Papers by Hasan Ali Karasar Afro Eurasian Studies is a refereed
Central Asia and the Caucasus, Jul 27, 2005

DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 1, 2016
The early Turkestani émigré struggle was an important example of 'nation imagining' in emigration... more The early Turkestani émigré struggle was an important example of 'nation imagining' in emigration. In this article, the challenges faced by Turkestani nationalist leaders who had left their fatherland after the Bolshevik invasion of their country are examined. The activities of émigré leaders and pan-Turkists like Zeki Velidî Togan, Mustafa Çokayoğlu, Osman Hoca and Nihal Atsız are illustrated in some detail. Special attention is given to policy formation, propaganda tactics, the use of media (mainly by publishing periodicals), and the organization of NGOs with the mission of setting and uniting the public (in diaspora) against Russian invasion. It is hoped that this discussion will enable researchers to make better assessments of the past and intelligent projections for the future. The work is based on extensive original sources, most of which have not been exploited before in English language publications.

Cappadocia Journal of Area Studies (CJAS), Cappadocia University
Japonya ziyareti sırasında Rusya İmparatorluğu veliaht prensi Nikolay Aleksandreviç’e karşı bir s... more Japonya ziyareti sırasında Rusya İmparatorluğu veliaht prensi Nikolay Aleksandreviç’e karşı bir suikast teşebbüsü gerçekleşmiştir. Prens, Japonya’da dünya turunun bir parçası olarak Trans-Sibirya Demiryolu’nun doğu yönünden inşasını başlatmak üzere bulunmaktaydı. Bu makale, Nikolay Aleksandreviç’in yaşadığı bu suikast girişiminin Kapadokya’daki bir konağın duvarına oryantalist bir üslupla neden ve nasıl taşındığı sorularının cevaplarını aramaktadır. Makale, Otsu hadisesi olarak bilinen suikast girişiminin ve ardından yaşanan sürecin Japonya için önemli bir yargı bağımsızlığı sınavı olduğunu ve hem muhtemel bir uluslararası gerginliğin önüne geçtiğini hem de Japonya’da halkın adalete olan güvenini tazelediğini öne sürmektedir. Otsu hadisesinin Batı’daki yankıları ve resmedilişi yirmi yıldan fazladır hızlı bir Batılılaşma ve modernizasyon içinde olan Japonya’nın Batı’da hala oryantalist bir bakış açısından potansiyel bir koloni genişleme alanı olarak görüldüğünü ortaya koymaktadır. Va...

Bilig, 2016
Erken donem muhaceretteki Turkistanlilarin mucadeleleri vatan disinda “Milli Kimlik Tasavvuru” ol... more Erken donem muhaceretteki Turkistanlilarin mucadeleleri vatan disinda “Milli Kimlik Tasavvuru” olusturma gayretlerinin onemli bir ornegidir. Bu makalede ulkeleri Bolsevikler tarafindan ele gecirildikten sonra vatanlarini terk eden Turkistanli milliyetci liderlerin karsilastiklari fikirsel sorunlarin bir kismi ele alinmaktadir. Ozellikle de muhaceret liderleri ve Turkcu dusunurlerden Zeki Velidi Togan, Mustafa Cokayoglu, Osman Hoca ve Nihal Atsiz’in kimlik merkezli tartismalarina deginilmektedir. Bu calismada siyasa yapimi, propaganda taktikleri, dergi nesriyati ile medya kullanimi ve sivil toplum orgutlenmesi yollari ile muhaceretteki Turkistanlilarin Ruslara karsi birlestirilmelerine calisilmasina oncelik verilmistir. Muhaceretteki liderlerin vatandan izole ancak vatandaki problemleri yanlarina alarak baslattiklari bu mucadelenin de ana ogelerinden biri kimlik siyaseti olmustur.
Türkiye-Rusya İlişkilerinde Enerji, Feb 1, 2019
Enerji başlığı birbirinden karmaşık pek çok alt başlık içeriyor: elektrik üretimi ve dağıtımından... more Enerji başlığı birbirinden karmaşık pek çok alt başlık içeriyor: elektrik üretimi ve dağıtımından başlayarak enerjinin kaynağı, dağıtımı ve özellikle son on yıldır çok konuşulan kaynakların çeşitlendirilmesi sorunsalına kadar birçok konu bu bağlamda önem taşıyor. Dolayısıyla enerji konusu göründüğünden daha karmaşık bir konu olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Enerji konusuna gelmeden önce, genel bir Türk-Rus ilişkileri çerçevesi çizmek ve bunu dünyadaki dış politika gelişmelerinin merkezine oturtmak gerekiyor

Europe-Asia Studies, 2008
Cold War historiography, in many instances, explained the delimitation of borders in Central Asia... more Cold War historiography, in many instances, explained the delimitation of borders in Central Asia as a part of Moscow's divide and rule policy in Turkestan. However, the viability of this approach can be challenged by an examination of the archival documents of the time and the actual publications of the nationalities commissariat under Stalin. Among the Bolsheviks of Turkestan, Uzbeks were leading the drive towards the repartition of Turkestan, along with their Turkmen comrades who were trying to gain land from the former Khivan Khanate, at that time the People's Soviet Republic of Khorezm. The partition of Khorezm between three newly created administrative divisions, Uzbekistan, Turkmenia and Kirgizia, played a key role in the demarcation of borders in 1924. However, from the point of view of communists from the European parts of the former Tsarist Empire, as well as others from the region, delimitation was first a betrayal of internationalism; second it was an immature project both economically and theoretically; and third, it was believed that the liquidation of the traditional Muslim states of Turkestan, namely the Bukharan Emirate and the Khivan Khanate, would have a negative impact on the image of the Soviet revolution in the eyes of reformers in other Muslim countries in the Middle East. SCHOLARS OF CENTRAL ASIA ARE USUALLY IN AGREEMENT on the necessity of studying the origins and practices of Soviet nationalities policy in order to explain today's trends in the region. The 1924 razmezhevanie 1 (national territorial delimitation of the borders) of Middle Asian 2 republics did indeed shape the legacy of these 1 Razmezhevanie can be understood as national-territorial delimitation or demarcation. In some cases the word peredel (re-doing, reorganisation or repartition) was also used for this concept. 2 The terms Middle (Srednyaya) Asia and Central (Tsentralnaya) Asia were used in different contexts within the early Bolshevik literature, sometimes interchangeably, but mostly the former referred to the former Tsarist Turkestan Governorship along with the Bukharan and Khivan realms, whereas the latter referred usually to a greater 'centre' of Asia, meaning the territories including the former Tsarist Steppe and Turkestan General Governorships, and even in some cases the southern tier of Siberia, Mongolia and Eastern Turkestan under Chinese control. However, the usages changed depending on the authors of the documents, articles and their target addressees. The motivation for the employment of both of these concepts by Soviet writers was to replace the historical name of the region, Turkestan, with another concept with less ethno-political connotations.
Central Asian Survey, 2002

The existing conceptual and terminological anarchy in the literature about the Central (Inner or ... more The existing conceptual and terminological anarchy in the literature about the Central (Inner or Middle) Asian region was a starting point of this dissertation. Thus, the basic objective for this study was to review the literature as to which terms were used by whom, when and with what kinds of motives? With the final objective of trying to bring some clarifications to the field. This is a historical study with an eventual international relations repurcassions in mind. Historically, the term Turkestan has been used by many. It differs from most of its contemporary alternatives. It is not only a geographic and political term but also a politico-ethnic one, in Persian, Turkestan means "the country of Turks." The term has also been used in the literature to cover four different names and areas: Western or Russian (then Soviet) Turkestan, Eastern or Chinese Turkestan, Southern or Afghan vii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Writing this dissertation has been one of the most exiting, instructing and fruitful experience, which the researcher has had. Number of people have contributed: some providing excellent academic, physical and psychological environment; some helping with the content and methodology; and yet others displaying their deep belief in me under all conditions. In this context, Bilkent University has provided the most outstanding contribution, which made all others possible. Dissertation advisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan Kırımlı is the person with the lion's share in the success. Throughout the PhD program and during the dissertation work, he has provided excellent guidance, support and encouragement, always with admirable patience. I have been very lucky to know him and work as his research assistant during my doctoral studies, which has made my experience at Bilkent University a memorable one.
Turkey has been involved, historically and demographically, with many of the regions of frozen c... more Turkey has been involved, historically and demographically, with many of the regions of frozen conflict in post-Soviet space. At this point, one might consider the position of Turkey as being at the epicenter of Euro-Atlantic and Russian extremes concerning the frozen conflicts. ...
Papers by Hasan Ali Karasar