? ?
10 November 2010 @ 04:05 am

Comments = ♥!
If taking please credit kaotic_princez or kaotic_graphics
Please NO Hotlinking.
If you like what you see here please JOIN or WATCH my little Community ;)

100% Stratusfaction GuaranteedCollapse )
Current Location: den
Current Mood: creative
Current Music: pink - raise your glass
30 January 2010 @ 04:05 am
~24 Maria Icons + 1 Maria Banner
~30 Melina Icons
~30 Heathers Icons


Comments = ♥! (I really need the feedback positive or negative so throw it at me!)
If taking please credit kaotic_princez or kaotic_graphics
Please NO Hotlinking.
If you like what you see here please JOIN or WATCH my little Community ;)

Here she comes again, like good medicine...Collapse )

When I was just a little girl I asked my mother what would I be...Collapse )
Current Location: bed
Current Mood: blahblah
Current Music: alicia keys - try sleeping with a broken heart