9 Patrick di Santo
With a background as a Research Scientist at the University of Kansas and the Union Center for
Cultural and Environmental Research, I have developed a unique approach to conceptual media
development, programming, and environmental exhibits. My work integrates cutting-edge research
with creative expression, exemplified in my award-winning project CITY OF THE SUN: OUR
GRANDMOTHERS LOST HISTORY, for which I received the 2021 Zadigan Research Grant. This
project, centered on indigenous cultural findings at Cahokia, Illinois, fostered my deep interest in
prairie ecology and restoration under the mentorship of Dr. Alex Boyton.
In addition to my research work, I am the author of THE HEALING TOUCH and ALIENATION:
THE PHOENICIAN HEALERS, where I explore themes of healing, cultural alienation, cultural
appropriation and historical perspectives.
My research also incorporates an interdisciplinary approach, blending frequency with brutal industrial soundscapes and digital visual media to create choreographed presentations influenced by pioneers such as Karlheinz Stockhausen, René Laloux, and Philip Glass. I pride myself on working collaboratively with individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, which allows me to develop dynamic and inclusive projects that push the boundaries of content and its presentation
Supervisors: Dr. Merlin Butler, MD., Ph.D., Dr. Bruce M. Cappo Ph.D., ABPP, Dr. Anna Pope, and Dr. Alex Boynton
Address: https://number9ine.com/
Cultural and Environmental Research, I have developed a unique approach to conceptual media
development, programming, and environmental exhibits. My work integrates cutting-edge research
with creative expression, exemplified in my award-winning project CITY OF THE SUN: OUR
GRANDMOTHERS LOST HISTORY, for which I received the 2021 Zadigan Research Grant. This
project, centered on indigenous cultural findings at Cahokia, Illinois, fostered my deep interest in
prairie ecology and restoration under the mentorship of Dr. Alex Boyton.
In addition to my research work, I am the author of THE HEALING TOUCH and ALIENATION:
THE PHOENICIAN HEALERS, where I explore themes of healing, cultural alienation, cultural
appropriation and historical perspectives.
My research also incorporates an interdisciplinary approach, blending frequency with brutal industrial soundscapes and digital visual media to create choreographed presentations influenced by pioneers such as Karlheinz Stockhausen, René Laloux, and Philip Glass. I pride myself on working collaboratively with individuals from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, which allows me to develop dynamic and inclusive projects that push the boundaries of content and its presentation
Supervisors: Dr. Merlin Butler, MD., Ph.D., Dr. Bruce M. Cappo Ph.D., ABPP, Dr. Anna Pope, and Dr. Alex Boynton
Address: https://number9ine.com/
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Papers by 9 Patrick di Santo
Yet, strictly mechanistic views of evolution can limit its symbolic, holistic implications, ignoring the non-linear, integrative aspects of growth central to ancient healing practices. This broader approach invites a fusion of scientific understanding with a ritualistic, holistic vision of health and well-being, framing adaptation as a path to resilience and growth in both physical and emotional realms.
One must understand the vehicle we call self —home— during our physical time is similar to a book found in a library during study hall, providing an avatar in this realm that allows one to play at being another. We know we have to go back to classes. May even provide justification to skip the rest of the day but at some point the book must be returned and the classes resumed.
Patrick Disanto does not deserve to lose custody of his children. he's a hardworking, clean living father who is involved in many projects. But the most important project is the raising of his children, which he's been doing well and continuously since their births.
I believe justice requires that Zo and Xander be allowed to continue to live with their father.
And he has been chastised for not corroborating anything. Well, there has been corroboration. We have heard from a number of witnesses who have corroborated Mr. Disanto and his testimony.
States Congress regarding Procedural Defects concerning what those disabled are
subjected to. I respectfully request to address these mechanisms in person. In the
interest of expediency.
Procedural Defects interrupt established relationships and lifestyles of children and parents with disabilities, often impeding the relationship between the two. This significantly deteriorates the lives of both. Judicial interventions are introduced to an already confusing situation, by officials untrained in the subtleties and psychological semantics of disability.
S. 3963 (IS) - Protecting Survivors from Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2022. My name is Patrick di Santo I am a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor and personally discovered post head injury how we found no advocacy for this disability in the US. We feel this example of judicial overlook highlights the needed addition(s) to S. 3963 (IS) - Protecting Survivors from Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2022 as since 1990 the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that apply to the Senate; (2) notwithstanding any other provision of law, the enforcement and adjudication of certain rights and protections under these provisions shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Senate have not been amended or updated to accommodate the increasing numbers of identified head injury survivors. The CDC indicates that head injuries esp. TBI's are the #1 maimer and cause of death to children and youths in the US, the Kansas Head Injury Protocol (KHIP) provides a much needed assessment that highlights the probability of a presentation of a head injury and the need for further medical assessment and treatment. As you know, addressing head injuries in a timely manner is imperative to establish the most successful level of rehabilitation.
One explanation for these changes may be a result of stable trading with the northernmost, central, and southern regions of the western continents of this orb. The varying supply of regional good(s) most likely contributed to this upsurge further increasing exposure to differing regional populations and culture. This would include travelers from exotic lands, including the continents of Eurasia, and Africa, explaining the archeological representations of hardgood objects with defined ergonomics, flora, and fauna at both ends of the trade route.
This discovery led to additional research theories: if indeed the Indigenous culture separated from an earlier culture to pursue a more democratic existence on the continent. This long migration should be evidenced historically within genetics. The ever increasing Eurasian traveler participated in both the increased population within the trade network of the City of the Sun as well as the decline.
Mound 72, a small ridgetop mound located south of the central axis at the City of the Sun can provide some answers to these questions. Containing more than 270 individual burial sites, Mound 72 has 25 burial assemblages exhibiting a variety of treatments and practice(s) within the vicinity of each, expressing a complex culture with multiple cultural influences. In order to obtain the answers to these questions this work proposes to explore genetic data both mitochondrial and nuclear in efforts to clarify patterns in historical known makers in joining the past to a present comparison.
Novel therapy uncovered physical correlations between subjects' presentations and their physicality with releaf and progress when movement and sound are implemented during a case study of an adult male with acute head injury from blunt force trauma. Namely, the release of soft tissue trigger points relieves stress held in the regions affected, through stimuli. The occipital attachments for the extensor muscles (semi spinalis cathetus, splenius pathadis, levator scapulae, upper fibers of trapezius) positive response noted with the stimulation of these regions with effleurage (broad strokes to warm the tissue up, against the muscle grain): cross fiber friction and stripping (manipulation with the grain of the muscle fiber). If vertigo or other nausea are present affecting equilibrium presenting as physical displays of deviations of the ability to control balance. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV, vestibular migraines, Brocca’s aphasia, are among other presentations affecting one's balance. Challenging desensitization or flooding and habituation with compensatory strategies to maintain safety and autonomy of daily living or ADL while providing relief when other therapies fall short in progress. One must not underestimate the commitment needed during pre-diagnosis or when diagnosing a disability of head injury.
Yet, strictly mechanistic views of evolution can limit its symbolic, holistic implications, ignoring the non-linear, integrative aspects of growth central to ancient healing practices. This broader approach invites a fusion of scientific understanding with a ritualistic, holistic vision of health and well-being, framing adaptation as a path to resilience and growth in both physical and emotional realms.
One must understand the vehicle we call self —home— during our physical time is similar to a book found in a library during study hall, providing an avatar in this realm that allows one to play at being another. We know we have to go back to classes. May even provide justification to skip the rest of the day but at some point the book must be returned and the classes resumed.
Patrick Disanto does not deserve to lose custody of his children. he's a hardworking, clean living father who is involved in many projects. But the most important project is the raising of his children, which he's been doing well and continuously since their births.
I believe justice requires that Zo and Xander be allowed to continue to live with their father.
And he has been chastised for not corroborating anything. Well, there has been corroboration. We have heard from a number of witnesses who have corroborated Mr. Disanto and his testimony.
States Congress regarding Procedural Defects concerning what those disabled are
subjected to. I respectfully request to address these mechanisms in person. In the
interest of expediency.
Procedural Defects interrupt established relationships and lifestyles of children and parents with disabilities, often impeding the relationship between the two. This significantly deteriorates the lives of both. Judicial interventions are introduced to an already confusing situation, by officials untrained in the subtleties and psychological semantics of disability.
S. 3963 (IS) - Protecting Survivors from Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2022. My name is Patrick di Santo I am a traumatic brain injury (TBI) survivor and personally discovered post head injury how we found no advocacy for this disability in the US. We feel this example of judicial overlook highlights the needed addition(s) to S. 3963 (IS) - Protecting Survivors from Traumatic Brain Injury Act of 2022 as since 1990 the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that apply to the Senate; (2) notwithstanding any other provision of law, the enforcement and adjudication of certain rights and protections under these provisions shall be within the exclusive jurisdiction of the Senate have not been amended or updated to accommodate the increasing numbers of identified head injury survivors. The CDC indicates that head injuries esp. TBI's are the #1 maimer and cause of death to children and youths in the US, the Kansas Head Injury Protocol (KHIP) provides a much needed assessment that highlights the probability of a presentation of a head injury and the need for further medical assessment and treatment. As you know, addressing head injuries in a timely manner is imperative to establish the most successful level of rehabilitation.
One explanation for these changes may be a result of stable trading with the northernmost, central, and southern regions of the western continents of this orb. The varying supply of regional good(s) most likely contributed to this upsurge further increasing exposure to differing regional populations and culture. This would include travelers from exotic lands, including the continents of Eurasia, and Africa, explaining the archeological representations of hardgood objects with defined ergonomics, flora, and fauna at both ends of the trade route.
This discovery led to additional research theories: if indeed the Indigenous culture separated from an earlier culture to pursue a more democratic existence on the continent. This long migration should be evidenced historically within genetics. The ever increasing Eurasian traveler participated in both the increased population within the trade network of the City of the Sun as well as the decline.
Mound 72, a small ridgetop mound located south of the central axis at the City of the Sun can provide some answers to these questions. Containing more than 270 individual burial sites, Mound 72 has 25 burial assemblages exhibiting a variety of treatments and practice(s) within the vicinity of each, expressing a complex culture with multiple cultural influences. In order to obtain the answers to these questions this work proposes to explore genetic data both mitochondrial and nuclear in efforts to clarify patterns in historical known makers in joining the past to a present comparison.
Novel therapy uncovered physical correlations between subjects' presentations and their physicality with releaf and progress when movement and sound are implemented during a case study of an adult male with acute head injury from blunt force trauma. Namely, the release of soft tissue trigger points relieves stress held in the regions affected, through stimuli. The occipital attachments for the extensor muscles (semi spinalis cathetus, splenius pathadis, levator scapulae, upper fibers of trapezius) positive response noted with the stimulation of these regions with effleurage (broad strokes to warm the tissue up, against the muscle grain): cross fiber friction and stripping (manipulation with the grain of the muscle fiber). If vertigo or other nausea are present affecting equilibrium presenting as physical displays of deviations of the ability to control balance. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo or BPPV, vestibular migraines, Brocca’s aphasia, are among other presentations affecting one's balance. Challenging desensitization or flooding and habituation with compensatory strategies to maintain safety and autonomy of daily living or ADL while providing relief when other therapies fall short in progress. One must not underestimate the commitment needed during pre-diagnosis or when diagnosing a disability of head injury.
I grew up in dairy country in the north. It is a coming of age ritual to keep the fields and hills clear of the canines that run wild keeping herd populations in check. Not that the canines do not need to be kept in check from time to time. The region is known for its balck forest meaning never cut or cleared since before the dutch were homesteaders.
This culture exists as part of the environment sharing in the prosperity of its vast holdings, unlike the European cultures that feared the environs they sought to escape from. Often overlooked, The City of the Sun on the great Mississippi life artery and estuary in the center of what is now the United States. To Native culture these lands are still thought of as the Great Grandmother to all that inhabited this side of the globe.
Set against the backdrop of the ancienne Alexandrian manuscript and its translation: The Septuagint, this work dives into humanity's role within the portrait painted in the equation of quantum field theory. It reflects on themes of cosmic balance, the cycle of creation and destruction, and the hidden presence of the divine ubiquitous in every aspect of our matrix. The text invites readers to contemplate their place in space, drawing from ancient healing practices, generational wisdom, and spirit rituals that transcend time and culture.
Through rich metaphors, exhaustive citations, and historical research, 9 Patrick di Santo redirects traditional perspectives of spirit, healing, and the nature of force itself. It calls readers to reflect on our interconnectedness, offering a journey into the heart of human experience and the mysterious forces that guide us.