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The Dawn of OA OA rose to prominence in the late 1990s and early 2000s as a response to the increasing difficulty of access to scholarly literature, a result of a publishing system dominated by for-profit corporations that control... more
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    • Scholarly Communication
The growth of the Internet and digital technology has caused a dramatic and rapid change in scholarly communication practices, giving rise to new forms of digital scholarship and emerging scholarly publishing models. As libraries respond... more
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      Electronic publishingInstitutional RepositoriesScholarly CommunicationDigital scholarship
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      Computer ScienceLibrary SciencePublishingElectronic publishing
A level playing field is key for global participation in science and scholarship, particularly with regard to how scientific publications are financed and subsequently accessed. However, there are potential pitfalls of the so-called... more
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      Computer SciencePublishingOpen Access PublishingScholarly Communication
Seeking to more effectively respond to campus initiatives and user expectations, the University of Kansas (KU) Libraries underwent a process of significant organizational review and transformation. Guided by a purposeful, open process, a... more
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      Organizational ChangeAcademic LibrariesLibrary and Information ScienceOrganizational transformation
Tehran, Iran has suf ered multiple "red status" warnings for air quality.
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      BusinessOpen Access PublishingScholarly CommunicationMedicine
A commentary published recently in Journal of Wildlife Management argued that open access publication has strong negative implications for the future of science. Unfortunately, that commentary was founded in serious and deep... more
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    • Publishing
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    • Digital Humanities
This archival page includes documents and recordings related to the international symposium, “Envisioning a World Beyond APCs/BPCs,” held in Lawrence, Kansas, on Thursday and Friday, November 17-18. The presenters were a group of 18... more
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      EngineeringLibrary SciencePublishingExpansive Soils
Purpose-In the spring of 2016, the University of Kansas Libraries piloted Research Sprints: One Week, One Project, a program aimed at cultivating relationships with faculty through deep project-based engagement. Methodology/approach-Three... more
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      EngineeringDigital HumanitiesLibrary Services
Image courtesy Getty Images, 2014. Used under terms of Fair Use. A Recap of a Presentation Given at CNI in Spring 2016 Craft Culture The disintegration of viable institutional synergy between publishers and scholars … gives rise to... more
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      EngineeringPublic EconomicsPublishingScholarly Communication
The idea of “Open Access” (hereafter OA) emerged in the late 1990’s and early 2000’s with a noble goal: to provide comprehensive access to the scholarly literature for everyone around the world by making the results of scholarly research... more
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    • Scholarly Communication
Recognizing the importance of designing educational opportunities that draw upon students' prior knowledge and experiences, this paper uses focus groups to explore how Spanishspeaking students in a graduate program at the University of... more
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    • Library and Information Studies
Purpose This paper describes the creation and work of a collaborative learning community, consisting of library staff from a variety of library departments. The purpose of this paper is to build proficiency in using tablet devices and to... more
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      Academic LibrariesLibrary and Information Studies
Librarians are natural collaborators. As professionals we enjoy working with colleagues within the same institution and beyond. This is particularly fitting when it comes to collection development. Academic libraries strive to support the... more
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Recognizing the importance of designing educational opportunities that draw upon students' prior knowledge and experiences, this paper uses focus groups to explore how Spanishspeaking students in a graduate program at the University of... more
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    • Library and Information Studies
The globalization of campuses has led to increasing numbers of international and exchange students. However, librarians often develop instructional opportunities for students from other countries with little understanding of how academic... more
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      SociologyLibrary and Information Studies
Los Estados Unidos de América recibieron, en el otoño del 2015, más de 80,000 estudiantes internacionales de posgrado. De estos, la mayoría son estudiantes doctorales. Más de 3,000 de los estudiantes matriculados provienen de América... more
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This presentation was given at the Kansas Library Association and Missouri Library Association joint conference -- Libraries Without Borders, held in Kansas City, Missouri, September 30 - October 2, 2015.
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In this presentation we describe the development of our project, which explores the application of table computers to the daily work of library staff across a variety of library departments; how the project was administered and evolved;... more
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