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In this paper we derive a recursion for the zeta function of each function field in the second Garcia-Stichtenoth tower when $q=2$. We obtain our recursion by applying a theorem of Kani and Rosen that gives information about the... more
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We describe the Galois closure of the Garcia–Stichtenoth tower and prove that it is optimal.
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      Algebraic GeometryPure Mathematics
In this work we study the properties of maximal and minimal curves of genus 3 over finite fields with discriminant -19. We prove that any such curve can be given by an explicit equation of certain form. Using these equations we obtain a... more
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      Number TheoryAlgebraic GeometryFinite Field
The Hasse-Weil-Serre bound is improved for curves of low genera over finite fields with discriminant in {-3,-4,-7,-8,-11,-19} by studying optimal curves.
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In this work we study the properties of maximal and minimal curves of genus 3 over finite fields with discriminant −19. We prove that any such curve can be given by an explicit equation of certain form (see Theorem 5.1). Using these... more
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      Pure MathematicsFinite Field
Let $\mathcal{A}$ be an abelian variety over a number field, with a good reduction at a prime ideal containing a prime number $p$. Denote by ${\rm A}$ an abelian variety over a finite field of characteristic $p$, obtained by the reduction... more
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    • Mathematics
In this paper we generalize the Deuring theorem on a reduction of elliptic curve with complex multiplication. More precisely, for an Abelian variety A, arising after reduction of an Abelian variety with complex multiplication by a CM... more
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