Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
Computer science and applied mathematics
In this paper we derive a recursion for the zeta function of each function field in the second Garcia-Stichtenoth tower when $q=2$. We obtain our recursion by applying a theorem of Kani and Rosen that gives information about the... more
We describe the Galois closure of the Garcia–Stichtenoth tower and prove that it is optimal.
In this work we study the properties of maximal and minimal curves of genus 3 over finite fields with discriminant -19. We prove that any such curve can be given by an explicit equation of certain form. Using these equations we obtain a... more
The Hasse-Weil-Serre bound is improved for curves of low genera over finite fields with discriminant in {-3,-4,-7,-8,-11,-19} by studying optimal curves.
In this work we study the properties of maximal and minimal curves of genus 3 over finite fields with discriminant −19. We prove that any such curve can be given by an explicit equation of certain form (see Theorem 5.1). Using these... more
Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian variety over a number field, with a good reduction at a prime ideal containing a prime number $p$. Denote by ${\rm A}$ an abelian variety over a finite field of characteristic $p$, obtained by the reduction... more
In this paper we generalize the Deuring theorem on a reduction of elliptic curve with complex multiplication. More precisely, for an Abelian variety A, arising after reduction of an Abelian variety with complex multiplication by a CM... more