Ingo Petri
Related Authors
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Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
David F . Hölscher
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz
Anna Bartrow
Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
Felix Biermann
University of Szczecin, Poland
Normen Posselt
Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt
Oliver Grimm
Centre for Baltic and Scandinavian Archaeology
Gunter Schoebel
Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
Papers by Ingo Petri
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin behandelt. Drei davon stammen aus der Prussia-Sammlung, eins wurde aus
Privatbesitz angekauft. Alle vier Schwerter zeigen auf ihren Klingen eine VLFBERHT-Inschrift.
Staatliche Museen zu Berlin behandelt. Drei davon stammen aus der Prussia-Sammlung, eins wurde aus
Privatbesitz angekauft. Alle vier Schwerter zeigen auf ihren Klingen eine VLFBERHT-Inschrift.
on a promontory and a terrace with a slope to the SW (fig. 1). It consists of a small tell-like settlement with a defensive topographic position on the tip of the promontory and „off-tell“ structures situated to the E-NE of it (fig. 2). The geomagnetic survey was conducted with a geomagnetic survey system Magneto MX v2, property of the German Archaeological
Institute, in a section of 3,2 ha in the “off-tell” area. Several clusters of
anomalies with various shapes were recorded (fig. 3), which may be related to pits with currently unknown function (storage, ritual, for clay,
graves). The higher concentration of anomalies is in the NW and SE section of the site and is possibly related to the site topography. In the E part of the surveyed area, a curved linear anomaly connects the two creeks. This feature has most probably an anthropogenic origin and may represent a fortification ditch.
corner, while an oval-shaped clay storage bin was uncovered in situ in its northeast part. The floor inventory was scanty,
suggesting that the building was emptied and abandoned before the fire.
Excavations continued in a building from an earlier phase of occupation. Here, several concentrations of smashed ceramic vessels were documented in situ. Evidence for the construction style was absent.
Geophysical survey was conducted on an area of about 14 ha adjoining the excavation site to the north. The southern part of the surveyed area shows a conglomeration of pit features of likely anthropogenic origin. Judging from the surface finds, the features may date to the Late Chalcolithic.