Papers by Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay

This report presents the results from an archaeological excavation in 2020 of an Iron Age house f... more This report presents the results from an archaeological excavation in 2020 of an Iron Age house foundation at Gamla Skogsby, Öland, Sweden. The investigated area is rich in prehistoric remains, not least from the mid-Iron Age and the Migration Period which is the period of concern here (c. AD 400–550). The excavation follows that which was initiated at the site in 2019 (Papmehl-Dufay 2020). The house investigated is part of a large farm, just next to an exceptionally large building usually regarded as a cheiftains hall. The finds from the excavation are numerous, including a large animal bone assemblage as well as unusually large amounts of household pottery. As was the case during the excavation in 2019, the bulk of the finds are of ”household” character with an emphasis on preparation of food. The results of the osteological analysis reveal an unusually large proportion of pig bones, which was an important source of meat in connection to Iron Age feasting. Several deposits of ani...
Internet Archaeology, 2017
In 2010, five caches of top quality Migration-period jewellery were found at the Iron Age ring fo... more In 2010, five caches of top quality Migration-period jewellery were found at the Iron Age ring fort of Sandby borg, on the island of Oland, Sweden. When subsequent archaeological investigations rev ...

Cadernos do LEPAARQ (UFPEL), 2020
This paper discusses how archaeological heritage can function as a focus of community identity in... more This paper discusses how archaeological heritage can function as a focus of community identity in a rural setting, and what happens when an original monument is replaced by a copy. The case study presented deals with a visually striking ancient monument on the island of Öland, SE Sweden, that was accidentally broken in 2014 and later reconstructed. This case thus touches upon concepts such as authenticity, age value and aura of ancient objects and monuments, but also community engagement in local heritage and the ability of archaeology in adding value to existing sites and monuments. It is concluded that a dissonance often exists between the official assessment of heritage value, and values appreciated by the local community. In the latter, social value can be seen as connected to the concept of pastness, where a range of factors both material and immaterial combine to render a monument or a site its perceived significance. Resumo: Este artigo discute como o patrimônio arqueológico ...
This report presents the results from the excavation by Linnaeus University in September 2016 of ... more This report presents the results from the excavation by Linnaeus University in September 2016 of a ship-shaped stone setting at Albrunna, SW Oland, Sweden. The work was initiated by the accidental ...

This paper discusses contextual aspects of pottery from the two early Neolithic Funnel Beaker (TR... more This paper discusses contextual aspects of pottery from the two early Neolithic Funnel Beaker (TRB) sites Resmo and Runsback, on the island of Oland, SE Sweden. The sites are situated 15km apart on the west side of the island and the C14 dates place the activities at the sites at c. 3900–3600BC and 3600–3100 BC respectively, possibly with some overlap. The pottery has been analysed regarding its design, raw material use, technology and vessel use. While overall similarities in the ceramic craft at the two sites are obvious, some articulated differences were noted in the design as well as in the wares, while vessel use patterns are strikingly similar between the two assemblages. The Resmo assemblage is characterised by an exceptional degree of homogeneity while the Runsback pottery displays more variation. The observed differences are viewed against the contexts in which the pottery was recovered, and the different patterns of pottery production and use are suggested to reflect diffe...
This paper deals broadly with biographical approaches to the archaeology of objects andplaces, an... more This paper deals broadly with biographical approaches to the archaeology of objects andplaces, and discusses the parts played by memory and remembrance in creating, maintainingand changing meaning ...
Landscape Biographies, 2014
This chapter deals with the importance and meaning of places as seen from an archaeological persp... more This chapter deals with the importance and meaning of places as seen from an archaeological perspective. The concepts of place and place attachment are briefly reviewed and put into archaeological context, followed by a biographical discussion of four megalithic monuments situated on the island of Öland, southeast Sweden. The location as well as the long-term use of the tombs is discussed, and the distinction between primary and secondary use of megaliths is dismissed. It is argued that memory has been a vital factor in the ascription of meaning to these places, and that remembrance in the wide sense constitutes the key to our understanding of monumental location and clusters. Finally, the discussion is brought together in some brief notes on why archaeology matters.
Antiquity, 2018
The European Migration Period (c. AD 400-550) was characterised by political, social and economic... more The European Migration Period (c. AD 400-550) was characterised by political, social and economic instability. Recent excavations at Sandby borg ringfort on the island of Öland in Sweden have revealed indisputable evidence of a massacre which occurred at that time. Osteological, contextual and artefactual evidence strongly suggest that the fort was abandoned immediately following the attack and was left undisturbed throughout antiquity. Sandby borg offers a unique snapshot of domestic life and abrupt death in the Scandinavian Migration Period, and provides evidence highly relevant to studies of ancient conflict, and on social and military aspects of Iron Age and Migration Period societies.

Archaeologia Lituana, 2011
Šiame straipsnyje neolito koridorinių kapų istorijai nagrinėti yra naudojamas biografinis modelis... more Šiame straipsnyje neolito koridorinių kapų istorijai nagrinėti yra naudojamas biografinis modelis. Aptariami Mysinge’s (Pietryčių Švedija) koridoriniai kapai, kurie buvo kasinėti XX amžiaus pradžioje ir nuo to laiko analizuoti įvairiais aspektais. Yra apžvelgti kapų tyrinėjimai, prasidėję 1908 metų kasinėjimais ir besitęsiantys iki šiol. Remiantis surinktais įvairių tyrinėjimų duomenimis, aptariamas ilgalaikis laidojimo paminklo naudojimas.Įvadas. Ankstyvojo neolito pabaigoje, apie 3500–3300 m. pr. Kr., megalitiniai kapai paplito įvairiose Skandinavijos dalyse. Švedijoje šie kapai koncentravosi Skonės pakrantėje ir Vakarų Švedijoje, taip pat Falbygdeno srityje centriniame Vesterjotlande (Srömberg, 1971; Persson and Sjögren, 2001; Sjögren, 2004) (1 pav.). Nors dirbinių kompleksuose dažnai atsispindi šių kapų naudojimas ir po piltuvėlinių taurių kultūros ankstyvajame ir viduriniame neolite, koridorinių kapų naudojimas vėlesniu neolito laikotarpiu ir žalvario amžiuje retai aptariamas.M...

Naturwissenschaftliche Analysen Vor Und Fruhgeschichtlicher Keramik Iii Methoden Anwendungsbereiche Auswertungsmoglichkeiten, 2013
This paper presents results of technical, functional and stylistic analyses on pottery from two E... more This paper presents results of technical, functional and stylistic analyses on pottery from two Early Neolithic sites on Öland-Resmo and Runsbäck. Analyses include thin sections and XRF of clays and wares, lipid residue analysis and recording of stylistic attributes. The two sites are situated 15 km apart on the west side of the island. C14 dates place the activities at the sites at c. 3900-3600 BC and 3600-3100 BC respectively. While overall similarities are obvious, some structured differences are noted in the design as well as in the wares whereas vessel use patterns are strikingly similar between the two assemblages. In general, the Resmo assemblage is characterised by great homogeneity while the Runsbäck pottery displays more variation. It is suggested that the observed differences reflect differences in function and duration between the analysed sites.
Papers by Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay