Articles by Carla Tronu

アジア・キリスト教・多元性, 2019
日本では、キリシタン時代に来日した宣教師によって原始キリスト教の殉教に関する事例や殉教の概念が伝えられた。豊臣秀吉や徳川幕府による迫害で大勢の日本人や外国人が殉教し、大殉教も少なくなかった。す... more 日本では、キリシタン時代に来日した宣教師によって原始キリスト教の殉教に関する事例や殉教の概念が伝えられた。豊臣秀吉や徳川幕府による迫害で大勢の日本人や外国人が殉教し、大殉教も少なくなかった。すなわち処刑されたキリシタンが殉教者として英雄視されることは、迫害者である権力者にとって不都合だったため、処刑を避けて拷問と棄教へと転換した。しかし殉教者の数が四〇〇〇人以上にのぼったにも関わらず、禁教期から現在までに「福者」や「聖人」として認められた者は四三八名(福者三九六名、聖人四二名)である。現在までに「列聖プロセス」は延べ六回行われてきたが、それらの殆どの事例が集団殉教で、個人を対象としたものは高山右近の一件だけに過ぎない。①一五九七年長崎の西坂で殉教した二六名(フランシスコ会二三名とイエズス会三名)は一六二七年に列福され、一八六二年に列聖された。②一六一七年から一六三二年の間に九州各地で殉教した二〇五名は一八六七年に列福された。③一六三三年から一六三七年の間に長崎の西坂で殉教したドミニコ会の一六名は一九八一年にマニラで列福され、一九八七年にローマで列聖された。④一六三二年に殉教したアウグスティノ会士の二名は一九八九年に列福された。⑤一六〇三年から一六三九年の間に六つの地域で殉教した一八八名は二〇〇八年に長崎で列福された。⑥マニラに追放された高山右近は二〇一七年に大阪で列福された。
発表では彼らの国籍や性別、religious statusすなわち聖職者か俗人かという宗教的身分を比較した。その結果、近世から現代まで、日本殉教者の福者・聖人の属性の変容を、社会や価値観の変容の背景の中で簡単に考察すると、まず国籍については、アウグスティノ会の二名の福者を除く全ての事例において日本人の割合が高い。国籍と宗教的身分の関係を見ていくと、外国人のほぼ全てが聖職者であった。殆どの聖職者は宣教師として来日した外国人だったためである。なお、国籍と性別の関係を見てみると、外国人は全て男性で、女性は全て日本人であった。来日した外国人は、宣教師に女性が含まれておらず、商人は配偶者を伴わなかったことが反映されていると考えられる。性別については女性の割合が、二〇五福者の事例では一七%、一六聖人と一八八福者の事例では約三三%であった。しかし日本で女性は正式に聖職者になれなかったため、女性がすべて在家になるが、在家の中での女性の割合を見ると、二〇五人の事例(一一・七%)と一六聖人の事例(一二・五%)と、時代を通して増加傾向にあった。なお、聖人となった二人の女性はどちらも配偶者としてではなく自らの活動を理由として処刑されているが、彼女たちの夫や父親の処刑に追随したケースであったことは注意する必要がある。例えば二〇五福者の中で、処刑された家族のメンバーとして処刑されたケースが七割だが、その情報が不明あるいは曖昧な場合もあるので実際にはもっと高い可能性がある。

Agora, 12 (25-39), Mar 26, 2015
In the sixteenth century the Society of Jesus under the patronage of the Portuguese Crown assumed... more In the sixteenth century the Society of Jesus under the patronage of the Portuguese Crown assumed the evangelisation of the Portuguese colonies and commercial posts in their maritime route from Lisbon to the East and started to evangelise Japan in 1549. A few decades later, several Mendicant orders under Spanish patronage settled in the Philippines and saw Manila as a base from which to approach China and
Japan, but the Jesuits fervently opposed. In this article I argue that understanding the rivalry between the Castholic missionary order is crucial to grasp the complex internal dynamics of the Christian community of Nagasaki in the early seventeenth century. First I look at the broader historical context of this confrontation in Europe, then discuss their two main disputes over Japan and finally explain how the differences between the Mendicants and the Jesuits forged a sense of competition among their congregations, which broke into the open in 1614 when Bishop Luis Cerqueira died and a succession crisis divided the Nagasaki clergy and the Christian lay community. The so-called ‘Schism of Nagasaki' was a short episode that did not subvert the Jesuit supremacy in the Japanese Church Hierarchy, but it brought to the surface not only the rivalry between Jesuits and Mendicants, but also the lack of internal cohesion in both sides, and the dissatisfaction of the Japanese clergy. The Japanese Christians were left without a charismatic leader who could manage the internal struggles and organise a cohesive response to the imminent external threat posed by the Tokugawa government's 1614 ban on Christianity.
『アジア・キリスト教・多元性 現代キリスト教思想研究会』第13号, Mar 2015
聖なる空間は、共同体の象徴的中心の役割として機能する。著書『空間の生産』において、ルフェーヴルは「社会空間」が、生産者の目的によって生産されたからこそ、その思想が反映されていると考えられる。聖な... more 聖なる空間は、共同体の象徴的中心の役割として機能する。著書『空間の生産』において、ルフェーヴルは「社会空間」が、生産者の目的によって生産されたからこそ、その思想が反映されていると考えられる。聖なる空間を社会空間としてとらえるならば、生産者の信仰やイデオロギーなどを明らかにすることができよう。本発表では、十六・十七世紀の長崎において聖なる空間がキリスト教化および、禁教令後の非キリスト教化の重要な手段であったことを明らかにする。
『日本・日本文化研究』第16号, Mar 2006
Book Chapters by Carla Tronu
Relligion, Power, and the Rise od Shinto in Early Modern Japan, 2021

Christian Windler et. al. (eds.) Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia. Patterns of Localization, 2020
Nagasaki was the only urban mission in early modern Japan where the Catholic parish system was im... more Nagasaki was the only urban mission in early modern Japan where the Catholic parish system was implemented before the Tokugawa government prohibited Christianity in 1614. In order to understand how was this possible in a non-colonial setting this chapter explores the historical background of Nagasaki and its characteristics as a self-governed city, founded in 1571 as a result of the negotiations between Jesuit missionaries, local authorities and Portuguese merchants. The chapter presents the initiatives of Bishop Luis Cerqueira and shows that private local sponsors and lay confraternities provided economical support for the parish churches and its clergy, including foreign missionaries and diocesan native priests. Then, an analysis of the church building activities in Nagasaki allows for a comparison of the Jesuit and the Mendicant approach to accommodation in Japan. The chapter concludes that although accommodation and the promotion of the post-Tridentine institutions are usually seen as a dichotomy, this was not the case in Nagasaki, where cultural adaptation and negotiation with the locals were crucial for the introduction of Christianity, and prepared the field for the implementation of the parish system.
Martínez Millán, José et. al. (eds.) Los Jesuitas, religión, política y educación (s.XVI-XVIII), 2012
Garcés García, Pilar y Terrón Barbosa, Lourdes (eds) Itinerarios, Viajes y Contactos Japón - Europa , 2013
Agud, A. et al. (eds.) Séptimo Centenario de los Estudios Orientales en España, 2013
M. J. Zamora Calvo (ed.), Japón y España: acercaminetos y desencuentros (siglos XVI y SVII), 2012
PhD Thesis by Carla Tronu
Posters by Carla Tronu

El Cristianismo se introdujo en Japón a partir de 1549 y a principios del siglo XVII ya se contab... more El Cristianismo se introdujo en Japón a partir de 1549 y a principios del siglo XVII ya se contaban 300.000 cristianos nipones. Cuando el clan Tokugawa consiguió el poder y cul-minó la unificación política de Japón, estableció fuertes me-didas de control administrativo y religioso, como por ejemplo la prohibición del Cristianismo y el levantamiento de censos religiosos anuales. Todos los habitantes debían dar fe ante el delegado de la autoridad central (bugyô) de su afiliación a un templo budista. Inicialmente, estos controles se implantaron sólo en terri-torios altamente cristianizados como Nagasaki, que fuera la sede episcopal y cuartel general de los Jesuitas, pero a raíz de la revuelta campesina de Shimabara de 1637, liderada por un joven cristiano, en 1644 la administración central obligó a toda la población a afiliarse a un templo budista y ordenó la elaboración de censos religiosos anuales en todas las al-deas y ciudades. Así se consolidó y estandarizó este tipo de fuente doc...
Papers by Carla Tronu

This book is the first academic monograph on sacred space in the capital city of Tokyo, based on ... more This book is the first academic monograph on sacred space in the capital city of Tokyo, based on the author's on-the-ground observations in the neighbourhoods of Yamanote and Asakusa. Steven Heine, a well established researcher in the field of Japanese religions, has devoted most of his long scholarly career to Zen Buddhism. Here, however, he turns his attention to sacred space in the Japanese capital postulating an "objective and neutral yet subjectively engaged standpoint," free of the shortcomings of previous approaches to religion like exceptionalism, cultural relativism, postmodernism and the "discourses of lost Japan" (pp. 24-27). By bringing attention to urban sacred space clusters, Heine's case study of Tokyo aligns with a recent trend in sacred space analysis that tackles urban sacred space and ritual in context, focusing on networks of religious sites and the community's engagement with them, like Kawano Satsuki's monograph on Kamakura (2005) or Elisabetta Porcu's study of Kyoto (2012). Heine's main contribution is the reassessment of some of the so-called "contradictions" or "conundrums" of contemporary Japanese religiosity. He questions the use of quantitative data on which these are often based, and instead proposes a more nuanced approach based on on-the-ground observation and qualitative analysis at both a macro and micro level. The first part of the book tackles the secular-sacred polarity. Chapter 1 offers a crosscultural comparative perspective, comparing Tokyo to U.S. cities, while Chapter 2 justifies the choice of Tokyo by stressing that it is the epitome of the pervasiveness of sacred space religious practice in modern secularized life, its shrines and temples being integrated in people's ordinary life and interconnected as clusters. In the second part of the book, Heine discusses Japanese religiosity's "structure" and "motivation," to prove that "there are more important elements for understanding religious structure than focusing on division (or union) of Buddhism and Shinto and for understanding motivation than emphasizing the role of pragmatism in a world of vanishing tradition" (p. 23). The author dedicates a chapter to each of these two aspects of Japanese religiosity for the sake of analysis, although he insists that they are connected, affirming that "in Japan, a seamless web of interactions encompasses the practicality and impracticality of the continuum of living and dying" (p. 178). Chapter 3 stresses the important role of "living Inari"-which Heine identifies here as just one of many popular deities chosen here to represent "folk religion"-as the underlying

Routledge eBooks, Oct 24, 2019
Nagasaki was the only urban mission in early modern Japan where the Catholic parish system was im... more Nagasaki was the only urban mission in early modern Japan where the Catholic parish system was implemented before the Tokugawa government prohibited Christianity in 1614. In order to understand how was this possible in a non-colonial setting this chapter explores the historical background of Nagasaki and its characteristics as a self-governed city, founded in 1571 as a result of the negotiations between Jesuit missionaries, local authorities and Portuguese merchants. The chapter presents the initiatives of Bishop Luis Cerqueira and shows that private local sponsors and lay confraternities provided economical support for the parish churches and its clergy, including foreign missionaries and diocesan native priests. Then, an analysis of the church building activities in Nagasaki allows for a comparison of the Jesuit and the Mendicant approach to accommodation in Japan. The chapter concludes that although accommodation and the promotion of the post-Tridentine institutions are usually seen as a dichotomy, this was not the case in Nagasaki, where cultural adaptation and negotiation with the locals were crucial for the introduction of Christianity, and prepared the field for the implementation of the parish system.
When referring to this thesis, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding i... more When referring to this thesis, full bibliographic details including the author, title, awarding institution and date of the thesis must be given e.g. AUTHOR (year of submission) "Full thesis title", name of the School or Department, PhD Thesis, pagination.
This volume presents comprehensive research on how southern European Catholics and the Japanese c... more This volume presents comprehensive research on how southern European Catholics and the Japanese confronted each other, interacted and mutually experienced religious otherness in early modern times. In their highly variable and asymmetric relations, during which the politi¬cal-military elites of Japan at times not only favoured, but also opposed and strictly controlled the European presence, missionaries – particularly the Jesuits – tried to negotiate this power balance with their interlocutors. This collection of essays analyses religious and cultural interactions between the Christian missions and the Buddhist sects through processes of coopera¬tion, acceptance, confrontation and rejection, dialogue and imposition, which led to the creation of new relational spaces and identities.
Religion, Power, and the Rise of Shinto in Early Modern Japan, 2021

Catholic Missionaries in Early Modern Asia, 2019
Nagasaki was the only urban mission in early modern Japan where the Catholic parish system was im... more Nagasaki was the only urban mission in early modern Japan where the Catholic parish system was implemented before the Tokugawa government prohibited Christianity in 1614. In order to understand how was this possible in a non-colonial setting this chapter explores the historical background of Nagasaki and its characteristics as a self-governed city, founded in 1571 as a result of the negotiations between Jesuit missionaries, local authorities and Portuguese merchants. The chapter presents the initiatives of Bishop Luis Cerqueira and shows that private local sponsors and lay confraternities provided economical support for the parish churches and its clergy, including foreign missionaries and diocesan native priests. Then, an analysis of the church building activities in Nagasaki allows for a comparison of the Jesuit and the Mendicant approach to accommodation in Japan. The chapter concludes that although accommodation and the promotion of the post-Tridentine institutions are usually seen as a dichotomy, this was not the case in Nagasaki, where cultural adaptation and negotiation with the locals were crucial for the introduction of Christianity, and prepared the field for the implementation of the parish system.
Articles by Carla Tronu
発表では彼らの国籍や性別、religious statusすなわち聖職者か俗人かという宗教的身分を比較した。その結果、近世から現代まで、日本殉教者の福者・聖人の属性の変容を、社会や価値観の変容の背景の中で簡単に考察すると、まず国籍については、アウグスティノ会の二名の福者を除く全ての事例において日本人の割合が高い。国籍と宗教的身分の関係を見ていくと、外国人のほぼ全てが聖職者であった。殆どの聖職者は宣教師として来日した外国人だったためである。なお、国籍と性別の関係を見てみると、外国人は全て男性で、女性は全て日本人であった。来日した外国人は、宣教師に女性が含まれておらず、商人は配偶者を伴わなかったことが反映されていると考えられる。性別については女性の割合が、二〇五福者の事例では一七%、一六聖人と一八八福者の事例では約三三%であった。しかし日本で女性は正式に聖職者になれなかったため、女性がすべて在家になるが、在家の中での女性の割合を見ると、二〇五人の事例(一一・七%)と一六聖人の事例(一二・五%)と、時代を通して増加傾向にあった。なお、聖人となった二人の女性はどちらも配偶者としてではなく自らの活動を理由として処刑されているが、彼女たちの夫や父親の処刑に追随したケースであったことは注意する必要がある。例えば二〇五福者の中で、処刑された家族のメンバーとして処刑されたケースが七割だが、その情報が不明あるいは曖昧な場合もあるので実際にはもっと高い可能性がある。
Japan, but the Jesuits fervently opposed. In this article I argue that understanding the rivalry between the Castholic missionary order is crucial to grasp the complex internal dynamics of the Christian community of Nagasaki in the early seventeenth century. First I look at the broader historical context of this confrontation in Europe, then discuss their two main disputes over Japan and finally explain how the differences between the Mendicants and the Jesuits forged a sense of competition among their congregations, which broke into the open in 1614 when Bishop Luis Cerqueira died and a succession crisis divided the Nagasaki clergy and the Christian lay community. The so-called ‘Schism of Nagasaki' was a short episode that did not subvert the Jesuit supremacy in the Japanese Church Hierarchy, but it brought to the surface not only the rivalry between Jesuits and Mendicants, but also the lack of internal cohesion in both sides, and the dissatisfaction of the Japanese clergy. The Japanese Christians were left without a charismatic leader who could manage the internal struggles and organise a cohesive response to the imminent external threat posed by the Tokugawa government's 1614 ban on Christianity.
Book Chapters by Carla Tronu
PhD Thesis by Carla Tronu
Posters by Carla Tronu
Papers by Carla Tronu
発表では彼らの国籍や性別、religious statusすなわち聖職者か俗人かという宗教的身分を比較した。その結果、近世から現代まで、日本殉教者の福者・聖人の属性の変容を、社会や価値観の変容の背景の中で簡単に考察すると、まず国籍については、アウグスティノ会の二名の福者を除く全ての事例において日本人の割合が高い。国籍と宗教的身分の関係を見ていくと、外国人のほぼ全てが聖職者であった。殆どの聖職者は宣教師として来日した外国人だったためである。なお、国籍と性別の関係を見てみると、外国人は全て男性で、女性は全て日本人であった。来日した外国人は、宣教師に女性が含まれておらず、商人は配偶者を伴わなかったことが反映されていると考えられる。性別については女性の割合が、二〇五福者の事例では一七%、一六聖人と一八八福者の事例では約三三%であった。しかし日本で女性は正式に聖職者になれなかったため、女性がすべて在家になるが、在家の中での女性の割合を見ると、二〇五人の事例(一一・七%)と一六聖人の事例(一二・五%)と、時代を通して増加傾向にあった。なお、聖人となった二人の女性はどちらも配偶者としてではなく自らの活動を理由として処刑されているが、彼女たちの夫や父親の処刑に追随したケースであったことは注意する必要がある。例えば二〇五福者の中で、処刑された家族のメンバーとして処刑されたケースが七割だが、その情報が不明あるいは曖昧な場合もあるので実際にはもっと高い可能性がある。
Japan, but the Jesuits fervently opposed. In this article I argue that understanding the rivalry between the Castholic missionary order is crucial to grasp the complex internal dynamics of the Christian community of Nagasaki in the early seventeenth century. First I look at the broader historical context of this confrontation in Europe, then discuss their two main disputes over Japan and finally explain how the differences between the Mendicants and the Jesuits forged a sense of competition among their congregations, which broke into the open in 1614 when Bishop Luis Cerqueira died and a succession crisis divided the Nagasaki clergy and the Christian lay community. The so-called ‘Schism of Nagasaki' was a short episode that did not subvert the Jesuit supremacy in the Japanese Church Hierarchy, but it brought to the surface not only the rivalry between Jesuits and Mendicants, but also the lack of internal cohesion in both sides, and the dissatisfaction of the Japanese clergy. The Japanese Christians were left without a charismatic leader who could manage the internal struggles and organise a cohesive response to the imminent external threat posed by the Tokugawa government's 1614 ban on Christianity.