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This paper empirically validates the relevance and complexity of the use of dialogue as a method of teaching and learning of entrepreneurship. Historically, entrepreneurial educators and scholars have been faced with the problem of... more
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We examined the relationship in two societies that were previously found to differ on the cultural dimension of societal cynicism, which is one of two societal-level social belief dimensions reflecting a perceived hostility of the society... more
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In this article, we endeavor to analyze the current transformations in higher education in Russia in light of its modernization. According to initiatives (for Education 2020), adopted by the Russian government, modernization of Russian... more
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Olga Kovbasyuk (OK): It is well known that Russia was in a state of confusion during its first years of democracy in the early 1990s. After the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union the centralized economic system broke down and the iron... more
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This paper focuses on a key success factor in higher education, which is its management, related to creating conditions for successful education. The notion “successful education” is complicated and it has not been analyzed... more
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The purpose of the study is to identify the main features of the management system of a sustainable organization and the driving forces of its development. The results of the study are used to create a conceptual model of the management... more
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    • Business
Most studies investigating the relationship between cultural constructs and ethical perception have focused on individual-and societal-level values without much attention to other type of cultural constructs such as social beliefs. In... more
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      MarketingBusiness EthicsPsychologySocial Psychology
The field this research focuses on is the interrelation between organizational culture power and the level of leader’s preferred management model implementation. The phenomenon of culture power has been defined by the authors, for the... more
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      BusinessCorporate Governance
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