tourist guides reported that the performance of robot guides would be low, they would be more suitable for use in the accommodation sector, their strongest point would be standard service, and their weakest point would be dissatisfaction and lack of information. In addition, it will contribute to the creation of different employment opportunities in the future and the creation of a technological country image; on the other hand, they stated that it would cause unemployment and would be a major threat. However, many tourist guides stated that robot guides will become widespread in the long term.

Turizm Akademik Dergisi (TOURAJ), 2021
Psikolojik dayanıklılık turist rehberliği gibi çalışma şartları ağır olan mesleklerde öne çıkan b... more Psikolojik dayanıklılık turist rehberliği gibi çalışma şartları ağır olan mesleklerde öne çıkan bir kavramdır. Psikolojik dayanıklılık düzeyini etkileyen birçok faktör bulunmaktadır. Mesleki özdeşleşme ve öz yeterlilik bu faktörler arasında önemli bir yer teşkil etmektedir. Bu araştırmanın amacı, mesleki özdeşleşmenin psikolojik dayanıklılığa etkisinde öz yeterliliğin aracı rolünü ortaya koymaktır. Bu kapsamda kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmış ve Nevşehir Rehberler Odası'na bağlı profesyonel turist rehberlerinden toplam 256 anket toplanmıştır. Aracı etkinin olup olmadığı yapısal eşitlik modeli ile ortaya koyulmuş ve bootstrap testi ile anlamlılık düzeyi incelenmiştir. Araştırma bulgularına göre, mesleki özdeşlemenin hem psikolojik dayanıklılık hem de öz yeterlilik üzerinde, öz yeterliliğin ise psikolojik dayanıklılık üzerinde olumlu bir etkisinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Ayrıca mesleki özdeşleşmenin psikolojik dayanıklılık üzerindeki etkisinde öz yeterliliğin aracı etkiye sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sonuçlar, teorik ve pratik katkılar dikkate alınarak tartışılmıştır.
Psychological resilience is a prominent concept in professions with heavy working conditions, such as tourist guidance. Many factors affect the psychological resilience level. Occupational identification and self-efficacy constitute an important place among these factors. This study aims to reveal the mediating role of self-efficacy on the effect of occupational identification on psychological resilience. In this context, a convenience sampling method was used and a total of 256 questionnaires were collected from professional tourist guides affiliated to Nevşehir Chamber of Guides. Whether there was a mediating effect or not was revealed by the structural equation model and the significance level was examined with the bootstrap test. According to the findings of the research, it was determined that occupational identification has a positive effect on both psychological resilience and self-efficacy and self-efficacy on psychological resilience. Besides, it was found that self-efficacy has a mediating effect on the effect of occupational identification on psychological resilience. The results are discussed considering the theoretical and practical contributions.

Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 2022
Purpose-It is understood that the personality traits and intelligence levels of the tourist guide... more Purpose-It is understood that the personality traits and intelligence levels of the tourist guides directly or indirectly affect their ability to solve the problems they encounter on tours. This study aims to test whether emotional intelligence has an intermediary effect on the problem-solving skills of professional tourist guides with perfectionist personality traits. Design/methodology/approach-Field research was conducted within the study to analyze suggestions on the interaction of variables on an empirical basis, and data were collected using interview, document review and survey technique. Thus, the mixed-methods approach was used in the study. Within the scope of this study in which 410 professional tourist guides were surveyed, a substantial part of the research data was obtained through the application of the survey technique. Besides, interviews were carried out with 12 professional tourist guides. The clues obtained by the qualitative study were transformed into hypotheses within the scope of the quantitative study, and the intermediary effect was tested. Findings-A relationship between the main themes, sub-themes and codes was determined within the framework of the qualitative method. As a result of the mediation test, it has been revealed that emotional intelligence has an intermediary role in the relationship between perfectionism and problem-solving skills. According to the results of bootstrapping, the indirect effect of emotional intelligence on perfectionism and problem-solving skills was found out to be significant. Practical implications-The study acknowledged that positive perfectionism, high emotional intelligence and problem-solving skills contributed to the professional tourist guides being willing to provide better service. In tune with the assumption that the more the quality of the tours carried out through agencies increases, the more satisfied tourists are; the study implicated that it would be advisable for agencies to prioritize the trainings provided for their tour guides to enhance their positive perfectionist, emotionally intelligent personalities and problem-solving skills. Given that professional tourist guides may create a positive country image with the quality service they provide, the significance of such trainings stretch beyond the benefits of such organizations. Originality/value-Relevant variables were analyzed with a mixed method and applied on professional tourist guides.

Journal of Tourism and Gastronomy Studies (JOTAGS), 2021
Bu araştırmanın temel amacı iç ve dış kontrol odağının psikolojik dayanıklılık üzerine etkisinde ... more Bu araştırmanın temel amacı iç ve dış kontrol odağının psikolojik dayanıklılık üzerine etkisinde duygusal zekânın aracı rolünü test etmektir. İç ve dış kontrol odağı, psikolojik dayanıklılık ve duygusal zekâ etkileşimine yönelik kurulan hipotezlerin test edilmesi amacıyla, İstanbul'da faaliyet gösteren dört ve beş yıldızlı otel çalışanları üzerinde bir alan araştırması yapılmış ve veriler anket tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin toplanmasında kolayda örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmış ve 392 otel çalışanı araştırmanın örneklemi için belirlenmiştir. Araştırmada elde edilen veriler istatistik programlarına yüklenmiş ve uygun analiz teknikleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. İç ve dış kontrol odağı, psikolojik dayanıklılık ve duygusal zekâ arasındaki ilişkiler incelenmiş olup, duygusal zekânın aracı etkisinin olup olmadığı Process Makrosu ile ortaya koyulmuştur. Aracı etkinin anlamlılığı ise bootstrap sonuçlarına göre değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda, iç ve dış kontrol odağının hem psikolojik dayanıklılık üzerinde hem de duygusal zekâ üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olduğu, duygusal zekânın ise psikolojik dayanıklılık üzerinde anlamlı bir etkisinin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nihai olarak iç ve dış kontrol odağının psikolojik dayanıklılık üzerindeki etkisinde duygusal zekânın aracı etkiye sahip olduğu saptanmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar doğrultusunda teorik ve pratik katkılar temel alınarak birtakım önerilerde bulunulmuştur. The main purpose of this study is to test the mediating role of emotional intelligence on the effect of internal and external locus of control on psychological resilience. In order to test the hypotheses on the interaction of internal and external locus of control, psychological resilience and emotional intelligence, a field study was conducted on four and five star hotel employees operating in İstanbul and the data were collected by survey technique. The convenience sampling method was used to collect the data and 392 hotel employees were determined for the sample of the study. The data obtained in the research were uploaded to statistics programs and analyzed using appropriate analysis techniques. Relationships between internal and external locus of control, psychological resilience and emotional intelligence were examined, and whether emotional intelligence had a mediating effect was revealed by Process Macro. The significance of the mediating effect was evaluated according to the bootstrap results. As a result of the research, it has been determined that the internal and external locus of control has a significant effect on both psychological resilience and emotional intelligence, while emotional intelligence has a significant effect on psychological resilience. Finally, it has been found that emotional intelligence has a mediating effect on the effect of internal and external locus of control on psychological resilience. In line with the obtained results, some suggestions were made based on theoretical and practical contributions.

Atatürk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi (ATASOBED), 2021
Araştırmanın temel amacı, Kars ilinin Sarıkamış ilçesinde faaliyet gösteren otellerin hizmet kali... more Araştırmanın temel amacı, Kars ilinin Sarıkamış ilçesinde faaliyet gösteren otellerin hizmet kalitesini arttırmaya yönelik e-şikâyetlerin değerlendirilmesidir. Sarıkamış otellerine ilişkin e-şikâyetlerin incelenmesi ve buna bağlı olarak hizmet kalitesinin arttırılması otellerin doluluk oranını etkilediği için önem arz etmektedir. Nitel olarak ele alınan araştırmada fenomenolojik desen kullanılmıştır. Bu kapsamda “TripAdvisor” sitesi incelenerek otel işletmelerine yönelik yapılmış olan e-şikâyetler elde edilmiştir. E-şikayetlerin olduğu otel işletmelerinin belirlenmesi amacıyla amaçlı örnekleme yöntemlerinden olan ölçüt örnekleme yöntemi kullanılmıştır. İçerik analizi veri analiz stratejisi olarak belirlenmiştir. Verilerin analizi için “Maxqda 18” yazılım programı tercih edilmiştir. Tümdengelim ve tümevarım yöntemleri kullanılarak veriler işlenmiştir. Bu doğrultuda ilk olarak kapalı kod sistemden faydalanılmış ve tema ve alt temalar alanyazın incelemesi sonucunda oluşturulmuştur. Daha sonra ise açık kod sisteminden yararlanılarak belirlenen tema ve alt temalar bir kez daha gözden geçirilmiştir. Yapılan analizler neticesinde toplam bir ana tema ve bu temaya bağlı beş alt tema oluşturulmuştur. Araştırma sonucunda, “hizmet kalitesi” ana tema olarak belirlenmiştir. Bu ana temaya bağlı olarak ise “güvenilirlik”, “somut özellikler”, “güven”, “anında hizmet sunma” ve “empati” olmak üzere beş alt tema elde edilmiştir. Araştırma sonuçları doğrultusunda otel işletmelerinin hizmet kalitesini arttırması açısından birtakım önerilerde bulunulmuştur. The main purpose of the research is to evaluate the e-complaints for increasing the service quality of the hotels operating in Sarıkamış district of Kars province. It is important to examine the e-complaints about Sarıkamış hotels and to increase the quality of service accordingly, as this affects the occupancy rate of the hotels. Phenomenological design was used in the qualitative research. In this context, the "TripAdvisor" website was examined and ecomplaints made against hotel businesses were obtained. The criterion sampling method, which is one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used in order to determine the hotel businesses with e-complaints. Content analysis was determined as a data analysis strategy. "Maxqda 18" software program was preferred for data analysis. The data were processed using deductive and inductive methods. In this direction, firstly, the closed code system was used and the themes and sub-themes were created as a result of the review of the literature. Then, the themes and sub-themes determined by using the open code system were reviewed once more. As a result of the analysis, a total main theme and five sub-themes related to this theme were formed. As a result of the research, "service quality" was determined as the main theme. Depending on this main theme, five sub-themes were obtained: “reliability”, “tangible characteristics”, “trust”, “instant service delivery” and “empathy”. In line with the results of the research, some suggestions have been made in terms of increasing the service quality of hotel businesses.

TURAN Stratejik Araştırmalar Merkezi (TURAN-SAM), 2018
Bu araştırmanın amacı, Göreme Tarihi Milli Parkı’nın sürdürülebilir turizm açısından değerlendiri... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, Göreme Tarihi Milli Parkı’nın sürdürülebilir turizm açısından değerlendirilmesidir. Çalışmada, öncelikle araştırma konusu ve yöntemiyle doğrudan ilgili olan literatür taranmış ve ikincil veriler elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen ikincil veriler ışığında, Göreme Tarihi Milli Parkı’nın SWOT analizi yardımıyla değerlendirilmesine imkân verecek birincil veriler, biçimsel mülakat tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Mülakatlarda elde edilen verilerin analiz edilmesi sonucunda, milli parkın eşsiz doğası ile tarihi ve kültürel değerlerinin en önemli güçlü yönü olduğu, zayıf yönlerinin ise alan üzerinde farklı kurum ve kuruluşların söz sahibi olması nedeni ile denetim ve kararların uygulanamaması ve koruma altında olmasına rağmen gerekli özenin gösterilmemesidir. Tespit edilen en önemli fırsatlar; milli parkın UNESCO tarafından koruma altında bulunması ve turizm yatırımları için sağlanan teşviklerdir. Milli parkta sürdürülebilir turizme yönelik tehditler ise; çarpık yapılaşma, yoğun araç trafiği ve alternatif turizm adı altında yapılan hatalar (motosiklet ve arazi araçları ile turlar) olduğu tespit edilmiştir. The aim of this research is to evaluate the Goreme Historical National Park in terms of sustainable tourism. In the study, firstly the literature, which is directly related with the research subject and method, was scanned and secondary datas were obtained. In the light of the secondary datas obtained, primary datas were collected by formal interview technique to allow the evaluation of Goreme Historical National Park with the help of SWOT analysis. As a result of the analysis of the datas obtained from the interviews, it is determined that the unique nature of the national park and its historical and cultural values are the most important strengths. The weaknesses of the Goreme Historical National Park are the lack of implementation of audits and decisions due to the fact that different institutions and organizations have a say in the area and that the necessary care is not given despite being protected. The most important opportunities identified are the National Park’s protection status by UNESCO and the incentives provided for tourism investments. Determined threats are; distorted housing, heavy vehicle traffic and mistakes made under the name of alternative tourism (tours with motorcycles, ATV’s and off road vehicles).

Türk Turizm Araştırmaları Dergisi, 2020
Bu araştırmanın amacı, profesyonel turist rehberlerinin mükemmeliyetçi kişilik özelliklerinin pro... more Bu araştırmanın amacı, profesyonel turist rehberlerinin mükemmeliyetçi kişilik özelliklerinin problem çözme becerisi üzerine etkisinde duygusal zekânın aracı etkisinin olup olmadığını test etmektir. Araştırmanın teorik kısmında detaylandırılan mükemmeliyetçilik, problem çözme becerisi ve duygusal zekâ etkileşimine dair önermelerin ampirik bazda çözümlenmesi amacıyla, araştırma dahilinde alan araştırması yapılmış ve veriler anket tekniği kullanılarak toplanmıştır. Bu araştırma kapsamında 410 profesyonel turist rehberi araştırmaya dâhil edilmiş ve araştırma verileri elde edilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler istatistik programlarına yüklenmiş ve uygun analiz teknikleri kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkide aracılık rolünün olup olmadığı yapısal eşitlik modeli ile ortaya koyulmuştur. Yapılan aracılık testi sonucunda mükemmeliyetçilik ile problem çözme becerisi ilişkisinde duygusal zekânın aracı role sahip olduğu ortaya çıkmıştır. Bootstrapping sonuçlarına göre duygusal zekânın mükemmeliyetçilik ve problem çözme becerisi ilişkisindeki dolaylı etkisinin anlamlı olduğu tespit edilmiştir. The aim of this study is to test whether emotional intelligence has an intermediary effect on the problem-solving skills of professional tourist guides with perfectionist personality traits. Field research was conducted within the study in order to analyze the suggestions about perfectionism which is detailed in the theoretical part of the study as well as the suggestions regarding the interaction of problem-solving skills and emotional intelligence on an empirical basis by collecting data through survey techniques. Within the scope of this study, 410 professional tourist guides were included in the study and research data were obtained. The obtained data was loaded into statistical programs and analyzed using appropriate analysis techniques. Whether there is an intermediary role in the relationship between the variables has been demonstrated by the structural equation model. As a result of the mediation test, it has been revealed that emotional intelligence has an intermediary role in the relationship between perfectionism and problem-solving skills. According to the results of bootstrapping, the indirect effect of emotional intelligence on perfectionism and problem-solving skills was found to be significant.
Yapılan araştırma ile demokratik liderlik algısının örgütsel güvene etkisinin ve bu ilişkide örgütsel iletişimin aracılık rolünün tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda Konya ve Karaman illerinde faaliyet gösteren üç, dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmesi işgörenleri üzerinde bir alan araştırması yapılmıştır. Anket tekniğinden ve kolayda örnekleme yönteminden faydalanılarak toplam 394 anket toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler uygun analiz programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda demokratik liderlik, örgütsel güven ve örgütsel iletişim arasında pozitif yönlü güçlü ilişkilerin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan yapısal eşitlik modellemesi sonucunda, işgörenlerin algıladıkları demokratik liderliğin örgütsel güven ve örgütsel iletişim üzerinde pozitif bir etkisinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan işgörenlerin örgütsel iletişim algısının örgütsel güvenin oluşmasında pozitif bir etkide bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nihai olarak bootstrap testi sonuçlarına göre aracı etkinin anlamlılığı kontrol edilmiş ve demokratik liderliğin örgütsel güvene etkisinde örgütsel iletişimin aracı etkisinin anlamlı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Sonuçlar ise teorik ve pratik katkılar dahilinde ele alınmış ve gelecek araştırmacılara ve sektöre yönelik birtakım önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Advances in technology have led to the development of robot technology and its use in the tourism industry. Therefore, with this research, it is aimed to determine the opinions of tourist guides about robot guides and to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of robot guides and the opportunities and threats they may pose in the future. In the research based on the qualitative method, phenomenology was determined as the research design. In accordance with the research design, semi-structured interview technique was used and data for robot guides was collected. While determining the tourist guides, the criterion sampling method was used and a total of fifteen tour guides were interviewed. After the interviews, the themes were determined and both closed and open code systems were used at this stage. Content analysis was determined as a data analysis strategy. Finally, the data was loaded into the Maxqda software program and descriptive analyzes were made. As a result of the research, seven main themes and thirty-one sub-themes were determined. Among the main themes identified, the most coded ones are compliance with the industry, weaknesses and threats. Most of the tourist guides reported that the performance of robot guides would be low, they would be more suitable for use in the accommodation sector, their strongest point would be standard service, and their weakest point would be dissatisfaction and lack of information. In addition, it will contribute to the creation of different employment opportunities in the future and the creation of a technological country image; on the other hand, they stated that it would cause unemployment and would be a major threat. However, many tourist guides stated that robot guides will become widespread in the long term.
Psychological resilience is a prominent concept in professions with heavy working conditions, such as tourist guidance. Many factors affect the psychological resilience level. Occupational identification and self-efficacy constitute an important place among these factors. This study aims to reveal the mediating role of self-efficacy on the effect of occupational identification on psychological resilience. In this context, a convenience sampling method was used and a total of 256 questionnaires were collected from professional tourist guides affiliated to Nevşehir Chamber of Guides. Whether there was a mediating effect or not was revealed by the structural equation model and the significance level was examined with the bootstrap test. According to the findings of the research, it was determined that occupational identification has a positive effect on both psychological resilience and self-efficacy and self-efficacy on psychological resilience. Besides, it was found that self-efficacy has a mediating effect on the effect of occupational identification on psychological resilience. The results are discussed considering the theoretical and practical contributions.
Yapılan araştırma ile demokratik liderlik algısının örgütsel güvene etkisinin ve bu ilişkide örgütsel iletişimin aracılık rolünün tespit edilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda Konya ve Karaman illerinde faaliyet gösteren üç, dört ve beş yıldızlı otel işletmesi işgörenleri üzerinde bir alan araştırması yapılmıştır. Anket tekniğinden ve kolayda örnekleme yönteminden faydalanılarak toplam 394 anket toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler uygun analiz programları kullanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizler sonucunda demokratik liderlik, örgütsel güven ve örgütsel iletişim arasında pozitif yönlü güçlü ilişkilerin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Yapılan yapısal eşitlik modellemesi sonucunda, işgörenlerin algıladıkları demokratik liderliğin örgütsel güven ve örgütsel iletişim üzerinde pozitif bir etkisinin olduğu saptanmıştır. Diğer taraftan işgörenlerin örgütsel iletişim algısının örgütsel güvenin oluşmasında pozitif bir etkide bulunduğu tespit edilmiştir. Nihai olarak bootstrap testi sonuçlarına göre aracı etkinin anlamlılığı kontrol edilmiş ve demokratik liderliğin örgütsel güvene etkisinde örgütsel iletişimin aracı etkisinin anlamlı olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Sonuçlar ise teorik ve pratik katkılar dahilinde ele alınmış ve gelecek araştırmacılara ve sektöre yönelik birtakım önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Advances in technology have led to the development of robot technology and its use in the tourism industry. Therefore, with this research, it is aimed to determine the opinions of tourist guides about robot guides and to reveal the advantages and disadvantages of robot guides and the opportunities and threats they may pose in the future. In the research based on the qualitative method, phenomenology was determined as the research design. In accordance with the research design, semi-structured interview technique was used and data for robot guides was collected. While determining the tourist guides, the criterion sampling method was used and a total of fifteen tour guides were interviewed. After the interviews, the themes were determined and both closed and open code systems were used at this stage. Content analysis was determined as a data analysis strategy. Finally, the data was loaded into the Maxqda software program and descriptive analyzes were made. As a result of the research, seven main themes and thirty-one sub-themes were determined. Among the main themes identified, the most coded ones are compliance with the industry, weaknesses and threats. Most of the tourist guides reported that the performance of robot guides would be low, they would be more suitable for use in the accommodation sector, their strongest point would be standard service, and their weakest point would be dissatisfaction and lack of information. In addition, it will contribute to the creation of different employment opportunities in the future and the creation of a technological country image; on the other hand, they stated that it would cause unemployment and would be a major threat. However, many tourist guides stated that robot guides will become widespread in the long term.
Psychological resilience is a prominent concept in professions with heavy working conditions, such as tourist guidance. Many factors affect the psychological resilience level. Occupational identification and self-efficacy constitute an important place among these factors. This study aims to reveal the mediating role of self-efficacy on the effect of occupational identification on psychological resilience. In this context, a convenience sampling method was used and a total of 256 questionnaires were collected from professional tourist guides affiliated to Nevşehir Chamber of Guides. Whether there was a mediating effect or not was revealed by the structural equation model and the significance level was examined with the bootstrap test. According to the findings of the research, it was determined that occupational identification has a positive effect on both psychological resilience and self-efficacy and self-efficacy on psychological resilience. Besides, it was found that self-efficacy has a mediating effect on the effect of occupational identification on psychological resilience. The results are discussed considering the theoretical and practical contributions.
turistler tarafından tercih edilmesinin iç turizm açısından önemli olduğu
düşünülmektedir. Dolayısıyla bu araştırma ile balon turlarının iç turizm
kapsamında değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Belirlenen amaca ulaşabilmek
için önemli bir seyahat sitesi olan Foursquare’dan yararlanılmış ve balon
turlarını tercih eden yerli turistlerin yorumları istatistiki değerlendirmeye tabi
tutulmuştur. Araştırmada fenomenolojik desenden yararlanılmış ve ölçüt
örnekleme yöntemi benimsenmiştir. Veri toplama aşamasında ise doküman
inceleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Toplanan veriler bir nitel araştırma programı
olan Maxqda’ya yüklenmiş ve içerik analizi yapılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda iki
ana tema ve on alt tema belirlenmiştir. İşletme, personel, ikram, güvenlik ve
deneyim balon turu ana temasının alt temaları; memnuniyet, tavsiye etme, fiyat,
manzara ve yeniden tercih etme ise iç turizm ana temasının alt temaları olarak
oluşturulmuştur. Belirlenen ana ve alt temalar doğrultusunda yerli turistlerin
katıldıkları balon turlarından memnun kaldıkları, herkese tavsiye ettikleri, balon
turu esnasında gördükleri manzaradan çok etkilendikleri ve hatta bazı yerli
turistlerin Nevşehir ilini yeniden tercih ettikleri sonucuna ulaşılmıştır. Bununla
birlikte balon turlarına ait fiyat düzeyine yönelik olumlu ve olumsuz yorumlar
ile karşılaşılmıştır. Elde edilen sonuçlar, genel olarak Nevşehir ilinde düzenlenen
balon turlarının iç turizmi etkilediği ve hatta bazı yerli turistlerin Nevşehir ilini
tekrar ziyaret ettiği sonucunu ortaya çıkarmıştır.
perform bibliometric analysis and visualize the results, the VOSviewer program was preferred. Research on tourism and women phenomenon; publication years, types of publication, institutions, supporting institutions, authors, sources, countries, editors, co-authors, languages, research fields, references etc. has been evaluated within the scope. In the research, it was planned to determine the sources, documents, institutions, authors, and countries that came to the fore in scientific studies on tourism and woman phenomenon by using co-authorship, co-occurrence, and citation
techniques, which are a citation analysis technique. According to the findings obtained from the research, it can be said that the most research was conducted in 2019, the article was preferred as the type, and the country with the highest number of publications was America and English was preferred as the language of writing. Besides, it has been determined that the researches are mostly in the field of social sciences and in the categories of accommodation, leisure, sports, and tourism. The author with the most publications in the studies is Sandersmcdonagh, E. while the editor with the most research is Hung J.K. The institutions with the highest number of researches are Shandong Women’s Univ and State University System of Florida. Among the researchers examined, the most cited was in 2019, and the most cited research was Belizean Women and Tourism Work Opportunity or Impediment? written by Kristine McKenzie Gentry in 2012 and published in the journal Annals of Tourism Research. In addition to all these, it is possible to say that the most collaborating author is Carlos Costa, the institution is University Johannesburg, and the most
collaborating country is America. Finally, the most used keywords; tourism, women, gender, rural tourism, empowerment, rural women, and poverty. The most cited work belongs to Gentry (2007). Another result obtained is that the most cited author is Kristine McKenzie Gentry, the most cited source is Annals of Tourism Research, the most cited institution is Auburn University, and the most cited country is America.
açısının belirlenmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Yapılan araştırmalar incelendiğinde foodie
kavramına ilişkin bilimsel çalışmaların Türkçe literatürde az olduğu dikkat çekmektedir.
Araştırmanın literatüre, turizm sektörüne ve bu sektör içinde yer alan profesyonel turist
rehberlerine teorikte ve pratikte katkı sağlayacağı düşünülmektedir. Ayrıca foodie turistlere yönelik araştırmaların yapılması, foodie turistlere özgü yapılan turların sayısının artmasını sağlayabileceği gibi tur satışı yapan seyahat acentelerinin de alternatif ürün yelpazesini genişletebilir. Araştırmanın evrenini rehberler odasına bağlı eylemli profesyonel turist rehberleri oluşturmaktadır. Ancak evreninin tamamına ulaşmak konusunda zaman, maliyet ve veri analizi gibi unsurlar göz önüne alındığında, evreni temsil eden bir örneklemin seçilmesi, araştırmayı yürüten kişiler için avantaj sağlayacaktır. Bu sebeple, bu araştırmada Olasılığa Dayalı Olmayan Örnekleme Yöntemlerinden Kartopu Örneklemesi yöntemi seçilmiştir. Profesyonel turist rehberlerinin foodie turist tipine bakış açısını belirlemek amacıyla nitel yaklaşım çerçevesinde yapılan yarı yapılandırılmış mülakat tekniği kullanılmıştır. Bu tekniğin belli bir düzeyde esnekliğe ve standartlığa sahip olmasından dolayı konu hakkında derinlemesine bilgi edinmeye yardımcı olacağı düşünülmektedir. Veri toplamada açık uçlu sorular sorulmuş olup yüz yüze görüşme ve e-posta yöntemi tercih edilmiştir.
The main purpose of the research is to evaluate the e-complaints aimed at improving the service quality of Sarıkamış hotels. Sarıkamış ski center is very suitable for winter tourism and winter sports with its natural slopes. At the same time, the fact that the powder crystal snow in the Alps is only available in Sarıkamış in our country increases the importance of the ski center. Accordingly, the Sarıkamış ski centre is not only home to domestic tourists, but also to foreign tourists from various countries of the world. For this reason, it is important to examine the e-complaints about Sarıkamış hotels and to increase the quality of service accordingly, as this affects the occupancy rate of the hotels. Qualitative research methods were used in this study. Phenomenological design was determined as the research design. In the research, the “TripAdvisor” site was examined in order to identify e-complaints for hotel businesses. The criterion sampling method, which is one of the purposeful sampling methods, was used to determine the hotel businesses. In this context, hotel business which have characteristics for the purpose of the research (hotel business with e-complaints about them) were selected and the research data were obtained by examining the e-complaints. Content analysis was used as data analysis strategy and “MAXQDA 18” software program was used to visualize the data. Data processing was carried out by using a combination of deductive and inductive methods. In the research, firstly, closed code system was used and themes and sub-themes were determined in line with the literature and then the themes and sub-themes were reconsidered with the open code system in the light of the data coming from the field. As a result of the research, one main theme and five sub-themes were determined and opinions and suggestions were presented on the basis of e-complaints in order to improve the service quality of hotel businesses.
The aim of this research is to investigate the stakeholder views about Ordu-Çambaşı ski center which is a destination in the development process. Ordu-Çambaşı ski center, which is 1,850 meters above sea level, has natural beauty and features that are unique for tourism in both summer and winter months. The fact that many nature sports are done professionally and very suitable for winter tourism contributes to the development of Çambaşı plateau as a new tourism center in Turkey. In order to emphasize this importance, Çambaşı ski center has been the subject of the research and the development process has been revealed by using qualitative research methods. Phenomenology (descriptive phenomenology) and case study were used as research design. Snowball sampling method, one of the purposeful sampling methods, was chosen for the determination of the participants. Interview and document review technique was used as data collection tool. In this research, telephone interviews were conducted and 9 participants were reached. Content analysis was used as the data analysis strategy and “MAXQDA 18” software program was used to visualize the data. The processing of the data was carried out by using a combination of deductive and inductive methods. In the determination of the research questions, firstly closed code system was used and the themes and sub-themes were determined in accordance with the literature and then the themes and sub-themes were re-discussed with the open code system in the light of the data coming from the field. As a result of the research, three main themes and ten sub-themes were determined and the opinions of the stakeholders regarding Ordu-Çambaşı ski center were evaluated through the main themes and sub-themes and suggestions were made.
With this research, it is aimed to evaluate the Historical Sinop Prison, which is handled within the scope of dark tourism, for the visitors. Dark tourism is the use of material and spiritual elements related to the theme of death and sadness that occurred in the recent or distant past as a touristic product. In this context, the Historical Sinop Prison, which is thought to be impossible to escape and known for its famous prisoners, was studied within the scope of the research. The prison, located in Sinop Castle, has been the subject of many poems and songs. The fact that dark tourism is an important special interest and alternative tourism type and the Historical Sinop Prison, which is considered in this context, is an important dark tourism destination, makes it important to carry out this research. Qualitative research methods were used in the research. Descriptive phenomenology and case study have been determined as a research design. In the research, visitor views on the Historical Sinop Prison visitors who had come to the prison before were reached in order to determine. The criterion sampling method, which is one of the purposeful sampling method, was used to identify the visitors. In this context, visitors who have the characteristics for the purpose of the research were reached and the research data were obtained by examining the visitor views. Interview and document review technique were used as a data collection tool. In this research, telephone interviews were made and 11 participants were reached. Content analysis was utilized as a data analysis strategy and the “MAXQDA 20” software program was used to visualize the data. The processing of the data was carried out using a combination of deductive and inductive methods. In the research, first of all, the closed code system was used, themes and sub-themes were determined in line with the literature, and then themes and sub-themes were reviewed with the open code system in the light of the data from the field. As a result of the research, five main themes and fifteen sub-themes were determined. The most coded main theme is the impressive aspects of the prison and the emotions it evokes. The least coded main theme is the ethical dimension of turning the prison into a museum. Finally, a number of opinions and suggestions have been presented regarding the Historical Sinop Prison.
The aim of this research is to evaluate the opinions about the tourist guiding profession through content analysis. In line with the stated aim, “Ekşi Dictionary” was examined and it was tried to determine the knowledge levels of the commenters about the tourist guiding profession and their opinions about the profession. When the literature is examined, the lack of such a research regarding the tourist guiding profession reveals the importance of the research and fills an important gap in the literature. Qualitative research methods were used in this research. The phenomenological pattern (descriptive phenomenology) was determined as the research pattern. In the research, the document review technique was used as a data collection tool. A total of 95 comments were determined and analyzed on the mentioned participant dictionary-style web page. Content analysis was utilized as a data analysis strategy and the “MAXQDA 20” software program was used to visualize the data. The processing of the data was carried out by using deductive and inductive methods together. Firstly, closed code system was used in the research, themes and sub-themes were determined in line with the literature, and then themes and sub-themes were re-examined with the open code system in the light of the data coming from the field. As a result of the research, four main themes and twelve sub-themes were determined. It was determined that the most opinions among these themes belonged to the sub-themes of “being a difficult profession,” “being a profession that is loved and recommended” and “being a profession that is unloved and biased.” In this direction, a number of opinions and suggestions are presented for the tourist guiding profession.
With this research, it is aimed to evaluate the documents related to religious tourism published in “Web of Science”, an international database between 1975-2020, within the framework of certain criteria and to subject them to bibliometric analysis. Accordingly, on May 22, 2020, three different keywords were searched from the "title" tab in the form of "Belief Tourism OR Religious Tourism OR Faith Tourism" and 149 academic publications were reached. “VOSviewer” software was used to perform and visualize bibliometric analysis. Researches on religious tourism; publication years, types of publications, institutions, authors, sources, countries, languages, references and keywords are covered. In the research, it is aimed to reveal the documents, sources, authors, institutions and countries that are prominent in the publications on “Religious Tourism” with “Co-authorship, Co-occurence and Citation” techniques, which is a citation analysis technique. As a result of the research, it was determined that the most research on religious tourism was carried out in 2015 and 2019, the publication type was the most articles, the most publishing country was England and the language of publication was the most English. Publications on religious tourism were mostly published in the source "CABI Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage Series" and the most published authors in this field are "Kiran A. Shinde and Peter Wiltshier." The institution with the most researchers is “University of Palermo.” The highest reference to religious tourism was made in 2019, and the most used keywords are “religious tourism, pilgrimage, tourism, religion and culture.” The information obtained as a result of the research provided the determination of the current status of the researches on religious tourism and has been a guide for future research.
ilgili 1975-2020 yılları arasında uluslararası alanyazında yayımlanan dokümanların
(makale, bildiri, kitap vb.) belirli parametreler çerçevesinde incelenmesi ve
bibliyometrik analize tabi tutulması amaçlanmıştır. Gastronomi turizmine ilişkin
yapılan bilimsel yayınların elde edilmesi amacıyla 13 Mayıs 2020 tarihinde Web of
Science (WOS) veri tabanı kullanılmıştır. Arama “Gastronomic Tourism OR
Gastronomy Tourism” şeklinde “başlık” sekmesinden iki farklı anahtar kelime ile
gerçekleştirilmiştir. Arama sonucunda 45 akademik yayına ulaşılmıştır. Bibliyometrik
analizi gerçekleştirmek ve görselleştirmek için “VOSviewer” yazılımı kullanılmıştır.
Gastronomi turizmine yönelik yapılmış araştırmalar; yayın yılları, yayın türleri,
kurumlar, yazarlar, kaynaklar, ülkeler, diller, atıflar ve anahtar kelimeler kapsamında
ele alınmıştır. Araştırmada “Gastronomi Turizmi” konulu yayınlarda öne çıkan
dokümanların, kaynakların, yazarların, kurumların ve ülkelerin bir atıf analizi tekniği
olan “Co-authorship, Co-occurence ve Citation” teknikleri ile ortaya çıkarılması
amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda gastronomi turizmine yönelik en fazla
araştırmanın 2016 yılında yapıldığı, yayın türünün en fazla makale olduğu, en çok
yayın yapan ülkenin İspanya olduğu ve yayın dilinin ise en fazla İngilizce olduğu
tespit edilmiştir. Gastronomi turizmine yönelik yazılmış makaleler en çok “Tourism”
adlı dergide yayımlanmış olup, bu alanda en fazla yayın yapan yazarlardan biri ise
“Genoveva Millan Vazquez De La Torre”dir. En fazla araştırmacının bulunduğu
kurumlardan biri ise “Bucharest University of Economic Studies”dir. Gastronomi
turizmine yönelik en fazla atıf 2019 yılında yapılmış olup, en fazla kullanılan anahtar
kelimeler ise “gastronomy, gastronomic tourism, tourism ve gastronomy tourism”
şeklindedir. Genel olarak değerlendirildiğinde gastronomi turizmine yönelik yapılan
araştırmaların son yıllarda artış gösterdiği saptanmıştır.
With this research, it is aimed to examine the documents (articles, papers,
books, etc.) published in international literature between 1975-2020 concerning
gastronomic tourism, which is an important alternative type of tourism, within the framework of certain parameters and to make them subject to bibliometric analysis.
Web of Science (WOS) database was used on 13 May 2020 to obtain scientific
publications on gastronomic tourism. The search was carried out with two different
keywords from the "title" tab in the form of "Gastronomic Tourism OR Gastronomy
Tourism." As a result of the search, 45 academic publications were reached.
“VOSviewer” software was used to perform and visualize bibliometric analysis.
Research on gastronomic tourism has been covered in terms of publication years,
publication types, institutions, authors, sources, countries, languages, citations and
key words. In the research, it is aimed to reveal the documents, sources, authors,
institutions and countries that are prominent in the publications on “Gastronomy
Tourism” with “Co-authorship, Co-occurence and Citation” techniques, which is a
citation analysis technique. As a result of the research, it was determined that the most researches about gastronomy tourism were conducted in 2016, the type of publication was the most articles, the most publishing country was Spain and the language of publication was the most English. Articles written about gastronomy tourism have been published mostly in the journal "Tourism" and one of the most published authors in this field is "Genoveva Millan Vazquez De La Torre." One of the institutions with the highest number of researchers is “Bucharest University of Economic Studies.” The highest reference to gastronomy tourism was made in 2019, and the most used keywords are “gastronomy, gastronomic tourism, tourism and gastronomy tourism.” When evaluated in general, it is determined that the researches carried out for gastronomy tourism have increased in recent years.