Bülent ORAL
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Papers by Bülent ORAL
mitler kimi zaman dini metin ya da söylemler kimi zaman da her üç yaklaşımı da kapsayacak
perspektifle irdelenir. Günümüze değin yapılan araştırmalar çerçevesinde insan eliyle biçim
kazanan ilk somut nesnelere Paleolitik Çağ’da (M.Ö. 2.000.000-10.000) rastlanmaktadır.
İnsanların Geç Paleolitik Dönem’den (M.Ö. 60.000-10.000) başlayarak mağara duvarlarına,
kaya yüzeylerine ve bedenlerine gerçekleştirdikleri betimlemeler (dövme sanatı) resim sanatının
ortaya çıkan ilk biçimleridir.
İnsan, yaşamını kolaylaştırmak için devamlı bir arayış içinde olmuştur. Bu arayış insanı
geliştirmiş ve böylece gerçekleşen gelişim sürekli bir değişimi beslemiştir. Bu gelişim biçim, yazı
ve içerik ilişkisinde de görülür.
Bu çalışmada resim sanatı çerçevesinde biçim, yazı ve içerik arasındaki ilişki tanımlanarak
irdelenmiş, geçirdikleri evreler belli başlı örnekler üzerinden incelenmiş, imge ve içerik
bağlamında örnekler üzerinden değerlendirmeler yapılmış böylece modern sanat içerisinde
gösterdikleri gelişme, edindikleri yer ve kazandıkları boyut ortaya konmuştur.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Biçim, Yazı, Resim, İçerik, İmge, Modern Sanat, Çağdaş Sanat, Sanat Tarihi.
: What people do, why, and when are scrutunized by myths, by evidences and by religious
dicourse and sometimes by the perspectives that covers all of these means. In frames of studies
conducted until our era, first concrete objects shaped by human hand appears during Paleolithic Era
(B.C. 2.000.000-10.000). Starting from Late Paleolithic Period, (B.C. 60.000-10.000) human portrait on
cave walls, rock surfaces and body art (tattoo) are the first examples of paint art.
Human seeks tools to find a way to make his life easier since his existence. His search developed
human and that development lead to change. This development can be seen in relation between
writing and concept as well.
In this study, form, writing and concept of paint art are analyzed and defined. Their developmental
process are studied through some of the main examples of art and their conceptual and image related
evaluations are also conducted. Thus, their development in art alongwith their status are also examined.
Keywords: Form, Writing, Paint, Content, Imagery, Modern Art, Conceptual Art, History of Art.
Bu makale sergilerin gerçekleşme sürecini sanatçı-yapıt-mekân-izleyici
bağlamında çeşitlendirerek, sanatçıları, yapıtlarını ve sanat mekanlarını eleştirel
yaklaşımlarla daha güçlü bir şekilde kamusal alana taşımayı amaçlamaktadır.
Böylece bu etkinliklerin farklı kesimlere ulaşmasını sağlayacak olan tartışma
zemini genişleyebilecektir.
Assessments About Artist, Composition, Place And Audience On
Contemporary Exhibitions Showed İn İstanbul.
Citation/©: Oral, Bülent (2018). Assessments About Artist, Composition, Place And
Audience On Contemporary Exhibitions Showed İn İstanbul, Hitit University
Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Symposium of AAHA, Special Issue, Year 11,
Volume 2, October, 2018, ss. 991-1018
Abstract: In art history, exhibitions are the top activities to catch that era’s emotion, idea
and approaches. These activities are of many kind and one of the most important
reasons to these activities is artists’ anxiety of having a place in art world. From
the perspective of artists, the main reason of the activities in exhibitions is artist’s
worry to have a reputable place in art world. Therefore, exhibition saloon is parallel
with being determinent while choosing the art society.
The purpose for the audience is sometimes a social activity, sometimes the desire
to be a part of popular art world or sometimes the interest in art. For this matter,
exhibitions are somehow a bridge between artist-place-audience. These
exhibitions are providing the best opportunity to the artist to represent herself the
best at first stage. Whilst this happening, it also gives the chance to determine the
public sphere and adoptation of exhibition products to place they are being
exhibited. On the other hand, audience finds the chance to participate an activity
and have the pleasure of it whilst having new perceptions and finding ways to
develop herself/himself.
İstanbul is the most important city where culture-art activities are visible. Some if
the exhibitions are seperated from others that are also shiwed in the same city
according to their affect areas. They are differentiated. Three of these exhibitions
are mixed, other two are personal exhibitions. International mixed exhibitions are
15. Istanbul Bineal and 12. Contemporary Istanbul and ‘ways to see’ exhibitions
in Arter Art Gallery. Personal exhibitions are ‘Genco Gulan and Antic Future’ and
‘Roger Ballen: Retrospective’ in Istanbul Modern.
This report diversifies the realizatıon process of exhibitions in accordance with
artist-place-audience. It also aims to carry critical discussions about artists, their
works and art places to public sphere in a stronger way. Thus, these activities will
help discussion ground to reach different groups.
Keywords: Contemporary Art, Exhibition, Artwork, Venue, Audience
mitler kimi zaman dini metin ya da söylemler kimi zaman da her üç yaklaşımı da kapsayacak
perspektifle irdelenir. Günümüze değin yapılan araştırmalar çerçevesinde insan eliyle biçim
kazanan ilk somut nesnelere Paleolitik Çağ’da (M.Ö. 2.000.000-10.000) rastlanmaktadır.
İnsanların Geç Paleolitik Dönem’den (M.Ö. 60.000-10.000) başlayarak mağara duvarlarına,
kaya yüzeylerine ve bedenlerine gerçekleştirdikleri betimlemeler (dövme sanatı) resim sanatının
ortaya çıkan ilk biçimleridir.
İnsan, yaşamını kolaylaştırmak için devamlı bir arayış içinde olmuştur. Bu arayış insanı
geliştirmiş ve böylece gerçekleşen gelişim sürekli bir değişimi beslemiştir. Bu gelişim biçim, yazı
ve içerik ilişkisinde de görülür.
Bu çalışmada resim sanatı çerçevesinde biçim, yazı ve içerik arasındaki ilişki tanımlanarak
irdelenmiş, geçirdikleri evreler belli başlı örnekler üzerinden incelenmiş, imge ve içerik
bağlamında örnekler üzerinden değerlendirmeler yapılmış böylece modern sanat içerisinde
gösterdikleri gelişme, edindikleri yer ve kazandıkları boyut ortaya konmuştur.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Biçim, Yazı, Resim, İçerik, İmge, Modern Sanat, Çağdaş Sanat, Sanat Tarihi.
: What people do, why, and when are scrutunized by myths, by evidences and by religious
dicourse and sometimes by the perspectives that covers all of these means. In frames of studies
conducted until our era, first concrete objects shaped by human hand appears during Paleolithic Era
(B.C. 2.000.000-10.000). Starting from Late Paleolithic Period, (B.C. 60.000-10.000) human portrait on
cave walls, rock surfaces and body art (tattoo) are the first examples of paint art.
Human seeks tools to find a way to make his life easier since his existence. His search developed
human and that development lead to change. This development can be seen in relation between
writing and concept as well.
In this study, form, writing and concept of paint art are analyzed and defined. Their developmental
process are studied through some of the main examples of art and their conceptual and image related
evaluations are also conducted. Thus, their development in art alongwith their status are also examined.
Keywords: Form, Writing, Paint, Content, Imagery, Modern Art, Conceptual Art, History of Art.
Bu makale sergilerin gerçekleşme sürecini sanatçı-yapıt-mekân-izleyici
bağlamında çeşitlendirerek, sanatçıları, yapıtlarını ve sanat mekanlarını eleştirel
yaklaşımlarla daha güçlü bir şekilde kamusal alana taşımayı amaçlamaktadır.
Böylece bu etkinliklerin farklı kesimlere ulaşmasını sağlayacak olan tartışma
zemini genişleyebilecektir.
Assessments About Artist, Composition, Place And Audience On
Contemporary Exhibitions Showed İn İstanbul.
Citation/©: Oral, Bülent (2018). Assessments About Artist, Composition, Place And
Audience On Contemporary Exhibitions Showed İn İstanbul, Hitit University
Journal of Social Sciences Institute, Symposium of AAHA, Special Issue, Year 11,
Volume 2, October, 2018, ss. 991-1018
Abstract: In art history, exhibitions are the top activities to catch that era’s emotion, idea
and approaches. These activities are of many kind and one of the most important
reasons to these activities is artists’ anxiety of having a place in art world. From
the perspective of artists, the main reason of the activities in exhibitions is artist’s
worry to have a reputable place in art world. Therefore, exhibition saloon is parallel
with being determinent while choosing the art society.
The purpose for the audience is sometimes a social activity, sometimes the desire
to be a part of popular art world or sometimes the interest in art. For this matter,
exhibitions are somehow a bridge between artist-place-audience. These
exhibitions are providing the best opportunity to the artist to represent herself the
best at first stage. Whilst this happening, it also gives the chance to determine the
public sphere and adoptation of exhibition products to place they are being
exhibited. On the other hand, audience finds the chance to participate an activity
and have the pleasure of it whilst having new perceptions and finding ways to
develop herself/himself.
İstanbul is the most important city where culture-art activities are visible. Some if
the exhibitions are seperated from others that are also shiwed in the same city
according to their affect areas. They are differentiated. Three of these exhibitions
are mixed, other two are personal exhibitions. International mixed exhibitions are
15. Istanbul Bineal and 12. Contemporary Istanbul and ‘ways to see’ exhibitions
in Arter Art Gallery. Personal exhibitions are ‘Genco Gulan and Antic Future’ and
‘Roger Ballen: Retrospective’ in Istanbul Modern.
This report diversifies the realizatıon process of exhibitions in accordance with
artist-place-audience. It also aims to carry critical discussions about artists, their
works and art places to public sphere in a stronger way. Thus, these activities will
help discussion ground to reach different groups.
Keywords: Contemporary Art, Exhibition, Artwork, Venue, Audience